// gdcmHeader.h //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef GDCMHEADER_H #define GDCMHEADER_H #include "gdcmCommon.h" #include "gdcmParser.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * \brief * The purpose of an instance of gdcmHeader is to act as a container of * all the DICOM elements and their corresponding values (and * additionaly the corresponding DICOM dictionary entry) of the header * of a DICOM file. * * The typical usage of instances of class gdcmHeader is to classify a set of * dicom files according to header information e.g. to create a file hierarchy * reflecting the Patient/Study/Serie informations, or extracting a given * SerieId. Accessing the content (image[s] or volume[s]) is beyond the * functionality of this class and belongs to gdmcFile. * \note The various entries of the explicit value representation (VR) shall * be managed within a dictionary which is shared by all gdcmHeader * instances. * \note The gdcmHeader::Set*Tag* family members cannot be defined as * protected due to Swig limitations for as Has_a dependency between * gdcmFile and gdcmHeader. */ class GDCM_EXPORT gdcmHeader : public gdcmParser { protected: /// In some cases (e.g. for some ACR-NEMA images) the Header Entry Element /// Number of the 'Pixel Element' is *not* found at 0x0010. In order to /// make things easier the parser shall store the proper value in /// NumPixel to provide a unique access facility. See also the constructor /// \ref gdcmHeader::gdcmHeader guint16 NumPixel; /// In some cases (e.g. for some ACR-NEMA images) the header entry for /// the group of pixels is *not* found at 0x7fe0. In order to /// make things easier the parser shall store the proper value in /// GrPixel to provide a unique access facility. See also the constructor /// \ref gdcmHeader::gdcmHeader guint16 GrPixel; /// Some DICOM files may contain several images (e.g. a icon, followd by /// the image itself. Hence the tag (GrPixel,NumPixel) might appear /// several times. countGrPixel is the number of occurences of the /// tag of pixels (i.e. (GrPixel,NumPixel)) contained in the header. /// TODO : will be dealt with SQ tree-like stucture int countGrPixel; public: gdcmHeader(bool exception_on_error = false); gdcmHeader(const char *filename, bool exception_on_error = false, bool enable_sequences = false, bool skip_shadow = false); virtual ~gdcmHeader(); // Standard values and informations contained in the header virtual bool IsReadable(void); bool IsJPEGBaseLineProcess1TransferSyntax(void); bool IsJPEGExtendedProcess2_4TransferSyntax(void); bool IsJPEGExtendedProcess3_5TransferSyntax(void); bool IsJPEGSpectralSelectionProcess6_8TransferSyntax(void); bool IsRLELossLessTransferSyntax(void); bool IsJPEGLossless(void); bool IsJPEG2000(void); bool IsDicomV3(void); // Some heuristic based accessors, end user intended // (to be moved to gdcmHeaderHelper?) int GetXSize(void); int GetYSize(void); int GetZSize(void); int GetBitsStored(void); int GetBitsAllocated(void); int GetSamplesPerPixel(void); int GetPlanarConfiguration(void); int GetPixelSize(void); std::string GetPixelType(void); size_t GetPixelOffset(void); size_t GetPixelAreaLength(void); bool HasLUT(void); int GetLUTNbits(void); unsigned char * GetLUTRGBA(void); std::string GetTransfertSyntaxName(void); // When some proprietary shadow groups are disclosed, we can set up // an additional specific dictionary to access extra information. // OK : we still have *ONE* HeaderEntrySet, // with both Public and Shadow Elements // parsed against THE Public Dictionary and A (single) Shadow Dictionary // TODO Swig int SetShaDict(std::string filename); // TODO Swig int SetPubDict(std::string filename); /// Accessor to \ref gdcmHeader::GrPixel guint16 GetGrPixel(void) {return GrPixel;} /// Accessor to \ref gdcmHeader::NumPixel guint16 GetNumPixel(void) {return NumPixel;} // Entry inline virtual std::string GetEntryByNumber (guint16 group, guint16 element) { return(gdcmParser::GetEntryByNumber(group,element)); } inline virtual std::string GetEntryVRByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element) { return(gdcmParser::GetEntryVRByNumber(group,element)); } inline virtual int GetEntryLengthByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 element) { return(gdcmParser::GetEntryLengthByNumber(group,element)); } inline virtual std::string GetEntryByName (std::string tagName) { return(gdcmParser::GetEntryByName(tagName)); } inline virtual std::string GetEntryVRByName (std::string tagName) { return(gdcmParser::GetEntryVRByName(tagName)); } inline virtual bool SetEntryByNumber(std::string content, guint16 group, guint16 element) { return(gdcmParser::SetEntryByNumber(content,group,element)); } inline virtual bool SetEntryByName(std::string content,std::string tagName) { return(gdcmParser::SetEntryByName(content,tagName)); } inline virtual bool SetEntryLengthByNumber(guint32 l, guint16 group, guint16 element) { return(gdcmParser::SetEntryLengthByNumber(l,group,element)); } inline virtual void UpdateShaEntries(void) { gdcmParser::UpdateShaEntries(); } /// Read (used in gdcmFile) void SetImageDataSize(size_t ExpectedSize); bool operator<(gdcmHeader &header); bool WriteEntry(gdcmHeaderEntry *tag,FILE *_fp,FileType type); virtual void PrintEntryNoSQ (std::ostream &os = std::cout); virtual void PrintEntryNiceSQ(std::ostream &os = std::cout); protected: //CLEANME int write(std::ostream&); //CLEANME int anonymize(std::ostream&);//FIXME: anonymize should be a friend bool anonymizeHeader(void); private: }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif