/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. and the University of * British Columbia. * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ /* * Tree-Structured Filter Bank (TSFB) Library * * $Id: jpc_tsfb.c,v 1.1 2005/05/22 18:33:06 malaterre Exp $ */ /******************************************************************************\ * Includes. \******************************************************************************/ #include #include "jasper/jas_malloc.h" #include "jasper/jas_seq.h" #include "jpc_tsfb.h" #include "jpc_cod.h" #include "jpc_cs.h" #include "jpc_util.h" /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ #define bandnotovind(tsfbnode, x) ((x) / (tsfbnode)->numhchans) #define bandnotohind(tsfbnode, x) ((x) % (tsfbnode)->numhchans) static jpc_tsfb_t *jpc_tsfb_create(void); static jpc_tsfbnode_t *jpc_tsfbnode_create(void); static void jpc_tsfbnode_destroy(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node); static void jpc_tsfbnode_synthesize(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x); static void jpc_tsfbnode_analyze(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x); static void qmfb2d_getbands(jpc_qmfb1d_t *hqmfb, jpc_qmfb1d_t *vqmfb, uint_fast32_t xstart, uint_fast32_t ystart, uint_fast32_t xend, uint_fast32_t yend, int maxbands, int *numbandsptr, jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *bands); static void jpc_tsfbnode_getbandstree(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, uint_fast32_t posxstart, uint_fast32_t posystart, uint_fast32_t xstart, uint_fast32_t ystart, uint_fast32_t xend, uint_fast32_t yend, jpc_tsfb_band_t **bands); static int jpc_tsfbnode_findchild(jpc_tsfbnode_t *parnode, jpc_tsfbnode_t *cldnode); static int jpc_tsfbnode_getequivfilters(jpc_tsfbnode_t *tsfbnode, int cldind, int width, int height, jas_seq_t **vfilter, jas_seq_t **hfilter); /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ jpc_tsfb_t *jpc_tsfb_wavelet(jpc_qmfb1d_t *hqmfb, jpc_qmfb1d_t *vqmfb, int numdlvls) { jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb; int dlvlno; jpc_tsfbnode_t *curnode; jpc_tsfbnode_t *prevnode; int childno; if (!(tsfb = jpc_tsfb_create())) { return 0; } prevnode = 0; for (dlvlno = 0; dlvlno < numdlvls; ++dlvlno) { if (!(curnode = jpc_tsfbnode_create())) { jpc_tsfb_destroy(tsfb); return 0; } if (prevnode) { prevnode->children[0] = curnode; ++prevnode->numchildren; curnode->parent = prevnode; } else { tsfb->root = curnode; curnode->parent = 0; } if (hqmfb) { curnode->numhchans = jpc_qmfb1d_getnumchans(hqmfb); if (!(curnode->hqmfb = jpc_qmfb1d_copy(hqmfb))) { jpc_tsfb_destroy(tsfb); return 0; } } else { curnode->hqmfb = 0; curnode->numhchans = 1; } if (vqmfb) { curnode->numvchans = jpc_qmfb1d_getnumchans(vqmfb); if (!(curnode->vqmfb = jpc_qmfb1d_copy(vqmfb))) { jpc_tsfb_destroy(tsfb); return 0; } } else { curnode->vqmfb = 0; curnode->numvchans = 1; } curnode->maxchildren = curnode->numhchans * curnode->numvchans; for (childno = 0; childno < curnode->maxchildren; ++childno) { curnode->children[childno] = 0; } prevnode = curnode; } return tsfb; } static jpc_tsfb_t *jpc_tsfb_create() { jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb; if (!(tsfb = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_tsfb_t)))) { return 0; } tsfb->root = 0; return tsfb; } void jpc_tsfb_destroy(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb) { if (tsfb->root) { jpc_tsfbnode_destroy(tsfb->root); } jas_free(tsfb); } /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ void jpc_tsfb_analyze(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x) { if (tsfb->root) { jpc_tsfbnode_analyze(tsfb->root, flags, x); } } static void jpc_tsfbnode_analyze(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x) { jpc_tsfbnodeband_t nodebands[JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE]; int numbands; jas_seq2d_t *y; int bandno; jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *band; if (node->vqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_analyze(node->vqmfb, flags | JPC_QMFB1D_VERT, x); } if (node->hqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_analyze(node->hqmfb, flags, x); } if (node->numchildren > 0) { qmfb2d_getbands(node->hqmfb, node->vqmfb, jas_seq2d_xstart(x), jas_seq2d_ystart(x), jas_seq2d_xend(x), jas_seq2d_yend(x), JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE, &numbands, nodebands); y = jas_seq2d_create(0, 0, 0, 0); assert(y); for (bandno = 0, band = nodebands; bandno < numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (node->children[bandno]) { if (band->xstart != band->xend && band->ystart != band->yend) { jas_seq2d_bindsub(y, x, band->locxstart, band->locystart, band->locxend, band->locyend); jas_seq2d_setshift(y, band->xstart, band->ystart); jpc_tsfbnode_analyze(node->children[bandno], flags, y); } } } jas_matrix_destroy(y); } } void jpc_tsfb_synthesize(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x) { if (tsfb->root) { jpc_tsfbnode_synthesize(tsfb->root, flags, x); } } static void jpc_tsfbnode_synthesize(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, int flags, jas_seq2d_t *x) { jpc_tsfbnodeband_t nodebands[JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE]; int numbands; jas_seq2d_t *y; int bandno; jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *band; if (node->numchildren > 0) { qmfb2d_getbands(node->hqmfb, node->vqmfb, jas_seq2d_xstart(x), jas_seq2d_ystart(x), jas_seq2d_xend(x), jas_seq2d_yend(x), JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE, &numbands, nodebands); y = jas_seq2d_create(0, 0, 0, 0); for (bandno = 0, band = nodebands; bandno < numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (node->children[bandno]) { if (band->xstart != band->xend && band->ystart != band->yend) { jas_seq2d_bindsub(y, x, band->locxstart, band->locystart, band->locxend, band->locyend); jas_seq2d_setshift(y, band->xstart, band->ystart); jpc_tsfbnode_synthesize(node->children[bandno], flags, y); } } } jas_seq2d_destroy(y); } if (node->hqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_synthesize(node->hqmfb, flags, x); } if (node->vqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_synthesize(node->vqmfb, flags | JPC_QMFB1D_VERT, x); } } /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ int jpc_tsfb_getbands(jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb, uint_fast32_t xstart, uint_fast32_t ystart, uint_fast32_t xend, uint_fast32_t yend, jpc_tsfb_band_t *bands) { jpc_tsfb_band_t *savbands; savbands = bands; if (!tsfb->root) { bands[0].xstart = xstart; bands[0].ystart = ystart; bands[0].xend = xend; bands[0].yend = yend; bands[0].locxstart = xstart; bands[0].locystart = ystart; bands[0].locxend = xend; bands[0].locyend = yend; bands[0].orient = JPC_TSFB_LL; bands[0].synenergywt = JPC_FIX_ONE; ++bands; } else { jpc_tsfbnode_getbandstree(tsfb->root, xstart, ystart, xstart, ystart, xend, yend, &bands); } return bands - savbands; } static void jpc_tsfbnode_getbandstree(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node, uint_fast32_t posxstart, uint_fast32_t posystart, uint_fast32_t xstart, uint_fast32_t ystart, uint_fast32_t xend, uint_fast32_t yend, jpc_tsfb_band_t **bands) { jpc_tsfbnodeband_t nodebands[JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE]; jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *nodeband; int nodebandno; int numnodebands; jpc_tsfb_band_t *band; jas_seq_t *hfilter; jas_seq_t *vfilter; qmfb2d_getbands(node->hqmfb, node->vqmfb, xstart, ystart, xend, yend, JPC_TSFB_MAXBANDSPERNODE, &numnodebands, nodebands); if (node->numchildren > 0) { for (nodebandno = 0, nodeband = nodebands; nodebandno < numnodebands; ++nodebandno, ++nodeband) { if (node->children[nodebandno]) { jpc_tsfbnode_getbandstree(node->children[ nodebandno], posxstart + nodeband->locxstart - xstart, posystart + nodeband->locystart - ystart, nodeband->xstart, nodeband->ystart, nodeband->xend, nodeband->yend, bands); } } } assert(numnodebands == 4 || numnodebands == 3); for (nodebandno = 0, nodeband = nodebands; nodebandno < numnodebands; ++nodebandno, ++nodeband) { if (!node->children[nodebandno]) { band = *bands; band->xstart = nodeband->xstart; band->ystart = nodeband->ystart; band->xend = nodeband->xend; band->yend = nodeband->yend; band->locxstart = posxstart + nodeband->locxstart - xstart; band->locystart = posystart + nodeband->locystart - ystart; band->locxend = band->locxstart + band->xend - band->xstart; band->locyend = band->locystart + band->yend - band->ystart; if (numnodebands == 4) { switch (nodebandno) { case 0: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_LL; break; case 1: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HL; break; case 2: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_LH; break; case 3: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HH; break; default: abort(); break; } } else { switch (nodebandno) { case 0: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HL; break; case 1: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_LH; break; case 2: band->orient = JPC_TSFB_HH; break; default: abort(); break; } } jpc_tsfbnode_getequivfilters(node, nodebandno, band->xend - band->xstart, band->yend - band->ystart, &hfilter, &vfilter); band->synenergywt = jpc_fix_mul(jpc_seq_norm(hfilter), jpc_seq_norm(vfilter)); jas_seq_destroy(hfilter); jas_seq_destroy(vfilter); ++(*bands); } } } /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ static jpc_tsfbnode_t *jpc_tsfbnode_create() { jpc_tsfbnode_t *node; if (!(node = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_tsfbnode_t)))) { return 0; } node->numhchans = 0; node->numvchans = 0; node->numchildren = 0; node->maxchildren = 0; node->hqmfb = 0; node->vqmfb = 0; node->parent = 0; return node; } static void jpc_tsfbnode_destroy(jpc_tsfbnode_t *node) { jpc_tsfbnode_t **child; int childno; for (childno = 0, child = node->children; childno < node->maxchildren; ++childno, ++child) { if (*child) { jpc_tsfbnode_destroy(*child); } } if (node->hqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_destroy(node->hqmfb); } if (node->vqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_destroy(node->vqmfb); } jas_free(node); } static void qmfb2d_getbands(jpc_qmfb1d_t *hqmfb, jpc_qmfb1d_t *vqmfb, uint_fast32_t xstart, uint_fast32_t ystart, uint_fast32_t xend, uint_fast32_t yend, int maxbands, int *numbandsptr, jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *bands) { jpc_qmfb1dband_t hbands[JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS]; jpc_qmfb1dband_t vbands[JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS]; int numhbands; int numvbands; int numbands; int bandno; int hbandno; int vbandno; jpc_tsfbnodeband_t *band; if (hqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_getbands(hqmfb, 0, xstart, ystart, xend, yend, JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS, &numhbands, hbands); } else { numhbands = 1; hbands[0].start = xstart; hbands[0].end = xend; hbands[0].locstart = xstart; hbands[0].locend = xend; } if (vqmfb) { jpc_qmfb1d_getbands(vqmfb, JPC_QMFB1D_VERT, xstart, ystart, xend, yend, JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS, &numvbands, vbands); } else { numvbands = 1; vbands[0].start = ystart; vbands[0].end = yend; vbands[0].locstart = ystart; vbands[0].locend = yend; } numbands = numhbands * numvbands; assert(numbands <= maxbands); *numbandsptr = numbands; for (bandno = 0, band = bands; bandno < numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { hbandno = bandno % numhbands; vbandno = bandno / numhbands; band->xstart = hbands[hbandno].start; band->ystart = vbands[vbandno].start; band->xend = hbands[hbandno].end; band->yend = vbands[vbandno].end; band->locxstart = hbands[hbandno].locstart; band->locystart = vbands[vbandno].locstart; band->locxend = hbands[hbandno].locend; band->locyend = vbands[vbandno].locend; assert(band->xstart <= band->xend && band->ystart <= band->yend); if (band->xstart == band->xend) { band->yend = band->ystart; band->locyend = band->locystart; } else if (band->ystart == band->yend) { band->xend = band->xstart; band->locxend = band->locxstart; } } } static int jpc_tsfbnode_getequivfilters(jpc_tsfbnode_t *tsfbnode, int cldind, int width, int height, jas_seq_t **hfilter, jas_seq_t **vfilter) { jas_seq_t *hseq; jas_seq_t *vseq; jpc_tsfbnode_t *node; jas_seq2d_t *hfilters[JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS]; jas_seq2d_t *vfilters[JPC_QMFB1D_MAXCHANS]; int numhchans; int numvchans; jas_seq_t *tmpseq; hseq = 0; vseq = 0; if (!(hseq = jas_seq_create(0, 1))) { goto error; } jas_seq_set(hseq, 0, jpc_inttofix(1)); if (!(vseq = jas_seq_create(0, 1))) { goto error; } jas_seq_set(vseq, 0, jpc_inttofix(1)); node = tsfbnode; while (node) { if (node->hqmfb) { numhchans = jpc_qmfb1d_getnumchans(node->hqmfb); if (jpc_qmfb1d_getsynfilters(node->hqmfb, width, hfilters)) { goto error; } if (!(tmpseq = jpc_seq_upsample(hseq, numhchans))) { goto error; } jas_seq_destroy(hseq); hseq = tmpseq; if (!(tmpseq = jpc_seq_conv(hseq, hfilters[bandnotohind(node, cldind)]))) { goto error; } jas_seq_destroy(hfilters[0]); jas_seq_destroy(hfilters[1]); jas_seq_destroy(hseq); hseq = tmpseq; } if (node->vqmfb) { numvchans = jpc_qmfb1d_getnumchans(node->vqmfb); if (jpc_qmfb1d_getsynfilters(node->vqmfb, height, vfilters)) { abort(); } if (!(tmpseq = jpc_seq_upsample(vseq, numvchans))) { goto error; } jas_seq_destroy(vseq); vseq = tmpseq; if (!(tmpseq = jpc_seq_conv(vseq, vfilters[bandnotovind(node, cldind)]))) { goto error; } jas_seq_destroy(vfilters[0]); jas_seq_destroy(vfilters[1]); jas_seq_destroy(vseq); vseq = tmpseq; } if (node->parent) { cldind = jpc_tsfbnode_findchild(node->parent, node); } node = node->parent; } *hfilter = hseq; *vfilter = vseq; return 0; error: if (hseq) { jas_seq_destroy(hseq); } if (vseq) { jas_seq_destroy(vseq); } return -1; } static int jpc_tsfbnode_findchild(jpc_tsfbnode_t *parnode, jpc_tsfbnode_t *cldnode) { int i; for (i = 0; i < parnode->maxchildren; i++) { if (parnode->children[i] == cldnode) return i; } assert(0); return -1; } jpc_tsfb_t *jpc_cod_gettsfb(int qmfbid, int numlevels) { jpc_tsfb_t *tsfb; switch (qmfbid) { case JPC_COX_RFT: qmfbid = JPC_QMFB1D_FT; break; case JPC_COX_INS: qmfbid = JPC_QMFB1D_NS; break; default: assert(0); qmfbid = 10; break; } { jpc_qmfb1d_t *hqmfb; hqmfb = jpc_qmfb1d_make(qmfbid); assert(hqmfb); tsfb = jpc_tsfb_wavelet(hqmfb, hqmfb, numlevels); assert(tsfb); jpc_qmfb1d_destroy(hqmfb); } return tsfb; }