// gdcmDictEntry.h #ifndef GDCMDICTENTRY_H #define GDCMDICTENTRY_H #include "gdcmCommon.h" class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmDictEntry { private: guint16 group; // e.g. 0x0010 guint16 element; // e.g. 0x0103 string vr; // Value Representation i.e. some clue about the nature // of the data represented e.g. "FD" short for // "Floating Point Double" // CLEANME: find the official dicom name for this field ! string fourth; // Fourth field containing some semantics. string name; // e.g. "Patient_Name" TagKey key; // Redundant with (group, element) but we add it // on efficiency purposes. // DCMTK has many fields for handling a DictEntry (see below). What are the // relevant ones for gdcmlib ? // struct DBI_SimpleEntry { // Uint16 upperGroup; // Uint16 upperElement; // DcmEVR evr; // const char* tagName; // int vmMin; // int vmMax; // const char* standardVersion; // DcmDictRangeRestriction groupRestriction; // DcmDictRangeRestriction elementRestriction; // }; public: gdcmDictEntry(guint16 group, guint16 element, string vr = "Unknown", string fourth = "Unknown", string name = "Unknown"); // fabrique une 'clé' par concaténation du numGroupe et du numElement static TagKey TranslateToKey(guint16 group, guint16 element); guint16 GetGroup(void) { return group; }; guint16 GetElement(void){return element;}; string GetVR(void) {return vr; }; void SetVR(string); void SetKey(string k){ key = k; } bool IsVrUnknown(void); string GetFourth(void) {return fourth;}; string GetName(void) {return name; }; string GetKey(void) {return key; }; }; #endif