/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDocEntryArchive.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/10/24 16:00:47 $ Version: $Revision: 1.17 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmDocEntryArchive.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmDocEntry.h" #include namespace gdcm { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor /** * \brief Constructor */ DocEntryArchive::DocEntryArchive(File *file) { ArchFile = file; } /** * \brief Destructor */ DocEntryArchive::~DocEntryArchive() { ClearArchive(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public /** * \brief Replaces in the Header a DocEntry by the new DocEntry. * The initial DocEntry is kept in archive. * @param newEntry New entry to substitute to an other entry of the Header * @return FALSE when an other DocEntry is already archived with the same key * TRUE otherwise */ bool DocEntryArchive::Push(DocEntry *newEntry) { if ( !newEntry ) return false; uint16_t group = newEntry->GetDictEntry()->GetGroup(); uint16_t elem = newEntry->GetDictEntry()->GetElement(); TagKey key = DictEntry::TranslateToKey(group,elem); if ( Archive.find(key) == Archive.end() ) { // Save the old DocEntry if any DocEntry *old = ArchFile->GetDocEntry(group, elem); Archive[key] = old; if ( old ) { old->Register(); ArchFile->RemoveEntry(old); } // Set the new DocEntry ArchFile->AddEntry(newEntry); return true; } return false; } /** * \brief Removes out of the Header a DocEntry. * (it's kept in archive). * @param group Group number of the Entry to remove * @param elem Element number of the Entry to remove * @return FALSE when an other DocEntry is already archived with the same key * TRUE otherwise */ bool DocEntryArchive::Push(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { TagKey key = DictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, elem); if ( Archive.find(key)==Archive.end() ) { // Save the old DocEntry if any DocEntry *old = ArchFile->GetDocEntry(group, elem); Archive[key] = old; if ( old ) { old->Register(); ArchFile->RemoveEntry(old); } return true; } return false; } /** * \brief Restore in the Header the DocEntry specified by (group,element). * The archive entry is destroyed. * @param group Group number of the Entry to restore * @param elem Element number of the Entry to restore * @return FALSE when the key isn't in the archive, * TRUE otherwise */ bool DocEntryArchive::Restore(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { TagKey key=DictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, elem); TagDocEntryHT::iterator restoreIt=Archive.find(key); if ( restoreIt!=Archive.end() ) { // Delete the new value DocEntry *rem = ArchFile->GetDocEntry(group, elem); if ( rem ) { ArchFile->RemoveEntry(rem); } // Restore the old value if ( restoreIt->second ) { ArchFile->AddEntry(restoreIt->second); restoreIt->second->Unregister(); } Archive.erase(restoreIt); return true; } return false; } /** * \brief Removes all DocEntry from the archive, and destroy them. * The archives entries aren't restored. */ void DocEntryArchive::ClearArchive( ) { for(TagDocEntryHT::iterator it = Archive.begin(); it!=Archive.end(); ++it) { if(it->second) it->second->Unregister(); } Archive.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print /** * \brief Print all * @param os The output stream to be written to. */ void DocEntryArchive::Print(std::ostream &os) { os << "Elements in archives :" << std::endl; for(TagDocEntryHT::iterator it = Archive.begin(); it!=Archive.end(); ++it) { if ( it->second ) it->second->Print(os); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace gdcm