/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmSegmentedPalette.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2007/11/09 17:53:19 $ Version: $Revision: 1.19 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef _GDCMSEGMENTEDPALETTE_H_ #define _GDCMSEGMENTEDPALETTE_H_ #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmTagKey.h" #include "gdcmDataEntry.h" // Notepad from Satomi Takeo: // http://blog.goo.ne.jp/satomi_takeo/e/3643e5249b2a9650f9e10ef1c830e8b8 // I bet the code was compiled on VS6. Make it compile on other platform: // * typedef are not inherited // * need to explicitely add typename keyword // * Uint8 / Uint16 are neither C nor C++ // * replace all dcmtk code with equivalent gdcm code // * Add extra parameter to ReadPaletteInto to save extracted info // MM: Over 50000 DICOM files I only found two that had a Segmented Palette LUT // And both were coming from a ALOKA SSD-4000 station // // JPRx : // It compiles fine under gcc 4.1.2, msvc 7 and DarwinG5-g++ // It doesn't compile on msvc 6, borland and SunOS // Any fix welcome ! #include #include #include #include #include #include // Hack for VS6 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1310) #define GDCM_TYPENAME #else #define GDCM_TYPENAME typename #endif // Hack for Borland #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1310)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) #define GDCM_TYPENAME2 #else #define GDCM_TYPENAME2 typename #endif namespace GDCM_NAME_SPACE { // Long stody short: Sun compiler only provide the second interface of std::distance, since the implemenation // is so trivial, I'd rather redo it myself. // Ref: // http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/distance.html#2 // The second version of distance was the one defined in the original STL, and the first version is the one defined in the draft C++ standard; the definition was changed because the older interface was clumsy and error-prone. The older interface required the use of a temporary variable, and it has semantics that are somewhat nonintuitive: it increments n by the distance from first to last, rather than storing that distance in n template inline int32_t mydistance(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { int32_t n = 0; while (first != last) { ++first; ++n; } return n; } // abstract class for segment. template class Segment { public: typedef std::map SegmentMap; virtual bool Expand(const SegmentMap& instances, std::vector& expanded) const = 0; const EntryType* First() const { return _first; } const EntryType* Last() const { return _last; } struct ToMap { typename SegmentMap::value_type operator()(const Segment* segment) const { return std::make_pair(segment->First(), segment); } }; protected: Segment(const EntryType* first, const EntryType* last) { _first = first; _last = last; } const EntryType* _first; const EntryType* _last; }; // discrete segment (opcode = 0) template class DiscreteSegment : public Segment { public: #if !defined(__sun__) typedef typename Segment::SegmentMap SegmentMap; #endif DiscreteSegment(const EntryType* first) : Segment(first, first+2+*(first+1)) {} virtual bool Expand(const SegmentMap&, std::vector& expanded) const { std::copy(this->_first + 2, this->_last, std::back_inserter(expanded)); return true; } }; // linear segment (opcode = 1) template class LinearSegment : public Segment { public: #if !defined(__sun__) typedef typename Segment::SegmentMap SegmentMap; #endif LinearSegment(const EntryType* first) : Segment(first, first+3) {} virtual bool Expand(const SegmentMap&, std::vector& expanded) const { if ( expanded.empty() ) { // linear segment can't be the first segment. return false; } EntryType length = *(this->_first + 1); EntryType y0 = expanded.back(); EntryType y1 = *(this->_first + 2); double y01 = y1 - y0; for ( EntryType i = 0; i (y0) + (static_cast(i)/static_cast(length)) * y01; EntryType value_int = static_cast(value_float + 0.5); expanded.push_back(value_int); } return true; } }; // indirect segment (opcode = 2) template class IndirectSegment : public Segment { public: #if !defined(__sun__) typedef typename Segment::SegmentMap SegmentMap; #endif IndirectSegment(const EntryType* first) : Segment(first, first+2+4/sizeof(EntryType)) {} virtual bool Expand(const SegmentMap& instances, std::vector& expanded) const { if ( instances.empty() ) { // some other segments are required as references. return false; } const EntryType* first_segment = instances.begin()->first; const unsigned short* pOffset = reinterpret_cast(this->_first + 2); unsigned long offsetBytes = (*pOffset) | (static_cast(*(pOffset + 1)) << 16); const EntryType* copied_part_head = first_segment + offsetBytes / sizeof(EntryType); GDCM_TYPENAME SegmentMap::const_iterator ppHeadSeg = instances.find(copied_part_head); if ( ppHeadSeg == instances.end() ) { // referred segment not found return false; } EntryType nNumCopies = *(this->_first + 1); GDCM_TYPENAME SegmentMap::const_iterator ppSeg = ppHeadSeg; while ( mydistance(ppHeadSeg, ppSeg) < nNumCopies ) { // assert( mydistance(ppHeadSeg, ppSeg) == std::distance(ppHeadSeg, ppSeg) ); assert( ppSeg != instances.end() ); ppSeg->second->Expand(instances, expanded); ++ppSeg; } return true; } }; template void ExpandPalette(const EntryType* raw_values, uint32_t length, std::vector& palette) { typedef std::deque*> SegmentList; SegmentList segments; const EntryType* raw_seg = raw_values; while ( (mydistance(raw_values, raw_seg) * sizeof(EntryType)) < length ) { // assert( mydistance(raw_values, raw_seg) == std::distance(raw_values, raw_seg) ); Segment* segment = NULL; if ( *raw_seg == 0 ) { segment = new DiscreteSegment(raw_seg); } else if ( *raw_seg == 1 ) { segment = new LinearSegment(raw_seg); } else if ( *raw_seg == 2 ) { segment = new IndirectSegment(raw_seg); } if ( segment ) { segments.push_back(segment); raw_seg = segment->Last(); } else { // invalid opcode break; } } GDCM_TYPENAME Segment::SegmentMap instances; std::transform(segments.begin(), segments.end(), std::inserter(instances, instances.end()), GDCM_TYPENAME2 Segment::ToMap()); GDCM_TYPENAME SegmentList::iterator ppSeg = segments.begin(); GDCM_TYPENAME SegmentList::iterator endOfSegments = segments.end(); for ( ; ppSeg != endOfSegments; ++ppSeg ) { (*ppSeg)->Expand(instances, palette); } ppSeg = segments.begin(); for ( ; ppSeg != endOfSegments; ++ppSeg ) { delete *ppSeg; } } void ReadPaletteInto(GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File* pds, const GDCM_NAME_SPACE::TagKey& descriptor, const GDCM_NAME_SPACE::TagKey& segment, uint8_t* lut) { unsigned int desc_values[3] = {0,0,0}; unsigned long count = 0; //if ( pds->findAndGetUint16Array(descriptor, desc_values, &count).good() ) std::string desc_values_str = pds->GetEntryString(descriptor.GetGroup(), descriptor.GetElement() ); count = sscanf( desc_values_str.c_str(), "%u\\%u\\%u", desc_values, desc_values+1, desc_values+2 ); { assert( count == 3 ); unsigned int num_entries = desc_values[0]; if ( num_entries == 0 ) { num_entries = 0x10000; } unsigned int min_pixel_value = desc_values[1]; assert( min_pixel_value == 0 ); // FIXME unsigned int entry_size = desc_values[2]; assert( entry_size == 8 || entry_size == 16 ); //DcmElement* pe = NULL; GDCM_NAME_SPACE::DataEntry* pe = NULL; pe = pds->GetDataEntry(segment.GetGroup(), segment.GetElement() ); { //if ( pds->findAndGetElement(segment, pe).good() ) unsigned long length = pe->GetLength(); if ( entry_size == 8 ) { uint8_t* segment_values = NULL; //if ( pe->getUint8Array(segment_values).good() ) segment_values = (uint8_t*)pe->GetBinArea(); { std::vector palette; palette.reserve(num_entries); ExpandPalette(segment_values, length, palette); memcpy(lut, &palette[0], palette.size() ); } } else if ( entry_size == 16 ) { uint16_t* segment_values = NULL; segment_values = (uint16_t*)pe->GetBinArea(); { //if ( pe->getUint16Array(segment_values).good() ) std::vector palette; palette.reserve(num_entries); ExpandPalette(segment_values, length, palette); memcpy(lut, &palette[0], palette.size()*2 ); } } } } } } // end namespace gdcm // do not pollute namespace: #undef GDCM_TYPENAME #endif