/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmFileHelper.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/03/04 16:24:19 $ Version: $Revision: 1.27 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmFileHelper.h" #include "gdcmGlobal.h" #include "gdcmTS.h" #include "gdcmDocument.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmBinEntry.h" #include "gdcmValEntry.h" #include "gdcmSeqEntry.h" #include "gdcmSQItem.h" #include "gdcmContentEntry.h" #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmPixelReadConvert.h" #include "gdcmPixelWriteConvert.h" #include "gdcmDocEntryArchive.h" #include "gdcmDictSet.h" #include /* // ----------------------------- WARNING ------------------------- These lines will be moved to the document-to-be 'User's Guide' // To read an image, user needs a gdcm::File gdcm::File *f1 = new gdcm::File(fileName); // user can now check some values std::string v = f1->GetEntryValue(groupNb,ElementNb); // to get the pixels, user needs a gdcm::FileHelper gdcm::FileHelper *fh1 = new gdcm::FileHelper(f1); // user may ask not to convert Palette to RGB uint8_t *pixels = fh1->GetImageDataRaw(); int imageLength = fh1->GetImageDataRawSize(); // He can now use the pixels, create a new image, ... uint8_t *userPixels = ... To re-write the image, user re-uses the gdcm::FileHelper fh1->SetImageData( userPixels, userPixelsLength); fh1->SetTypeToRaw(); // Even if it was possible to convert Palette to RGB // (WriteMode is set) fh1->SetWriteTypeToDcmExpl(); // he wants Explicit Value Representation // Little Endian is the default // no other value is allowed (-->SetWriteType(ExplicitVR);) -->WriteType = ExplicitVR; fh1->Write(newFileName); // overwrites the file, if any // or : fh1->WriteDcmExplVR(newFileName); // ----------------------------- WARNING ------------------------- These lines will be moved to the document-to-be 'Developer's Guide' WriteMode : WMODE_RAW / WMODE_RGB WriteType : ImplicitVR, ExplicitVR, ACR, ACR_LIBIDO fh1->Write(newFileName); SetWriteFileTypeToImplicitVR() / SetWriteFileTypeToExplicitVR(); (modifies TransferSyntax) SetWriteToRaw(); / SetWriteToRGB(); (modifies, when necessary : photochromatic interpretation, samples per pixel, Planar configuration, bits allocated, bits stored, high bit -ACR 24 bits- Pixels element VR, pushes out the LUT ) CheckWriteIntegrity(); (checks user given pixels length) FileInternal->Write(fileName,WriteType) fp = opens file(fileName); ComputeGroup0002Length(writetype); BitsAllocated 12->16 RemoveEntryNoDestroy(palettes, etc) Document::WriteContent(fp, writetype); RestoreWrite(); (moves back to the File all the archived elements) RestoreWriteFileType(); (pushes back group 0002, with TransferSyntax) */ namespace gdcm { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor /** * \brief Constructor dedicated to deal with the *pixels* area of a ACR/DICOMV3 * file (gdcm::File only deals with the ... header) * Opens (in read only and when possible) an existing file and checks * for DICOM compliance. Returns NULL on failure. * It will be up to the user to load the pixels into memory * \note the in-memory representation of all available tags found in * the DICOM header is post-poned to first header information access. * This avoid a double parsing of public part of the header when * one sets an a posteriori shadow dictionary (efficiency can be * seen as a side effect). */ FileHelper::FileHelper( ) { FileInternal = new File( ); SelfHeader = true; Initialize(); } /** * \brief Constructor dedicated to deal with the *pixels* area of a ACR/DICOMV3 * file (File only deals with the ... header) * Opens (in read only and when possible) an existing file and checks * for DICOM compliance. Returns NULL on failure. * It will be up to the user to load the pixels into memory * \note the in-memory representation of all available tags found in * the DICOM header is post-poned to first header information access. * This avoid a double parsing of public part of the header when * user sets an a posteriori shadow dictionary (efficiency can be * seen as a side effect). * @param header already built Header */ FileHelper::FileHelper(File *header) { FileInternal = header; SelfHeader = false; Initialize(); } /** * \brief Constructor dedicated to deal with the *pixels* area of a ACR/DICOMV3 * file (gdcm::File only deals with the ... header) * Opens (in read only and when possible) an existing file and checks * for DICOM compliance. Returns NULL on failure. * It will be up to the user to load the pixels into memory * \note the in-memory representation of all available tags found in * the DICOM header is post-poned to first header information access. * This avoid a double parsing of public part of the header when * one sets an a posteriori shadow dictionary (efficiency can be * seen as a side effect). * @param filename file to be opened for parsing */ FileHelper::FileHelper(std::string const &filename ) { FileInternal = new File( filename ); SelfHeader = true; Initialize(); } /** * \brief canonical destructor * \note If the header (gdcm::File) was created by the FileHelper constructor, * it is destroyed by the FileHelper */ FileHelper::~FileHelper() { if( PixelReadConverter ) { delete PixelReadConverter; } if( PixelWriteConverter ) { delete PixelWriteConverter; } if( Archive ) { delete Archive; } if( SelfHeader ) { delete FileInternal; } FileInternal = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public /** * \brief Accesses an existing DocEntry (i.e. a Dicom Element) * through it's (group, element) and modifies it's content with * the given value. * @param content new value (string) to substitute with * @param group group number of the Dicom Element to modify * @param elem element number of the Dicom Element to modify * \return false if DocEntry not found */ bool FileHelper::SetValEntry(std::string const &content, uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { return FileInternal->SetValEntry(content, group, elem); } /** * \brief Accesses an existing DocEntry (i.e. a Dicom Element) * through it's (group, element) and modifies it's content with * the given value. * @param content new value (void* -> uint8_t*) to substitute with * @param lgth new value length * @param group group number of the Dicom Element to modify * @param elem element number of the Dicom Element to modify * \return false if DocEntry not found */ bool FileHelper::SetBinEntry(uint8_t *content, int lgth, uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { return FileInternal->SetBinEntry(content, lgth, group, elem); } /** * \brief Modifies the value of a given DocEntry (Dicom entry) * when it exists. Creates it with the given value when unexistant. * @param content (string)value to be set * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * \return pointer to the modified/created Dicom entry (NULL when creation * failed). */ ValEntry *FileHelper::InsertValEntry(std::string const &content, uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { return FileInternal->InsertValEntry(content,group,elem); } /** * \brief Modifies the value of a given DocEntry (Dicom entry) * when it exists. Creates it with the given value when unexistant. * A copy of the binArea is made to be kept in the Document. * @param binArea (binary)value to be set * @param lgth new value length * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * \return pointer to the modified/created Dicom entry (NULL when creation * failed). */ BinEntry *FileHelper::InsertBinEntry(uint8_t *binArea, int lgth, uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { return FileInternal->InsertBinEntry(binArea, lgth, group, elem); } /** * \brief Modifies the value of a given DocEntry (Dicom entry) * when it exists. Creates it, empty (?!) when unexistant. * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * \return pointer to the modified/created Dicom entry (NULL when creation * failed). */ SeqEntry *FileHelper::InsertSeqEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { return FileInternal->InsertSeqEntry(group, elem); } /** * \brief Get the size of the image data * If the image can be RGB (with a lut or by default), the size * corresponds to the RGB image * (use GetImageDataRawSize if you want to be sure to get *only* * the size of the pixels) * @return The image size */ size_t FileHelper::GetImageDataSize() { if ( PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData() ) { return PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize(); } return PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize(); } /** * \brief Get the size of the image data * If the image could be converted to RGB using a LUT, * this transformation is not taken into account by GetImageDataRawSize * (use GetImageDataSize if you wish) * @return The raw image size */ size_t FileHelper::GetImageDataRawSize() { if ( PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData() ) { return PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize(); } return PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize(); } /** * \brief - Allocates necessary memory, * - Reads the pixels from disk (uncompress if necessary), * - Transforms YBR pixels, if any, into RGB pixels, * - Transforms 3 planes R, G, B, if any, into a single RGB Plane * - Transforms single Grey plane + 3 Palettes into a RGB Plane * - Copies the pixel data (image[s]/volume[s]) to newly allocated zone. * @return Pointer to newly allocated pixel data. * NULL if alloc fails */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetImageData() { if ( PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData() ) { return PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData(); } if ( ! GetRaw() ) { // If the decompression failed nothing can be done. return 0; } if ( FileInternal->HasLUT() && PixelReadConverter->BuildRGBImage() ) { return PixelReadConverter->GetRGB(); } else { // When no LUT or LUT conversion fails, return the Raw return PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(); } } /** * \brief Allocates necessary memory, * Transforms YBR pixels (if any) into RGB pixels * Transforms 3 planes R, G, B (if any) into a single RGB Plane * Copies the pixel data (image[s]/volume[s]) to newly allocated zone. * DOES NOT transform Grey plane + 3 Palettes into a RGB Plane * @return Pointer to newly allocated pixel data. * NULL if alloc fails */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetImageDataRaw () { return GetRaw(); } /** * \brief * Read the pixels from disk (uncompress if necessary), * Transforms YBR pixels, if any, into RGB pixels * Transforms 3 planes R, G, B, if any, into a single RGB Plane * Transforms single Grey plane + 3 Palettes into a RGB Plane * Copies at most MaxSize bytes of pixel data to caller allocated * memory space. * \warning This function allows people that want to build a volume * from an image stack *not to* have, first to get the image pixels, * and then move them to the volume area. * It's absolutely useless for any VTK user since vtk chooses * to invert the lines of an image, that is the last line comes first * (for some axis related reasons?). Hence he will have * to load the image line by line, starting from the end. * VTK users have to call GetImageData * * @param destination Address (in caller's memory space) at which the * pixel data should be copied * @param maxSize Maximum number of bytes to be copied. When MaxSize * is not sufficient to hold the pixel data the copy is not * executed (i.e. no partial copy). * @return On success, the number of bytes actually copied. Zero on * failure e.g. MaxSize is lower than necessary. */ size_t FileHelper::GetImageDataIntoVector (void *destination, size_t maxSize) { if ( ! GetRaw() ) { // If the decompression failed nothing can be done. return 0; } if ( FileInternal->HasLUT() && PixelReadConverter->BuildRGBImage() ) { if ( PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize() > maxSize ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Pixel data bigger than caller's expected MaxSize"); return 0; } memcpy( destination, (void*)PixelReadConverter->GetRGB(), PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize() ); return PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize(); } // Either no LUT conversion necessary or LUT conversion failed if ( PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize() > maxSize ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Pixel data bigger than caller's expected MaxSize"); return 0; } memcpy( destination, (void*)PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(), PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize() ); return PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize(); } /** * \brief Points the internal pointer to the callers inData * image representation, BUT WITHOUT COPYING THE DATA. * 'image' Pixels are presented as C-like 2D arrays : line per line. * 'volume'Pixels are presented as C-like 3D arrays : plane per plane * \warning Since the pixels are not copied, it is the caller's responsability * not to deallocate its data before gdcm uses them (e.g. with * the Write() method ) * @param inData user supplied pixel area (uint8_t* is just for the compiler. * user is allowed to pass any kind of pixelsn since the size is * given in bytes) * @param expectedSize total image size, *in Bytes* */ void FileHelper::SetImageData(uint8_t *inData, size_t expectedSize) { SetUserData(inData, expectedSize); } /** * \brief Set the image data defined by the user * \warning When writting the file, this data are get as default data to write * @param inData user supplied pixel area (uint8_t* is just for the compiler. * user is allowed to pass any kind of pixels since the size is * given in bytes) * @param expectedSize total image size, *in Bytes* */ void FileHelper::SetUserData(uint8_t *inData, size_t expectedSize) { PixelWriteConverter->SetUserData(inData, expectedSize); } /** * \brief Get the image data defined by the user * \warning When writting the file, this data are get as default data to write */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetUserData() { return PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData(); } /** * \brief Get the image data size defined by the user * \warning When writting the file, this data are get as default data to write */ size_t FileHelper::GetUserDataSize() { return PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize(); } /** * \brief Get the image data from the file. * If a LUT is found, the data are expanded to be RGB */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetRGBData() { return PixelReadConverter->GetRGB(); } /** * \brief Get the image data size from the file. * If a LUT is found, the data are expanded to be RGB */ size_t FileHelper::GetRGBDataSize() { return PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize(); } /** * \brief Get the image data from the file. * Even when a LUT is found, the data are not expanded to RGB! */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetRawData() { return PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(); } /** * \brief Get the image data size from the file. * Even when a LUT is found, the data are not expanded to RGB! */ size_t FileHelper::GetRawDataSize() { return PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize(); } /** * \brief Access to the underlying \ref PixelReadConverter RGBA LUT */ uint8_t* FileHelper::GetLutRGBA() { return PixelReadConverter->GetLutRGBA(); } /** * \brief Writes on disk A SINGLE Dicom file * NO test is performed on processor "Endiannity". * It's up to the user to call his Reader properly * @param fileName name of the file to be created * (any already existing file is over written) * @return false if write fails */ bool FileHelper::WriteRawData(std::string const &fileName) { std::ofstream fp1(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary ); if (!fp1) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Fail to open (write) file:" << fileName.c_str()); return false; } if( PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData() ) { fp1.write( (char*)PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData(), PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize() ); } else if ( PixelReadConverter->GetRGB() ) { fp1.write( (char*)PixelReadConverter->GetRGB(), PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize()); } else if ( PixelReadConverter->GetRaw() ) { fp1.write( (char*)PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(), PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize()); } else { gdcmErrorMacro( "Nothing written." ); } fp1.close(); return true; } /** * \brief Writes on disk A SINGLE Dicom file, * using the Implicit Value Representation convention * NO test is performed on processor "Endiannity". * @param fileName name of the file to be created * (any already existing file is overwritten) * @return false if write fails */ bool FileHelper::WriteDcmImplVR (std::string const &fileName) { SetWriteTypeToDcmImplVR(); return Write(fileName); } /** * \brief Writes on disk A SINGLE Dicom file, * using the Explicit Value Representation convention * NO test is performed on processor "Endiannity". * @param fileName name of the file to be created * (any already existing file is overwritten) * @return false if write fails */ bool FileHelper::WriteDcmExplVR (std::string const &fileName) { SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(); return Write(fileName); } /** * \brief Writes on disk A SINGLE Dicom file, * using the ACR-NEMA convention * NO test is performed on processor "Endiannity". * (a l'attention des logiciels cliniques * qui ne prennent en entrée QUE des images ACR ... * \warning if a DICOM_V3 header is supplied, * groups < 0x0008 and shadow groups are ignored * \warning NO TEST is performed on processor "Endiannity". * @param fileName name of the file to be created * (any already existing file is overwritten) * @return false if write fails */ bool FileHelper::WriteAcr (std::string const &fileName) { SetWriteTypeToAcr(); return Write(fileName); } /** * \brief Writes on disk A SINGLE Dicom file, * @param fileName name of the file to be created * (any already existing file is overwritten) * @return false if write fails */ bool FileHelper::Write(std::string const &fileName) { switch(WriteType) { case ImplicitVR: SetWriteFileTypeToImplicitVR(); CheckMandatoryElements(); break; case ExplicitVR: SetWriteFileTypeToExplicitVR(); CheckMandatoryElements(); break; case ACR: case ACR_LIBIDO: SetWriteFileTypeToACR(); break; default: SetWriteFileTypeToExplicitVR(); CheckMandatoryElements(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Special Patch to allow gdcm to re-write ACR-LibIDO formated images // // if recognition code tells us we dealt with a LibIDO image // we reproduce on disk the switch between lineNumber and columnNumber // just before writting ... /// \todo the best trick would be *change* the recognition code /// but pb expected if user deals with, e.g. COMPLEX images if( WriteType == ACR_LIBIDO ) { SetWriteToLibido(); } else { SetWriteToNoLibido(); } // ----------------- End of Special Patch ---------------- switch(WriteMode) { case WMODE_RAW : SetWriteToRaw(); // modifies and pushes to the archive, when necessary break; case WMODE_RGB : SetWriteToRGB(); // modifies and pushes to the archive, when necessary break; } bool check = CheckWriteIntegrity(); // verifies length if(check) { check = FileInternal->Write(fileName,WriteType); } RestoreWrite(); RestoreWriteFileType(); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Special Patch to allow gdcm to re-write ACR-LibIDO formated images // // ...and we restore the header to be Dicom Compliant again // just after writting RestoreWriteOfLibido(); // ----------------- End of Special Patch ---------------- return check; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected /** * \brief Checks the write integrity * * The tests made are : * - verify the size of the image to write with the possible write * when the user set an image data * @return true if check is successfull */ bool FileHelper::CheckWriteIntegrity() { if(PixelWriteConverter->GetUserData()) { int numberBitsAllocated = FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated(); if ( numberBitsAllocated == 0 || numberBitsAllocated == 12 ) { numberBitsAllocated = 16; } size_t decSize = FileInternal->GetXSize() * FileInternal->GetYSize() * FileInternal->GetZSize() * ( numberBitsAllocated / 8 ) * FileInternal->GetSamplesPerPixel(); size_t rgbSize = decSize; if( FileInternal->HasLUT() ) rgbSize = decSize * 3; switch(WriteMode) { case WMODE_RAW : if( decSize!=PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize() ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Data size (Raw) is incorrect. Should be " << decSize << " / Found :" << PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize() ); return false; } break; case WMODE_RGB : if( rgbSize!=PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize() ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Data size (RGB) is incorrect. Should be " << decSize << " / Found " << PixelWriteConverter->GetUserDataSize() ); return false; } break; } } return true; } /** * \brief Updates the File to write RAW data (as opposed to RGB data) * (modifies, when necessary, photochromatic interpretation, * bits allocated, Pixels element VR) */ void FileHelper::SetWriteToRaw() { if( FileInternal->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 3 && !FileInternal->HasLUT()) { SetWriteToRGB(); } else { ValEntry *photInt = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0004); if(FileInternal->HasLUT()) { photInt->SetValue("PALETTE COLOR "); } else { photInt->SetValue("MONOCHROME2 "); } PixelWriteConverter->SetReadData(PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(), PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize()); std::string vr = "OB"; if( FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated()>8 ) vr = "OW"; if( FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated()==24 ) // For RGB ACR files vr = "OB"; BinEntry *pixel = CopyBinEntry(GetFile()->GetGrPixel(),GetFile()->GetNumPixel(),vr); pixel->SetValue(GDCM_BINLOADED); pixel->SetBinArea(PixelWriteConverter->GetData(),false); pixel->SetLength(PixelWriteConverter->GetDataSize()); Archive->Push(photInt); Archive->Push(pixel); } } /** * \brief Updates the File to write RGB data (as opposed to RAW data) * (modifies, when necessary, photochromatic interpretation, * samples per pixel, Planar configuration, * bits allocated, bits stored, high bit -ACR 24 bits- * Pixels element VR, pushes out the LUT, ) */ void FileHelper::SetWriteToRGB() { if(FileInternal->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()==3) { PixelReadConverter->BuildRGBImage(); ValEntry *spp = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0002); spp->SetValue("3 "); ValEntry *planConfig = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0006); planConfig->SetValue("0 "); ValEntry *photInt = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0004); photInt->SetValue("RGB "); if(PixelReadConverter->GetRGB()) { PixelWriteConverter->SetReadData(PixelReadConverter->GetRGB(), PixelReadConverter->GetRGBSize()); } else // Raw data { PixelWriteConverter->SetReadData(PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(), PixelReadConverter->GetRawSize()); } std::string vr = "OB"; if( FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated()>8 ) vr = "OW"; if( FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated()==24 ) // For RGB ACR files vr = "OB"; BinEntry *pixel = CopyBinEntry(GetFile()->GetGrPixel(),GetFile()->GetNumPixel(),vr); pixel->SetValue(GDCM_BINLOADED); pixel->SetBinArea(PixelWriteConverter->GetData(),false); pixel->SetLength(PixelWriteConverter->GetDataSize()); Archive->Push(spp); Archive->Push(planConfig); Archive->Push(photInt); Archive->Push(pixel); // Remove any LUT Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1101); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1102); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1103); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1201); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1202); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x1203); // For old '24 Bits' ACR-NEMA // Thus, we have a RGB image and the bits allocated = 24 and // samples per pixels = 1 (in the read file) if(FileInternal->GetBitsAllocated()==24) { ValEntry *bitsAlloc = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0100); bitsAlloc->SetValue("8 "); ValEntry *bitsStored = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0101); bitsStored->SetValue("8 "); ValEntry *highBit = CopyValEntry(0x0028,0x0102); highBit->SetValue("7 "); Archive->Push(bitsAlloc); Archive->Push(bitsStored); Archive->Push(highBit); } } else { SetWriteToRaw(); } } /** * \brief Restore the File write mode */ void FileHelper::RestoreWrite() { Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0002); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0004); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0006); Archive->Restore(GetFile()->GetGrPixel(),GetFile()->GetNumPixel()); // For old ACR-NEMA (24 bits problem) Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0100); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0101); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0102); // For the LUT Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1101); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1102); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1103); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1201); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1202); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x1203); // group 0002 may be pushed out for ACR-NEMA writting purposes Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0000); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0001); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0002); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0003); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0010); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0012); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0013); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0016); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0100); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0102); } /** * \brief Pushes out the whole group 0002 * FIXME : better, set a flag to tell the writer not to write it ... * FIXME : method should probably have an other name ! * SetWriteFileTypeToACR is NOT opposed to * SetWriteFileTypeToExplicitVR and SetWriteFileTypeToImplicitVR */ void FileHelper::SetWriteFileTypeToACR() { Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0000); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0001); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0002); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0003); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0010); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0012); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0013); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0016); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0100); Archive->Push(0x0002,0x0102); } /** * \brief Sets in the File the TransferSyntax to 'Explicit VR Little Endian" */ void FileHelper::SetWriteFileTypeToExplicitVR() { std::string ts = Util::DicomString( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(TS::ExplicitVRLittleEndian) ); ValEntry *tss = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0010); tss->SetValue(ts); Archive->Push(tss); } /** * \brief Sets in the File the TransferSyntax to 'Implicit VR Little Endian" */ void FileHelper::SetWriteFileTypeToImplicitVR() { std::string ts = Util::DicomString( Global::GetTS()->GetSpecialTransferSyntax(TS::ImplicitVRLittleEndian) ); ValEntry *tss = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0010); tss->SetValue(ts); Archive->Push(tss); } /** * \brief Restore in the File the initial group 0002 */ void FileHelper::RestoreWriteFileType() { // group 0002 may be pushed out for ACR-NEMA writting purposes Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0000); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0001); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0002); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0003); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0010); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0012); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0013); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0016); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0100); Archive->Restore(0x0002,0x0102); } /** * \brief Set the Write not to Libido format */ void FileHelper::SetWriteToLibido() { ValEntry *oldRow = dynamic_cast (FileInternal->GetDocEntry(0x0028, 0x0010)); ValEntry *oldCol = dynamic_cast (FileInternal->GetDocEntry(0x0028, 0x0011)); if( oldRow && oldCol ) { std::string rows, columns; ValEntry *newRow=new ValEntry(oldRow->GetDictEntry()); ValEntry *newCol=new ValEntry(oldCol->GetDictEntry()); newRow->Copy(oldCol); newCol->Copy(oldRow); newRow->SetValue(oldCol->GetValue()); newCol->SetValue(oldRow->GetValue()); Archive->Push(newRow); Archive->Push(newCol); } ValEntry *libidoCode = CopyValEntry(0x0008,0x0010); libidoCode->SetValue("ACRNEMA_LIBIDO_1.1"); Archive->Push(libidoCode); } /** * \brief Set the Write not to No Libido format */ void FileHelper::SetWriteToNoLibido() { ValEntry *recCode = dynamic_cast (FileInternal->GetDocEntry(0x0008,0x0010)); if( recCode ) { if( recCode->GetValue() == "ACRNEMA_LIBIDO_1.1" ) { ValEntry *libidoCode = CopyValEntry(0x0008,0x0010); libidoCode->SetValue(""); Archive->Push(libidoCode); } } } /** * \brief Restore the Write format */ void FileHelper::RestoreWriteOfLibido() { Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0010); Archive->Restore(0x0028,0x0011); Archive->Restore(0x0008,0x0010); } /** * \brief Duplicates a ValEntry or creates it. * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * \return pointer to the new Val Entry (NULL when creation failed). */ ValEntry *FileHelper::CopyValEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { DocEntry *oldE = FileInternal->GetDocEntry(group, elem); ValEntry *newE; if( oldE ) { newE = new ValEntry(oldE->GetDictEntry()); newE->Copy(oldE); } else { newE = GetFile()->NewValEntry(group, elem); } return newE; } /** * \brief Duplicates a BinEntry or creates it. * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @param vr Value Representation of the Entry * FIXME : what is it used for? * \return pointer to the new Bin Entry (NULL when creation failed). */ BinEntry *FileHelper::CopyBinEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem, const std::string &vr) { DocEntry *oldE = FileInternal->GetDocEntry(group, elem); BinEntry *newE; if( oldE ) // Is this really usefull? if( oldE->GetVR()!=vr ) { gdcmWarningMacro( " Unconsistent VR for Bin Entry : [" << oldE->GetVR() << "] vs [" << vr << "] for " << std::hex << group << "|" << elem); //delete oldE; oldE = NULL; // Revert temporary to old code to avoid Seg Fault /// \ todo fixme } if( oldE ) { newE = new BinEntry(oldE->GetDictEntry()); newE->Copy(oldE); } else { newE = GetFile()->NewBinEntry(group, elem, vr); } return newE; } /** * \brief This method is called automatically, just before writting * in order to produce a 'True Dicom V3' image * We cannot know *how* the user made the File (reading an old ACR-NEMA * file or a not very clean DICOM file ...) * * Just before writting : * - we check the Entries * - we create the mandatory entries if they are missing * - we modify the values if necessary * - we push the sensitive entries to the Archive * The writing process will restore the entries as they where before * entering FileHelper::CheckMandatoryElements, so the user will always * see the entries just as he left them. * * \todo : - warn the user if we had to add some entries : * even if a mandatory entry is missing, we add it, with a default value * (we don't want to give up the writting process if user forgot to * specify Lena's Patient ID, for instance ...) * - read the whole PS 3.3 Part of DICOM (890 pages) * and write a *full* checker (probably one method per Modality ...) * Any contribution is welcome. * - write a user callable full checker, to allow post reading * and/or pre writting image consistency check. */ void FileHelper::CheckMandatoryElements() { // just to remember : 'official' 0002 group //0002 0000 UL 1 Meta Group Length //0002 0001 OB 1 File Meta Information Version //0002 0002 UI 1 Media Stored SOP Class UID //0002 0003 UI 1 Media Stored SOP Instance UID //0002 0010 UI 1 Transfer Syntax UID //0002 0012 UI 1 Implementation Class UID //0002 0013 SH 1 Implementation Version Name //0002 0016 AE 1 Source Application Entity Title //0002 0100 UI 1 Private Information Creator //0002 0102 OB 1 Private Information // Create them if not found // Always modify the value // Push the entries to the archive. ValEntry *e_0002_0000 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0000); e_0002_0000->SetValue("0"); // for the moment Archive->Push(e_0002_0000); BinEntry *e_0002_0001 = CopyBinEntry(0x0002,0x0001, "OB"); e_0002_0001->SetBinArea((uint8_t*)Util::GetFileMetaInformationVersion(), false); e_0002_0001->SetLength(2); ValEntry *e_0002_0002 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0002); // [Secondary Capture Image Storage] e_0002_0002->SetValue("1.2.840.10008."); Archive->Push(e_0002_0002); // 'Media Stored SOP Instance UID' ValEntry *e_0002_0003 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0003); e_0002_0003->SetValue(Util::CreateUniqueUID()); Archive->Push(e_0002_0003); ValEntry *e_0002_0010 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0010); //[Explicit VR - Little Endian] e_0002_0010->SetValue("1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"); Archive->Push(e_0002_0010); // 'Implementation Class UID' ValEntry *e_0002_0012 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0012); e_0002_0012->SetValue(Util::CreateUniqueUID()); Archive->Push(e_0002_0012); // 'Implementation Version Name' ValEntry *e_0002_0013 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0013); e_0002_0013->SetValue("GDCM 1.0"); Archive->Push(e_0002_0013); //'Source Application Entity Title' Not Mandatory //ValEntry *e_0002_0016 = CopyValEntry(0x0002,0x0016); // e_0002_0016->SetValue("1.2.840.10008."); // Archive->Push(e_0002_0016); // Push out 'LibIDO-special' entries, if any Archive->Push(0x0028,0x0015); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x0016); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x0017); Archive->Push(0x0028,0x00199); // --- Check UID-related Entries --- // If 'SOP Class UID' exists ('true DICOM' image) // we create the 'Source Image Sequence' SeqEntry // to hold informations about the Source Image ValEntry *e_0008_0016 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0016); if ( e_0008_0016 != 0 ) { // Create 'Source Image Sequence' SeqEntry SeqEntry *s = new SeqEntry ( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x2112) ); SQItem *sqi = new SQItem(1); // (we assume 'SOP Instance UID' exists too) // create 'Referenced SOP Class UID' ValEntry *e_0008_1150 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x1150) ); e_0008_1150->SetValue( e_0008_0016->GetValue()); sqi->AddEntry(e_0008_1150); // create 'Referenced SOP Instance UID' ValEntry *e_0008_0018 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0018); ValEntry *e_0008_1155 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x1155) ); e_0008_1155->SetValue( e_0008_0018->GetValue()); sqi->AddEntry(e_0008_1155); s->AddSQItem(sqi,1); // temporarily replaces any previous 'Source Image Sequence' Archive->Push(s); // 'Image Type' (The written image is no longer an 'ORIGINAL' one) ValEntry *e_0008_0008 = CopyValEntry(0x0008,0x0008); e_0008_0008->SetValue("DERIVED\\PRIMARY"); Archive->Push(e_0008_0008); } else { // There was no 'SOP Class UID'. // the source image was NOT a true Dicom one. // We consider the image is a 'Secondary Capture' one // SOP Class UID e_0008_0016 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0016) ); // [Secondary Capture Image Storage] e_0008_0016 ->SetValue("1.2.840.10008."); Archive->Push(e_0008_0016); } // ---- The user will never have to take any action on the following ----. // new value for 'SOP Instance UID' ValEntry *e_0008_0018 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0018) ); e_0008_0018->SetValue( Util::CreateUniqueUID() ); Archive->Push(e_0008_0018); // Instance Creation Date ValEntry *e_0008_0012 = CopyValEntry(0x0008,0x0012); std::string date = Util::GetCurrentDate(); e_0008_0012->SetValue(date.c_str()); Archive->Push(e_0008_0012); // Instance Creation Time ValEntry *e_0008_0013 = CopyValEntry(0x0008,0x0013); std::string time = Util::GetCurrentTime(); e_0008_0013->SetValue(time.c_str()); Archive->Push(e_0008_0013); // ----- Add Mandatory Entries if missing --- // Entries whose type is 1 are mandatory, with a mandatory value // Entries whose type is 1c are mandatory-inside-a-Sequence // Entries whose type is 2 are mandatory, with a optional value // Entries whose type is 2c are mandatory-inside-a-Sequence // Entries whose type is 3 are optional // 'Serie Instance UID' // Keep the value if exists // The user is allowed to create his own Series, // keeping the same 'Serie Instance UID' for various images // The user shouldn't add any image to a 'Manufacturer Serie' // but there is no way no to allowed him to do that ValEntry *e_0020_000e = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0020, 0x000e); if ( !e_0020_000e ) { e_0020_000e = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0020, 0x000e) ); e_0020_000e->SetValue(Util::CreateUniqueUID() ); Archive->Push(e_0020_000e); } // 'Study Instance UID' // Keep the value if exists // The user is allowed to create his own Study, // keeping the same 'Study Instance UID' for various images // The user may add images to a 'Manufacturer Study', // adding new series to an already existing Study ValEntry *e_0020_000d = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0020, 0x000d); if ( !e_0020_000d ) { e_0020_000d = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0020, 0x000d) ); e_0020_000d->SetValue(Util::CreateUniqueUID() ); Archive->Push(e_0020_000d); } // Modality : if missing we set it to 'OTher' ValEntry *e_0008_0060 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0060); if ( !e_0008_0060 ) { e_0008_0060 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0060) ); e_0008_0060->SetValue("OT"); Archive->Push(e_0008_0060); } // Manufacturer : if missing we set it to 'GDCM Factory' ValEntry *e_0008_0070 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0070); if ( !e_0008_0070 ) { e_0008_0070 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0070) ); e_0008_0070->SetValue("GDCM Factory"); Archive->Push(e_0008_0070); } // Institution Name : if missing we set it to 'GDCM Hospital' ValEntry *e_0008_0080 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0080); if ( !e_0008_0080 ) { e_0008_0080 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0080) ); e_0008_0080->SetValue("GDCM Hospital"); Archive->Push(e_0008_0080); } // Patient's Name : if missing, we set it to 'GDCM^Patient' ValEntry *e_0010_0010 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0010, 0x0010); if ( !e_0010_0010 ) { e_0010_0010 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0010, 0x0010) ); e_0010_0010->SetValue("GDCM^Patient"); Archive->Push(e_0010_0010); } // Patient's ID : if missing, we set it to 'GDCM_Patient_ID' ValEntry *e_0010_0020 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0010, 0x0020); if ( !e_0010_0020 ) { e_0010_0020 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0010, 0x0020) ); e_0010_0020->SetValue("GDCM_Patient_ID"); Archive->Push(e_0010_0020); } // Patient's Birth Date :'type 2' entry -> must exist, value not mandatory ValEntry *e_0010_0030 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0010, 0x0030); if ( !e_0010_0030 ) { e_0010_0030 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0010, 0x0030) ); e_0010_0030->SetValue(""); Archive->Push(e_0010_0030); } // Patient's Sex :'type 2' entry -> must exist, value not mandatory ValEntry *e_0010_0040 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0010, 0x0040); if ( !e_0010_0040 ) { e_0010_0040 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0010, 0x0040) ); e_0010_0040->SetValue(""); Archive->Push(e_0010_0040); } // Referring Physician's Name :'type 2' entry -> must exist, value not mandatory ValEntry *e_0008_0090 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0008, 0x0090); if ( !e_0008_0090 ) { e_0008_0090 = new ValEntry( Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict()->GetEntry(0x0008, 0x0090) ); e_0008_0090->SetValue(""); Archive->Push(e_0008_0090); } // Remove some inconstencies (probably some more will be added) // if (0028 0008)Number of Frames exists // Push out (0020 0052),Frame of Reference UID // (only meaningfull within a Serie) ValEntry *e_0028_0008 = FileInternal->GetValEntry(0x0028, 0x0008); if ( !e_0028_0008 ) { Archive->Push(0x0020, 0X0052); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private /** * \brief Factorization for various forms of constructors. */ void FileHelper::Initialize() { WriteMode = WMODE_RAW; WriteType = ExplicitVR; PixelReadConverter = new PixelReadConvert; PixelWriteConverter = new PixelWriteConvert; Archive = new DocEntryArchive( FileInternal ); if ( FileInternal->IsReadable() ) { PixelReadConverter->GrabInformationsFromFile( FileInternal ); } } /** * \brief */ uint8_t *FileHelper::GetRaw() { uint8_t *raw = PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(); if ( ! raw ) { // The Raw image migth not be loaded yet: std::ifstream *fp = FileInternal->OpenFile(); PixelReadConverter->ReadAndDecompressPixelData( fp ); if(fp) FileInternal->CloseFile(); raw = PixelReadConverter->GetRaw(); if ( ! raw ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "Read/decompress of pixel data apparently went wrong."); return 0; } } return raw; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print void FileHelper::Print(std::ostream &os, std::string const &) { FileInternal->SetPrintLevel(PrintLevel); FileInternal->Print(os); PixelReadConverter->SetPrintLevel(PrintLevel); PixelReadConverter->Print(os); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace gdcm