/* putseq.c, sequence level routines */ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Disclaimer of Warranty * * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever * arising from the use of these programs. * * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns. * * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party * patents. * * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware, * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation * design. * */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "global.h" void putseq() { /* this routine assumes (N % M) == 0 */ int i, j, k, f, f0, n, np, nb, sxf, syf, sxb, syb; int ipflag; FILE *fd; char name[256]; unsigned char *neworg[3], *newref[3]; static char ipb[5] = {' ','I','P','B','D'}; rc_init_seq(); /* initialize rate control */ /* sequence header, sequence extension and sequence display extension */ putseqhdr(); if (!mpeg1) { putseqext(); putseqdispext(); } /* optionally output some text data (description, copyright or whatever) */ if (strlen(id_string) > 1) putuserdata(id_string); /* loop through all frames in encoding/decoding order */ for (i=0; i=nframes) f = nframes - 1; if (i==f0) /* first displayed frame in GOP is I */ { /* I frame */ pict_type = I_TYPE; forw_hor_f_code = forw_vert_f_code = 15; back_hor_f_code = back_vert_f_code = 15; /* n: number of frames in current GOP * * first GOP contains (M-1) less (B) frames */ n = (i==0) ? N-(M-1) : N; /* last GOP may contain less frames */ if (n > nframes-f0) n = nframes-f0; /* number of P frames */ if (i==0) np = (n + 2*(M-1))/M - 1; /* first GOP */ else np = (n + (M-1))/M - 1; /* number of B frames */ nb = n - np - 1; rc_init_GOP(np,nb); putgophdr(f0,i==0); /* set closed_GOP in first GOP only */ } else { /* P frame */ pict_type = P_TYPE; forw_hor_f_code = motion_data[0].forw_hor_f_code; forw_vert_f_code = motion_data[0].forw_vert_f_code; back_hor_f_code = back_vert_f_code = 15; sxf = motion_data[0].sxf; syf = motion_data[0].syf; } } else { /* B frame */ for (j=0; j<3; j++) { neworg[j] = auxorgframe[j]; newref[j] = auxframe[j]; } /* f: frame number in display order */ f = i - 1; pict_type = B_TYPE; n = (i-2)%M + 1; /* first B: n=1, second B: n=2, ... */ forw_hor_f_code = motion_data[n].forw_hor_f_code; forw_vert_f_code = motion_data[n].forw_vert_f_code; back_hor_f_code = motion_data[n].back_hor_f_code; back_vert_f_code = motion_data[n].back_vert_f_code; sxf = motion_data[n].sxf; syf = motion_data[n].syf; sxb = motion_data[n].sxb; syb = motion_data[n].syb; } temp_ref = f - f0; frame_pred_dct = frame_pred_dct_tab[pict_type-1]; q_scale_type = qscale_tab[pict_type-1]; intravlc = intravlc_tab[pict_type-1]; altscan = altscan_tab[pict_type-1]; fprintf(statfile,"\nFrame %d (#%d in display order):\n",i,f); fprintf(statfile," picture_type=%c\n",ipb[pict_type]); fprintf(statfile," temporal_reference=%d\n",temp_ref); fprintf(statfile," frame_pred_frame_dct=%d\n",frame_pred_dct); fprintf(statfile," q_scale_type=%d\n",q_scale_type); fprintf(statfile," intra_vlc_format=%d\n",intravlc); fprintf(statfile," alternate_scan=%d\n",altscan); if (pict_type!=I_TYPE) { fprintf(statfile," forward search window: %d...%d / %d...%d\n", -sxf,sxf,-syf,syf); fprintf(statfile," forward vector range: %d...%d.5 / %d...%d.5\n", -(4<