/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: gdcmTS.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/10/26 08:04:16 $ Version: $Revision: 1.52 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmTS.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include "gdcmDictSet.h" #include #include #include #include // for isdigit // TODO // a lot of troubles expected with TS : 1.2.840.113619.5.2 // Implicit VR - Big Endian // http://www.gemedicalsystemseurope.com/euen/it_solutions/pdf/lsqxi_rev2.pdf // namespace gdcm { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \brief Transfer Syntaxes gdcm deals with (internal use only) static const char *SpecialStrings[] = { // Implicit VR Little Endian "1.2.840.10008.1.2", // Implicit VR Big Endian DLX (G.E Private) "1.2.840.113619.5.2", // Explicit VR Little Endian "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1", // Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian "1.2.840.10008.", // Explicit VR Big Endian "1.2.840.10008.1.2.2", // JPEG Baseline (Process 1) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Extended (Process 2 & 4) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Extended (Process 3 & 5) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Spectral Selection, Non-Hierarchical (Process 6 & 8) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Full Progression, Non-Hierarchical (Process 10 & 12) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG Lossless, Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14, // [Selection Value 1]) "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG 2000 Lossless "1.2.840.10008.", // JPEG 2000 "1.2.840.10008.", // RLE Lossless "1.2.840.10008.1.2.5", // MPEG2 Main Profile @ Main Level "1.2.840.10008.", // Unknown "Unknown Transfer Syntax", // Pretty sure we never use this case... NULL // Compilers have no obligation to finish by NULL, do it ourself }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \brief auto generated function, to fill up the Dicom Dictionnary, /// if relevant file is not found on user's disk void FillDefaultTSDict(TSHT &ts); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor TS::TS() { std::string filename = DictSet::BuildDictPath() + DICT_TS; std::ifstream from(filename.c_str()); if ( !from ) { gdcmWarningMacro("Can't open dictionary" << filename.c_str()); FillDefaultTSDict( TsMap ); } else { TSKey key; TSAtr name; while (!from.eof()) { from >> key; from >> std::ws; std::getline(from, name); if (key != "") { TsMap[key] = name; } } from.close(); } } TS::~TS() { TsMap.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public /// \brief returns occurence number of the given key int TS::Count(TSKey const &key) { return TsMap.count(key); } /// \brief returns the human readable value of a Transfer Syntax string TSAtr const &TS::GetValue(TSKey const &key) { // First thing clean up the string // (sometimes the transfer syntax is padded with spaces) std::string copy = key; while ( copy.size() && !isdigit((unsigned char)copy[copy.size()-1]) ) { copy.erase(copy.size()-1, 1); } TSHT::const_iterator it = TsMap.find(copy); if (it == TsMap.end()) { return GDCM_UNFOUND; } return it->second; } /** * \brief Determines if the key passed corresponds to a 'Transfer Syntax' * as defined in DICOM (and stored in gdcm::TS class) * @return True when key is an actual 'Transfer Syntax'. * False in all other cases. */ bool TS::IsTransferSyntax(TSKey const &key) { TSHT::const_iterator it = TsMap.find(key); return it != TsMap.end(); } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax was already encountered * and if it corresponds to a Run Length Encoding Lossless one * @return True when Run Length Encoding Lossless found. * False in all other cases. */ bool TS::IsRLELossless(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[RLELossless] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax was already encountered * and if it corresponds to a 'classical' JPEG Lossless one * @return True when 'classical' Lossless found. * False in all other cases. */ bool TS::IsJPEGLossless(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[JPEGFullProgressionProcess10_12] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGLosslessProcess14] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGLosslessProcess14_1] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax was already encountered * and if it corresponds to a 'classical' JPEG Lossy one * @return True when 'classical' Lossy found. * False in all other cases. */ bool TS::IsJPEGLossy(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[JPEGBaselineProcess1] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGExtendedProcess2_4] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGExtendedProcess3_5] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGSpectralSelectionProcess6_8] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax was already encountered * and if it corresponds to a JPEG2000 one * @return True when JPEG2000 (Lossly or LossLess) found. * False in all other cases. */ bool TS::IsJPEG2000(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[JPEG2000Lossless] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEG2000] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax corresponds to * 'classical' Jpeg Lossless or Jpeg lossy. * @return True when any form of JPEG found. False otherwise. */ bool TS::IsJPEG(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( IsJPEGLossy( key ) || IsJPEGLossless( key ) || IsJPEG2000( key ) || IsJPEGLS( key ) ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax corresponds to any form * of Jpeg-LS encoded Pixel data. * @return True when any form of JPEG-LS found. False otherwise. */ bool TS::IsJPEGLS(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[JPEGLSLossless] || key == SpecialStrings[JPEGLSNearLossless] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief Determines if the Transfer Syntax corresponds to any form * of MPEG encoded Pixel data. * @return True when any form of MPEG found. False otherwise. */ bool TS::IsMPEG(TSKey const &key) { bool r = false; // First check this is an actual transfer syntax if ( IsTransferSyntax(key) ) { if ( key == SpecialStrings[MPEG2MainProfile] ) { r = true; } } return r; } /** * \brief GetSpecialTransferSyntax ?? * @param key TSKey const &key ?? * @return TS::SpecialType ??. */ TS::SpecialType TS::GetSpecialTransferSyntax(TSKey const &key) { for (int i = 0; SpecialStrings[i] != NULL; i++) { if ( SpecialStrings[i] == key ) { return SpecialType(i); } } return UnknownTS; } /** * \brief GetSpecialTransferSyntax ?? * @param t SpecialType t ?? * @return char* TS : SpecialStrings[t] ??. */ const char* TS::GetSpecialTransferSyntax(SpecialType t) { return SpecialStrings[t]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print /** * \brief Print all * @param os The output stream to be written to. */ void TS::Print(std::ostream &os,std::string const &) { std::ostringstream s; for (TSHT::const_iterator it = TsMap.begin(); it != TsMap.end(); ++it) { s << "TS : " << it->first << " = " << it->second << std::endl; } os << s.str(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace gdcm