///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: treelistctrl.cpp // Purpose: multi column tree control implementation // Author: Robert Roebling // Maintainer: Otto Wyss // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id: treelistctrl.cpp,v 1.1 2008/09/26 14:15:48 guigues Exp $ // Copyright: (c) 2004 Robert Roebling, Julian Smart, Alberto Griggio, // Vadim Zeitlin, Otto Wyss // Licence: wxWindows ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // =========================================================================== // declarations // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #pragma implementation "treelistctrl.h" #endif // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "wx/treelistctrl.h" #include "treelistctrl.h" #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include "wx/mac/private.h" #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // array types // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxTreeListItem; #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(wxTreeListItem *, wxArrayTreeListItems); #else WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR(wxTreeListItem *, wxArrayTreeListItems); #endif #include WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxTreeListColumnInfo, wxArrayTreeListColumnInfo); #include WX_DEFINE_OBJARRAY(wxArrayTreeListColumnInfo); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 3, 3) WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(short, wxArrayShort); #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const int NO_IMAGE = -1; static const int LINEHEIGHT = 10; static const int LINEATROOT = 5; static const int MARGIN = 2; static const int MININDENT = 16; static const int BTNWIDTH = 9; static const int BTNHEIGHT = 9; static const int EXTRA_WIDTH = 4; static const int EXTRA_HEIGHT = 4; static const int HEADER_OFFSET_X = 1; static const int HEADER_OFFSET_Y = 1; static const int DRAG_TIMER_TICKS = 250; // minimum drag wait time in ms static const int FIND_TIMER_TICKS = 500; // minimum find wait time in ms static const int RENAME_TIMER_TICKS = 250; // minimum rename wait time in ms const wxChar* wxTreeListCtrlNameStr = _T("treelistctrl"); static wxTreeListColumnInfo wxInvalidTreeListColumnInfo; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private classes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListHeaderWindow (internal) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CREAIMAGEIO_EXPORT wxTreeListHeaderWindow : public wxWindow { protected: wxTreeListMainWindow *m_owner; const wxCursor *m_currentCursor; const wxCursor *m_resizeCursor; bool m_isDragging; // column being resized int m_column; // divider line position in logical (unscrolled) coords int m_currentX; // minimal position beyond which the divider line can't be dragged in // logical coords int m_minX; wxArrayTreeListColumnInfo m_columns; // total width of the columns int m_total_col_width; public: wxTreeListHeaderWindow(); wxTreeListHeaderWindow( wxWindow *win, wxWindowID id, wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString &name = _T("wxtreelistctrlcolumntitles") ); virtual ~wxTreeListHeaderWindow(); void DoDrawRect( wxDC *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h ); void DrawCurrent(); void AdjustDC(wxDC& dc); void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event ); void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event ); void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ); // total width of all columns int GetWidth() const { return m_total_col_width; } // column manipulation int GetColumnCount() const { return m_columns.GetCount(); } void AddColumn (const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo); void InsertColumn (int before, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo); void RemoveColumn (int column); // column information manipulation const wxTreeListColumnInfo& GetColumn (int column) const{ wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), wxInvalidTreeListColumnInfo, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column]; } wxTreeListColumnInfo& GetColumn (int column) { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), wxInvalidTreeListColumnInfo, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column]; } void SetColumn (int column, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& info); wxString GetColumnText (int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), wxEmptyString, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column].GetText(); } void SetColumnText (int column, const wxString& text) { wxCHECK_RET ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); m_columns[column].SetText (text); } int GetColumnAlignment (int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), wxALIGN_LEFT, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column].GetAlignment(); } void SetColumnAlignment (int column, int flag) { wxCHECK_RET ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); m_columns[column].SetAlignment (flag); } int GetColumnWidth (int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), -1, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column].GetWidth(); } void SetColumnWidth (int column, int width); bool IsColumnEditable (int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), false, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column].IsEditable(); } bool IsColumnShown (int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), true, _T("Invalid column")); return m_columns[column].IsShown(); } // needs refresh bool m_dirty; private: // common part of all ctors void Init(); void SendListEvent(wxEventType type, wxPoint pos); //EED // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTreeListHeaderWindow) DECLARE_CLASS(wxTreeListHeaderWindow) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // this is the "true" control class wxTreeListMainWindow: public wxScrolledWindow { public: // creation // -------- wxTreeListMainWindow() { Init(); } wxTreeListMainWindow (wxTreeListCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = _T("wxtreelistmainwindow")) { Init(); Create (parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name); } virtual ~wxTreeListMainWindow(); bool Create(wxTreeListCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = _T("wxtreelistctrl")); // accessors // --------- // return true if this is a virtual list control bool IsVirtual() const { return HasFlag(wxTR_VIRTUAL); } // get the total number of items in the control size_t GetCount() const; // indent is the number of pixels the children are indented relative to // the parents position. SetIndent() also redraws the control // immediately. unsigned int GetIndent() const { return m_indent; } void SetIndent(unsigned int indent); // see wxTreeListCtrl for the meaning unsigned int GetLineSpacing() const { return m_linespacing; } void SetLineSpacing(unsigned int spacing); // image list: these functions allow to associate an image list with // the control and retrieve it. Note that when assigned with // SetImageList, the control does _not_ delete // the associated image list when it's deleted in order to allow image // lists to be shared between different controls. If you use // AssignImageList, the control _does_ delete the image list. // The normal image list is for the icons which correspond to the // normal tree item state (whether it is selected or not). // Additionally, the application might choose to show a state icon // which corresponds to an app-defined item state (for example, // checked/unchecked) which are taken from the state image list. wxImageList *GetImageList() const { return m_imageListNormal; } wxImageList *GetStateImageList() const { return m_imageListState; } wxImageList *GetButtonsImageList() const { return m_imageListButtons; } void SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList); void SetStateImageList(wxImageList *imageList); void SetButtonsImageList(wxImageList *imageList); void AssignImageList(wxImageList *imageList); void AssignStateImageList(wxImageList *imageList); void AssignButtonsImageList(wxImageList *imageList); // Functions to work with tree ctrl items. // accessors // --------- // retrieve item's label wxString GetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return GetItemText (item, GetMainColumn()); } wxString GetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column) const; wxString GetItemText (wxTreeItemData* item, int column) const; // get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default) int GetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const { return GetItemImage (item, GetMainColumn(), which); } int GetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const; // get the data associated with the item wxTreeItemData *GetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; bool GetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; wxColour GetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; wxColour GetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; wxFont GetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // modifiers // --------- // set item's label void SetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& text) { SetItemText (item, GetMainColumn(), text); } void SetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, const wxString& text); // get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default) void SetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, int image, wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) { SetItemImage (item, GetMainColumn(), image, which); } void SetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, int image, wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal); // associate some data with the item void SetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData *data); // force appearance of [+] button near the item. This is useful to // allow the user to expand the items which don't have any children now // - but instead add them only when needed, thus minimizing memory // usage and loading time. void SetItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool has = true); // the item will be shown in bold void SetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool bold = true); // set the item's text colour void SetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour); // set the item's background colour void SetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour); // set the item's font (should be of the same height for all items) void SetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxFont& font); // set the window font virtual bool SetFont( const wxFont &font ); // set the styles. No need to specify a GetWindowStyle here since // the base wxWindow member function will do it for us void SetWindowStyle(const long styles); // item status inquiries // --------------------- // is the item visible (it might be outside the view or not expanded)? bool IsVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const; // does the item has any children? bool HasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // is the item expanded (only makes sense if HasChildren())? bool IsExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // is this item currently selected (the same as has focus)? bool IsSelected(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // is item text in bold font? bool IsBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // does the layout include space for a button? // number of children // ------------------ // if 'recursively' is false, only immediate children count, otherwise // the returned number is the number of all items in this branch size_t GetChildrenCount(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool recursively = true); // navigation // ---------- // wxTreeItemId.IsOk() will return false if there is no such item // get the root tree item wxTreeItemId GetRootItem() const { return m_rootItem; } // get the item currently selected, only if a single item is selected // wxTreeItemId GetSelection() const { return m_selectItem; } wxTreeItemId GetCurrent() const { return m_curItem; } // get all the items currently selected, return count of items size_t GetSelections(wxArrayTreeItemIds&) const; // get the parent of this item (may return NULL if root) wxTreeItemId GetItemParent(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // for this enumeration function you must pass in a "cookie" parameter // which is opaque for the application but is necessary for the library // to make these functions reentrant (i.e. allow more than one // enumeration on one and the same object simultaneously). Of course, // the "cookie" passed to GetFirstChild() and GetNextChild() should be // the same! // get child of this item #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId GetFirstChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetNextChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrevChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetLastChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const; #else wxTreeItemId GetFirstChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetNextChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrevChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const; wxTreeItemId GetLastChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const; #endif // get sibling of this item wxTreeItemId GetNextSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrevSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // get item in the full tree (currently only for internal use) wxTreeItemId GetNext(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fulltree = true) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrev(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fulltree = true) const; // get expanded item, see IsExpanded() wxTreeItemId GetFirstExpandedItem() const; wxTreeItemId GetNextExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrevExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const; // get visible item, see IsVisible() wxTreeItemId GetFirstVisibleItem(bool fullRow) const; wxTreeItemId GetNextVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const; wxTreeItemId GetPrevVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const; // operations // ---------- // add the root node to the tree wxTreeItemId AddRoot (const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL); // insert a new item in as the first child of the parent wxTreeItemId PrependItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL); // insert a new item after a given one wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxTreeItemId& idPrevious, const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL); // insert a new item before the one with the given index wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, size_t index, const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL); // insert a new item in as the last child of the parent wxTreeItemId AppendItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL); // delete this item and associated data if any void Delete(const wxTreeItemId& item); // delete all children (but don't delete the item itself) // NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events void DeleteChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item); // delete the root and all its children from the tree // NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events void DeleteRoot(); // expand this item void Expand(const wxTreeItemId& item); // expand this item and all subitems recursively void ExpandAll(const wxTreeItemId& item); // collapse the item without removing its children void Collapse(const wxTreeItemId& item); // collapse the item and remove all children void CollapseAndReset(const wxTreeItemId& item); // toggles the current state void Toggle(const wxTreeItemId& item); // remove the selection from currently selected item (if any) // void Unselect(wxTreeListItem* item); // void Unselect(); void UnselectAll(); // select this item void SelectItem(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxTreeItemId& prev = (wxTreeItemId*)NULL, bool unselect_others = true); void SelectAll(); void RemoveFromSelection( wxTreeListItem *item ); void AddToSelection( wxTreeListItem *item ); // make sure this item is visible (expanding the parent item and/or // scrolling to this item if necessary) void EnsureVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item); // scroll to this item (but don't expand its parent) void ScrollTo(const wxTreeItemId& item); void AdjustMyScrollbars(); // The first function is more portable (because easier to implement // on other platforms), but the second one returns some extra info. wxTreeItemId HitTest (const wxPoint& point) { int flags; int column; return HitTest (point, flags, column); } wxTreeItemId HitTest (const wxPoint& point, int& flags) { int column; return HitTest (point, flags, column); } wxTreeItemId HitTest (const wxPoint& point, int& flags, int& column); // get the bounding rectangle of the item (or of its label only) bool GetBoundingRect(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxRect& rect, bool textOnly = false) const; // Start editing the item label: this (temporarily) replaces the item // with a one line edit control. The item will be selected if it hadn't // been before. void EditLabel (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column); // sorting // this function is called to compare 2 items and should return -1, 0 // or +1 if the first item is less than, equal to or greater than the // second one. The base class version performs alphabetic comparaison // of item labels (GetText) virtual int OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1, const wxTreeItemId& item2); // sort the children of this item using OnCompareItems // // NB: this function is not reentrant and not MT-safe (FIXME)! void SortChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item); // searching wxTreeItemId FindItem (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& str, int mode = 0); // implementation only from now on // overridden base class virtuals virtual bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour); virtual bool SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour); // drop over item void SetDragItem (const wxTreeItemId& item = (wxTreeItemId*)NULL); // callbacks void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event ); void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ); void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ); void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event ); void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event ); void OnIdle( wxIdleEvent &event ); void OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event); // implementation helpers void SendDeleteEvent(wxTreeListItem *itemBeingDeleted); int GetColumnCount() const { return m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetColumnCount(); } void SetMainColumn (int column) { if ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount())) m_main_column = column; } int GetMainColumn() const { return m_main_column; } int GetBestColumnWidth (int column, wxTreeItemId parent = wxTreeItemId()); int GetItemWidth (int column, wxTreeListItem *item); wxFont GetItemFont (wxTreeListItem *item); void SetFocus(); protected: wxTreeListCtrl* m_owner; int m_main_column; friend class wxTreeListItem; friend class wxTreeListRenameTimer; friend class wxEditTextCtrl; wxFont m_normalFont; wxFont m_boldFont; wxTreeListItem *m_rootItem; // root item wxTreeListItem *m_curItem; // current item, either selected or marked wxTreeListItem *m_shiftItem; // item, where the shift key was pressed wxTreeListItem *m_editItem; // item, which is currently edited // wxTreeListItem *m_selectItem; // current selected item, not with wxTR_MULTIPLE // LG wxArrayTreeListItems m_selected; // currently selected items int m_curColumn; int m_btnWidth, m_btnWidth2; int m_btnHeight, m_btnHeight2; int m_imgWidth, m_imgWidth2; int m_imgHeight, m_imgHeight2; unsigned short m_indent; int m_lineHeight; unsigned short m_linespacing; wxPen m_dottedPen; wxBrush *m_hilightBrush, *m_hilightUnfocusedBrush; bool m_hasFocus; public: bool m_dirty; protected: bool m_ownsImageListNormal, m_ownsImageListState, m_ownsImageListButtons; bool m_isDragging; // true between BEGIN/END drag events bool m_renameAccept; bool m_lastOnSame; // last click on the same item as prev bool m_left_down_selection; wxImageList *m_imageListNormal, *m_imageListState, *m_imageListButtons; int m_dragCount; wxTimer *m_dragTimer; wxTreeListItem *m_dragItem; wxTimer *m_renameTimer; wxString m_renameRes; // char navigation wxTimer *m_findTimer; wxString m_findStr; // the common part of all ctors void Init(); // misc helpers wxTreeItemId DoInsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, size_t previous, const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData *data); bool HasButtons(void) const { return (m_imageListButtons) || HasFlag (wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS|wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS); } protected: void CalculateLineHeight(); int GetLineHeight(wxTreeListItem *item) const; void PaintLevel( wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC& dc, int level, int &y, int x_maincol); void PaintItem( wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC& dc); void CalculateLevel( wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC &dc, int level, int &y, int x_maincol); void CalculatePositions(); void CalculateSize( wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC &dc ); void RefreshSubtree (wxTreeListItem *item); void RefreshLine (wxTreeListItem *item); // redraw all selected items void RefreshSelected(); // RefreshSelected() recursive helper void RefreshSelectedUnder (wxTreeListItem *item); void OnRenameTimer(); void OnRenameAccept(); void FillArray(wxTreeListItem*, wxArrayTreeItemIds&) const; bool SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (wxTreeListItem *crt_item, wxTreeListItem *last_item); bool SelectNextChildren (wxTreeListItem *crt_item, wxTreeListItem *last_item); // void UnselectAllChildren (wxTreeListItem *item ); private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTreeListMainWindow) }; // timer used for enabling in-place edit class wxTreeListRenameTimer: public wxTimer { public: wxTreeListRenameTimer( wxTreeListMainWindow *owner ); void Notify(); private: wxTreeListMainWindow *m_owner; }; // control used for in-place edit class wxEditTextCtrl: public wxTextCtrl { public: wxEditTextCtrl (wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id, bool *accept, wxString *res, wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, const wxString &value = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize, int style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name = wxTextCtrlNameStr ); void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event ); void OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent &event ); void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ); private: bool *m_accept; wxString *m_res; wxTreeListMainWindow *m_owner; wxString m_startValue; bool m_finished; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // a tree item class wxTreeListItem { public: // ctors & dtor wxTreeListItem() { m_data = NULL; } wxTreeListItem( wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, wxTreeListItem *parent, const wxArrayString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data ); ~wxTreeListItem(); // trivial accessors wxArrayTreeListItems& GetChildren() { return m_children; } const wxString GetText() const { return GetText(0); } const wxString GetText (int column) const { if(m_text.GetCount() > 0) { if( IsVirtual() ) return m_owner->GetItemText( m_data, column ); else return m_text[column]; } return wxEmptyString; } int GetImage (wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const { return m_images[which]; } int GetImage (int column, wxTreeItemIcon which=wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const { if(column == m_owner->GetMainColumn()) return m_images[which]; if(column < (int)m_col_images.GetCount()) return m_col_images[column]; return NO_IMAGE; } wxTreeItemData *GetData() const { return m_data; } // returns the current image for the item (depending on its // selected/expanded/whatever state) int GetCurrentImage() const; void SetText (const wxString &text ); void SetText (int column, const wxString& text) { if (column < (int)m_text.GetCount()) { m_text[column] = text; }else if (column < m_owner->GetColumnCount()) { int howmany = m_owner->GetColumnCount(); for (int i = m_text.GetCount(); i < howmany; ++i) m_text.Add (wxEmptyString); m_text[column] = text; } } void SetImage (int image, wxTreeItemIcon which) { m_images[which] = image; } void SetImage (int column, int image, wxTreeItemIcon which) { if (column == m_owner->GetMainColumn()) { m_images[which] = image; }else if (column < (int)m_col_images.GetCount()) { m_col_images[column] = image; }else if (column < m_owner->GetColumnCount()) { int howmany = m_owner->GetColumnCount(); for (int i = m_col_images.GetCount(); i < howmany; ++i) m_col_images.Add (NO_IMAGE); m_col_images[column] = image; } } void SetData(wxTreeItemData *data) { m_data = data; } void SetHasPlus(bool has = true) { m_hasPlus = has; } void SetBold(bool bold) { m_isBold = bold; } int GetX() const { return m_x; } int GetY() const { return m_y; } void SetX (int x) { m_x = x; } void SetY (int y) { m_y = y; } int GetHeight() const { return m_height; } int GetWidth() const { return m_width; } void SetHeight (int height) { m_height = height; } void SetWidth (int width) { m_width = width; } int GetTextX() const { return m_text_x; } void SetTextX (int text_x) { m_text_x = text_x; } wxTreeListItem *GetItemParent() const { return m_parent; } // operations // deletes all children notifying the treectrl about it if !NULL // pointer given void DeleteChildren(wxTreeListMainWindow *tree = NULL); // get count of all children (and grand children if 'recursively') size_t GetChildrenCount(bool recursively = true) const; void Insert(wxTreeListItem *child, size_t index) { m_children.Insert(child, index); } void GetSize( int &x, int &y, const wxTreeListMainWindow* ); // return the item at given position (or NULL if no item), onButton is // true if the point belongs to the item's button, otherwise it lies // on the button's label wxTreeListItem *HitTest (const wxPoint& point, const wxTreeListMainWindow *, int &flags, int& column, int level); void Expand() { m_isCollapsed = false; } void Collapse() { m_isCollapsed = true; } void SetSelected( bool set = true ) { m_hasHilight = set; } // status inquiries bool HasChildren() const { return !m_children.IsEmpty(); } bool IsSelected() const { return m_hasHilight != 0; } bool IsExpanded() const { return !m_isCollapsed; } bool HasPlus() const { return m_hasPlus || HasChildren(); } bool IsBold() const { return m_isBold != 0; } bool IsVirtual() const { return m_owner->IsVirtual(); } // attributes // get them - may be NULL wxTreeItemAttr *GetAttributes() const { return m_attr; } // get them ensuring that the pointer is not NULL wxTreeItemAttr& Attr() { if ( !m_attr ) { m_attr = new wxTreeItemAttr; m_ownsAttr = true; } return *m_attr; } // set them void SetAttributes(wxTreeItemAttr *attr) { if ( m_ownsAttr ) delete m_attr; m_attr = attr; m_ownsAttr = false; } // set them and delete when done void AssignAttributes(wxTreeItemAttr *attr) { SetAttributes(attr); m_ownsAttr = true; } private: wxTreeListMainWindow *m_owner; // control the item belongs to // since there can be very many of these, we save size by chosing // the smallest representation for the elements and by ordering // the members to avoid padding. wxArrayString m_text; // labels to be rendered for item wxTreeItemData *m_data; // user-provided data wxArrayTreeListItems m_children; // list of children wxTreeListItem *m_parent; // parent of this item wxTreeItemAttr *m_attr; // attributes??? // tree ctrl images for the normal, selected, expanded and // expanded+selected states short m_images[wxTreeItemIcon_Max]; wxArrayShort m_col_images; // images for the various columns (!= main) // main column item positions wxCoord m_x; // (virtual) offset from left (vertical line) wxCoord m_y; // (virtual) offset from top wxCoord m_text_x; // item offset from left short m_width; // width of this item unsigned char m_height; // height of this item // use bitfields to save size int m_isCollapsed :1; int m_hasHilight :1; // same as focused int m_hasPlus :1; // used for item which doesn't have // children but has a [+] button int m_isBold :1; // render the label in bold font int m_ownsAttr :1; // delete attribute when done }; // =========================================================================== // implementation // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListRenameTimer (internal) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxTreeListRenameTimer::wxTreeListRenameTimer( wxTreeListMainWindow *owner ) { m_owner = owner; } void wxTreeListRenameTimer::Notify() { m_owner->OnRenameTimer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxEditTextCtrl (internal) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE (wxEditTextCtrl,wxTextCtrl) EVT_CHAR (wxEditTextCtrl::OnChar) EVT_KEY_UP (wxEditTextCtrl::OnKeyUp) EVT_KILL_FOCUS (wxEditTextCtrl::OnKillFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() wxEditTextCtrl::wxEditTextCtrl (wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id, bool *accept, wxString *res, wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, const wxString &value, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, int style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString &name) : wxTextCtrl (parent, id, value, pos, size, style|wxSIMPLE_BORDER, validator, name) { m_res = res; m_accept = accept; m_owner = owner; (*m_accept) = false; (*m_res) = wxEmptyString; m_startValue = value; m_finished = false; } void wxEditTextCtrl::OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event ) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN) { (*m_accept) = true; (*m_res) = GetValue(); if ((*m_res) != m_startValue) m_owner->OnRenameAccept(); if (!wxPendingDelete.Member(this)) wxPendingDelete.Append(this); m_finished = true; m_owner->SetFocus(); // This doesn't work. TODO. return; } if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE) { (*m_accept) = false; (*m_res) = wxEmptyString; if (!wxPendingDelete.Member(this)) wxPendingDelete.Append(this); m_finished = true; m_owner->SetFocus(); // This doesn't work. TODO. return; } event.Skip(); } void wxEditTextCtrl::OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent &event ) { if (m_finished) { event.Skip(); return; } // auto-grow the textctrl: wxSize parentSize = m_owner->GetSize(); wxPoint myPos = GetPosition(); wxSize mySize = GetSize(); int sx, sy; GetTextExtent(GetValue() + _T("M"), &sx, &sy); if (myPos.x + sx > parentSize.x) sx = parentSize.x - myPos.x; if (mySize.x > sx) sx = mySize.x; SetSize(sx, -1); event.Skip(); } void wxEditTextCtrl::OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ) { if (m_finished) { event.Skip(); return; } if (!wxPendingDelete.Member(this)) wxPendingDelete.Append(this); (*m_accept) = true; (*m_res) = GetValue(); if ((*m_res) != m_startValue) m_owner->OnRenameAccept(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListHeaderWindow //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //EED //IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTreeListHeaderWindow,wxNotifyEvent); IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxTreeListHeaderWindow,wxNotifyEvent); BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTreeListHeaderWindow,wxWindow) EVT_PAINT (wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnPaint) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS (wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnMouse) EVT_SET_FOCUS (wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::Init() { m_currentCursor = (wxCursor *) NULL; m_isDragging = false; m_dirty = false; m_total_col_width = 0; } wxTreeListHeaderWindow::wxTreeListHeaderWindow() { Init(); m_owner = (wxTreeListMainWindow *) NULL; m_resizeCursor = (wxCursor *) NULL; } wxTreeListHeaderWindow::wxTreeListHeaderWindow( wxWindow *win, wxWindowID id, wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString &name ) : wxWindow( win, id, pos, size, style, name ) { Init(); m_owner = owner; m_resizeCursor = new wxCursor(wxCURSOR_SIZEWE); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) SetBackgroundColour (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); #else SetBackgroundColour (wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); #endif } wxTreeListHeaderWindow::~wxTreeListHeaderWindow() { delete m_resizeCursor; } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::DoDrawRect( wxDC *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxPen pen (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW ), 1, wxSOLID); #else wxPen pen (wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW ), 1, wxSOLID); #endif const int m_corner = 1; dc->SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH ); #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) dc->SetPen (pen); #else // !GTK, !Mac dc->SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN ); #endif dc->DrawLine( x+w-m_corner+1, y, x+w, y+h ); // right (outer) dc->DrawRectangle( x, y+h, w+1, 1 ); // bottom (outer) #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) wxPen pen( wxColour( 0x88 , 0x88 , 0x88 ), 1, wxSOLID ); #endif dc->SetPen( pen ); dc->DrawLine( x+w-m_corner, y, x+w-1, y+h ); // right (inner) dc->DrawRectangle( x+1, y+h-1, w-2, 1 ); // bottom (inner) dc->SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc->DrawRectangle( x, y, w-m_corner+1, 1 ); // top (outer) dc->DrawRectangle( x, y, 1, h ); // left (outer) dc->DrawLine( x, y+h-1, x+1, y+h-1 ); dc->DrawLine( x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+1 ); } // shift the DC origin to match the position of the main window horz // scrollbar: this allows us to always use logical coords void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::AdjustDC(wxDC& dc) { int xpix; m_owner->GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xpix, NULL ); int x; m_owner->GetViewStart( &x, NULL ); // account for the horz scrollbar offset dc.SetDeviceOrigin( -x * xpix, 0 ); } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxClientDC dc( this ); #else wxPaintDC dc( this ); #endif PrepareDC( dc ); AdjustDC( dc ); dc.SetFont( GetFont() ); // width and height of the entire header window int w, h; GetClientSize( &w, &h ); m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(w, 0, &w, NULL); dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); // do *not* use the listctrl colour for headers - one day we will have a // function to set it separately //dc.SetTextForeground( *wxBLACK ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) dc.SetTextForeground (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT )); #else dc.SetTextForeground (wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT )); #endif int x = HEADER_OFFSET_X; int numColumns = GetColumnCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < numColumns && x < w; i++ ) { if (!IsColumnShown (i)) continue; // do next colume if not shown wxTreeListColumnInfo& column = GetColumn(i); int wCol = column.GetWidth(); // the width of the rect to draw: make it smaller to fit entirely // inside the column rect int cw = wCol - 2; dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); DoDrawRect( &dc, x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, cw, h-2 ); // if we have an image, draw it on the right of the label int image = column.GetImage(); //item.m_image; int ix = -2, iy = 0; wxImageList* imageList = m_owner->GetImageList(); if ((image != -1) && imageList) { imageList->GetSize (image, ix, iy); } // extra margins around the text label int text_width = 0; int text_x = x; int image_offset = cw - ix - 1; switch(column.GetAlignment()) { case wxALIGN_LEFT: text_x += EXTRA_WIDTH; cw -= ix + 2; break; case wxALIGN_RIGHT: dc.GetTextExtent (column.GetText(), &text_width, NULL); text_x += cw - text_width - EXTRA_WIDTH - MARGIN; image_offset = 0; break; case wxALIGN_CENTER: dc.GetTextExtent(column.GetText(), &text_width, NULL); text_x += (cw - text_width)/2 + ix + 2; image_offset = (cw - text_width - ix - 2)/2 - MARGIN; break; } // draw the image if ((image != -1) && imageList) { imageList->Draw (image, dc, x + image_offset/*cw - ix - 1*/, HEADER_OFFSET_Y + (h - 4 - iy)/2, wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT); } // draw the text clipping it so that it doesn't overwrite the column boundary wxDCClipper clipper(dc, x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, cw, h - 4 ); dc.DrawText (column.GetText(), text_x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y + EXTRA_HEIGHT ); // next column x += wCol; } int more_w = m_owner->GetSize().x - x - HEADER_OFFSET_X; if (more_w > 0) { DoDrawRect (&dc, x, HEADER_OFFSET_Y, more_w, h-2 ); } } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::DrawCurrent() { int x1 = m_currentX; int y1 = 0; ClientToScreen (&x1, &y1); int x2 = m_currentX-1; #ifdef __WXMSW__ ++x2; // but why ???? #endif int y2 = 0; m_owner->GetClientSize( NULL, &y2 ); m_owner->ClientToScreen( &x2, &y2 ); wxScreenDC dc; dc.SetLogicalFunction (wxINVERT); dc.SetPen (wxPen (*wxBLACK, 2, wxSOLID)); dc.SetBrush (*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); AdjustDC(dc); dc.DrawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2); dc.SetLogicalFunction (wxCOPY); dc.SetPen (wxNullPen); dc.SetBrush (wxNullBrush); } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnMouse (wxMouseEvent &event) { // we want to work with logical coords int x; m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), 0, &x, NULL); int y = event.GetY(); if (m_isDragging) { SendListEvent (wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING, event.GetPosition()); // we don't draw the line beyond our window, but we allow dragging it // there int w = 0; GetClientSize( &w, NULL ); m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(w, 0, &w, NULL); w -= 6; // erase the line if it was drawn if (m_currentX < w) DrawCurrent(); if (event.ButtonUp()) { m_isDragging = false; if (HasCapture()) ReleaseMouse(); m_dirty = true; SetColumnWidth (m_column, m_currentX - m_minX); Refresh(); SendListEvent (wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG, event.GetPosition()); }else{ m_currentX = wxMax (m_minX + 7, x); // draw in the new location if (m_currentX < w) DrawCurrent(); } }else{ // not dragging m_minX = 0; bool hit_border = false; // end of the current column int xpos = 0; // find the column where this event occured int countCol = GetColumnCount(); for (int column = 0; column < countCol; column++) { if (!IsColumnShown (column)) continue; // do next if not shown xpos += GetColumnWidth (column); m_column = column; if ((abs (x-xpos) < 3) && (y < 22)) { // near the column border hit_border = true; break; } if (x < xpos) { // inside the column break; } m_minX = xpos; } if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightUp()) { if (hit_border && event.LeftDown()) { m_isDragging = true; CaptureMouse(); m_currentX = x; DrawCurrent(); SendListEvent (wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG, event.GetPosition()); }else{ // click on a column wxEventType evt = event.LeftDown()? wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK: wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK; SendListEvent (evt, event.GetPosition()); } }else if (event.LeftDClick() && hit_border) { SetColumnWidth (m_column, m_owner->GetBestColumnWidth (m_column)); Refresh(); }else if (event.Moving()) { bool setCursor; if (hit_border) { setCursor = m_currentCursor == wxSTANDARD_CURSOR; m_currentCursor = m_resizeCursor; }else{ setCursor = m_currentCursor != wxSTANDARD_CURSOR; m_currentCursor = wxSTANDARD_CURSOR; } if (setCursor) SetCursor (*m_currentCursor); } } } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus (wxFocusEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { m_owner->SetFocus(); } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::SendListEvent (wxEventType type, wxPoint pos) { wxWindow *parent = GetParent(); wxListEvent le (type, parent->GetId()); le.SetEventObject (parent); le.m_pointDrag = pos; // the position should be relative to the parent window, not // this one for compatibility with MSW and common sense: the // user code doesn't know anything at all about this header // window, so why should it get positions relative to it? le.m_pointDrag.y -= GetSize().y; le.m_col = m_column; parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (le); } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::AddColumn (const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo) { m_columns.Add (colInfo); m_total_col_width += colInfo.GetWidth(); m_owner->AdjustMyScrollbars(); m_owner->m_dirty = true; } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::SetColumnWidth (int column, int width) { wxCHECK_RET ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); m_total_col_width -= m_columns[column].GetWidth(); m_columns[column].SetWidth(width); m_total_col_width += width; m_owner->AdjustMyScrollbars(); m_owner->m_dirty = true; } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::InsertColumn (int before, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo) { wxCHECK_RET ((before >= 0) && (before < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); m_columns.Insert (colInfo, before); m_total_col_width += colInfo.GetWidth(); m_owner->AdjustMyScrollbars(); m_owner->m_dirty = true; } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::RemoveColumn (int column) { wxCHECK_RET ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); m_total_col_width -= m_columns[column].GetWidth(); m_columns.RemoveAt (column); m_owner->AdjustMyScrollbars(); m_owner->m_dirty = true; } void wxTreeListHeaderWindow::SetColumn (int column, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& info) { wxCHECK_RET ((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()), _T("Invalid column")); int w = m_columns[column].GetWidth(); m_columns[column] = info; if (w != info.GetWidth()) { m_total_col_width += info.GetWidth() - w; m_owner->AdjustMyScrollbars(); } m_owner->m_dirty = true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListItem // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxTreeListItem::wxTreeListItem (wxTreeListMainWindow *owner, wxTreeListItem *parent, const wxArrayString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) : m_text (text) { m_images[wxTreeItemIcon_Normal] = image; m_images[wxTreeItemIcon_Selected] = selImage; m_images[wxTreeItemIcon_Expanded] = NO_IMAGE; m_images[wxTreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded] = NO_IMAGE; m_data = data; m_x = 0; m_y = 0; m_text_x = 0; m_isCollapsed = true; m_hasHilight = false; m_hasPlus = false; m_isBold = false; m_owner = owner; m_parent = parent; m_attr = (wxTreeItemAttr *)NULL; m_ownsAttr = false; // We don't know the height here yet. m_width = 0; m_height = 0; } wxTreeListItem::~wxTreeListItem() { delete m_data; if (m_ownsAttr) delete m_attr; wxASSERT_MSG( m_children.IsEmpty(), _T("please call DeleteChildren() before destructor")); } void wxTreeListItem::DeleteChildren (wxTreeListMainWindow *tree) { size_t count = m_children.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; n++) { wxTreeListItem *child = m_children[n]; if (tree) { tree->SendDeleteEvent (child); // LG tree->RemoveFromSelection(child); /* if (child->IsSelected()) { tree->Unselect(child); } */ // if (tree->m_selectItem == child) tree->m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } child->DeleteChildren (tree); delete child; } m_children.Empty(); } void wxTreeListItem::SetText (const wxString &text) { if (m_text.GetCount() > 0) { m_text[0] = text; }else{ m_text.Add (text); } } size_t wxTreeListItem::GetChildrenCount (bool recursively) const { size_t count = m_children.Count(); if (!recursively) return count; size_t total = count; for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { total += m_children[n]->GetChildrenCount(); } return total; } void wxTreeListItem::GetSize (int &x, int &y, const wxTreeListMainWindow *theButton) { int bottomY = m_y + theButton->GetLineHeight (this); if (y < bottomY) y = bottomY; int width = m_x + m_width; if ( x < width ) x = width; if (IsExpanded()) { size_t count = m_children.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n ) { m_children[n]->GetSize (x, y, theButton); } } } wxTreeListItem *wxTreeListItem::HitTest (const wxPoint& point, const wxTreeListMainWindow *theCtrl, int &flags, int& column, int level) { // for a hidden root node, don't evaluate it, but do evaluate children if (!theCtrl->HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) || (level > 0)) { // reset any previous hit infos flags = 0; column = -1; wxTreeListHeaderWindow* header_win = theCtrl->m_owner->GetHeaderWindow(); // check for right of all columns (outside) if (point.x > header_win->GetWidth()) return (wxTreeListItem*) NULL; // evaluate if y-pos is okay int h = theCtrl->GetLineHeight (this); if ((point.y >= m_y) && (point.y <= m_y + h)) { int maincol = theCtrl->GetMainColumn(); // check for above/below middle int y_mid = m_y + h/2; if (point.y < y_mid) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMUPPERPART; }else{ flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLOWERPART; } // check for button hit if (HasPlus() && theCtrl->HasButtons()) { int bntX = m_x - theCtrl->m_btnWidth2; int bntY = y_mid - theCtrl->m_btnHeight2; if ((point.x >= bntX) && (point.x <= (bntX + theCtrl->m_btnWidth)) && (point.y >= bntY) && (point.y <= (bntY + theCtrl->m_btnHeight))) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMBUTTON; column = maincol; return this; } } // check for image hit if (theCtrl->m_imgWidth > 0) { int imgX = m_text_x - theCtrl->m_imgWidth - MARGIN; int imgY = y_mid - theCtrl->m_imgHeight2; if ((point.x >= imgX) && (point.x <= (imgX + theCtrl->m_imgWidth)) && (point.y >= imgY) && (point.y <= (imgY + theCtrl->m_imgHeight))) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON; column = maincol; return this; } } // check for label hit if ((point.x >= m_text_x) && (point.x <= (m_text_x + m_width))) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL; column = maincol; return this; } // check for indent hit after button and image hit if (point.x < m_x) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMINDENT; column = -1; // considered not belonging to main column return this; } // check for right of label int end = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= maincol; ++i) end += header_win->GetColumnWidth (i); if ((point.x > (m_text_x + m_width)) && (point.x <= end)) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT; column = -1; // considered not belonging to main column return this; } // else check for each column except main int x = 0; for (int j = 0; j < theCtrl->GetColumnCount(); ++j) { if (!header_win->IsColumnShown(j)) continue; int w = header_win->GetColumnWidth (j); if ((j != maincol) && (point.x >= x && point.x < x+w)) { flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMCOLUMN; column = j; return this; } x += w; } // no special flag or column found return this; } // if children not expanded, return no item if (!IsExpanded()) return (wxTreeListItem*) NULL; } // in any case evaluate children wxTreeListItem *child; size_t count = m_children.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; n++) { child = m_children[n]->HitTest (point, theCtrl, flags, column, level+1); if (child) return child; } // not found return (wxTreeListItem*) NULL; } int wxTreeListItem::GetCurrentImage() const { int image = NO_IMAGE; if (IsExpanded()) { if (IsSelected()) { image = GetImage (wxTreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded); }else{ image = GetImage (wxTreeItemIcon_Expanded); } }else{ // not expanded if (IsSelected()) { image = GetImage (wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }else{ image = GetImage (wxTreeItemIcon_Normal); } } // maybe it doesn't have the specific image, try the default one instead if (image == NO_IMAGE) image = GetImage(); return image; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListMainWindow implementation // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTreeListMainWindow, wxScrolledWindow) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTreeListMainWindow, wxScrolledWindow) EVT_PAINT (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnPaint) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnMouse) EVT_CHAR (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnChar) EVT_SET_FOCUS (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnSetFocus) EVT_KILL_FOCUS (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnKillFocus) EVT_IDLE (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnIdle) EVT_SCROLLWIN (wxTreeListMainWindow::OnScroll) END_EVENT_TABLE() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // construction/destruction // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTreeListMainWindow::Init() { m_rootItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; m_shiftItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; m_editItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; // LG // m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; m_curColumn = -1; // no current column m_hasFocus = false; m_dirty = false; m_lineHeight = LINEHEIGHT; m_indent = MININDENT; // min. indent m_linespacing = 4; #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) m_hilightBrush = new wxBrush (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT), wxSOLID); m_hilightUnfocusedBrush = new wxBrush (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW), wxSOLID); #else m_hilightBrush = new wxBrush (wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT), wxSOLID); m_hilightUnfocusedBrush = new wxBrush (wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW), wxSOLID); #endif m_imageListNormal = (wxImageList *) NULL; m_imageListButtons = (wxImageList *) NULL; m_imageListState = (wxImageList *) NULL; m_ownsImageListNormal = m_ownsImageListButtons = m_ownsImageListState = false; m_imgWidth = 0, m_imgWidth2 = 0; m_imgHeight = 0, m_imgHeight2 = 0; m_btnWidth = 0, m_btnWidth2 = 0; m_btnHeight = 0, m_btnHeight2 = 0; m_dragCount = 0; m_isDragging = false; m_dragTimer = new wxTimer (this, -1); m_dragItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; m_renameTimer = new wxTreeListRenameTimer (this); m_lastOnSame = false; m_left_down_selection = false; m_findTimer = new wxTimer (this, -1); #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) && defined(__WXMAC_CARBON__) m_normalFont.MacCreateThemeFont (kThemeViewsFont); #else m_normalFont = wxSystemSettings::GetFont (wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); #endif m_boldFont = wxFont( m_normalFont.GetPointSize(), m_normalFont.GetFamily(), m_normalFont.GetStyle(), wxBOLD, m_normalFont.GetUnderlined(), m_normalFont.GetFaceName(), m_normalFont.GetEncoding()); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::Create (wxTreeListCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxValidator &validator, const wxString& name) { #ifdef __WXMAC__ if (style & wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS) style |= wxTR_MAC_BUTTONS; if (style & wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS) style &= ~wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS; style &= ~wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT; style |= wxTR_NO_LINES; int major,minor; wxGetOsVersion( &major, &minor ); if (major < 10) style |= wxTR_ROW_LINES; #endif wxScrolledWindow::Create (parent, id, pos, size, style|wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL, name); #if wxUSE_VALIDATORS SetValidator(validator); #endif #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) SetBackgroundColour (wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX)); #else SetBackgroundColour (wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX)); #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ { int i, j; wxBitmap bmp(8, 8); wxMemoryDC bdc; bdc.SelectObject(bmp); bdc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN); bdc.DrawRectangle(-1, -1, 10, 10); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (!((i + j) & 1)) { bdc.DrawPoint(i, j); } } } m_dottedPen = wxPen(bmp, 1); } #else //? m_dottedPen = wxPen( *wxGREY_PEN, 1, wxDOT ); // too slow under XFree86 m_dottedPen = wxPen( _T("grey"), 0, 0 ); // Bitmap based pen is not supported by GTK! #endif m_owner = parent; m_main_column = 0; return true; } wxTreeListMainWindow::~wxTreeListMainWindow() { delete m_hilightBrush; delete m_hilightUnfocusedBrush; delete m_dragTimer; delete m_renameTimer; delete m_findTimer; if (m_ownsImageListNormal) delete m_imageListNormal; if (m_ownsImageListState) delete m_imageListState; if (m_ownsImageListButtons) delete m_imageListButtons; DeleteRoot(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // accessors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t wxTreeListMainWindow::GetCount() const { return m_rootItem == NULL? 0: m_rootItem->GetChildrenCount(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetIndent (unsigned int indent) { m_indent = wxMax (MININDENT, indent); m_dirty = true; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetLineSpacing (unsigned int spacing) { m_linespacing = spacing; m_dirty = true; CalculateLineHeight(); } size_t wxTreeListMainWindow::GetChildrenCount (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool recursively) { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), 0u, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->GetChildrenCount (recursively); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetWindowStyle (const long styles) { // right now, just sets the styles. Eventually, we may // want to update the inherited styles, but right now // none of the parents has updatable styles m_windowStyle = styles; m_dirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions to work with tree items //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, wxTreeItemIcon which) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), -1, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetImage (column, which); } wxTreeItemData *wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemData (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), NULL, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetData(); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemBold (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG(item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem *)item.m_pItem)->IsBold(); } wxColour wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemTextColour (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxNullColour, _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; return pItem->Attr().GetTextColour(); } wxColour wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemBackgroundColour (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxNullColour, _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; return pItem->Attr().GetBackgroundColour(); } wxFont wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemFont (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxNullFont, _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; return pItem->Attr().GetFont(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemImage (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, int image, wxTreeItemIcon which) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; pItem->SetImage (column, image, which); wxClientDC dc (this); CalculateSize (pItem, dc); RefreshLine (pItem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemData (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->SetData(data); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemHasChildren (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool has) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; pItem->SetHasPlus (has); RefreshLine (pItem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemBold (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool bold) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; if (pItem->IsBold() != bold) { // avoid redrawing if no real change pItem->SetBold (bold); RefreshLine (pItem); } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemTextColour (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; pItem->Attr().SetTextColour (colour); RefreshLine (pItem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemBackgroundColour (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; pItem->Attr().SetBackgroundColour (colour); RefreshLine (pItem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemFont (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxFont& font) { wxCHECK_RET (item.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; pItem->Attr().SetFont (font); RefreshLine (pItem); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::SetFont (const wxFont &font) { wxScrolledWindow::SetFont (font); m_normalFont = font; m_boldFont = wxFont (m_normalFont.GetPointSize(), m_normalFont.GetFamily(), m_normalFont.GetStyle(), wxBOLD, m_normalFont.GetUnderlined(), m_normalFont.GetFaceName()); CalculateLineHeight(); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // item status inquiries // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxTreeListMainWindow::IsVisible (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); // An item is only visible if it's not a descendant of a collapsed item wxTreeListItem *pItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; wxTreeListItem* parent = pItem->GetItemParent(); while (parent) { if (parent == m_rootItem && HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) break; if (!parent->IsExpanded()) return false; parent = parent->GetItemParent(); } wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize(); wxRect rect; if ((!GetBoundingRect (item, rect)) || ((!fullRow && rect.GetWidth() == 0) || rect.GetHeight() == 0) || (rect.GetBottom() < 0 || rect.GetTop() > clientSize.y) || (!fullRow && (rect.GetRight() < 0 || rect.GetLeft() > clientSize.x))) return false; return true; } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::HasChildren (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); // consider that the item does have children if it has the "+" button: it // might not have them (if it had never been expanded yet) but then it // could have them as well and it's better to err on this side rather than // disabling some operations which are restricted to the items with // children for an item which does have them return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->HasPlus(); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::IsExpanded (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->IsExpanded(); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::IsSelected (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->IsSelected(); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::IsBold (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->IsBold(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // navigation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemParent (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); return ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetItemParent(); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetFirstChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const { #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetFirstChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const { #endif wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); cookie = 0; return (!children.IsEmpty())? wxTreeItemId(children.Item(0)): wxTreeItemId(); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNextChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const { #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNextChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const { #endif wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); // it's ok to cast cookie to long, we never have indices which overflow "void*" long *pIndex = ((long*)&cookie); return ((*pIndex)+1 < (long)children.Count())? wxTreeItemId(children.Item(++(*pIndex))): wxTreeItemId(); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrevChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const { #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrevChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const { #endif wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); // it's ok to cast cookie to long, we never have indices which overflow "void*" long *pIndex = (long*)&cookie; return ((*pIndex)-1 >= 0)? wxTreeItemId(children.Item(--(*pIndex))): wxTreeItemId(); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetLastChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const { #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetLastChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const { #endif wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); // it's ok to cast cookie to long, we never have indices which overflow "void*" long *pIndex = ((long*)&cookie); (*pIndex) = children.Count(); return (!children.IsEmpty())? wxTreeItemId(children.Last()): wxTreeItemId(); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNextSibling (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); // get parent wxTreeListItem *i = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; wxTreeListItem *parent = i->GetItemParent(); if (!parent) return wxTreeItemId(); // root item doesn't have any siblings // get index wxArrayTreeListItems& siblings = parent->GetChildren(); size_t index = siblings.Index (i); wxASSERT (index != wxNOT_FOUND); // I'm not a child of my parent? return (index < siblings.Count()-1)? wxTreeItemId(siblings[index+1]): wxTreeItemId(); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrevSibling (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); // get parent wxTreeListItem *i = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; wxTreeListItem *parent = i->GetItemParent(); if (!parent) return wxTreeItemId(); // root item doesn't have any siblings // get index wxArrayTreeListItems& siblings = parent->GetChildren(); size_t index = siblings.Index(i); wxASSERT (index != wxNOT_FOUND); // I'm not a child of my parent? return (index >= 1)? wxTreeItemId(siblings[index-1]): wxTreeItemId(); } // Only for internal use right now, but should probably be public wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNext (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fulltree) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); // if there are any children, return first child if (fulltree || ((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->IsExpanded()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); if (children.GetCount() > 0) return children.Item (0); } // get sibling of this item or of the ancestors instead wxTreeItemId next; wxTreeItemId parent = item; do { next = GetNextSibling (parent); parent = GetItemParent (parent); } while (!next.IsOk() && parent.IsOk()); return next; } // Only for internal use right now, but should probably be public wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrev (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fulltree) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); // if there are any children, return last child if (fulltree || ((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->IsExpanded()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = ((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->GetChildren(); if (children.GetCount() > 0) return children.Item (children.GetCount()-1); } // get sibling of this item or of the ancestors instead wxTreeItemId next; wxTreeItemId parent = item; do { next = GetPrevSibling (parent); parent = GetItemParent (parent); } while (!next.IsOk() && parent.IsOk()); return next; } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetFirstExpandedItem() const { return GetNextExpanded (GetRootItem()); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNextExpanded (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); return GetNext (item, false); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrevExpanded (const wxTreeItemId& item) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); return GetPrev (item, false); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetFirstVisibleItem (bool fullRow) const { return GetNextVisible (GetRootItem(), fullRow); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetNextVisible (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeItemId id = GetNext (item, false); while (id.IsOk()) { if (IsVisible (id, fullRow)) return id; id = GetNext (id, false); } return wxTreeItemId(); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::GetPrevVisible (const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { wxCHECK_MSG (item.IsOk(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeItemId id = GetPrev (item, true); while (id.IsOk()) { if (IsVisible (id, fullRow)) return id; id = GetPrev(id, true); } return wxTreeItemId(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::DoInsertItem (const wxTreeItemId& parentId, size_t previous, const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxTreeListItem *parent = (wxTreeListItem*)parentId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_MSG (parent, wxTreeItemId(), _T("item must have a parent, at least root!") ); m_dirty = true; // do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker wxArrayString arr; arr.Alloc (GetColumnCount()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)GetColumnCount(); ++i) arr.Add (wxEmptyString); arr[m_main_column] = text; wxTreeListItem *item = new wxTreeListItem (this, parent, arr, image, selImage, data); if (data != NULL) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) data->SetId ((long)item); #else data->SetId (item); #endif } parent->Insert (item, previous); return item; } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::AddRoot (const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxCHECK_MSG(!m_rootItem, wxTreeItemId(), _T("tree can have only one root")); wxCHECK_MSG(GetColumnCount(), wxTreeItemId(), _T("Add column(s) before adding the root item")); m_dirty = true; // do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker wxArrayString arr; arr.Alloc (GetColumnCount()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)GetColumnCount(); ++i) arr.Add (wxEmptyString); arr[m_main_column] = text; m_rootItem = new wxTreeListItem (this, (wxTreeListItem *)NULL, arr, image, selImage, data); if (data != NULL) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) data->SetId((long)m_rootItem); #else data->SetId(m_rootItem); #endif } if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { // if we will hide the root, make sure children are visible m_rootItem->SetHasPlus(); m_rootItem->Expand(); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)GetFirstChild (m_rootItem, cookie).m_pItem; } return m_rootItem; } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::PrependItem (const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { return DoInsertItem (parent, 0u, text, image, selImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::InsertItem (const wxTreeItemId& parentId, const wxTreeItemId& idPrevious, const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxTreeListItem *parent = (wxTreeListItem*)parentId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_MSG (parent, wxTreeItemId(), _T("item must have a parent, at least root!") ); int index = parent->GetChildren().Index((wxTreeListItem*) idPrevious.m_pItem); wxASSERT_MSG( index != wxNOT_FOUND, _T("previous item in wxTreeListMainWindow::InsertItem() is not a sibling") ); return DoInsertItem (parentId, ++index, text, image, selImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::InsertItem (const wxTreeItemId& parentId, size_t before, const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxTreeListItem *parent = (wxTreeListItem*)parentId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_MSG (parent, wxTreeItemId(), _T("item must have a parent, at least root!") ); return DoInsertItem (parentId, before, text, image, selImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::AppendItem (const wxTreeItemId& parentId, const wxString& text, int image, int selImage, wxTreeItemData *data) { wxTreeListItem *parent = (wxTreeListItem*) parentId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_MSG (parent, wxTreeItemId(), _T("item must have a parent, at least root!") ); return DoInsertItem (parent, parent->GetChildren().Count(), text, image, selImage, data); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SendDeleteEvent (wxTreeListItem *item) { // send event to user code wxTreeEvent event (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM, m_owner->GetId()); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) event.SetItem ((long)item); #else event.SetItem (item); #endif event.SetEventObject (m_owner); m_owner->ProcessEvent (event); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::Delete (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_RET (item != m_rootItem, _T("invalid item, root may not be deleted this way!")); m_dirty = true; // do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker // don't stay with invalid m_shiftItem or we will crash in the next call to OnChar() bool changeKeyCurrent = false; wxTreeListItem *itemKey = m_shiftItem; while (itemKey) { if (itemKey == item) { // m_shiftItem is a descendant of the item being deleted changeKeyCurrent = true; break; } itemKey = itemKey->GetItemParent(); } wxTreeListItem *parent = item->GetItemParent(); if (parent) { parent->GetChildren().Remove (item); // remove by value } if (changeKeyCurrent) m_shiftItem = parent; SendDeleteEvent (item); // LG RemoveFromSelection(item); // if (item->IsSelected()) Unselect(item); //if (m_selectItem == item) m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; item->DeleteChildren (this); delete item; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::DeleteChildren (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; m_dirty = true; // do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker item->DeleteChildren (this); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::DeleteRoot() { if (m_rootItem) { m_dirty = true; SendDeleteEvent (m_rootItem); m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; // LG // m_selectItem= (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; UnselectAll(); m_rootItem->DeleteChildren (this); delete m_rootItem; m_rootItem = NULL; } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::Expand (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_RET (item, _T("invalid item in wxTreeListMainWindow::Expand") ); if (!item->HasPlus() || item->IsExpanded()) return; // send event to user code wxTreeEvent event (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING, m_owner->GetId()); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) event.SetItem ((long)item); #else event.SetItem (item); #endif event.SetEventObject (m_owner); if (m_owner->ProcessEvent (event) && !event.IsAllowed()) return; // expand canceled item->Expand(); m_dirty = true; // send event to user code event.SetEventType (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED); m_owner->ProcessEvent (event); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::ExpandAll (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { Expand (itemId); if (!IsExpanded (itemId)) return; #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; #endif wxTreeItemId child = GetFirstChild (itemId, cookie); while (child.IsOk()) { ExpandAll (child); child = GetNextChild (itemId, cookie); } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::Collapse (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_RET (item, _T("invalid item in wxTreeListMainWindow::Collapse") ); if (!item->HasPlus() || !item->IsExpanded()) return; // send event to user code wxTreeEvent event (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING, m_owner->GetId() ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) event.SetItem ((long)item); #else event.SetItem (item); #endif event.SetEventObject (m_owner); if (m_owner->ProcessEvent (event) && !event.IsAllowed()) return; // collapse canceled item->Collapse(); m_dirty = true; // send event to user code event.SetEventType (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED); ProcessEvent (event); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::CollapseAndReset (const wxTreeItemId& item) { Collapse (item); DeleteChildren (item); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::Toggle (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { if (IsExpanded (itemId)) { Collapse (itemId); }else{ Expand (itemId); } } /* void wxTreeListMainWindow::Unselect() { if (m_selectItem) { m_selectItem->SetHilight (false); RefreshLine (m_selectItem); m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } } */ // LG 19/09/08 : Added /* void wxTreeListMainWindow::Unselect(wxTreeListItem* item) { if (item->IsSelected()) { item->SetSelected (false); RefreshLine (item); m_selected.Remove(item); // LG : TODO : Remove from array // if (item == m_selectItem) m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } } */ /* void wxTreeListMainWindow::UnselectAllChildren (wxTreeListItem *item) { if (item->IsSelected()) { item->SetHilight (false); RefreshLine (item); if (item == m_selectItem) m_selectItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } if (item->HasChildren()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); size_t count = children.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { UnselectAllChildren (children[n]); } } } */ void wxTreeListMainWindow::UnselectAll() { size_t count = m_selected.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { m_selected[n]->SetSelected (false); RefreshLine (m_selected[n]); } m_selected.Empty(); //UnselectAllChildren ((wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem); } // Recursive function ! // To stop we must have crt_itemGetItemParent(); if (!parent) {// This is root item return SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (crt_item, last_item); } wxArrayTreeListItems& children = parent->GetChildren(); int index = children.Index(crt_item); wxASSERT (index != wxNOT_FOUND); // I'm not a child of my parent? if ((parent->HasChildren() && parent->IsExpanded()) || ((parent == (wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem) && HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT))) { size_t count = children.Count(); for (size_t n = (index+1); n < count; ++n) { if (SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (children[n], last_item)) return true; } } return SelectNextChildren (parent, last_item); } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (wxTreeListItem *crt_item, wxTreeListItem *last_item) { if (!crt_item->IsSelected()) { // LG : Send event to user to know is selection is accepted // send event to the user code wxTreeEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING, m_owner->GetId() ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) event.SetItem ((long)crt_item); #else event.SetItem (crt_item); #endif event.SetEventObject (m_owner); if (m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event) && event.IsAllowed()) { AddToSelection(crt_item); } } if (crt_item==last_item) return true; if (crt_item->HasChildren() && crt_item->IsExpanded()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = crt_item->GetChildren(); size_t count = children.Count(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { if (SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (children[n], last_item)) return true; } } return false; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::RemoveFromSelection( wxTreeListItem *item ) { if (!item->IsSelected()) return; item->SetSelected(false); m_selected.Remove(item); RefreshLine(item); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::AddToSelection( wxTreeListItem *item ) { if (item->IsSelected()) return; item->SetSelected(true); m_selected.Add(item); RefreshLine(item); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SelectItem (const wxTreeItemId& itemId, const wxTreeItemId& lastId, bool unselect_others) { wxCHECK_RET (itemId.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item") ); bool is_single = !HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE); wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; // single selection requires unselect others if (is_single) unselect_others = true; // unselect all if unselect other items bool unselected = false; // see that UnselectAll is done only once if (unselect_others) { /* if (is_single) { Unselect(); // to speed up thing }else{ */ UnselectAll(); unselected = true; // } } // LG : Update current item wxTreeListItem *old_curItem = m_curItem; m_curItem = item; if (old_curItem) RefreshLine (old_curItem); // select item or item range if (lastId.IsOk() && (itemId != lastId)) { if (!unselected) UnselectAll(); wxTreeListItem *last = (wxTreeListItem*) lastId.m_pItem; // LG : Update current item // wxTreeListItem *old_curItem = m_curItem; // m_curItem = last; // if (old_curItem) RefreshLine (old_curItem); // ensure that the position of the item it calculated in any case if (m_dirty) CalculatePositions(); // select item range according Y-position if (last->GetY() < item->GetY()) { if (!SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (last, item)) { SelectNextChildren (last, item); } }else{ if (!SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (item, last)) { SelectNextChildren (item, last); } } } else { // send event to the user code wxTreeEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING, m_owner->GetId() ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) event.SetItem ((long)item); event.SetOldItem ((long)m_curItem); #else event.SetItem (item); event.SetOldItem (m_curItem); #endif event.SetEventObject (m_owner); if (m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event) && event.IsAllowed()) { // select item according its old selection if (item->IsSelected()) RemoveFromSelection(item); else AddToSelection(item); } } // send event to user code wxTreeEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, m_owner->GetId() ); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SelectAll() { wxCHECK_RET (HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE), _T("invalid tree style")); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif wxTreeItemId root = GetRootItem(); wxTreeListItem *first = (wxTreeListItem *)GetFirstChild (root, cookie).m_pItem; wxTreeListItem *last = (wxTreeListItem *)GetLastChild (root, cookie).m_pItem; if (!SelectAllChildrenUntilLast (first, last)) { SelectNextChildren (first, last); } // send event to user code wxTreeEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, m_owner->GetId() ); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::FillArray (wxTreeListItem *item, wxArrayTreeItemIds &array) const { if (item->IsSelected()) array.Add (wxTreeItemId(item)); if (item->HasChildren()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); size_t count = children.GetCount(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) FillArray (children[n], array); } } size_t wxTreeListMainWindow::GetSelections (wxArrayTreeItemIds &array) const { /* LG : NOT OK AS IS NOT IN TREE ORDER array.Empty(); size_t count = m_selected.GetCount(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) array.Add(m_selected[n]); */ wxTreeItemId idRoot = GetRootItem(); if (idRoot.IsOk()) FillArray ((wxTreeListItem*) idRoot.m_pItem, array); return array.Count(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::EnsureVisible (const wxTreeItemId& item) { if (!item.IsOk()) return; // do nothing if no item // first expand all parent branches wxTreeListItem *gitem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; wxTreeListItem *parent = gitem->GetItemParent(); while (parent) { Expand (parent); parent = parent->GetItemParent(); } ScrollTo (item); RefreshLine (gitem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::ScrollTo (const wxTreeItemId &item) { if (!item.IsOk()) return; // do nothing if no item // ensure that the position of the item it calculated in any case if (m_dirty) CalculatePositions(); wxTreeListItem *gitem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; // now scroll to the item int item_y = gitem->GetY(); int xUnit, yUnit; GetScrollPixelsPerUnit (&xUnit, &yUnit); int start_x = 0; int start_y = 0; GetViewStart (&start_x, &start_y); start_y *= yUnit; int client_h = 0; int client_w = 0; GetClientSize (&client_w, &client_h); int x = 0; int y = 0; m_rootItem->GetSize (x, y, this); x = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetWidth(); y += yUnit + 2; // one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels int x_pos = GetScrollPos( wxHORIZONTAL ); if (item_y < start_y+3) { // going down, item should appear at top SetScrollbars (xUnit, yUnit, xUnit ? x/xUnit : 0, yUnit ? y/yUnit : 0, x_pos, yUnit ? item_y/yUnit : 0); }else if (item_y+GetLineHeight(gitem) > start_y+client_h) { // going up, item should appear at bottom item_y += yUnit + 2; SetScrollbars (xUnit, yUnit, xUnit ? x/xUnit : 0, yUnit ? y/yUnit : 0, x_pos, yUnit ? (item_y+GetLineHeight(gitem)-client_h)/yUnit : 0 ); } } // FIXME: tree sorting functions are not reentrant and not MT-safe! static wxTreeListMainWindow *s_treeBeingSorted = NULL; static int LINKAGEMODE tree_ctrl_compare_func(wxTreeListItem **item1, wxTreeListItem **item2) { wxCHECK_MSG (s_treeBeingSorted, 0, _T("bug in wxTreeListMainWindow::SortChildren()") ); return s_treeBeingSorted->OnCompareItems(*item1, *item2); } int wxTreeListMainWindow::OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1, const wxTreeItemId& item2) { return m_owner->OnCompareItems (item1, item2); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SortChildren (const wxTreeItemId& itemId) { wxCHECK_RET (itemId.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; wxCHECK_RET (!s_treeBeingSorted, _T("wxTreeListMainWindow::SortChildren is not reentrant") ); wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); if ( children.Count() > 1 ) { m_dirty = true; s_treeBeingSorted = this; children.Sort(tree_ctrl_compare_func); s_treeBeingSorted = NULL; } } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::FindItem (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& str, int mode) { wxString itemText; // determine start item wxTreeItemId next = item; if (next.IsOk()) { if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_LEVEL) { next = GetNextSibling (next); }else if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_VISIBLE) { // next = GetNextVisible (next, false); }else if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_EXPANDED) { next = GetNextExpanded (next); }else{ // (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_FULLTREE) default next = GetNext (next, true); } } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif if (!next.IsOk()) { next = (wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem; if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { next = (wxTreeListItem*)GetFirstChild (GetRootItem().m_pItem, cookie).m_pItem; } } if (!next.IsOk()) return (wxTreeItemId*)NULL; // start checking the next items while (next.IsOk() && (next != item)) { if (mode & wxTL_MODE_FIND_PARTIAL) { itemText = GetItemText (next).Mid (0, str.Length()); }else{ itemText = GetItemText (next); } if (mode & wxTL_MODE_FIND_NOCASE) { if (itemText.CmpNoCase (str) == 0) return next; }else{ if (itemText.Cmp (str) == 0) return next; } if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_LEVEL) { next = GetNextSibling (next); }else if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_VISIBLE) { // next = GetNextVisible (next, false); }else if (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_EXPANDED) { next = GetNextExpanded (next); }else{ // (mode & wxTL_MODE_NAV_FULLTREE) default next = GetNext (next, true); } if (!next.IsOk() && item.IsOk()) { next = (wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem; if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { next = (wxTreeListItem*)GetNextChild (GetRootItem().m_pItem, cookie).m_pItem; } } } return (wxTreeItemId*)NULL; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetDragItem (const wxTreeItemId& item) { wxTreeListItem *prevItem = m_dragItem; m_dragItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; if (prevItem) RefreshLine (prevItem); if (m_dragItem) RefreshLine (m_dragItem); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::CalculateLineHeight() { wxClientDC dc (this); dc.SetFont (m_normalFont); m_lineHeight = (int)(dc.GetCharHeight() + m_linespacing); if (m_imageListNormal) { // Calculate a m_lineHeight value from the normal Image sizes. // May be toggle off. Then wxTreeListMainWindow will spread when // necessary (which might look ugly). int n = m_imageListNormal->GetImageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { int width = 0, height = 0; m_imageListNormal->GetSize(i, width, height); if (height > m_lineHeight) m_lineHeight = height + m_linespacing; } } if (m_imageListButtons) { // Calculate a m_lineHeight value from the Button image sizes. // May be toggle off. Then wxTreeListMainWindow will spread when // necessary (which might look ugly). int n = m_imageListButtons->GetImageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { int width = 0, height = 0; m_imageListButtons->GetSize(i, width, height); if (height > m_lineHeight) m_lineHeight = height + m_linespacing; } } if (m_lineHeight < 30) { // add 10% space if greater than 30 pixels m_lineHeight += 2; // minimal 2 pixel space }else{ m_lineHeight += m_lineHeight / 10; // otherwise 10% space } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { if (m_ownsImageListNormal) delete m_imageListNormal; m_imageListNormal = imageList; m_ownsImageListNormal = false; m_dirty = true; CalculateLineHeight(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetStateImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { if (m_ownsImageListState) delete m_imageListState; m_imageListState = imageList; m_ownsImageListState = false; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetButtonsImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { if (m_ownsImageListButtons) delete m_imageListButtons; m_imageListButtons = imageList; m_ownsImageListButtons = false; m_dirty = true; CalculateLineHeight(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::AssignImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { SetImageList(imageList); m_ownsImageListNormal = true; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::AssignStateImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { SetStateImageList(imageList); m_ownsImageListState = true; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::AssignButtonsImageList (wxImageList *imageList) { SetButtonsImageList(imageList); m_ownsImageListButtons = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helpers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTreeListMainWindow::AdjustMyScrollbars() { if (m_rootItem) { int xUnit, yUnit; GetScrollPixelsPerUnit (&xUnit, &yUnit); if (xUnit == 0) xUnit = GetCharWidth(); if (yUnit == 0) yUnit = m_lineHeight; int x = 0, y = 0; m_rootItem->GetSize (x, y, this); y += yUnit + 2; // one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels int x_pos = GetScrollPos (wxHORIZONTAL); int y_pos = GetScrollPos (wxVERTICAL); x = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetWidth() + 2; if (x < GetClientSize().GetWidth()) x_pos = 0; SetScrollbars (xUnit, yUnit, x/xUnit, y/yUnit, x_pos, y_pos); }else{ SetScrollbars (0, 0, 0, 0); } } int wxTreeListMainWindow::GetLineHeight (wxTreeListItem *item) const { if (GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxTR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT) { return item->GetHeight(); }else{ return m_lineHeight; } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::PaintItem (wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC& dc) { wxTreeItemAttr *attr = item->GetAttributes(); dc.SetFont (GetItemFont (item)); wxColour colText; if (attr && attr->HasTextColour()) { colText = attr->GetTextColour(); }else{ colText = GetForegroundColour(); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxColour colTextHilight = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); #else wxColour colTextHilight = wxSystemSettings::GetColour (wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); #endif int total_w = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetWidth(); int total_h = GetLineHeight(item); int off_h = HasFlag(wxTR_ROW_LINES) ? 1 : 0; // std::cout << "off_h="<GetY(), total_w, total_h); // only within line int text_w = 0, text_h = 0; dc.GetTextExtent( item->GetText(GetMainColumn()), &text_w, &text_h ); // determine background and show it wxColour colBg; if (attr && attr->HasBackgroundColour()) { colBg = attr->GetBackgroundColour(); }else{ colBg = m_backgroundColour; } dc.SetBrush (wxBrush (colBg, wxSOLID)); dc.SetPen (*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); if (HasFlag (wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)) { if (item == m_dragItem) { dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color dc.SetPen ((item == m_dragItem)? *wxBLACK_PEN: *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ dc.SetTextForeground (colTextHilight); }else if (item->IsSelected()) { if (!m_isDragging && m_hasFocus) { dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color // LG : dc.SetPen (*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.SetPen (*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ }else{ dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightUnfocusedBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color dc.SetPen (*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ } dc.SetTextForeground (colTextHilight); } // LG else if (item == m_curItem) { dc.SetPen (m_hasFocus? *wxBLACK_PEN: *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); } else{ dc.SetTextForeground (colText); } // LG dc.DrawRectangle (0, item->GetY() + off_h, total_w, total_h - off_h); }else{ dc.SetTextForeground (colText); } int text_extraH = (total_h > text_h) ? (total_h - text_h)/2 : 0; int img_extraH = (total_h > m_imgHeight)? (total_h-m_imgHeight)/2: 0; int x_colstart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetColumnCount(); ++i ) { if (!m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->IsColumnShown(i)) continue; int col_w = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetColumnWidth(i); wxDCClipper clipper (dc, x_colstart, item->GetY(), col_w, total_h); // only within column int x = 0; int image = NO_IMAGE; int image_w = 0; if(i == GetMainColumn()) { x = item->GetX() + MARGIN; if (HasButtons()) { x += (m_btnWidth-m_btnWidth2) + LINEATROOT; }else{ x -= m_indent/2; } if (m_imageListNormal) image = item->GetCurrentImage(); }else{ x = x_colstart + MARGIN; image = item->GetImage(i); } if (image != NO_IMAGE) image_w = m_imgWidth + MARGIN; // honor text alignment wxString text = item->GetText(i); int w = 0; switch ( m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetColumn(i).GetAlignment() ) { case wxALIGN_LEFT: // nothing to do, already left aligned break; case wxALIGN_RIGHT: dc.GetTextExtent (text, &text_w, NULL); w = col_w - (image_w + text_w + MARGIN); x += (w > 0)? w: 0; break; case wxALIGN_CENTER: dc.GetTextExtent(text, &text_w, NULL); w = (col_w - (image_w + text_w + MARGIN))/2; x += (w > 0)? w: 0; break; } int text_x = x + image_w; if (i == GetMainColumn()) item->SetTextX (text_x); if (!HasFlag (wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT)) { if (i == GetMainColumn()) { if (item == m_dragItem) { dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color dc.SetPen ((item == m_dragItem)? *wxBLACK_PEN: *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ dc.SetTextForeground (colTextHilight); }else if (item->IsSelected()) { if (!m_isDragging && m_hasFocus) { dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color dc.SetPen (*wxBLACK_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ }else{ dc.SetBrush (*m_hilightUnfocusedBrush); #ifndef __WXMAC__ // don't draw rect outline if we already have the background color dc.SetPen (*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); #endif // !__WXMAC__ } dc.SetTextForeground (colTextHilight); } // LG else if (item == m_curItem) { dc.SetPen (m_hasFocus? *wxBLACK_PEN: *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); } else{ dc.SetTextForeground (colText); } dc.DrawRectangle (text_x, item->GetY() + off_h, text_w, total_h - off_h); }else{ dc.SetTextForeground (colText); } } dc.SetBackgroundMode (wxTRANSPARENT); if (image != NO_IMAGE) { int y = item->GetY() + img_extraH; m_imageListNormal->Draw (image, dc, x, y, wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT ); } int text_y = item->GetY() + text_extraH; dc.DrawText (text, (wxCoord)text_x, (wxCoord)text_y); x_colstart += col_w; } // restore normal font dc.SetFont( m_normalFont ); } // Now y stands for the top of the item, whereas it used to stand for middle ! void wxTreeListMainWindow::PaintLevel (wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC &dc, int level, int &y, int x_maincol) { // Handle hide root (only level 0) // LG : test // int nth = 2; //if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) && (level < nth)) { if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) && (level == 0)) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); for (size_t n = 0; n < children.Count(); n++) { PaintLevel (children[n], dc, 1, y, x_maincol); } // end after expanding root return; } // calculate position of vertical lines int x = x_maincol + MARGIN; // start of column if (HasFlag(wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT)) x += LINEATROOT; // space for lines at root if (HasButtons()) { x += (m_btnWidth-m_btnWidth2); // half button space }else{ x += (m_indent-m_indent/2); } if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { // LG // x += m_indent * (level-nth); // indent but not level 1 x += m_indent * (level-1); // indent but not level 1 }else{ x += m_indent * level; // indent according to level } // set position of vertical line item->SetX (x); item->SetY (y); int h = GetLineHeight (item); int y_top = y; int y_mid = y_top + (h/2); y += h; int exposed_x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0); int exposed_y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY(y_top); if (IsExposed(exposed_x, exposed_y, 10000, h)) { // 10000 = very much if (HasFlag(wxTR_ROW_LINES)) { // horizontal lines between rows //dc.DestroyClippingRegion(); int total_width = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetWidth(); // if the background colour is white, choose a // contrasting color for the lines dc.SetPen (*((GetBackgroundColour() == *wxWHITE)? wxMEDIUM_GREY_PEN : wxWHITE_PEN)); dc.DrawLine(0, y_top, total_width, y_top); dc.DrawLine(0, y_top+h, total_width, y_top+h); } // draw item PaintItem (item, dc); // restore DC objects dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.SetPen(m_dottedPen); // clip to the column width int clip_width = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()-> GetColumn(m_main_column).GetWidth(); wxDCClipper clipper(dc, x_maincol, y_top, clip_width, 10000); if (!HasFlag(wxTR_NO_LINES)) { // connection lines // draw the horizontal line here dc.SetPen(m_dottedPen); int x2 = x - m_indent; if (x2 < (x_maincol + MARGIN)) x2 = x_maincol + MARGIN; int x3 = x + (m_btnWidth-m_btnWidth2); if (HasButtons()) { if (item->HasPlus()) { dc.DrawLine (x2, y_mid, x - m_btnWidth2, y_mid); dc.DrawLine (x3, y_mid, x3 + LINEATROOT, y_mid); }else{ dc.DrawLine (x2, y_mid, x3 + LINEATROOT, y_mid); } }else{ dc.DrawLine (x2, y_mid, x - m_indent/2, y_mid); } } if (item->HasPlus() && HasButtons()) { // should the item show a button? if (m_imageListButtons) { // draw the image button here int image = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal; if (item->IsExpanded()) image = wxTreeItemIcon_Expanded; if (item->IsSelected()) image += wxTreeItemIcon_Selected - wxTreeItemIcon_Normal; int xx = x - m_btnWidth2 + MARGIN; int yy = y_mid - m_btnHeight2; dc.SetClippingRegion(xx, yy, m_btnWidth, m_btnHeight); m_imageListButtons->Draw (image, dc, xx, yy, wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT); dc.DestroyClippingRegion(); }else if (HasFlag (wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS)) { // draw the twisty button here dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*m_hilightBrush); wxPoint button[3]; if (item->IsExpanded()) { button[0].x = x - (m_btnWidth2+1); button[0].y = y_mid - (m_btnHeight/3); button[1].x = x + (m_btnWidth2+1); button[1].y = button[0].y; button[2].x = x; button[2].y = button[0].y + (m_btnHeight2+1); }else{ button[0].x = x - (m_btnWidth/3); button[0].y = y_mid - (m_btnHeight2+1); button[1].x = button[0].x; button[1].y = y_mid + (m_btnHeight2+1); button[2].x = button[0].x + (m_btnWidth2+1); button[2].y = y_mid; } dc.DrawPolygon(3, button); }else{ // if (HasFlag(wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS)) // draw the plus sign here dc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle (x-m_btnWidth2, y_mid-m_btnHeight2, m_btnWidth, m_btnHeight); dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine (x-(m_btnWidth2-2), y_mid, x+(m_btnWidth2-1), y_mid); if (!item->IsExpanded()) { // change "-" to "+" dc.DrawLine (x, y_mid-(m_btnHeight2-2), x, y_mid+(m_btnHeight2-1)); } } } } // restore DC objects dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.SetPen(m_dottedPen); dc.SetTextForeground(*wxBLACK); if (item->IsExpanded()) { wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); // clip to the column width int clip_width = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()-> GetColumn(m_main_column).GetWidth(); // process lower levels int oldY; if (m_imgWidth > 0) { oldY = y_mid + m_imgHeight2; }else{ oldY = y_mid + h/2; } int y2; for (size_t n = 0; n < children.Count(); ++n) { y2 = y + h/2; PaintLevel (children[n], dc, level+1, y, x_maincol); // draw vertical line wxDCClipper clipper(dc, x_maincol, y_top, clip_width, 10000); if (!HasFlag (wxTR_NO_LINES)) { x = item->GetX(); dc.DrawLine (x, oldY, x, y2); oldY = y2; } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWindows callbacks // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { wxPaintDC dc (this); PrepareDC (dc); if (!m_rootItem || (GetColumnCount() <= 0)) return; // calculate button size if (m_imageListButtons) { m_imageListButtons->GetSize (0, m_btnWidth, m_btnHeight); }else if (HasButtons()) { m_btnWidth = BTNWIDTH; m_btnHeight = BTNHEIGHT; } m_btnWidth2 = m_btnWidth/2; m_btnHeight2 = m_btnHeight/2; // calculate image size if (m_imageListNormal) { m_imageListNormal->GetSize (0, m_imgWidth, m_imgHeight); } m_imgWidth2 = m_imgWidth/2; m_imgHeight2 = m_imgHeight/2; // calculate indent size if (m_imageListButtons) { m_indent = wxMax (MININDENT, m_btnWidth + MARGIN); }else if (HasButtons()) { m_indent = wxMax (MININDENT, m_btnWidth + LINEATROOT); } // set default values dc.SetFont( m_normalFont ); dc.SetPen( m_dottedPen ); // calculate column start and paint int x_maincol = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)GetMainColumn(); ++i) { if (!m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->IsColumnShown(i)) continue; x_maincol += m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetColumnWidth (i); } int y = 0; PaintLevel (m_rootItem, dc, 0, y, x_maincol); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnSetFocus (wxFocusEvent &event) { m_hasFocus = true; RefreshSelected(); if (m_curItem) RefreshLine (m_curItem); event.Skip(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event ) { m_hasFocus = false; RefreshSelected(); if (m_curItem) RefreshLine (m_curItem); event.Skip(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnChar (wxKeyEvent &event) { // send event to user code wxTreeEvent nevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN, m_owner->GetId()); nevent.SetKeyEvent (event); nevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); if (m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (nevent)) return; // handled in user code // determine first current if none bool curItemSet = false; if (!m_curItem) { m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem; if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)GetFirstChild (m_curItem, cookie).m_pItem; } curItemSet = true; } if (!m_curItem) return; // do nothing if empty tree // remember item at shift down if (HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE) && event.ShiftDown()) { if (!m_shiftItem) m_shiftItem = m_curItem; }else{ m_shiftItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } // process all cases wxTreeItemId newItem = (wxTreeItemId*)NULL; switch (event.GetKeyCode()) { // '+': Expand subtree case '+': case WXK_ADD: { if (m_curItem->HasPlus() && !IsExpanded (m_curItem)) Expand (m_curItem); }break; // '-': collapse subtree case '-': case WXK_SUBTRACT: { if (m_curItem->HasPlus() && IsExpanded (m_curItem)) Collapse (m_curItem); }break; // '*': expand/collapse all subtrees // TODO: Mak it more useful case '*': case WXK_MULTIPLY: { if (m_curItem->HasPlus() && !IsExpanded (m_curItem)) { ExpandAll (m_curItem); }else if (m_curItem->HasPlus()) { Collapse (m_curItem); // TODO: CollapseAll } }break; // ' ': toggle current item case ' ': { SelectItem (m_curItem, (wxTreeListItem*)NULL, false); }break; // : activate current item case WXK_RETURN: { wxTreeEvent aevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, m_owner->GetId()); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) aevent.SetItem ((long)m_curItem); #else aevent.SetItem (m_curItem); #endif aevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (aevent); }break; // : go to the parent without collapsing case WXK_BACK: { newItem = GetItemParent (m_curItem); if ((newItem == GetRootItem()) && HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { newItem = GetPrevSibling (m_curItem); // get sibling instead of root } }break; // : go to the previous sibling or to the last of its children, to the parent case WXK_UP: { newItem = GetPrevSibling (m_curItem); if (newItem) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif while (IsExpanded (newItem) && HasChildren (newItem)) { newItem = GetLastChild (newItem, cookie); } }else { newItem = GetItemParent (m_curItem); if ((newItem == GetRootItem()) && HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { newItem = (wxTreeItemId*)NULL; // don't go to root if it is hidden } } }break; // : if expanded collapse subtree, else go to the parent case WXK_LEFT: { if (IsExpanded (m_curItem)) { Collapse (m_curItem); }else{ newItem = GetItemParent (m_curItem); if ((newItem == GetRootItem()) && HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { newItem = GetPrevSibling (m_curItem); // go to sibling if it is hidden } } }break; // : if possible expand subtree, else go go to the first child case WXK_RIGHT: { if (m_curItem->HasPlus() && !IsExpanded (m_curItem)) { Expand (m_curItem); }else{ if (IsExpanded (m_curItem) && HasChildren (m_curItem)) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif newItem = GetFirstChild (m_curItem, cookie); } } }break; // : if expanded go to the first child, else to the next sibling, ect case WXK_DOWN: { if (curItemSet) { newItem = m_curItem; }else{ if (IsExpanded (m_curItem) && HasChildren (m_curItem)) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif newItem = GetFirstChild( m_curItem, cookie ); } if (!newItem) { wxTreeItemId parent = m_curItem; do { newItem = GetNextSibling (parent); parent = GetItemParent (parent); } while (!newItem && parent); } } }break; // : go to last item of the root case WXK_END: { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif newItem = GetLastChild (GetRootItem(), cookie); }break; // : go to root case WXK_HOME: { newItem = GetRootItem(); if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) long cookie = 0; #else wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; #endif newItem = GetFirstChild (newItem, cookie); } }break; // any char: go to the next matching string default: if (event.GetKeyCode() >= (int)' ') { if (!m_findTimer->IsRunning()) m_findStr.Clear(); m_findStr.Append (event.GetKeyCode()); m_findTimer->Start (FIND_TIMER_TICKS, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT); wxTreeItemId prev = m_curItem? (wxTreeItemId*)m_curItem: (wxTreeItemId*)NULL; while (true) { newItem = FindItem (prev, m_findStr, wxTL_MODE_NAV_EXPANDED | wxTL_MODE_FIND_PARTIAL | wxTL_MODE_FIND_NOCASE); if (newItem || (m_findStr.Length() <= 1)) break; m_findStr.RemoveLast(); }; } event.Skip(); } // select and show the new item if (newItem) { if (!event.ControlDown()) { bool unselect_others = !((event.ShiftDown() || event.ControlDown()) && HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE)); SelectItem (newItem, m_shiftItem, unselect_others); } EnsureVisible (newItem); wxTreeListItem *oldItem = m_curItem; m_curItem = (wxTreeListItem*)newItem.m_pItem; // make the new item the current item RefreshLine (oldItem); } } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListMainWindow::HitTest (const wxPoint& point, int& flags, int& column) { int w, h; GetSize(&w, &h); flags=0; column = -1; if (point.x<0) flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_TOLEFT; if (point.x>w) flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_TORIGHT; if (point.y<0) flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_ABOVE; if (point.y>h) flags |= wxTREE_HITTEST_BELOW; if (flags) return wxTreeItemId(); if (!m_rootItem) { flags = wxTREE_HITTEST_NOWHERE; column = -1; return wxTreeItemId(); } wxTreeListItem *hit = m_rootItem->HitTest (CalcUnscrolledPosition(point), this, flags, column, 0); if (!hit) { flags = wxTREE_HITTEST_NOWHERE; column = -1; return wxTreeItemId(); } return hit; } // get the bounding rectangle of the item (or of its label only) bool wxTreeListMainWindow::GetBoundingRect (const wxTreeItemId& itemId, wxRect& rect, bool WXUNUSED(textOnly)) const { wxCHECK_MSG (itemId.IsOk(), false, _T("invalid item in wxTreeListMainWindow::GetBoundingRect") ); wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; int xUnit, yUnit; GetScrollPixelsPerUnit (&xUnit, &yUnit); int startX, startY; GetViewStart(& startX, & startY); rect.x = item->GetX() - startX * xUnit; rect.y = item->GetY() - startY * yUnit; rect.width = item->GetWidth(); rect.height = GetLineHeight (item); return true; } /* **** */ void wxTreeListMainWindow::EditLabel (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column) { if (!item.IsOk()) return; if (!((column >= 0) && (column < GetColumnCount()))) return; m_editItem = (wxTreeListItem*) item.m_pItem; wxTreeEvent te( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, m_owner->GetId() ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) te.SetItem ((long)m_editItem); #else te.SetItem (m_editItem); #endif te.SetInt (column); te.SetEventObject (m_owner ); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (te); if (!te.IsAllowed()) return; // ensure that the position of the item it calculated in any case if (m_dirty) CalculatePositions(); wxTreeListHeaderWindow* header_win = m_owner->GetHeaderWindow(); int x = 0; int y = m_editItem->GetY() + 1; // wxTextCtrl needs 1 pixels above the text int w = 0; int h = m_editItem->GetHeight(); long style = 0; if (column == GetMainColumn()) { x += m_editItem->GetTextX() - 2; // wxTextCtrl needs 2 pixels before the text w = wxMin (m_editItem->GetWidth(), m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetWidth() - x); }else{ for (int i = 0; i < column; ++i) x += header_win->GetColumnWidth (i); // start of column switch (header_win->GetColumnAlignment (column)) { case wxALIGN_LEFT: {style = wxTE_LEFT; break;} case wxALIGN_RIGHT: {style = wxTE_RIGHT; break;} case wxALIGN_CENTER: {style = wxTE_CENTER; break;} } w = header_win->GetColumnWidth (column); // width of column } wxClientDC dc (this); PrepareDC (dc); x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX (x); y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY (y); wxEditTextCtrl *text = new wxEditTextCtrl (this, -1, &m_renameAccept, &m_renameRes, this, m_editItem->GetText (column), wxPoint (x, y), wxSize (w, h), style); text->SetFocus(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnRenameTimer() { EditLabel (m_curItem, m_curColumn); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnRenameAccept() { // TODO if the validator fails this causes a crash wxTreeEvent le( wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT, m_owner->GetId() ); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) le.SetItem((long)m_editItem); #else le.SetItem(m_editItem); #endif le.SetEventObject( /*this*/m_owner ); le.SetLabel( m_renameRes ); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( le ); if (!le.IsAllowed()) return; SetItemText (m_editItem, m_curColumn, m_renameRes); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnMouse (wxMouseEvent &event) { if (!m_rootItem) return; // we process left mouse up event (enables in-place edit), right down // (pass to the user code), left dbl click (activate item) and // dragging/moving events for items drag-and-drop if (!(event.LeftDown() || event.LeftUp() || event.RightDown() || event.RightUp() || event.LeftDClick() || event.Dragging() || (event.GetWheelRotation() != 0 )/*? TODO || event.Moving()?*/)) { m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event); return; } // set focus if window clicked if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightDown()) SetFocus(); // determine event wxPoint p = wxPoint (event.GetX(), event.GetY()); int flags = 0; wxTreeListItem *item = m_rootItem->HitTest (CalcUnscrolledPosition (p), this, flags, m_curColumn, 0); // we only process dragging here if (event.Dragging()){ if (m_isDragging) return; // nothing to do, already done if (item == NULL) return; // we need an item to dragging // determine drag start if (m_dragCount == 0) { m_dragTimer->Start (DRAG_TIMER_TICKS, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT); } m_dragCount++; if (m_dragCount < 3) return; // minimum drag 3 pixel if (m_dragTimer->IsRunning()) return; // we're going to drag m_dragCount = 0; m_isDragging = true; CaptureMouse(); RefreshSelected(); // send drag start event wxEventType command = event.LeftIsDown() ? wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG : wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG; wxTreeEvent nevent (command, m_owner->GetId()); nevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) nevent.SetItem ((long)item); // the item the drag is ended #else nevent.SetItem (item); // the item the drag is ended #endif nevent.Veto(); // dragging must be explicit allowed! m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (nevent); }else if (m_isDragging) { // any other event but not event.Dragging() // end dragging m_dragCount = 0; m_isDragging = false; if (HasCapture()) ReleaseMouse(); RefreshSelected(); // send drag end event event wxTreeEvent nevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG, m_owner->GetId()); nevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) nevent.SetItem ((long)item); // the item the drag is started #else nevent.SetItem (item); // the item the drag is started #endif nevent.SetPoint (p); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (nevent); }else if (m_dragCount > 0) { // just in case dragging is initiated // end dragging m_dragCount = 0; } // we process only the messages which happen on tree items if (item == NULL) { m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event); return; } // remember item at shift down if (event.ShiftDown()) { if (!m_shiftItem) m_shiftItem = m_curItem; }else{ m_shiftItem = (wxTreeListItem*)NULL; } if (event.RightUp()) { SetFocus(); wxTreeEvent nevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, m_owner->GetId()); nevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) nevent.SetItem ((long)item); // the item clicked #else nevent.SetItem (item); // the item clicked #endif nevent.SetInt (m_curColumn); // the colum clicked nevent.SetPoint (p); m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (nevent); }else if (event.LeftUp()) { if (m_lastOnSame) { if ((item == m_curItem) && (m_curColumn != -1) && (m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->IsColumnEditable (m_curColumn)) && (flags & (wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL | wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMCOLUMN))){ m_renameTimer->Start (RENAME_TIMER_TICKS, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT); } m_lastOnSame = false; } if (((flags & wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMBUTTON) || (flags & wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON)) && HasButtons() && item->HasPlus()) { // only toggle the item for a single click, double click on // the button doesn't do anything (it toggles the item twice) if (event.LeftDown()) Toggle (item); // don't select the item if the button was clicked return; } // determine the selection if not done by left down if (!m_left_down_selection) { bool unselect_others = !((event.ShiftDown() || event.ControlDown()) && HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE)); SelectItem (item, m_shiftItem, unselect_others); EnsureVisible (item); // LG m_curItem = item; // make the new item the current item }else{ m_left_down_selection = false; } }else if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightDown() || event.LeftDClick()) { if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightDown()) { SetFocus(); m_lastOnSame = item == m_curItem; } if (((flags & wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMBUTTON) || (flags & wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON)) && item->HasPlus()) { // only toggle the item for a single click, double click on // the button doesn't do anything (it toggles the item twice) if (event.LeftDown()) Toggle (item); // don't select the item if the button was clicked return; } // determine the selection if the current item is not selected if (!item->IsSelected()) { bool unselect_others = !((event.ShiftDown() || event.ControlDown()) && HasFlag(wxTR_MULTIPLE)); SelectItem (item, m_shiftItem, unselect_others); EnsureVisible (item); // LG m_curItem = item; // make the new item the current item m_left_down_selection = true; } // For some reason, Windows isn't recognizing a left double-click, // so we need to simulate it here. Allow 200 milliseconds for now. if (event.LeftDClick()) { // double clicking should not start editing the item label m_renameTimer->Stop(); m_lastOnSame = false; // send activate event first wxTreeEvent nevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, m_owner->GetId()); nevent.SetEventObject (m_owner); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) nevent.SetItem ((long)item); // the item clicked #else nevent.SetItem (item); // the item clicked #endif nevent.SetInt (m_curColumn); // the colum clicked nevent.SetPoint (p); if (!m_owner->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (nevent)) { // if the user code didn't process the activate event, // handle it ourselves by toggling the item when it is // double clicked if (item->HasPlus()) Toggle(item); } } }else{ // any other event skip just in case event.Skip(); } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnIdle (wxIdleEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { /* after all changes have been done to the tree control, * we actually redraw the tree when everything is over */ if (!m_dirty) return; m_dirty = false; CalculatePositions(); Refresh(); AdjustMyScrollbars(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::OnScroll (wxScrollWinEvent& event) { // FIXME #if defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) wxScrolledWindow::OnScroll(event); #else HandleOnScroll( event ); #endif if(event.GetOrientation() == wxHORIZONTAL) { m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->Refresh(); m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->Update(); } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::CalculateSize (wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC &dc) { wxCoord text_w = 0; wxCoord text_h = 0; dc.SetFont (GetItemFont (item)); dc.GetTextExtent (item->GetText (m_main_column), &text_w, &text_h); // restore normal font dc.SetFont (m_normalFont); int total_h = (m_imgHeight > text_h) ? m_imgHeight : text_h; if (total_h < 30) { // add 10% space if greater than 30 pixels total_h += 2; // minimal 2 pixel space }else{ total_h += total_h / 10; // otherwise 10% space } item->SetHeight (total_h); if (total_h > m_lineHeight) m_lineHeight = total_h; item->SetWidth(m_imgWidth + text_w +2); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTreeListMainWindow::CalculateLevel (wxTreeListItem *item, wxDC &dc, int level, int &y, int x_colstart) { // calculate position of vertical lines int x = x_colstart + MARGIN; // start of column if (HasFlag(wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT)) x += LINEATROOT; // space for lines at root if (HasButtons()) { x += (m_btnWidth-m_btnWidth2); // half button space }else{ x += (m_indent-m_indent/2); } if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { // LG // x += m_indent * (level-2); // indent but not level 1 x += m_indent * (level-1); // indent but not level 1 }else{ x += m_indent * level; // indent according to level } // a hidden root is not evaluated, but its children are always if (HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) && (level == 0)) goto Recurse; CalculateSize( item, dc ); // set its position item->SetX (x); item->SetY (y); y += GetLineHeight(item); // we don't need to calculate collapsed branches if ( !item->IsExpanded() ) return; Recurse: wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); long n, count = (long)children.Count(); ++level; for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) { CalculateLevel( children[n], dc, level, y, x_colstart ); // recurse } } void wxTreeListMainWindow::CalculatePositions() { if ( !m_rootItem ) return; wxClientDC dc(this); PrepareDC( dc ); dc.SetFont( m_normalFont ); dc.SetPen( m_dottedPen ); //if(GetImageList() == NULL) // m_lineHeight = (int)(dc.GetCharHeight() + 4); int y = 2; int x_colstart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)GetMainColumn(); ++i) { if (!m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->IsColumnShown(i)) continue; x_colstart += m_owner->GetHeaderWindow()->GetColumnWidth(i); } CalculateLevel( m_rootItem, dc, 0, y, x_colstart ); // start recursion } void wxTreeListMainWindow::RefreshSubtree (wxTreeListItem *item) { if (m_dirty) return; wxClientDC dc(this); PrepareDC(dc); int cw = 0; int ch = 0; GetVirtualSize( &cw, &ch ); wxRect rect; rect.x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX( 0 ); rect.width = cw; rect.y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY( item->GetY() - 2 ); rect.height = ch; Refresh (true, &rect ); AdjustMyScrollbars(); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::RefreshLine (wxTreeListItem *item) { // return; // std::cout << "RefreshLine = "<GetY() ); rect.width = cw; rect.height = GetLineHeight(item); //dc.GetCharHeight() + 6; Refresh (true, &rect); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::RefreshSelected() { long count = m_selected.GetCount(); for (long n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { RefreshLine (m_selected[n]); } } /* void wxTreeListMainWindow::RefreshSelectedUnder (wxTreeListItem *item) { if (item->IsSelected()) { RefreshLine (item); } const wxArrayTreeListItems& children = item->GetChildren(); long count = children.GetCount(); for (long n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { RefreshSelectedUnder (children[n]); } } */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // changing colours: we need to refresh the tree control // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxTreeListMainWindow::SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour& colour) { if (!wxWindow::SetBackgroundColour(colour)) return false; Refresh(); return true; } bool wxTreeListMainWindow::SetForegroundColour (const wxColour& colour) { if (!wxWindow::SetForegroundColour(colour)) return false; Refresh(); return true; } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& itemId, int column, const wxString& text) { wxCHECK_RET (itemId.IsOk(), _T("invalid tree item")); wxClientDC dc (this); wxTreeListItem *item = (wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem; item->SetText (column, text); CalculateSize (item, dc); RefreshLine (item); } wxString wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemText (const wxTreeItemId& itemId, int column) const { wxCHECK_MSG (itemId.IsOk(), _T(""), _T("invalid tree item") ); if( IsVirtual() ) return m_owner->OnGetItemText(((wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem)->GetData(),column); else return ((wxTreeListItem*) itemId.m_pItem)->GetText (column); } wxString wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemText (wxTreeItemData* item, int column) const { wxASSERT_MSG( IsVirtual(), _T("can be used only with virtual control") ); return m_owner->OnGetItemText(item,column); } void wxTreeListMainWindow::SetFocus() { wxWindow::SetFocus(); } wxFont wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemFont (wxTreeListItem *item) { wxTreeItemAttr *attr = item->GetAttributes(); if (attr && attr->HasFont()) { return attr->GetFont(); }else if (item->IsBold()) { return m_boldFont; }else{ return m_normalFont; } } int wxTreeListMainWindow::GetItemWidth (int column, wxTreeListItem *item) { if (!item) return 0; // determine item width int w = 0, h = 0; wxFont font = GetItemFont (item); GetTextExtent (item->GetText (column), &w, &h, NULL, NULL, font.Ok()? &font: NULL); w += 2*MARGIN; // calculate width int width = w + 2*MARGIN; if (column == GetMainColumn()) { width += MARGIN; if (HasFlag(wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT)) width += LINEATROOT; if (HasButtons()) width += m_btnWidth + LINEATROOT; if (item->GetCurrentImage() != NO_IMAGE) width += m_imgWidth; // count indent level int level = 0; wxTreeListItem *parent = item->GetItemParent(); wxTreeListItem *root = (wxTreeListItem*)GetRootItem().m_pItem; while (parent && (!HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) || (parent != root))) { level++; parent = parent->GetItemParent(); } if (level) width += level * GetIndent(); } return width; } int wxTreeListMainWindow::GetBestColumnWidth (int column, wxTreeItemId parent) { int maxWidth, h; GetClientSize (&maxWidth, &h); int width = 0; // get root if on item if (!parent.IsOk()) parent = GetRootItem(); // add root width if (!HasFlag(wxTR_HIDE_ROOT)) { int w = GetItemWidth (column, (wxTreeListItem*)parent.m_pItem); if (width < w) width = w; if (width > maxWidth) return maxWidth; } wxTreeItemIdValue cookie = 0; wxTreeItemId item = GetFirstChild (parent, cookie); while (item.IsOk()) { int w = GetItemWidth (column, (wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem); if (width < w) width = w; if (width > maxWidth) return maxWidth; // check the children of this item if (((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem)->IsExpanded()) { int w = GetBestColumnWidth (column, item); if (width < w) width = w; if (width > maxWidth) return maxWidth; } // next sibling item = GetNextChild (parent, cookie); } return width; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTreeListCtrl //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTreeListCtrl, wxControl); //IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxTreeListCtrl, wxControl); BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTreeListCtrl, wxControl) EVT_SIZE(wxTreeListCtrl::OnSize) END_EVENT_TABLE(); bool wxTreeListCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxValidator &validator, const wxString& name) { long main_style = style & ~(wxSIMPLE_BORDER|wxSUNKEN_BORDER|wxDOUBLE_BORDER| wxRAISED_BORDER|wxSTATIC_BORDER); long ctrl_style = style & ~(wxVSCROLL|wxHSCROLL); if (!wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, ctrl_style, validator, name)) { return false; } m_main_win = new wxTreeListMainWindow (this, -1, wxPoint(0, 0), size, main_style, validator); m_header_win = new wxTreeListHeaderWindow (this, -1, m_main_win, wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); CalculateAndSetHeaderHeight(); return true; } void wxTreeListCtrl::CalculateAndSetHeaderHeight() { if (m_header_win) { // we use 'g' to get the descent, too int w, h, d; m_header_win->GetTextExtent(_T("Hg"), &w, &h, &d); h += d + 2 * HEADER_OFFSET_Y + EXTRA_HEIGHT; h = 0 ; // only update if changed if (h != m_headerHeight) { m_headerHeight = h; DoHeaderLayout(); } } } void wxTreeListCtrl::DoHeaderLayout() { int w, h; GetClientSize(&w, &h); if (m_header_win) { m_header_win->SetSize (0, 0, w, m_headerHeight); m_header_win->Refresh(); } if (m_main_win) { m_main_win->SetSize (0, m_headerHeight + 1, w, h - m_headerHeight - 1); } } void wxTreeListCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoHeaderLayout(); } size_t wxTreeListCtrl::GetCount() const { return m_main_win->GetCount(); } unsigned int wxTreeListCtrl::GetIndent() const { return m_main_win->GetIndent(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetIndent(unsigned int indent) { m_main_win->SetIndent(indent); } unsigned int wxTreeListCtrl::GetLineSpacing() const { return m_main_win->GetLineSpacing(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetLineSpacing(unsigned int spacing) { m_main_win->SetLineSpacing(spacing); } wxImageList* wxTreeListCtrl::GetImageList() const { return m_main_win->GetImageList(); } wxImageList* wxTreeListCtrl::GetStateImageList() const { return m_main_win->GetStateImageList(); } wxImageList* wxTreeListCtrl::GetButtonsImageList() const { return m_main_win->GetButtonsImageList(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->SetImageList(imageList); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetStateImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->SetStateImageList(imageList); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetButtonsImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->SetButtonsImageList(imageList); } void wxTreeListCtrl::AssignImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->AssignImageList(imageList); } void wxTreeListCtrl::AssignStateImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->AssignStateImageList(imageList); } void wxTreeListCtrl::AssignButtonsImageList(wxImageList* imageList) { m_main_win->AssignButtonsImageList(imageList); } wxString wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item, int column) const { return m_main_win->GetItemText (item, column); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, wxTreeItemIcon which) const { return m_main_win->GetItemImage(item, column, which); } wxTreeItemData* wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemData(item); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemBold(item); } wxColour wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemTextColour(item); } wxColour wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemBackgroundColour(item); } wxFont wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemFont(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, const wxString& text) { m_main_win->SetItemText (item, column, text); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int column, int image, wxTreeItemIcon which) { m_main_win->SetItemImage(item, column, image, which); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData* data) { m_main_win->SetItemData(item, data); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool has) { m_main_win->SetItemHasChildren(item, has); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool bold) { m_main_win->SetItemBold(item, bold); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour) { m_main_win->SetItemTextColour(item, colour); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& colour) { m_main_win->SetItemBackgroundColour(item, colour); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxFont& font) { m_main_win->SetItemFont(item, font); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::SetFont(const wxFont& font) { if (m_header_win) { m_header_win->SetFont(font); CalculateAndSetHeaderHeight(); m_header_win->Refresh(); } if (m_main_win) { return m_main_win->SetFont(font); }else{ return false; } } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetWindowStyle(const long style) { if(m_main_win) m_main_win->SetWindowStyle(style); m_windowStyle = style; // TODO: provide something like wxTL_NO_HEADERS to hide m_header_win } long wxTreeListCtrl::GetWindowStyle() const { long style = m_windowStyle; if(m_main_win) style |= m_main_win->GetWindowStyle(); return style; } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { return m_main_win->IsVisible(item, fullRow); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::HasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->HasChildren(item); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->IsExpanded(item); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsSelected(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->IsSelected(item); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->IsBold(item); } size_t wxTreeListCtrl::GetChildrenCount(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool rec) { return m_main_win->GetChildrenCount(item, rec); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetRootItem() const { return m_main_win->GetRootItem(); } //wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetSelection() const //{ return m_main_win->GetSelection(); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetCurrent() const { return m_main_win->GetCurrent(); } size_t wxTreeListCtrl::GetSelections(wxArrayTreeItemIds& arr) const { return m_main_win->GetSelections(arr); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemParent(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetItemParent(item); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetFirstChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetFirstChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const #endif { return m_main_win->GetFirstChild(item, cookie); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const #endif { return m_main_win->GetNextChild(item, cookie); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrevChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrevChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const #endif { return m_main_win->GetPrevChild(item, cookie); } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetLastChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const #else wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetLastChild (const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemIdValue& cookie) const #endif { return m_main_win->GetLastChild(item, cookie); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetNextSibling(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrevSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetPrevSibling(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNext(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetNext(item, true); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrev(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetPrev(item, true); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetFirstExpandedItem() const { return m_main_win->GetFirstExpandedItem(); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetNextExpanded(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrevExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const { return m_main_win->GetPrevExpanded(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetFirstVisibleItem(bool fullRow) const { return m_main_win->GetFirstVisibleItem(fullRow); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { return m_main_win->GetNextVisible(item, fullRow); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::GetPrevVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool fullRow) const { return m_main_win->GetPrevVisible(item, fullRow); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::AddRoot (const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData* data) { return m_main_win->AddRoot (text, image, selectedImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::PrependItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData* data) { return m_main_win->PrependItem(parent, text, image, selectedImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxTreeItemId& previous, const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData* data) { return m_main_win->InsertItem(parent, previous, text, image, selectedImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, size_t index, const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData* data) { return m_main_win->InsertItem(parent, index, text, image, selectedImage, data); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::AppendItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent, const wxString& text, int image, int selectedImage, wxTreeItemData* data) { return m_main_win->AppendItem(parent, text, image, selectedImage, data); } void wxTreeListCtrl::Delete(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->Delete(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::DeleteChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->DeleteChildren(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::DeleteRoot() { m_main_win->DeleteRoot(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::Expand(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->Expand(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::ExpandAll(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->ExpandAll(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::Collapse(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->Collapse(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::CollapseAndReset(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->CollapseAndReset(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::Toggle(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->Toggle(item); } //void wxTreeListCtrl::Unselect() //{ m_main_win->Unselect(); } // LG 19/09/08 : Added //void wxTreeListCtrl::Unselect(wxTreeItemId& item) //{ m_main_win->Unselect((wxTreeListItem*)item.m_pItem); } void wxTreeListCtrl::UnselectAll() { m_main_win->UnselectAll(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SelectItem(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxTreeItemId& last, bool unselect_others) { m_main_win->SelectItem (item, last, unselect_others); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SelectAll() { m_main_win->SelectAll(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::EnsureVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->EnsureVisible(item); } void wxTreeListCtrl::ScrollTo(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->ScrollTo(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::HitTest(const wxPoint& pos, int& flags, int& column) { wxPoint p = m_main_win->ScreenToClient (ClientToScreen (pos)); return m_main_win->HitTest (p, flags, column); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::GetBoundingRect(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxRect& rect, bool textOnly) const { return m_main_win->GetBoundingRect(item, rect, textOnly); } void wxTreeListCtrl::EditLabel (const wxTreeItemId& item, int column) { m_main_win->EditLabel (item, column); } int wxTreeListCtrl::OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1, const wxTreeItemId& item2) { // do the comparison here, and not delegate to m_main_win, in order // to let the user override it //return m_main_win->OnCompareItems(item1, item2); return wxStrcmp(GetItemText(item1), GetItemText(item2)); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SortChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->SortChildren(item); } wxTreeItemId wxTreeListCtrl::FindItem (const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& str, int mode) { return m_main_win->FindItem (item, str, mode); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetDragItem (const wxTreeItemId& item) { m_main_win->SetDragItem (item); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour) { if (!m_main_win) return false; return m_main_win->SetBackgroundColour(colour); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour) { if (!m_main_win) return false; return m_main_win->SetForegroundColour(colour); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumnCount() const { return m_main_win->GetColumnCount(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(int column, int width) { m_header_win->SetColumnWidth (column, width); m_header_win->Refresh(); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumnWidth(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumnWidth(column); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetMainColumn(int column) { m_main_win->SetMainColumn(column); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetMainColumn() const { return m_main_win->GetMainColumn(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnText(int column, const wxString& text) { m_header_win->SetColumnText (column, text); m_header_win->Refresh(); } wxString wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumnText(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumnText(column); } void wxTreeListCtrl::AddColumn(const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo) { m_header_win->AddColumn (colInfo); DoHeaderLayout(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::InsertColumn(int before, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo) { m_header_win->InsertColumn (before, colInfo); m_header_win->Refresh(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::RemoveColumn(int column) { m_header_win->RemoveColumn (column); m_header_win->Refresh(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumn(int column, const wxTreeListColumnInfo& colInfo) { m_header_win->SetColumn (column, colInfo); m_header_win->Refresh(); } const wxTreeListColumnInfo& wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumn(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column); } wxTreeListColumnInfo& wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumn(int column) { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnImage(int column, int image) { m_header_win->SetColumn (column, GetColumn(column).SetImage(image)); m_header_win->Refresh(); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumnImage(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column).GetImage(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnEditable(int column, bool shown) { m_header_win->SetColumn (column, GetColumn(column).SetEditable(shown)); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnShown(int column, bool shown) { wxASSERT_MSG (column != GetMainColumn(), _T("The main column may not be hidden") ); m_header_win->SetColumn (column, GetColumn(column).SetShown(GetMainColumn()==column? true: shown)); m_header_win->Refresh(); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsColumnEditable(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column).IsEditable(); } bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsColumnShown(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column).IsShown(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetColumnAlignment (int column, int flag) { m_header_win->SetColumn(column, GetColumn(column).SetAlignment(flag)); m_header_win->Refresh(); } int wxTreeListCtrl::GetColumnAlignment(int column) const { return m_header_win->GetColumn(column).GetAlignment(); } void wxTreeListCtrl::Refresh(bool erase, const wxRect* rect) { m_main_win->Refresh (erase, rect); m_header_win->Refresh (erase, rect); } void wxTreeListCtrl::SetFocus() { m_main_win->SetFocus(); } wxSize wxTreeListCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const { // something is better than nothing... return wxSize (200,200); // but it should be specified values! FIXME } wxString wxTreeListCtrl::OnGetItemText( wxTreeItemData* WXUNUSED(item), long WXUNUSED(column)) const { return wxEmptyString; }