/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmHeader.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2004/07/30 16:09:27 $ Version: $Revision: 1.83 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef GDCMHEADER_H #define GDCMHEADER_H #include "gdcmCommon.h" #include "gdcmDocument.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * \brief * The purpose of an instance of gdcmHeader is to act as a container of * all the DICOM elements and their corresponding values (and * additionaly the corresponding DICOM dictionary entry) of the header * of a DICOM file. * * The typical usage of instances of class gdcmHeader is to classify a set of * dicom files according to header information e.g. to create a file hierarchy * reflecting the Patient/Study/Serie informations, or extracting a given * SerieId. Accessing the content (image[s] or volume[s]) is beyond the * functionality of this class and belongs to gdmcFile. * \note The various entries of the explicit value representation (VR) shall * be managed within a dictionary which is shared by all gdcmHeader * instances. * \note The gdcmHeader::Set*Tag* family members cannot be defined as * protected due to Swig limitations for as Has_a dependency between * gdcmFile and gdcmHeader. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dicom Part 3.3 Compliant enum ModalityType { Unknow, AU, // Voice Audio AS, // Angioscopy BI, // Biomagnetic Imaging CF, // Cinefluorography CP, // Culposcopy CR, // Computed Radiography CS, // Cystoscopy CT, // Computed Tomography DD, // Duplex Dopler DF, // Digital Fluoroscopy DG, // Diaphanography DM, // Digital Microscopy DS, // Digital Substraction Angiography DX, // Digital Radiography ECG, // Echocardiography EPS, // Basic Cardiac EP ES, // Endoscopy FA, // Fluorescein Angiography FS, // Fundoscopy HC, // Hard Copy HD, // Hemodynamic LP, // Laparoscopy LS, // Laser Surface Scan MA, // Magnetic Resonance Angiography MR, // Magnetic Resonance NM, // Nuclear Medicine OT, // Other PT, // Positron Emission Tomography RF, // Radio Fluoroscopy RG, // Radiographic Imaging RTDOSE, // Radiotherapy Dose RTIMAGE, // Radiotherapy Image RTPLAN, // Radiotherapy Plan RTSTRUCT, // Radiotherapy Structure Set SM, // Microscopic Imaging ST, // Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography TG, // Thermography US, // Ultrasound VF, // Videofluorography XA, // X-Ray Angiography XC // Photographic Imaging }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmHeader : public gdcmDocument { protected: /// \brief In some cases (e.g. for some ACR-NEMA images) the Header Entry Element /// Number of the 'Pixel Element' is *not* found at 0x0010. In order to /// make things easier the parser shall store the proper value in /// NumPixel to provide a unique access facility. See also the constructor /// \ref gdcmHeader::gdcmHeader uint16_t NumPixel; /// \brief In some cases (e.g. for some ACR-NEMA images) the header entry for /// the group of pixels is *not* found at 0x7fe0. In order to /// make things easier the parser shall store the proper value in /// GrPixel to provide a unique access facility. See also the constructor /// \ref gdcmHeader::gdcmHeader uint16_t GrPixel; public: gdcmHeader(bool exception_on_error = false); gdcmHeader(std::string const & filename, bool exception_on_error = false); virtual ~gdcmHeader(); // Standard values and informations contained in the header virtual bool IsReadable(); // Some heuristic based accessors, end user intended int GetBitsStored(); int GetBitsAllocated(); int GetSamplesPerPixel(); int GetPlanarConfiguration(); int GetPixelSize(); std::string GetPixelType(); size_t GetPixelOffset(); size_t GetPixelAreaLength(); //Some image informations needed for third package imaging library int GetXSize(); int GetYSize(); int GetZSize(); float GetXSpacing(); float GetYSpacing(); float GetZSpacing(); //void GetSpacing(float &x, float &y, float &z); // Useful for rescaling graylevel: float GetRescaleIntercept(); float GetRescaleSlope(); int GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); int GetNumberOfScalarComponentsRaw(); int GetImageNumber(); ModalityType GetModality(); float GetXOrigin(); float GetYOrigin(); float GetZOrigin(); //void GetOrigin(float &x, float &y, float &z); bool HasLUT(); int GetLUTNbits(); unsigned char * GetLUTRGBA(); std::string GetTransfertSyntaxName(); /// Accessor to \ref gdcmHeader::GrPixel uint16_t GetGrPixel() { return GrPixel; } /// Accessor to \ref gdcmHeader::NumPixel uint16_t GetNumPixel() { return NumPixel; } /// Read (used in gdcmFile) void SetImageDataSize(size_t expectedSize); void gdcmHeader::Write(FILE* fp,FileType filetype); protected: bool AnonymizeHeader(); void GetImageOrientationPatient( float* iop ); private: friend class gdcmSerieHeader; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif