/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmArgMgr.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2006/05/30 08:12:51 $ Version: $Revision: 1.22 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include // For strlen // No strcasecmp in WIN32 world, but stricmp // http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strcasecmp.html #ifdef _WIN32 #define strcasecmp stricmp #endif #include // For strtok and strlen #include // For strtol and strtod #include "gdcmArgMgr.h" namespace gdcm { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor /** * \brief constructor * @param argc arguments count, as passed to main() * @param argv pointers array on the arguments passed to main() */ ArgMgr::ArgMgr(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int nblettre; ArgUsed = NULL; Appel = NULL; /* Read the parameters of the command line *************************/ for ( ArgCount=0, nblettre=1 , i=0; i " << ARG_LONG_MAX << ")" << std::endl; return; } if ( argv[i][0] == '@' ) { nblettre += ArgLoadFromFile ( &argv[i][1] ); } else { ArgLab [ArgCount] = strcpy ( (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[i])+1), argv[i] ) ; nblettre += 1 + strlen(ArgLab[ArgCount]); ArgCount++; } if (ArgCount >= ARGMAXCOUNT ) { std::cout << "Too many Arguments ( more than " << ARGMAXCOUNT << ")" << std::endl; return; } } /* Fills an array with the already used parameters ****/ ArgUsed = (char *)calloc (1, ArgCount ); /* Builds the full string with all the parameters **************/ Appel = (char *) calloc (1, nblettre ); for ( *Appel = '\0', i=0; i0; i-- ) { trouve = ( strcmp( ArgLab[i], temp )==0 ) ; if ( trouve ) { free (temp); ArgUsed[i] = true ; for ( int j=1; j0; i-- ) { if ( ! ArgUsed[i] ) { ArgMgrDefined(ArgLab[i]); return ArgLab[i] ; } } return NULL ; } /** * \brief Prints unused labels, if any * @return number of unused labels */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrPrintUnusedLabels () { const char *label; int i=0; while ( (label=ArgMgrUnused())!=0 ) { if (i==0) std::cout << "\n Unused Labels:" << std::endl << "==============" << std::endl; std::cout << "Label : " << label << " = " << ArgMgrValue(label) << std::endl; i++; } return i; } /** * \brief Prints program usage * @param usage array of pointers to the documentation lines of the program. * @return exception code */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrUsage(const char **usage ) { while ( *usage ) std::cout << std::endl << *(usage++); std::cout << std::endl; return (0); } /** * \brief Forget it, right now ... * Saves a char. array in a parameter file * whose name is given on command line by : PARAMOUT=??? * or, as a default, by ARG_DEFAULT_PARAMOUT * @param param char. array that defines the parameter * @return Entier correspondant au rang dans la liste de labels */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrSave ( const char *param ) { static int deja = 0; FILE *fd; if ( *ArgParamOut == '\0' ) return 0; if ( deja ) { fd = fopen ( ArgParamOut, "a+" ); } else { deja = 1; fd = fopen ( ArgParamOut, "w" ); } if ( !fd ) return 0; fprintf ( fd, "%s\n", param ); fclose ( fd ); return 1; } /** * \brief Gets an int value passed as an argument to a program * (use default value if not found) * EXAMPLE: int dimx = ArgMgrGetInt ( "DIMX", 256 ); * @param label label name * @param defaultVal default value * @return parameter value */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetInt(const char *label, int defaultVal) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(label)) ? (atoi(ArgMgrValue(label))) : (defaultVal) ); } /** * \brief Gets a float value passed as an argument to a program * (use default value if not found) * EXAMPLE: float scale = ArgMgrGetFloat ( "SCALE", 0.33 ); * @param param label name * @param defaultVal default value * @return parameter value */ float ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetFloat(const char *param, float defaultVal) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(param)) ? ((float)atof(ArgMgrValue(param))) : (defaultVal) ); } /** * \brief Gets a 'string' value passed as an argument to a program * (use default value if not found) * EXAMPLE : char *imageName = ArgMgrGetString( "NAME", "test.dcm" ); * @param param label name * @param defaultVal default value * @return parameter value */ const char *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetString(const char *param, const char *defaultVal) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(param)) ? (ArgMgrValue(param)) : (defaultVal) ); } /** * \brief Gets a value amongst a set of values * (use default value if not found) * EXAMPLE: int nlab = ArgMgrGetLabel("CONFIRM","NO\\YES", 0); * @param param label name * @param liste character Chain describing the various values. * Value are separated by '\\'. * Not case sensitive. * @param val number of default value * @return int : range of value amongst the values list */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetLabel (const char *param, const char *liste, int val ) { char *lab; const char *vallab; int i = 1; char *tmp; tmp = (char *) malloc(strlen(liste)+1); strcpy(tmp,liste); if ( (vallab = ArgMgrGetString(param,(const char *)NULL)) != 0 ) { for ( lab = strtok (tmp,"\\"); lab != 0; lab = strtok(0L,"\\"), i++ ) { // strcmp ignoring case if( strcasecmp(lab, vallab) == 0) return i; } val=0; } free(tmp); return val; } /** * \brief Demands a value amongst a set of values (abort if not found) * EXaMPLE: int nlab = ArgMgrWantLabel("CONFIRM","NO\\YES", usage); * @param param label name * @param liste character Chain describing the various values. * Labels are separated by '\\'. * No case sensitive. * WARNING this will be changed (not const) * @param usage Usage program (displayed if label not found) * @return int : range of value amongst the values list */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrWantLabel (const char *param, char *liste, const char **usage ) { char *lab; const char *vallab; int i = 1; if ( (vallab = ArgMgrGetString(param,0)) != 0 ) { for ( lab = strtok (liste,"\\"); lab != 0; lab = strtok(0L,"\\"), i++ ) if ( strcasecmp(lab,vallab)==0) return i; return 0; } ArgMgrUsage(usage); return 0; } /** * \brief Demands an int value passed as an argument to a program * If not found usage is displayed and the prog aborted * EXAMPLE: int dimx = ArgMgrWantInt ( "DIMX", usage ); * @param label label name * @param usage Usage program (displayed if label not found) * @return parameter value */ int ArgMgr::ArgMgrWantInt (const char *label, const char **usage) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(label) ) ? (atoi(ArgMgrValue(label) ) ) : (ArgMgrUsage(usage),1) ); } /** * \brief Demands a float value passed as an argument to a program * If not found usage is displayed and the prog aborted * EXAMPLE: float scale = ArgMgrWantFloat ( "SCALE", usage ); * @param label label name * @param usage Usage program (displayed if label not found) * @return parameter value */ float ArgMgr::ArgMgrWantFloat (const char *label, const char **usage) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(label) ) ? ((float)atof(ArgMgrValue(label) ) ) : (ArgMgrUsage(usage),(float)1.0) ); } /** * \brief Demands a 'string' value passed as an argument to a program * If not found usage is displayed and the prog aborted * EXAMPLE: char *code = ArgMgrWantString ( "CODE", usage ); * @param label Parameter label * @param usage Usage program (displayed if label not found) * @return parameter value */ char *ArgMgr::ArgMgrWantString(const char *label, const char **usage) { return ( (ArgMgrDefined(label) ) ? (ArgMgrValue(label) ) : (ArgMgrUsage(usage),(char*)0) ); } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'STRING' * EXAMPLE: char **codes = ArgMgrGetListOfString ( "CODES", &nbOfCodes ); * @param label label name * @param number nb of found 'STRINGs' * @return Pointer to the 'STRING' array; NULL if error */ char **ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetListOfString ( const char *label, int *number ) { int taille; char *value = ArgMgrValue(label); char **liste; char **elem; char *chainecur; if (!value) { *number = 0; return 0; } *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille = *number; liste = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char*) * taille + strlen(value)+1); if ( !liste ) return 0; value = strcpy( ((char*)liste)+sizeof(char*) * taille, value ); for ( elem = liste, chainecur = strtok(value,", "); taille>0; taille--, chainecur = (chainecur) ? strtok ( 0, ", " ) : 0 ) { *(elem++) = chainecur; } return liste; } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'INT' * EXAMPLE: int *points = ArgMgrGetListOfInt ( "POINTS", &nbOfPoints ); * @param label label name * @param number nb of found INT * @return Pointer to the INT array; NULL if error */ int *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetListOfInt ( const char *label, int *number ) { char *value = ArgMgrValue(label); int *liste; int *elem; int taille; if (!value) { *number = 0; return 0; } *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille= *number; liste = (int *) calloc (1,sizeof(int)*taille ); if ( !liste ) return 0; elem = liste; //*number = 1; while ( taille>0 ) { *(elem++) = (int) strtol ( value, &value, 10 ); if ( *value == '\0' ) return liste; if ( *(value++) != ',' ) { free (liste); return 0; } taille --; } return liste; } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'FLOAT' * @param label label name * @param number number of found FLOATs * @return Pointer to the FLOAT array; NULL if error */ float *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetListOfFloat ( const char *label, int *number ) { char *value = ArgMgrValue(label); float *liste; float *elem; int taille; if (!value) return 0; *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille= *number; liste = (float *) calloc (1,sizeof(float)*taille ); if ( !liste ) { *number = 0; return 0; } elem = liste; //*number = 1; while ( taille>0 ) { *(elem++) = (float) strtod ( value, &value ); if ( *value == '\0' ) return liste; if ( *(value++) != ',' ) { free (liste); return 0; } taille --; } return liste; } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'INT pairs', passed in decimal * @param param label name * @param number nb of found pairs * @return pointer to the array of 'INT pairs'; NULL if fail */ int *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetIntEnum ( const char *param, int *number ) { char *value = ArgMgrValue(param); int *liste; if (!value) { *number = 0; return 0; } liste = IdStrIntEnum(value, number); return liste; } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'INT16 pairs', passed in hexadecimal * @param param label name * @param number nb of found pairs * @return pointer to the array of 'INT16 pairs'; NULL if fail */ uint16_t *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetXInt16Enum ( const char *param, int *number ) { char *value = ArgMgrValue(param); uint16_t *liste; if (!value) { *number = 0; return 0; } liste = IdStrXInt16Enum(value, number); return liste; } /** * \brief decodes and returns an array of 'FLOAT pairs' * @param param label name * @param number nb of found pairs * @return pointer to the array of 'FLOAT pairs'; NULL if fail */ float *ArgMgr::ArgMgrGetFloatEnum ( const char *param, int *number ) { char *value = ArgMgrValue(param); float *liste; if (!value) { *number = 0; return 0; } liste = IdStrFloatEnum(value, number); return liste; } // ------------------------ Those are 'service functions' --------------------- // ------------------------ internal use only --------------------- /** * \brief Counts the nb of occurrences of a given charact within a 'string' * @param chaine Pointer to the 'string' * @param caract charact to count * @return occurence number */ int ArgMgr::IdStrCountChar (char *chaine, int caract) { int i=0; char *ptr; for ( ptr = chaine ; *ptr!='\0' ; ptr ++ ) if (*ptr==caract) i++; return i; } /** * \brief returns an array of 'INT pairs' * @param value char array decribing a set of 'INT pairs' (f1-l1, f2-l2, ...) * @param number nb of found INT pairs * @return pointer to the array of 'INT pairs' */ int *ArgMgr::IdStrIntEnum ( char* value, int *number) { int* liste; int taille; int i; *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille= *number; liste = (int *) calloc (1,sizeof(int)*2*taille ); if ( !liste ) { return 0; } i=0; while ( taille>0 ) { liste[i] = (int) strtol ( value, &value, 10 ); if ( *value == '\0' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; return liste; } if ( *(value++) != '-' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; value--; } else { liste[i+1] = (int) strtol ( value, &value, 10 ); } if ( *value == '\0' ) return liste; if ( *(value++) != ',' ) { free (liste); return 0; } taille --; i+=2; } return liste; } /** * \brief returns an array of set of 'INT16 pairs', passed in Hexadecimal * @param value char array decribing a set of 'INT16 pairs' (f1-l1, f2-l2, ...) * coded in hexadecimal e.g. 0x0008,0x00ac * @param number nb of found pairs * @return array of set of 'INT16 pairs' */ uint16_t *ArgMgr::IdStrXInt16Enum ( char *value, int *number) { uint16_t *liste; int taille; int i; *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille= *number; liste = (uint16_t *) calloc (1,sizeof(uint16_t)*2*taille ); if ( !liste ) { return 0; } i=0; while ( taille>0 ) { liste[i] = (uint16_t) strtol ( value, &value, 16 ); if ( *value == '\0' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; return liste; } if ( *(value++) != '-' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; value--; } else { liste[i+1] = (uint16_t) strtol ( value, &value, 16 ); } if ( *value == '\0' ) return liste; if ( *(value++) != ',' ) { free (liste); return 0; } taille --; i+=2; } return liste; } /** * \brief returns an array of 'FLOAT pairs' * @param value char array decribing a set of 'FLOAT pairs' (f1-l1, f2-l2, ...) * @param number nb of found pairs * @return pointer to the array of 'FLOAT pairs'; NULL if fail */ float *ArgMgr::IdStrFloatEnum (char *value, int *number) { float *liste; int taille; int i; *number = IdStrCountChar(value,',')+1; /* nb Elements = nb Commas +1 */ taille= *number; liste = (float *) calloc (1,sizeof(float)*2*taille ); if ( !liste ) return 0; i=0; while ( taille>0 ) { liste[i] = (float) strtod ( value, &value ); if ( *value == '\0' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; return liste; } if ( *(value++) != '-' ) { liste[i+1]=liste[i]; value--; } else { liste[i+1] = (float) strtod ( value, &value ); } if ( *value == '\0' ) return liste; if ( *(value++) != ',' ) { free (liste); return 0; } taille --; i+=2; } return liste; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private /************************************************************************** * * * Nom de la fonction : Majuscule * * Role ............. : Creates a new Upper case char array. * * parameters ....... : Pointer to the initial char array. * * * Valeur retournee . : Pointer to the new Upper case char array. * * * **************************************************************************/ char *ArgMgr::Majuscule (const char *chaine ) { char *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3; ptr2 = (char *)malloc(strlen(chaine)*sizeof(char)+1); ptr3=ptr2; for ( ptr = (char *)chaine ; *ptr!='\0' ; ptr ++ ) { *ptr3 = toupper ( * ptr ); ptr3++; } *ptr3='\0'; return ptr2; } /************************************************************************** * * * Nom de la fonction : FiltreLong * * Role ............. : Stops the program if argument is too long. * * ARG_LONG_MAX defines max length. * * parameters ....... : Pointer to the argument. * * Valeur retournee . : false if OK. * * true if KO. * **************************************************************************/ int ArgMgr::FiltreLong ( const char *arg ) { int n = 0 ; while ( (n++=ARG_LONG_MAX) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Role : Reads a parameter from a file | Return : Type : char * | Role : pointer to the label | parameters : param : char * | Role : one where the parameter will be stored | fd : FILE * | Role : File description (assumed to be open) +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *ArgMgr::LoadedParam ( const char *param, FILE *fd ) { int carlu; char *car = (char *)param; int quote = false; int nbcar = 0; /* remove spaces at the beginning****/ while ( isspace(carlu=fgetc (fd)) ); if (carlu==EOF) return 0; /* Search for a " */ if ( carlu=='\"' ) { carlu=fgetc(fd); quote=true; /* Read all the characters */ } while ( (carlu!=EOF) && ( ( (!quote)&&(!isspace(carlu)) ) ||( (quote)&& !(carlu=='\"') ) ) ) { *(car++) = (char) carlu; nbcar ++; /* sans depasser la taille max*/ if ( nbcar >= ARG_LONG_MAX ) { std::cout << "\nError: Argument too long ( > " << ARG_LONG_MAX << ")in parameter file." << std::endl; break; } carlu = fgetc(fd); } *car = '\0'; return param; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Role : Reading of arguments in a parameter file | (this function is recursive). | Return : Type : int | Role : length needed to store all the parameters | parameters : filename : char * | Role : parameter File name | +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ArgMgr::ArgLoadFromFile ( const char *filename ) { int nbl = 0; char param[ARG_LONG_MAX+1]; FILE *fch; fch = fopen ( filename, ID_RFILE_TEXT ); while ( LoadedParam (param, fch ) ) { int n = strlen(param); if ( param[0]=='@' ) { nbl += ArgLoadFromFile ( ¶m[1] ); } else { ArgLab [ArgCount] = strcpy ((char *) malloc(n+1), param ) ; nbl += n + 1 ; ArgCount++; if ( ArgCount >= ARGMAXCOUNT ) break; } } fclose ( fch ); return nbl; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Role : Standard parameters management (on command line) | Return : Type : void | parameters : none +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ArgMgr::ArgStdArgs() { char *logfile; FILE *fd; if ( (ArgParamOut=ArgMgrValue((char*)ARG_LABEL_PARAMOUT))==0 ) ArgParamOut = ARG_DEFAULT_PARAMOUT; if ( (logfile = ArgMgrValue((char*)ARG_LABEL_LOGFILE))!=0) { if ( *logfile == '\0' ) logfile = (char *)ARG_DEFAULT_LOGFILE; fd = fopen ( logfile, "a+" ); if ( fd ) { fprintf ( fd, "%s\n", Appel ); fclose ( fd ); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Role : Sets in Upper Case. | Return : Type : char * | parameters : char * +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *ArgMgr::maj ( char *a ) { char *b = a; while ( *b !=0 ) { if ( *b<='z' && *b>='a' ) *b = *b+'A'-'a'; b++; } return a; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace gdcm