/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDicomDir.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/02/06 14:31:09 $ Version: $Revision: 1.54 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef GDCMDICOMDIR_H #define GDCMDICOMDIR_H #include "gdcmDocument.h" #include #include namespace gdcm { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DicomDirPatient; class DicomDirMeta; class DicomDirElement; class DicomDirStudy; class DicomDirSerie; class DicomDirImage; class SQItem; typedef std::list ListDicomDirPatient; typedef std::vector VectDocument; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * \brief DicomDir defines an object representing a DICOMDIR in memory * as a tree-like structure DicomDirPatient * -> DicomDirStudy * -> DicomDirSerie * -> DicomDirImage */ class GDCM_EXPORT DicomDir: public Document { public: typedef void(Method)(void*); DicomDir( std::string const &filename, bool parseDir = false ); DicomDir(); ~DicomDir(); void Print(std::ostream &os = std::cout, std::string const &indent = "" ); // Informations contained in the parser virtual bool IsReadable(); // Meta DicomDirMeta *NewMeta(); /// Returns a pointer to the DicomDirMeta for this DICOMDIR. DicomDirMeta* GetMeta() { return MetaElems; }; // Patients DicomDirPatient *NewPatient(); void ClearPatient(); DicomDirPatient *GetFirstPatient(); DicomDirPatient *GetNextPatient(); // Parsing void ParseDirectory(); // Note: the DicomDir:: namespace prefix is needed by Swig in the // following method declarations. Refer to gdcmPython/gdcm.i // for the reasons of this unecessary notation at C++ level. void SetStartMethod( DicomDir::Method *method, void *arg = NULL, DicomDir::Method *argDelete = NULL ); void SetProgressMethod( DicomDir::Method *method, void *arg = NULL, DicomDir::Method *argDelete = NULL ); void SetEndMethod( DicomDir::Method *method, void *arg = NULL, DicomDir::Method *argDelete = NULL ); void SetStartMethodArgDelete( DicomDir::Method *m ); void SetProgressMethodArgDelete( DicomDir::Method *m ); void SetEndMethodArgDelete( DicomDir::Method *m ); /// GetProgress GetProgress float GetProgress() { return Progress; }; /// AbortProgress AbortProgress void AbortProgress() { Abort = true; }; /// IsAborted IsAborted bool IsAborted() { return Abort; }; // Write bool WriteDicomDir(std::string const &fileName); /// Types of the DicomDirObject within the DicomDir typedef enum { GDCM_DICOMDIR_NONE, GDCM_DICOMDIR_META, GDCM_DICOMDIR_PATIENT, GDCM_DICOMDIR_STUDY, GDCM_DICOMDIR_SERIE, GDCM_DICOMDIR_IMAGE } DicomDirType; protected: void CreateDicomDirChainedList(std::string const &path); void CallStartMethod(); void CallProgressMethod(); void CallEndMethod(); private: void Initialize(); void CreateDicomDir(); bool AddPatientToEnd(DicomDirPatient *dd); bool AddStudyToEnd (DicomDirStudy *dd); bool AddSerieToEnd (DicomDirSerie *dd); bool AddImageToEnd (DicomDirImage *dd); void SetElements(std::string const &path, VectDocument const &list); void SetElement (std::string const &path, DicomDirType type, Document *header); void MoveSQItem(DocEntrySet *dst,DocEntrySet *src); static bool HeaderLessThan(Document *header1, Document *header2); // Variables /// Pointer on *the* DicomDirObject 'DicomDirMeta Elements' DicomDirMeta* MetaElems; /// Chained list of DicomDirPatient (to be exploited recursively) ListDicomDirPatient Patients; ListDicomDirPatient::iterator ItPatient; /// pointer to the initialisation method for any progress bar Method *StartMethod; /// pointer to the incrementation method for any progress bar Method *ProgressMethod; /// pointer to the termination method for any progress bar Method *EndMethod; /// pointer to the ??? method for any progress bar Method *StartMethodArgDelete; /// pointer to the ??? method for any progress bar Method* ProgressMethodArgDelete; /// pointer to the ??? method for any progress bar Method *EndMethodArgDelete; /// pointer to the ??? for any progress bar void *StartArg; /// pointer to the ??? for any progress bar void *ProgressArg; /// pointer to the ??? for any progress bar void *EndArg; /// value of the ??? for any progress bar float Progress; /// value of the ??? for any progress bar bool Abort; }; } // end namespace gdcm //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif