/* SPMG/JPEG-LS IMPLEMENTATION V.2.1 ===================================== These programs are Copyright (c) University of British Columbia. All right reserved. They may be freely redistributed in their entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed. THEY MAY NOT BE SOLD FOR PROFIT OR INCORPORATED IN COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER. Each program is provided as is, without any express or implied warranty, without even the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. ========================================================= THIS SOFTWARE IS BASED ON HP's implementation of jpeg-ls: ========================================================= LOCO-I/JPEG-LS IMPLEMENTATION V.0.90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) COPYRIGHT HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 1995-1999. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY ("HP") DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION GIVEN HERE. ANY USE MADE OF, OR RELIANCE ON, SUCH INFORMATION IS ENTIRELY AT USER'S OWN RISK. BY DOWNLOADING THE LOCO-I/JPEG-LS COMPRESSORS/DECOMPRESSORS ("THE SOFTWARE") YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSING AGREEMENT. YOU MAY DOWNLOAD AND USE THE SOFTWARE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES FREE OF CHARGE OR FURTHER OBLIGATION. YOU MAY NOT, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE FOR A FEE, INCORPORATE THIS SOFTWARE INTO ANY PRODUCT OFFERED FOR SALE, OR USE THE SOFTWARE TO PROVIDE A SERVICE FOR WHICH A FEE IS CHARGED. YOU MAY MAKE COPIES OF THE SOFTWARE AND DISTRIBUTE SUCH COPIES TO OTHER PERSONS PROVIDED THAT SUCH COPIES ARE ACCOMPANIED BY HEWLETT-PACKARD'S COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT SUCH OTHER PERSONS AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT OF PRODUCT QUALITY AND MAY HAVE ERRORS OR DEFECTS. THE JPEG-LS STANDARD IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT A FINAL OR FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD. HP GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. HP SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* decoder.c --- the main module, argument parsing, file I/O * * Initial code by Alex Jakulin, Aug. 1995 * * Modified and optimized: Gadiel Seroussi, October 1995 * * Color Enhancement: Guillermo Sapiro, August 1996 * * Modified and added Restart marker and input tables by: * David Cheng-Hsiu Chu, and Ismail R. Ismail march 1999 */ #include "global.h" #include #include "jpegmark.h" #define PGMNAME PGMPREFIX "d" #define EPGMNAME PGMPREFIX "e" static char *banner="\n\ =============================================\n\ SPMG/JPEG-LS DECOMPRESSOR " JPEGLSVERSION "\n\ =============================================\n\ These programs are Copyright (c) University of British Columbia.\n\ All rights reserved. They may be freely redistributed in their\n\ entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed.\n\ They may not be sold for profit or incorporated in commercial\n\ programs without the written permission of the copyright holder.\n\ Each program is provided as is, without any express or implied\n\ warranty, without even the warranty of fitness for a particular\n\ purpose.\n\ \n\ =========================================================\n\ THIS SOFTWARE IS BASED ON HP's implementation of jpeg-ls:\n\ =========================================================\n\ (c) COPYRIGHT HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 1995-1999.\n"; pixel *pscanline, *cscanline, *pscanl0, *cscanl0; pixel *c_pscanline[MAX_COMPONENTS], *c_cscanline[MAX_COMPONENTS], *c_pscanl0[MAX_COMPONENTS], *c_cscanl0[MAX_COMPONENTS]; jpeg_ls_header *head_frame, *head_scan[MAX_SCANS]; int columns, rows, components, samplingx[MAX_COMPONENTS], samplingy[MAX_COMPONENTS]; int c_columns[MAX_COMPONENTS], c_rows[MAX_COMPONENTS]; int whose_max_size_columns, whose_max_size_rows, number_of_scans; int color_mode; int shift; /* Shift value for sparse images */ int got_lse; /* got an LSE marker */ int got_table; /* got a mapping table */ int got_restart; /* got a restart marker indicatino */ int restart_interval; /* the restart interval */ int multi; /* if the files are separate */ int application_header; /* application bytes in the header */ int lossy; /* Indicates if in lossy mode or not */ int bpp16; /* Indicates if 16 bits per pixel mode or not */ int lutmax; /* lutmax is either 256 or 4501 */ /* reset */ #ifndef FIXRESET int RESET; #endif /* alphabet size */ #ifndef FIXALPHA int alpha, /* alphabet size */ ceil_half_alpha; /* ceil(alpha/2) */ #endif #ifdef POW2 int highmask; #endif void usage(); /* Write one row of pixel values */ inline void write_one_line(pixel* line, int cols, FILE* outfile) { int i, index; unsigned int* maptable; /* No mapping tables used */ if(!(head_scan[0]->need_table)) if (bpp16==FALSE) { unsigned char* line8; line8 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols); for (i=0; i< cols; i++) *(line8+i)=ENDIAN8(*(line+i)); fwrite(line8, sizeof(unsigned char), cols, outfile); free(line8); } else { fwrite(line, sizeof(short), cols, outfile); } /* Mapping tables used */ else { if (bpp16==FALSE) { /* Write one byte per table entry */ if (head_scan[0]->Wt == 1) { unsigned char* line8; line8 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols); /* If don't have 2, it mallocs over the table? */ maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID]; for (i=0; iWt == 2) { unsigned short* line16; line16 = (unsigned short*)safealloc(cols*2); maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID]; for (i=0; iWt == 3) { unsigned char* line8_3; line8_3 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols*3); maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID]; for (i=0; i> 16); *(line8_3 + (i*3) + 1) = (unsigned char) (maptable[index] >> 8); *(line8_3 + (i*3) + 2) = (unsigned char) (maptable[index]); } fwrite(line8_3, sizeof(char), cols*3, outfile); free(line8_3); } /* Can't do 16 bit index values */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, mapping tables are only supported for 8 bpp images in this implementation.\n"); exit(0); } } } void initbuffers(int multi, int comp) { int i; if (multi) /* Output to several files */ for (i=0;i1)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: Only 1 output file expected with -P option.\nThis option is valid only for line/pixel interleaved and not subsampled.\n"); exit(10); } /* Open in file */ if ( infilename == NULL ) { usage(); exit(0); } else { if ( strcmp(infilename,"-")==0 ) in = stdin; else if ( (in=fopen(infilename,"rb")) == NULL ) { perror(infilename); exit(10); } } /* Read the compressed image frame header */ bufiinit(in); head_frame = (jpeg_ls_header *) safecalloc(1,sizeof(jpeg_ls_header)); for (n_s=0;n_sT1=head_scan[n_s]->T2=head_scan[n_s]->T3=0; head_scan[n_s]->RES = DEFAULT_RESET; } /* Read SOI */ seek_return = seek_marker(in,&mk); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File seeking SOI\n"); exit(10); } else { pos = seek_return; if (mk != SOI) { fprintf(stderr,"Marker %04x found: first marker must be SOI (%04x) in this implementation\n", mk, SOI); exit(10); } } /* Read SOF_LS */ seek_return = seek_marker(in,&mk); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File seeking SOF_LS\n"); exit(10); } else { pos += seek_return; /* Read SOF_LS */ if (mk != SOF_LS) { fprintf(stderr,"Marker %04x found: second marker must be SOF_LS (%04x) in this implementation\n", mk, SOF_LS); exit(10); } } /* Read the frame header (SOF) */ seek_return = read_jpegls_frame(in,head_frame); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File reading frame header\n"); exit(10); } else pos += seek_return; head_scan[0]->alp = head_frame->alp; /* default alpha */ /* LSE Extension header */ /* This version supports only 2 extension headers, and 1 set of parameters for all the scans */ got_lse = 0; head_scan[0]->need_table = 0; while (!end_of_seek) { seek_return=seek_marker(in, &mk); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File seeking SOS or LSE marker\n"); exit(10); } pos +=seek_return; switch(mk) { case LSE: seek_return = read_jpegls_extmarker(in, head_scan[0]); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File\n"); exit(10); } pos += seek_return; got_lse = 1; break; case DRI: seek_return = read_jpegls_restartmarker(in, head_scan[0]); pos += seek_return; got_restart = 1; restart_interval = head_scan[0]->restart_interval; break; case SOS: end_of_seek=1; break; } } /* End of extension header */ /* Read the scan header*/ seek_return = read_jpegls_scan(in,head_scan[0]); if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File reading scan marker segment\n"); exit(10); } pos+=seek_return; shift=head_scan[0]->shift; if (shift!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Got shift = %d != 0 : not implemented.\n",shift); exit(10); } NEAR=head_scan[0]->NEAR; color_mode=head_scan[0]->color_mode; columns=head_frame->columns; rows=head_frame->rows; alpha0=head_scan[0]->alp; head_frame->alp = alpha0; components=head_frame->comp; if (color_mode==PLANE_INT) number_of_scans=components; else number_of_scans=1; set_thresholds(head_scan[0]->alp, head_scan[0]->NEAR, &(head_scan[0]->T1), &(head_scan[0]->T2), &(head_scan[0]->T3)); T1=head_scan[0]->T1; T2=head_scan[0]->T2; T3=head_scan[0]->T3; #ifndef FIXRESET RESET=head_scan[0]->RES; #else if (head_scan[0]->RES != DEFAULT_RESET) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Version compiled for fixed RESET=%d parameter: got %d\n",DEFAULT_RESET,head_scan[0]->RES); exit(10); } #endif /* Check to see if lossless or lossy */ if (NEAR == 0) lossy=FALSE; else lossy=TRUE; /* Check for 16 or 8 bit mode */ if (alpha0 <= MAXA16 && alpha0 > MAXA8) { /* 16 bit */ bpp16 = TRUE; lutmax = LUTMAX16; } else if (alpha0 <= MAXA8 && alpha0 >= 1) { /* 8 bit */ bpp16 = FALSE; lutmax = LUTMAX8; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Got alpha = %d\n",alpha0+1); error("Bad value for alpha. Sorry...\n"); } check_compatibility(head_frame,head_scan[0],0); for (i=0;isamplingx[i]; samplingy[i]=head_frame->samplingy[i]; if ((!multi) && ((samplingx[i]!=1) || (samplingy[i]!=1)) && (components>1)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: Cannot use -P (PPM output) with subsampled compressed components\n"); exit(10); } } if ((!multi) && (color_mode==PLANE_INT)) { if (components>1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: Cannot use -P (PPM output) with plane intereleaved mode\n"); exit(10); } } else multi=1; if ((multi) && (color_mode==PIXEL_INT)) { multi = 0; /* equivalent to specifying -P flag */ } if ((out_files>1) && (color_mode==PIXEL_INT)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Pixel interleaved mode uses only 1 output file\n"); exit(10); } if ((multi) && (out_files) && (out_files!=components)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Number of files, %d, for output must be equal to number of image components, %d\n",out_files,components); exit(10); } /* Compute the image size for the different components */ if (components==1) { c_columns[0]=columns; c_rows[0]=rows; whose_max_size_rows=0; samplingy[0]=1; } else { max_samp_columns=0; max_samp_rows=0; for(i=0;imax_samp_columns) { max_samp_columns=samplingx[i]; whose_max_size_columns=i; } if (samplingy[i]>max_samp_rows) { max_samp_rows=samplingy[i]; whose_max_size_rows=i; } } c_columns[whose_max_size_columns]=columns; c_rows[whose_max_size_rows]=rows; for(i=0;i>=1, i++); if ( alpha != (1<need_table) { if (!multi) { if (components==1) fputs("P5\n", out); else if (components==3) fputs("P6\n", out); else if (components==4) fputs("P7\n", out); else fprintf(out,"P%d\n",10+components); fprintf(out,"%d %d\n", columns, rows); fprintf(out,"%d\n", alpha - 1); } else for (i=0;iWt==1 || head_scan[0]->Wt==2) { int alpha_temp; if (head_scan[0]->Wt==1) alpha_temp = alpha; else alpha_temp = alpha*alpha; if (!multi) { if (components==1) fputs("P5\n", out); else if (components==3) fputs("P6\n", out); else if (components==4) fputs("P7\n", out); else fprintf(out,"P%d\n",10+components); fprintf(out,"%d %d\n", columns, rows); fprintf(out,"%d\n", alpha_temp - 1); } else for (i=0;iWt==3) { if (!multi) { if (components==1) fputs("P6\n", out); else { fprintf(stderr,"Error : Cannot have a multi-component image and a mapping table with 3 bytes per element.\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(out,"%d %d\n", columns, rows); fprintf(out,"%d\n", alpha - 1); } else for (i=0;i1) && (multi==0)) { /* OUTPUT PPM file, allocate auxiliary buffers */ local_scanl0 = (pixel *)safecalloc(columns+LEFTMARGIN+RIGHTMARGIN,sizeof (pixel) ); local_scanl1 = (pixel *)safecalloc(columns+LEFTMARGIN+RIGHTMARGIN,sizeof (pixel) ); local_pscanline = local_scanl0 + LEFTMARGIN-1; local_cscanline = local_scanl1 + LEFTMARGIN-1; } for (n_s=0;n_s 2 ) { fprintf(msgfile,"*** WARNING: %d extra bytes between end of scan and next marker.\n",seek_return-2); fprintf(msgfile,"*** Added to marker segment count.\n"); } pos0 +=seek_return; if (mk != SOS) { fprintf(stderr,"Expecting SOS (%04x), got %04x\n",SOS,mk); exit(10); } seek_return = read_jpegls_scan(in,head_scan[n_s]); /* Read the scan header*/ if (seek_return == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"*** Premature End of File reading scan marker segment\n"); exit(10); } pos0+=seek_return; if (head_scan[n_s]->shift!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Got shift = %d != 0 : not implemented.\n",head_scan[n_s]->shift); exit(10); } if (head_scan[n_s]->NEAR != NEAR) { fprintf(stderr,"Got NEAR=%d after NEAR=%d: cannot change parameters between scans in this implementation\n",head_scan[n_s]->NEAR,NEAR); exit(10); } if ((head_scan[n_s]->color_mode != PLANE_INT) || (head_scan[n_s]->comp != 1) || (head_scan[n_s]->comp_ids[0] != n_s+1)) { fprintf(stderr,"This implementation supports multiple scans only in PLANE INTERLEAVED mode.\n"); exit(10); } } /* Initializations for each scan */ bitiinit(); /* Start from 1st image row */ n=0; /* Initialize stats arrays */ if (lossy==TRUE) init_stats(qbeta); else init_stats(alpha); /* Initialize run processing */ init_process_run(MAXRUN); if (color_mode==LINE_INT) { /* line int. */ if (!multi) { /***********************************************************************/ /* Line interleaved mode with single file received */ /***********************************************************************/ if (lossy==FALSE) /* LOSSLESS MODE */ while (++n <= rows) { /* 'extend' the edges */ for (n_c=0;n_c1) for (my_i=0;my_i1) for (my_i=0;my_i1) for (my_i=0;my_i1) for (my_i=0;my_i 2 ) { fprintf(msgfile,"*** WARNING: %d extra bytes between end of scan and next marker.\n",seek_return-2); fprintf(msgfile,"*** Added to marker segment count.\n"); } pos0 += seek_return; if (mk != EOI) { fprintf(stderr,"In this implementation last marker must be EOI\n"); exit(10); } if (head_scan[0]->need_table) fprintf(msgfile,"A mapping table was used which had %i entries of %i bytes each.\n",head_scan[0]->MAXTAB, head_scan[0]->Wt); if (got_restart) fprintf(msgfile,"Restart markers were found with a restart interval of %i.\n",restart_interval); if ( verbose ) fprintf(msgfile,"Marker segment bytes: %ld\n",pos0); /* position in input file */ pos1 = ftell(in); /* tot_in = 8*(pos1-pos0); */ /* size of compressed file read (bits), incl. headers. */ tot_in = 8*pos1; /* Close down */ close_process_run(); closebuffers(multi); t1 = get_utime(); fprintf(msgfile,"Total bits in: %ld Symbols out: %ld %5.3f bps\n", tot_in,tot_out,tot_in/(double)tot_out); fprintf(msgfile,"Time = %1.3f secs : %1.0f KSymbols/sec\n",t1-t0, (tot_out)/(1024*(t1-t0))); if ( found_EOF ) exit(0); else return 1; } void usage() { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [flags] [infile] [outfile1 [outfile2, ...]]\n\ DEFAULTS:\n\ infile = %s.\n\ outfile1 = %s for color image in a single (PPM) output file.\n\ outfile1 = %s for monochrome image in a single (PGM) output file.\n\ outfile[1,2,...] = %s for multiple (PGM) output files \n\ in plane or line interleaved modes.\n", "locod", "specified JLS file", OUTFILE ".out", OUTFILE "1.out", OUTFILE "[1,2,...].out"); fprintf(stderr,"FLAGS:\n\ outfile2, ... : Multiple output specification for plane or line int. mode.\n\ -i : Alternate input specification, use -i- for stdin.\n\ -o : Alternate output specification, use -o- for stdout.\n\ -P : Generate single (.ppm) output file for sample/line int. mode.\n\ "); fprintf(stderr,"\ -h : Print this help.\n\ *** No spaces allowed between a flag and its argument.\n\ "); } void bad_flag(char *s) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad flag %s\n",s); usage(); exit(10); }