/* gethdr.c, header decoding */ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Disclaimer of Warranty * * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever * arising from the use of these programs. * * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns. * * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party * patents. * * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware, * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation * design. * */ #include #include "config.h" #include "global.h" /* private prototypes */ static void sequence_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void group_of_pictures_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void picture_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void extension_and_user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void sequence_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void sequence_display_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void quant_matrix_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void sequence_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void picture_display_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void picture_coding_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void picture_spatial_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void picture_temporal_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static int extra_bit_information _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void copyright_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); static void user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); /* introduced in September 1995 to assist spatial scalable decoding */ static void Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); /* private variables */ static int Temporal_Reference_Base = 0; static int True_Framenum_max = -1; static int Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset = 0; #define RESERVED -1 static double frame_rate_Table[16] = { 0.0, ((23.0*1000.0)/1001.0), 24.0, 25.0, ((30.0*1000.0)/1001.0), 30.0, 50.0, ((60.0*1000.0)/1001.0), 60.0, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED }; /* * decode headers from one input stream * until an End of Sequence or picture start code * is found */ int Get_Hdr() { unsigned int code; for (;;) { /* look for next_start_code */ next_start_code(); code = Get_Bits32(); switch (code) { case SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE: sequence_header(); break; case GROUP_START_CODE: group_of_pictures_header(); break; case PICTURE_START_CODE: picture_header(); return 1; break; case SEQUENCE_END_CODE: return 0; break; default: if (!Quiet_Flag) fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected next_start_code %08x (ignored)\n",code); break; } } } /* align to start of next next_start_code */ void next_start_code() { /* byte align */ Flush_Buffer(ld->Incnt&7); while (Show_Bits(24)!=0x01L) Flush_Buffer(8); } /* decode sequence header */ static void sequence_header() { int i; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ horizontal_size = Get_Bits(12); vertical_size = Get_Bits(12); aspect_ratio_information = Get_Bits(4); frame_rate_code = Get_Bits(4); bit_rate_value = Get_Bits(18); marker_bit("sequence_header()"); vbv_buffer_size = Get_Bits(10); constrained_parameters_flag = Get_Bits(1); if((ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } else { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = default_intra_quantizer_matrix[i]; } if((ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } else { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = 16; } /* copy luminance to chrominance matrices */ for (i=0; i<64; i++) { ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[i]; ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i]; } #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag > NO_LAYER) { printf("sequence header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag > SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" horizontal_size=%d\n",horizontal_size); printf(" vertical_size=%d\n",vertical_size); printf(" aspect_ratio_information=%d\n",aspect_ratio_information); printf(" frame_rate_code=%d",frame_rate_code); printf(" bit_rate_value=%d\n",bit_rate_value); printf(" vbv_buffer_size=%d\n",vbv_buffer_size); printf(" constrained_parameters_flag=%d\n",constrained_parameters_flag); printf(" load_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix); printf(" load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_sequence_header++; #endif /* VERIFY */ extension_and_user_data(); } /* decode group of pictures header */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void group_of_pictures_header() { #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ if (ld == &base) { Temporal_Reference_Base = True_Framenum_max + 1; /* *CH* */ Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset = 1; } drop_flag = Get_Bits(1); hour = Get_Bits(5); minute = Get_Bits(6); marker_bit("group_of_pictures_header()"); sec = Get_Bits(6); frame = Get_Bits(6); closed_gop = Get_Bits(1); broken_link = Get_Bits(1); #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag > NO_LAYER) { printf("group of pictures (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag > SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" drop_flag=%d\n",drop_flag); printf(" timecode %d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n",hour,minute,sec,frame); printf(" closed_gop=%d\n",closed_gop); printf(" broken_link=%d\n",broken_link); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_group_of_pictures_header++; #endif /* VERIFY */ extension_and_user_data(); } /* decode picture header */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.2.3 */ static void picture_header() { int Extra_Information_Byte_Count; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ /* unless later overwritten by picture_spatial_scalable_extension() */ ld->pict_scal = 0; temporal_reference = Get_Bits(10); picture_coding_type = Get_Bits(3); vbv_delay = Get_Bits(16); if (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE || picture_coding_type==B_TYPE) { full_pel_forward_vector = Get_Bits(1); forward_f_code = Get_Bits(3); } if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE) { full_pel_backward_vector = Get_Bits(1); backward_f_code = Get_Bits(3); } #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("picture header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" temporal_reference=%d\n",temporal_reference); printf(" picture_coding_type=%d\n",picture_coding_type); printf(" vbv_delay=%d\n",vbv_delay); if (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE || picture_coding_type==B_TYPE) { printf(" full_pel_forward_vector=%d\n",full_pel_forward_vector); printf(" forward_f_code =%d\n",forward_f_code); } if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE) { printf(" full_pel_backward_vector=%d\n",full_pel_backward_vector); printf(" backward_f_code =%d\n",backward_f_code); } } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_picture_header++; #endif /* VERIFY */ Extra_Information_Byte_Count = extra_bit_information(); (void)Extra_Information_Byte_Count; extension_and_user_data(); /* update tracking information used to assist spatial scalability */ Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data(); } /* decode slice header */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.2.4 */ int slice_header() { int slice_vertical_position_extension; int quantizer_scale_code; int slice_picture_id_enable; int slice_picture_id; int extra_information_slice; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ slice_vertical_position_extension = (ld->MPEG2_Flag && vertical_size>2800) ? Get_Bits(3) : 0; if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP) ld->priority_breakpoint = Get_Bits(7); quantizer_scale_code = Get_Bits(5); ld->quantizer_scale = ld->MPEG2_Flag ? (ld->q_scale_type ? Non_Linear_quantizer_scale[quantizer_scale_code] : quantizer_scale_code<<1) : quantizer_scale_code; /* slice_id introduced in March 1995 as part of the video corridendum (after the IS was drafted in November 1994) */ if (Get_Bits(1)) { ld->intra_slice = Get_Bits(1); slice_picture_id_enable = Get_Bits(1); slice_picture_id = Get_Bits(6); extra_information_slice = extra_bit_information(); } else ld->intra_slice = 0; #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>PICTURE_LAYER) { printf("slice header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SLICE_LAYER) { if (ld->MPEG2_Flag && vertical_size>2800) printf(" slice_vertical_position_extension=%d\n",slice_vertical_position_extension); if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP) printf(" priority_breakpoint=%d\n",ld->priority_breakpoint); printf(" quantizer_scale_code=%d\n",quantizer_scale_code); printf(" slice_picture_id_enable = %d\n", slice_picture_id_enable); if(slice_picture_id_enable) printf(" slice_picture_id = %d\n", slice_picture_id); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_slice_header++; #endif /* VERIFY */ return slice_vertical_position_extension; } /* decode extension and user data */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void extension_and_user_data() { int code,ext_ID; next_start_code(); while ((code = Show_Bits(32))==EXTENSION_START_CODE || code==USER_DATA_START_CODE) { if (code==EXTENSION_START_CODE) { Flush_Buffer32(); ext_ID = Get_Bits(4); switch (ext_ID) { case SEQUENCE_EXTENSION_ID: sequence_extension(); break; case SEQUENCE_DISPLAY_EXTENSION_ID: sequence_display_extension(); break; case QUANT_MATRIX_EXTENSION_ID: quant_matrix_extension(); break; case SEQUENCE_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID: sequence_scalable_extension(); break; case PICTURE_DISPLAY_EXTENSION_ID: picture_display_extension(); break; case PICTURE_CODING_EXTENSION_ID: picture_coding_extension(); break; case PICTURE_SPATIAL_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID: picture_spatial_scalable_extension(); break; case PICTURE_TEMPORAL_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID: picture_temporal_scalable_extension(); break; case COPYRIGHT_EXTENSION_ID: copyright_extension(); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"reserved extension start code ID %d\n",ext_ID); break; } next_start_code(); } else { #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) printf("user data\n"); #endif /* VERBOSE */ Flush_Buffer32(); user_data(); } } } /* decode sequence extension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void sequence_extension() { int horizontal_size_extension; int vertical_size_extension; int bit_rate_extension; int vbv_buffer_size_extension; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; /* derive bit position for trace */ pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif ld->MPEG2_Flag = 1; ld->scalable_mode = SC_NONE; /* unless overwritten by sequence_scalable_extension() */ layer_id = 0; /* unless overwritten by sequence_scalable_extension() */ profile_and_level_indication = Get_Bits(8); progressive_sequence = Get_Bits(1); chroma_format = Get_Bits(2); horizontal_size_extension = Get_Bits(2); vertical_size_extension = Get_Bits(2); bit_rate_extension = Get_Bits(12); marker_bit("sequence_extension"); vbv_buffer_size_extension = Get_Bits(8); low_delay = Get_Bits(1); frame_rate_extension_n = Get_Bits(2); frame_rate_extension_d = Get_Bits(5); frame_rate = frame_rate_Table[frame_rate_code] * ((frame_rate_extension_n+1)/(frame_rate_extension_d+1)); /* special case for 422 profile & level must be made */ if((profile_and_level_indication>>7) & 1) { /* escape bit of profile_and_level_indication set */ /* 4:2:2 Profile @ Main Level */ if((profile_and_level_indication&15)==5) { profile = PROFILE_422; level = MAIN_LEVEL; } } else { profile = profile_and_level_indication >> 4; /* Profile is upper nibble */ level = profile_and_level_indication & 0xF; /* Level is lower nibble */ } horizontal_size = (horizontal_size_extension<<12) | (horizontal_size&0x0fff); vertical_size = (vertical_size_extension<<12) | (vertical_size&0x0fff); /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 does not define bit_rate_value to be composed of * both the original bit_rate_value parsed in sequence_header() and * the optional bit_rate_extension in sequence_extension_header(). * However, we use it for bitstream verification purposes. */ bit_rate_value += (bit_rate_extension << 18); bit_rate = ((double) bit_rate_value) * 400.0; vbv_buffer_size += (vbv_buffer_size_extension << 10); #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("sequence extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" profile_and_level_indication=%d\n",profile_and_level_indication); if (profile_and_level_indication<128) { printf(" profile=%d, level=%d\n",profile,level); } printf(" progressive_sequence=%d\n",progressive_sequence); printf(" chroma_format=%d\n",chroma_format); printf(" horizontal_size_extension=%d\n",horizontal_size_extension); printf(" vertical_size_extension=%d\n",vertical_size_extension); printf(" bit_rate_extension=%d\n",bit_rate_extension); printf(" vbv_buffer_size_extension=%d\n",vbv_buffer_size_extension); printf(" low_delay=%d\n",low_delay); printf(" frame_rate_extension_n=%d\n",frame_rate_extension_n); printf(" frame_rate_extension_d=%d\n",frame_rate_extension_d); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_sequence_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode sequence display extension */ static void sequence_display_extension() { #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ video_format = Get_Bits(3); color_description = Get_Bits(1); if (color_description) { color_primaries = Get_Bits(8); transfer_characteristics = Get_Bits(8); matrix_coefficients = Get_Bits(8); } display_horizontal_size = Get_Bits(14); marker_bit("sequence_display_extension"); display_vertical_size = Get_Bits(14); #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("sequence display extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" video_format=%d\n",video_format); printf(" color_description=%d\n",color_description); if (color_description) { printf(" color_primaries=%d\n",color_primaries); printf(" transfer_characteristics=%d\n",transfer_characteristics); printf(" matrix_coefficients=%d\n",matrix_coefficients); } printf(" display_horizontal_size=%d\n",display_horizontal_size); printf(" display_vertical_size=%d\n",display_vertical_size); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_sequence_display_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode quant matrix entension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void quant_matrix_extension() { int i; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ if((ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) { ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } } if((ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) { ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } } if((ld->load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } if((ld->load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1))) { for (i=0; i<64; i++) ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8); } #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("quant matrix extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); printf(" load_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n", ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix); printf(" load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n", ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix); printf(" load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n", ld->load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix); printf(" load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n", ld->load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix); } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_quant_matrix_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode sequence scalable extension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void sequence_scalable_extension() { #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ /* values (without the +1 offset) of scalable_mode are defined in Table 6-10 of ISO/IEC 13818-2 */ ld->scalable_mode = Get_Bits(2) + 1; /* add 1 to make SC_DP != SC_NONE */ layer_id = Get_Bits(4); if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) { lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size = Get_Bits(14); marker_bit("sequence_scalable_extension()"); lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size = Get_Bits(14); horizontal_subsampling_factor_m = Get_Bits(5); horizontal_subsampling_factor_n = Get_Bits(5); vertical_subsampling_factor_m = Get_Bits(5); vertical_subsampling_factor_n = Get_Bits(5); } if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_TEMP) Error("temporal scalability not implemented\n"); #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("sequence scalable extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" scalable_mode=%d\n",ld->scalable_mode-1); printf(" layer_id=%d\n",layer_id); if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SPAT) { printf(" lower_layer_prediction_horiontal_size=%d\n", lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size); printf(" lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size=%d\n", lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size); printf(" horizontal_subsampling_factor_m=%d\n", horizontal_subsampling_factor_m); printf(" horizontal_subsampling_factor_n=%d\n", horizontal_subsampling_factor_n); printf(" vertical_subsampling_factor_m=%d\n", vertical_subsampling_factor_m); printf(" vertical_subsampling_factor_n=%d\n", vertical_subsampling_factor_n); } } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_sequence_scalable_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode picture display extension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void picture_display_extension() { int i; int number_of_frame_center_offsets; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ /* based on ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.12 (November 1994) Picture display extensions */ /* derive number_of_frame_center_offsets */ if(progressive_sequence) { if(repeat_first_field) { if(top_field_first) number_of_frame_center_offsets = 3; else number_of_frame_center_offsets = 2; } else { number_of_frame_center_offsets = 1; } } else { if(picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE) { number_of_frame_center_offsets = 1; } else { if(repeat_first_field) number_of_frame_center_offsets = 3; else number_of_frame_center_offsets = 2; } } /* now parse */ for (i=0; iNO_LAYER) { printf("picture display extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { for (i=0; iBitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ f_code[0][0] = Get_Bits(4); f_code[0][1] = Get_Bits(4); f_code[1][0] = Get_Bits(4); f_code[1][1] = Get_Bits(4); intra_dc_precision = Get_Bits(2); picture_structure = Get_Bits(2); top_field_first = Get_Bits(1); frame_pred_frame_dct = Get_Bits(1); concealment_motion_vectors = Get_Bits(1); ld->q_scale_type = Get_Bits(1); intra_vlc_format = Get_Bits(1); ld->alternate_scan = Get_Bits(1); repeat_first_field = Get_Bits(1); chroma_420_type = Get_Bits(1); progressive_frame = Get_Bits(1); composite_display_flag = Get_Bits(1); if (composite_display_flag) { v_axis = Get_Bits(1); field_sequence = Get_Bits(3); sub_carrier = Get_Bits(1); burst_amplitude = Get_Bits(7); sub_carrier_phase = Get_Bits(8); } #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("picture coding extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" forward horizontal f_code=%d\n", f_code[0][0]); printf(" forward vertical f_code=%d\n", f_code[0][1]); printf(" backward horizontal f_code=%d\n", f_code[1][0]); printf(" backward_vertical f_code=%d\n", f_code[1][1]); printf(" intra_dc_precision=%d\n",intra_dc_precision); printf(" picture_structure=%d\n",picture_structure); printf(" top_field_first=%d\n",top_field_first); printf(" frame_pred_frame_dct=%d\n",frame_pred_frame_dct); printf(" concealment_motion_vectors=%d\n",concealment_motion_vectors); printf(" q_scale_type=%d\n",ld->q_scale_type); printf(" intra_vlc_format=%d\n",intra_vlc_format); printf(" alternate_scan=%d\n",ld->alternate_scan); printf(" repeat_first_field=%d\n",repeat_first_field); printf(" chroma_420_type=%d\n",chroma_420_type); printf(" progressive_frame=%d\n",progressive_frame); printf(" composite_display_flag=%d\n",composite_display_flag); if (composite_display_flag) { printf(" v_axis=%d\n",v_axis); printf(" field_sequence=%d\n",field_sequence); printf(" sub_carrier=%d\n",sub_carrier); printf(" burst_amplitude=%d\n",burst_amplitude); printf(" sub_carrier_phase=%d\n",sub_carrier_phase); } } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_picture_coding_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode picture spatial scalable extension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void picture_spatial_scalable_extension() { #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ ld->pict_scal = 1; /* use spatial scalability in this picture */ lower_layer_temporal_reference = Get_Bits(10); marker_bit("picture_spatial_scalable_extension(), first marker bit"); lower_layer_horizontal_offset = Get_Bits(15); if (lower_layer_horizontal_offset>=16384) lower_layer_horizontal_offset-= 32768; marker_bit("picture_spatial_scalable_extension(), second marker bit"); lower_layer_vertical_offset = Get_Bits(15); if (lower_layer_vertical_offset>=16384) lower_layer_vertical_offset-= 32768; spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index = Get_Bits(2); lower_layer_progressive_frame = Get_Bits(1); lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select = Get_Bits(1); #ifdef VERBOSE if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("picture spatial scalable extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" lower_layer_temporal_reference=%d\n",lower_layer_temporal_reference); printf(" lower_layer_horizontal_offset=%d\n",lower_layer_horizontal_offset); printf(" lower_layer_vertical_offset=%d\n",lower_layer_vertical_offset); printf(" spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index=%d\n", spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index); printf(" lower_layer_progressive_frame=%d\n",lower_layer_progressive_frame); printf(" lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select=%d\n",lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_picture_spatial_scalable_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode picture temporal scalable extension * * not implemented */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static void picture_temporal_scalable_extension() { Error("temporal scalability not supported\n"); #ifdef VERIFY verify_picture_temporal_scalable_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* decode extra bit information */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ static int extra_bit_information() { int Byte_Count = 0; while (Get_Bits1()) { Flush_Buffer(8); Byte_Count++; } return(Byte_Count); } /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 5.3 */ /* Purpose: this function is mainly designed to aid in bitstream conformance testing. A simple Flush_Buffer(1) would do */ void marker_bit(text) char *text; { int marker; (void)text; marker = Get_Bits(1); (void)marker; #ifdef VERIFY if(!marker) printf("ERROR: %s--marker_bit set to 0",text); #endif } /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections and */ static void user_data() { /* skip ahead to the next start code */ next_start_code(); } /* Copyright extension */ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */ /* (header added in November, 1994 to the IS document) */ static void copyright_extension() { int reserved_data; #ifdef VERBOSE int pos; pos = ld->Bitcnt; #endif /* VERBOSE */ copyright_flag = Get_Bits(1); copyright_identifier = Get_Bits(8); original_or_copy = Get_Bits(1); /* reserved */ reserved_data = Get_Bits(7); (void)reserved_data; marker_bit("copyright_extension(), first marker bit"); copyright_number_1 = Get_Bits(20); marker_bit("copyright_extension(), second marker bit"); copyright_number_2 = Get_Bits(22); marker_bit("copyright_extension(), third marker bit"); copyright_number_3 = Get_Bits(22); #ifdef VERBOSE if(Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER) { printf("copyright_extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4); if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER) { printf(" copyright_flag =%d\n",copyright_flag); printf(" copyright_identifier=%d\n",copyright_identifier); printf(" original_or_copy = %d (original=1, copy=0)\n", original_or_copy); printf(" copyright_number_1=%d\n",copyright_number_1); printf(" copyright_number_2=%d\n",copyright_number_2); printf(" copyright_number_3=%d\n",copyright_number_3); } } #endif /* VERBOSE */ #ifdef VERIFY verify_copyright_extension++; #endif /* VERIFY */ } /* introduced in September 1995 to assist Spatial Scalability */ static void Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data() { static int temporal_reference_wrap = 0; static int temporal_reference_old = 0; if (ld == &base) /* *CH* */ { if (picture_coding_type!=B_TYPE && temporal_reference!=temporal_reference_old) /* check first field of */ { /* non-B-frame */ if (temporal_reference_wrap) {/* wrap occured at previous I- or P-frame */ /* now all intervening B-frames which could still have high temporal_reference values are done */ Temporal_Reference_Base += 1024; temporal_reference_wrap = 0; } /* distinguish from a reset */ if (temporal_reference True_Framenum_max) ? True_Framenum : True_Framenum_max; } }