/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFile.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2004/06/23 16:22:21 $ Version: $Revision: 1.35 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef GDCMFILE_H #define GDCMFILE_H #include "gdcmCommon.h" #include "gdcmHeader.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * In addition to Dicom header exploration, this class is designed * for accessing the image/volume content. One can also use it to * write Dicom/ACR-NEMA/RAW files. */ class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmFile { public: gdcmFile(gdcmHeader *header); gdcmFile(std::string const & filename, bool exception_on_error = false, bool enable_sequences = false, bool skip_shadow = false); virtual ~gdcmFile(); /// \brief returns the gdcmHeader *Header inline gdcmHeader *GetHeader() { return Header;}; // For promotion (performs a deepcopy of pointed header object) // TODO Swig gdcmFile(gdcmHeader* header); // TODO Swig ~gdcmFile(); // On writing purposes. When instance was created through // gdcmFile(std::string filename) then the filename argument MUST be // different from the constructor's one (no overwriting allowed). // TODO Swig int SetFileName(std::string filename); void SetPixelDataSizeFromHeader(); size_t GetImageDataSize(); size_t GetImageDataSizeRaw(); void * GetImageData(); size_t GetImageDataIntoVector(void* destination, size_t MaxSize); void * GetImageDataRaw(); size_t GetImageDataIntoVectorRaw(void* destination, size_t MaxSize); // Allocates ExpectedSize bytes of memory at this->Data and copies the // pointed data to it. Copying the image might look useless but // the caller might destroy it's image (without knowing it: think // of a complicated interface where display is done with a library // e.g. VTK) before calling the Write // voir gdcmHeader::SetImageDataSize ?!? bool SetImageData (void * Data, size_t ExpectedSize); // When the caller is aware we simply point to the data: // TODO int SetImageDataNoCopy (void * Data, size_t ExpectedSize); // Push to disk. // TODO Swig int Write(); // Write pixels of ONE image on hard drive // No test is made on processor "endianity" // The user must call his reader correctly bool WriteRawData (std::string const & fileName); bool WriteDcmImplVR(std::string const & fileName); bool WriteDcmExplVR(std::string const & fileName); bool WriteAcr (std::string const & fileName); // Don't look any longer for the code : // It's in file gdcmParsePixels.cxx bool ParsePixelData(); inline virtual bool SetEntryByNumber(std::string const & content, guint16 group, guint16 element) { GetHeader()->SetEntryByNumber(content,group,element); return true; //default behavior ? } protected: bool WriteBase(std::string const & FileName, FileType type); private: void SwapZone(void* im, int swap, int lgr, int nb); bool ReadPixelData(void * destination); // For JPEG 8 Bits, body in file gdcmJpeg.cxx bool gdcm_read_JPEG_file (FILE *fp,void * image_buffer); static int gdcm_read_RLE_fragment(char **areaToRead, long lengthToDecode, long uncompressedSegmentSize,FILE *fp); // For JPEG 12 Bits, body in file gdcmJpeg12.cxx bool gdcm_read_JPEG_file12 (FILE *fp,void * image_buffer); // For JPEG 2000, body in file gdcmJpeg2000.cxx bool gdcm_read_JPEG2000_file (FILE *fp,void * image_buffer); // For Run Length Encoding (TOCHECK) bool gdcm_read_RLE_file (FILE *fp,void * image_buffer); // Variables /// \brief Header to use to load the file gdcmHeader *Header; /// \brief Whether the underlying \ref gdcmHeader was loaded by /// the constructor or passed to the constructor. When false /// the destructor is in charge of deletion. bool SelfHeader; /// \brief to hold the Pixels (when read) void* PixelData; /// \brief Area length to receive the pixels size_t lgrTotaleRaw; /// \brief Area length to receive the RGB pixels /// from Grey Plane + Palette Color size_t lgrTotale; /// \brief ==1 if GetImageDataRaw was used /// ==0 if GetImageData was used /// ==-1 if ImageData never read int PixelRead; /// wether already parsed int Parsed; /// To avoid file overwrite std::string OrigFileName; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif