This directory contains a subset of the JPEG-LS Public Domain Code. ISO/IEC JPEG-LS "The emerging lossless/near-lossless compression standard for continuous-tone still images" UBC's JPEG-LS Codec Implementation The software is available via anonymous ftp at Version 1.1 supports only the lossless part of the standard, while version 2 supports the lossless and near lossless mode of JPEG-LS. Version 2 also supports color and gray level images. Please note that version 2 is based on HP's LOCO-I/JPEG-LS implementation V.0.90. We only include enough of distribution to build libjpegls. We do not include either the standard executables that come with JPEG-LS (JLSEncoder.exe), or the sample dataset. Furthermore, the standard libjpegls build process is replaced with a CMake build process. We'd like to thank the UBC for releasing an open source JPEG-LS implementation Modifications ------------- - modification were made so that compilation with gcc -Wall flags passes without warnings - remove all explicit tabs and replace by proper amount of spaces - remove all hardcoded makefile (hpux, vc)