/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmSQItem.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/01/25 11:11:59 $ Version: $Revision: 1.59 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmSQItem.h" #include "gdcmSeqEntry.h" #include "gdcmValEntry.h" #include "gdcmBinEntry.h" #include "gdcmGlobal.h" #include "gdcmDictSet.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include namespace gdcm { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor /** * \brief Constructor from a given SQItem */ SQItem::SQItem(int depthLevel ) : DocEntrySet( ) { SQDepthLevel = depthLevel; SQItemNumber = 0; } /** * \brief Canonical destructor. */ SQItem::~SQItem() { ClearEntry(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print /* * \brief canonical Printer * @param os Stream to print to. * @param indent Indentation string to be prepended during printing. */ void SQItem::Print(std::ostream &os, std::string const &) { std::ostringstream s; if (SQDepthLevel > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SQDepthLevel; ++i) { s << " | " ; } } os << s.str() << " --- SQItem number " << SQItemNumber << std::endl; for (ListDocEntry::iterator i = DocEntries.begin(); i != DocEntries.end(); ++i) { DocEntry *Entry = *i; bool PrintEndLine = true; os << s.str(); Entry->SetPrintLevel(PrintLevel); Entry->Print(os); if ( dynamic_cast(Entry) ) { PrintEndLine = false; } if (PrintEndLine) { os << std::endl; } } } /* * \brief canonical Writer * @param fp file pointer to an already open file. * @param filetype type of the file (ACR, ImplicitVR, ExplicitVR, ...) */ void SQItem::WriteContent(std::ofstream *fp, FileType filetype) { int j; uint16_t item[4] = { 0xfffe, 0xe000, 0xffff, 0xffff }; uint16_t itemt[4]= { 0xfffe, 0xe00d, 0xffff, 0xffff }; //we force the writting of an 'Item' Start Element // because we want to write the Item as a 'no Length' item for(j=0;j<4;++j) { binary_write( *fp, item[j]); // fffe e000 ffff ffff } for (ListDocEntry::iterator it = DocEntries.begin(); it != DocEntries.end(); ++it) { // we skip delimitors (start and end one) because // we force them as 'no length' if ( (*it)->GetGroup() == 0xfffe ) { continue; } // Fix in order to make some MR PHILIPS images e-film readable // see gdcmData/gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm: // we just *always* ignore spurious fffe|0000 tag ! if ( (*it)->GetGroup() == 0xfffe && (*it)->GetElement() == 0x0000 ) { break; // FIXME : continue; ?!? } (*it)->WriteContent(fp, filetype); } //we force the writting of an 'Item Delimitation' item // because we wrote the Item as a 'no Length' item for(j=0;j<4;++j) { binary_write( *fp, itemt[j]); // fffe e000 ffff ffff } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public /** * \brief Remove all entry in the Sequence Item */ void SQItem::ClearEntry() { for(ListDocEntry::iterator cc = DocEntries.begin(); cc != DocEntries.end(); ++cc) { delete *cc; } DocEntries.clear(); } /** * \brief adds any Entry (Dicom Element) to the Sequence Item * @param entry Entry to add */ bool SQItem::AddEntry(DocEntry *entry) { DocEntries.push_back(entry); //TODO : check if it worked return true; } /** * \brief Sets Entry (Dicom Element) value of an element, * specified by it's tag (Group, Number) * and the length, too ... inside a SQ Item * If the Element is not found, it's just created ! * \warning we suppose, right now, the element belongs to a Public Group * (NOT a shadow one) * @param val string value to set * @param group Group number of the searched tag. * @param elem Element number of the searched tag. * @return true if element was found or created successfully */ bool SQItem::SetEntryValue(std::string const &val, uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { for(ListDocEntry::iterator i = DocEntries.begin(); i != DocEntries.end(); ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetGroup() == 0xfffe && (*i)->GetElement() == 0xe000 ) { continue; } if ( ( group < (*i)->GetGroup() ) ||( group == (*i)->GetGroup() && elem < (*i)->GetElement()) ) { // instead of Insert, that is a method of Document :-( ValEntry* entry = 0; TagKey key = DictEntry::TranslateToKey(group, elem); // we assume a Public Dictionary *is* loaded Dict *pubDict = Global::GetDicts()->GetDefaultPubDict(); // if the invoked (group,elem) doesn't exist inside the Dictionary // we create a VirtualDictEntry DictEntry *dictEntry = pubDict->GetEntry(group, elem); if (dictEntry == NULL) { dictEntry = Global::GetDicts()->NewVirtualDictEntry(group, elem, "UN", GDCM_UNKNOWN, GDCM_UNKNOWN); } // we assume the constructor didn't fail entry = new ValEntry(dictEntry); if (entry) { entry->SetValue(val); } DocEntries.insert(i,entry); return true; } if (group == (*i)->GetGroup() && elem == (*i)->GetElement() ) { if ( ValEntry *entry = dynamic_cast(*i) ) { entry->SetValue(val); } return true; } } return false; } /** * \brief Clear the std::list from given entry AND delete the entry. * @param entryToRemove Entry to remove AND delete. * @return true if the entry was found and removed; false otherwise */ bool SQItem::RemoveEntry( DocEntry* entryToRemove) { for(ListDocEntry::iterator it = DocEntries.begin(); it != DocEntries.end(); ++it) { if( *it == entryToRemove) { DocEntries.erase(it); gdcmVerboseMacro( "One element erased: " << entryToRemove->GetKey() ); delete entryToRemove; return true; } } gdcmVerboseMacro( "Entry not found: " << entryToRemove->GetKey() ); return false ; } /** * \brief Clear the std::list from given entry BUT keep the entry. * @param entryToRemove Entry to remove. * @return true if the entry was found and removed; false otherwise */ bool SQItem::RemoveEntryNoDestroy(DocEntry* entryToRemove) { for(ListDocEntry::iterator it = DocEntries.begin(); it != DocEntries.end(); ++it) { if( *it == entryToRemove) { DocEntries.erase(it); gdcmVerboseMacro( "One element erased, no destroyed: " << entryToRemove->GetKey() ); return true; } } gdcmVerboseMacro( "Entry not found:" << entryToRemove->GetKey() ); return false ; } /** * \brief Get the first Dicom entry while visiting the SQItem * \return The first DocEntry if found, otherwhise 0 */ DocEntry * SQItem::GetFirstEntry() { ItDocEntries = DocEntries.begin(); if (ItDocEntries != DocEntries.end()) return *ItDocEntries; return 0; } /** * \brief Get the next Dicom entry while visiting the chained list * \return The next DocEntry if found, otherwhise NULL */ DocEntry *SQItem::GetNextEntry() { // gdcmAssertMacro (ItDocEntries != DocEntries.end()); { ++ItDocEntries; if (ItDocEntries != DocEntries.end()) return *ItDocEntries; return NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected /** * \brief Gets a Dicom Element inside a SQ Item Entry * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @return Entry whose (group,elem) was passed. 0 if not found */ DocEntry *SQItem::GetDocEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { for(ListDocEntry::iterator i = DocEntries.begin(); i != DocEntries.end(); ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetGroup() == group && (*i)->GetElement() == elem ) { return *i; } } return 0; } /** * \brief Gets a Dicom Element inside a SQ Item Entry * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @return Entry whose (group,elem) was passed. 0 if not found */ ValEntry* SQItem::GetValEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { DocEntry *d = GetDocEntry(group, elem); if ( ValEntry *e = dynamic_cast(d) ) return e; return 0; } /** * \brief Gets a Dicom Element inside a SQ Item Entry * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @return Entry whose (group,elem) was passed. 0 if not found */ BinEntry* SQItem::GetBinEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { DocEntry *d = GetDocEntry(group, elem); if ( BinEntry *e = dynamic_cast(d) ) return e; return 0; } /** * \brief Gets a Dicom Element inside a SQ Item Entry * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @return Entry whose (group,elem) was passed. 0 if not found */ SeqEntry* SQItem::GetSeqEntry(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { DocEntry *d = GetDocEntry(group, elem); if ( SeqEntry *e = dynamic_cast(d) ) return e; return 0; } /** * \brief Get the value of a Dicom Element inside a SQ Item Entry * \note : meaningfull only if the required entry is NEITHER a SeqEntry * NOR a BinEntry * @param group Group number of the Entry * @param elem Element number of the Entry * @return 'string value' of the entry whose (group,elem) was passed. * GDCM_UNFOUND if not found */ std::string SQItem::GetEntryValue(uint16_t group, uint16_t elem) { /* DocEntry *e = GetFirstEntry(); while (e) { if ( e->GetGroup() == group && e->GetElement() == elem) { if (ValEntry *ve = dynamic_cast(e)) return ve->GetValue(); } e = GetNextEntry(); } */ for(ListDocEntry::iterator i = DocEntries.begin(); i != DocEntries.end(); ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetGroup() == group && (*i)->GetElement() == elem) { if (ValEntry *ve = dynamic_cast(*i)) return ve->GetValue(); } } return GDCM_UNFOUND; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace gdcm