//This is needed when compiling in debug mode #ifdef _MSC_VER // 'identifier' : class 'type' needs to have dll-interface to be used by // clients of class 'type2' #pragma warning ( disable : 4251 ) // 'identifier' : identifier was truncated to 'number' characters in the // debug information #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) #endif //_MSC_VER #include #include "gdcmFile.h" #include /* to declare isprint() */ #define str2num(str, typeNum) *((typeNum *)(str)) static int _gdcm_read_RLE_fragment (char ** image_buffer, long lengthToDecode, long uncompressedSegmentSize, FILE* fp); // static because nothing but gdcm_read_RLE_file may call it // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * \ingroup gdcmFile * \brief Reads a 'Run Length Encoded' Dicom encapsulated file * @param image_buffer destination Address (in caller's memory space) * at which the * pixel data should be copied * @return int acts as a Boolean */ // This is a debug version. // Forget the printf as they will be removed // as soon as the last Heuristics are checked int gdcmFile::gdcm_read_RLE_file (void * image_buffer) { char * im = (char *)image_buffer; cout << "RLE image" << std::endl; long RleSegmentLength[15],fragmentLength,uncompressedSegmentSize;; long ftellRes, ln; guint32 nbRleSegments; guint32 RleSegmentOffsetTable[15]; guint16 ItemTagGr,ItemTagEl; uncompressedSegmentSize=GetXSize()*GetYSize(); printf("uncompressedSegmentSize %d\n",uncompressedSegmentSize); ftellRes=ftell(fp); // Basic Offset Table with Item Value // Item Tag fread(&ItemTagGr,2,1,fp); // Reading (fffe):Basic Offset Table Item Tag Gr fread(&ItemTagEl,2,1,fp); // Reading (e000):Basic Offset Table Item Tag El if(GetSwapCode()) { ItemTagGr=SwapShort(ItemTagGr); ItemTagEl=SwapShort(ItemTagEl); } printf ("at %x : ItemTag (should be fffe,e000): %04x,%04x\n", ftellRes,ItemTagGr,ItemTagEl ); // Item Length ftellRes=ftell(fp); fread(&ln,4,1,fp); if(GetSwapCode()) ln=SwapLong(ln); // Basic Offset Table Item Lentgh printf("at %x : Basic Offset Table Item Lentgh (??) %d x(%08x)\n", ftellRes,ln,ln); if (ln != 0) { // What is it used for ?? char * BasicOffsetTableItemValue= (char *)malloc(ln+1); fread(BasicOffsetTableItemValue,ln,1,fp); guint32 a; for (int i=0;i1) { for(int k=1; k<=nbRleSegments-1; k++) { // reading RLE Segments RleSegmentLength[k]=RleSegmentOffsetTable[k+1]-RleSegmentOffsetTable[k]; ftellRes=ftell(fp); printf (" Segment %d : Length = %d Start at %x\n", k,RleSegmentLength[k], ftellRes); _gdcm_read_RLE_fragment (&im, RleSegmentLength[k],uncompressedSegmentSize,fp); //fseek(fp,RleSegmentLength[k],SEEK_CUR); } } RleSegmentLength[nbRleSegments] = fragmentLength - RleSegmentOffsetTable[nbRleSegments]; // + 4; // 4 : bytes for number of RLE Segments (WHY ???); // TODO : Check the value ftellRes=ftell(fp); printf (" Segment %d : Length = %d Start at %x\n", nbRleSegments,RleSegmentLength[nbRleSegments],ftellRes); _gdcm_read_RLE_fragment (&im, RleSegmentLength[nbRleSegments],uncompressedSegmentSize, fp); //fseek(fp,RleSegmentLength[nbRleSegments],SEEK_CUR); // end of scanning fragment pixels ftellRes=ftell(fp); fread(&ItemTagGr,2,1,fp); // Reading (fffe) : Item Tag Gr fread(&ItemTagEl,2,1,fp); // Reading (e000) : Item Tag El if(GetSwapCode()) { ItemTagGr=SwapShort(ItemTagGr); ItemTagEl=SwapShort(ItemTagEl); } printf ("at %x : ItemTag (should be fffe,e000 or e0dd): %04x,%04x\n", ftellRes,ItemTagGr,ItemTagEl ); } return (1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // // RLE LossLess Fragment // /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // static because nothing but gdcm_read_RLE_file can call it // DO NOT doxygen ! static int _gdcm_read_RLE_fragment (char ** areaToRead, long lengthToDecode, long uncompressedSegmentSize, FILE* fp) { long ftellRes; int count; long numberOfOutputBytes=0; char n, car; ftellRes =ftell(fp); printf ("Fragment begin : %x lengthToDecode %d\n",ftellRes,lengthToDecode); while(numberOfOutputBytes= 0 && count <= 127) { fread(*areaToRead,(count+1)*sizeof(char),1,fp); *areaToRead+=count+1; numberOfOutputBytes+=count+1; } else { if (count <= -1 && count >= -127) { fread(&car,sizeof(char),1,fp); for(int i=0; i<-count+1; i++) { (*areaToRead)[i]=car; } *areaToRead+=(-count+1); numberOfOutputBytes+=(-count+1); } } // if count = 128 output nothing (See : PS 3.5-2003 Page 86) } return 1; }