// gdcmElValSet.cxx #include #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmElValSet.h" #include "gdcmTS.h" using namespace std; gdcmElValSet::~gdcmElValSet() { for (TagElValueHT::iterator tag = tagHt.begin(); tag != tagHt.end(); ++tag) { gdcmElValue* EntryToDelete = tag->second; if ( EntryToDelete ) delete EntryToDelete; } tagHt.clear(); // Since Add() adds symetrical in both tagHt and NameHt we can // assume all the pointed gdcmElValues are allready cleaned-up when // we cleaned tagHt. NameHt.clear(); } TagElValueHT & gdcmElValSet::GetTagHt(void) { return tagHt; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param newElValue * @return */ void gdcmElValSet::Add(gdcmElValue * newElValue) { tagHt [newElValue->GetKey()] = newElValue; NameHt[newElValue->GetName()] = newElValue; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief Checks if a given Dicom element exists * \ within a ElValSet * @param Group * @param Elem * @return */ int gdcmElValSet::CheckIfExistByNumber(guint16 Group, guint16 Elem ) { string key = TranslateToKey(Group, Elem ); return (tagHt.count(key)); } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief */ void gdcmElValSet::Print(ostream & os) { size_t o; short int g, e; TSKey v; char * d; string d2; gdcmTS * ts = gdcmGlobal::GetTS(); for (TagElValueHT::iterator tag = tagHt.begin(); tag != tagHt.end(); ++tag){ g = tag->second->GetGroup(); e = tag->second->GetElement(); v = tag->second->GetValue(); o = tag->second->GetOffset(); d = _CreateCleanString(v); // TODO : trouver qq chose moins goret d2=d; os << tag->first << ": "; //os << "[" << v << "]"; os << "[" << d2 << "]"; os << "[" << tag->second->GetName() << "]"; os << "[" << tag->second->GetVR() << "]"; if ( (g == 0x0002) && (e == 0x0010) ) { os << " [" << ts->GetValue(v) << "]"; } // liberer 'd' ici ? os << " lgr : " << tag->second->GetLength(); os << ", Offset : " << o; os << " x(" << hex << o << dec << ") "; os << endl; } } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief */ void gdcmElValSet::PrintByName(ostream & os) { for (TagElValueNameHT::iterator tag = NameHt.begin(); tag != NameHt.end(); ++tag){ os << tag->first << ": "; os << "[" << tag->second->GetValue() << "]"; os << "[" << tag->second->GetKey() << "]"; os << "[" << tag->second->GetVR() << "]" << endl; } } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param group * @param element * @return */ gdcmElValue* gdcmElValSet::GetElementByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element) { TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element); if ( ! tagHt.count(key)) return (gdcmElValue*)0; return tagHt.find(key)->second; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @return */ gdcmElValue* gdcmElValSet::GetElementByName(string TagName) { if ( ! NameHt.count(TagName)) return (gdcmElValue*)0; return NameHt.find(TagName)->second; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param group * @param element * @return */ string gdcmElValSet::GetElValueByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element) { TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element); if ( ! tagHt.count(key)) return "gdcm::Unfound"; return tagHt.find(key)->second->GetValue(); } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @return */ string gdcmElValSet::GetElValueByName(string TagName) { if ( ! NameHt.count(TagName)) return "gdcm::Unfound"; return NameHt.find(TagName)->second->GetValue(); } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param content * @param group * @param element * @return */ int gdcmElValSet::SetElValueByNumber(string content, guint16 group, guint16 element) { TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element); if ( ! tagHt.count(key)) return 0; tagHt[key]->SetValue(content); string vr = tagHt[key]->GetVR(); guint32 lgr; if( (vr == "US") || (vr == "SS") ) lgr = 2; else if( (vr == "UL") || (vr == "SL") ) lgr = 4; else lgr = content.length(); tagHt[key]->SetLength(lgr); return 1; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param content * @param TagName * @return */ int gdcmElValSet::SetElValueByName(string content, string TagName) { if ( ! NameHt.count(TagName)) return 0; NameHt[TagName]->SetValue(content); string vr = NameHt[TagName]->GetVR(); guint32 lgr; if( (vr == "US") || (vr == "SS") ) lgr = 2; else if( (vr == "UL") || (vr == "SL") ) lgr = 4; else lgr = content.length(); // TODO : WARNING: le cas de l'element des pixels (7fe0,0010) n'est pas traite // par SetElValueByName // il faudra utiliser SetElValueByNumber NameHt[TagName]->SetLength(lgr); return 1; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief Generate a free TagKey i.e. a TagKey that is not present * in the TagHt dictionary. * @param group The generated tag must belong to this group. * @return The element of tag with given group which is fee. */ guint32 gdcmElValSet::GenerateFreeTagKeyInGroup(guint16 group) { for (guint32 elem = 0; elem < UINT32_MAX; elem++) { TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, elem); if (tagHt.count(key) == 0) return elem; } return UINT32_MAX; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param length * @param group * @param element * @return */ int gdcmElValSet::SetElValueLengthByNumber(guint32 length, guint16 group, guint16 element) { TagKey key = gdcmDictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, element); if ( ! tagHt.count(key)) return 0; tagHt[key]->SetLength(length); return 1 ; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param length * @param TagName * @return */ int gdcmElValSet::SetElValueLengthByName(guint32 length, string TagName) { if ( ! NameHt.count(TagName)) return 0; NameHt.find(TagName)->second->SetLength(length); return 1 ; } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief Re-computes the length of a ACR-NEMA/Dicom group from a DcmHeader * @param SkipSequence * @param type */ void gdcmElValSet::UpdateGroupLength(bool SkipSequence, FileType type) { guint16 gr, el; string vr; gdcmElValue *elem; char trash[10]; string str_trash; GroupKey key; GroupHT groupHt; // to hold the length of each group TagKey tk; // remember : // typedef std::map GroupHT; gdcmElValue *elemZ; // for each Tag in the DCM Header for (TagElValueHT::iterator tag2 = tagHt.begin(); tag2 != tagHt.end(); ++tag2){ elem = tag2->second; gr = elem->GetGroup(); el = elem->GetElement(); vr = elem->GetVR(); sprintf(trash, "%04x", gr); key = trash; // generate 'group tag' // if the caller decided not to take SEQUENCEs into account // e.g : he wants to write an ACR-NEMA File if (SkipSequence && vr == "SQ") continue; // pas SEQUENCE en ACR-NEMA // WARNING : pb CERTAIN // si on est descendu 'a l'interieur' des SQ // // --> la descente a l'interieur' des SQ // devra etre faite avec une liste chainee, pas avec une HTable... if ( groupHt.count(key) == 0) { // we just read the first elem of a given group if (el == 0x0000) { // the first elem is 0x0000 groupHt[key] = 0; // initialize group length } else { groupHt[key] = 2 + 2 + 4 + elem->GetLength(); // non 0x0000 first group elem } } else { // any elem but the first if (type == ExplicitVR) { if ( (vr == "OB") || (vr == "OW") || (vr == "SQ") ) { groupHt[key] += 4; // explicit VR AND OB, OW, SQ : 4 more bytes } } groupHt[key] += 2 + 2 + 4 + elem->GetLength(); } } unsigned short int gr_bid; for (GroupHT::iterator g = groupHt.begin(); // for each group we found g != groupHt.end(); ++g){ // FIXME: g++ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes reports on following line: // warning: unsigned int format, different type arg sscanf(g->first.c_str(),"%x",&gr_bid); tk = g->first + "|0000"; // generate the element full tag if ( tagHt.count(tk) == 0) { // if element 0x0000 not found gdcmDictEntry * tagZ = new gdcmDictEntry(gr_bid, 0x0000, "UL"); elemZ = new gdcmElValue(tagZ); elemZ->SetLength(4); Add(elemZ); // create it } else { elemZ=GetElementByNumber(gr_bid, 0x0000); } sprintf(trash ,"%d",g->second); str_trash=trash; elemZ->SetValue(str_trash); } } /** * \ingroup gdcmElValSet * \brief * @param type * @param _fp * @return */ void gdcmElValSet::WriteElements(FileType type, FILE * _fp) { guint16 gr, el; guint32 lgr; const char * val; string vr; guint32 val_uint32; guint16 val_uint16; vector tokens; void *ptr; // Tout ceci ne marche QUE parce qu'on est sur un proc Little Endian // restent à tester les echecs en écriture (apres chaque fwrite) for (TagElValueHT::iterator tag2=tagHt.begin(); tag2 != tagHt.end(); ++tag2){ gr = tag2->second->GetGroup(); el = tag2->second->GetElement(); lgr = tag2->second->GetLength(); val = tag2->second->GetValue().c_str(); vr = tag2->second->GetVR(); if ( type == ACR ) { if (gr < 0x0008) continue; // if (gr %2) continue; // pour voir if (vr == "SQ" ) continue; } fwrite ( &gr,(size_t)2 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); //group fwrite ( &el,(size_t)2 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); //element if ( (type == ExplicitVR) && (gr <= 0x0002) ) { // On est en EXPLICIT VR guint16 z=0, shortLgr; fwrite (vr.c_str(),(size_t)2 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); if ( (vr == "OB") || (vr == "OW") || (vr == "SQ") ) { fwrite ( &z, (size_t)2 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); fwrite ( &lgr,(size_t)4 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); } else { shortLgr=lgr; fwrite ( &shortLgr,(size_t)2 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); } } else { fwrite ( &lgr,(size_t)4 ,(size_t)1 ,_fp); } tokens.erase(tokens.begin(),tokens.end()); Tokenize (tag2->second->GetValue(), tokens, "\\"); if (vr == "US" || vr == "SS") { for (unsigned int i=0; i