#include #include #include #include using namespace crea; namespace creaImageIO { //==================================================================== // Ctor ImageFinder::ImageFinder(TreeHandler* tree) : mTreeHandler(tree) { } // Dtor ImageFinder::~ImageFinder() { } //==================================================================== //===================================================================== bool ImageFinder::IsHandledFile( const std::string& filename) { return (mReader.CanRead(filename,"")); } //===================================================================== //===================================================================== bool ImageFinder::AddFiles( const std::vector& filenames) // wxProgressDialog* progress, // UpdateSummary& summary) { unsigned int nbf = filenames.size(); std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i=filenames.begin();i!=filenames.end();++i) { // summary.scanned_files++; if (IsHandledFile(*i)) { // summary.handled_images++; AddFile(*i);//,summary); /* if (progress) { std::string mess("Adding "); mess += *i; if (!progress->Update( (int)(summary.added_images*999./nbf), std2wx(mess))) { // Some file was added hence we must return true ! summary.cancelled_by_user = true; break; } } */ } } return true; } //===================================================================== //===================================================================== bool ImageFinder::AddFile( const std::string& filename ) // UpdateSummary& summary) { std::map< std::string, std::string> attr; mTreeHandler->GetTree().GetDescriptor().BuildAttributeMap(attr); mReader.ReadAttributes(filename,attr); // image->SetFieldValue("FullFileName",filename); int lev = mTreeHandler->AddBranch(attr); // TO DO : update the summary according to lev return true; } //===================================================================== //===================================================================== /** * \brief Explore a directory with possibility of recursion * return number of files read * @param dirpath directory to explore * @param recursive whether we want recursion or not */ void ImageFinder::ParseDirectory( const std::string &dirpath, std::vector &Filenames, bool recursive) // wxProgressDialog* progress, // UpdateSummary& summary) { /* if (progress) { std::string mess("Parsing "); mess += dirpath; progress->Pulse(std2wx(mess)); } */ std::string fileName; std::string dirName = dirpath; // summary.scanned_dirs++; wxDir dir( std2wx(dirpath) ); if ( !dir.IsOpened() ) { // deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message // explaining the exact reason of the failure return; } wxString filename; bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_HIDDEN ); while ( cont ) { /* if ((progress)&&( sw.Time() >= 250 )) { // std::cout << "PULSE"<Pulse()) { summary.cancelled_by_user = true; break; } } */ // summary.scanned_files++; wxFileName wxffn(dir.GetName(),filename); std::string ffn = wx2std(wxffn.GetFullPath()); // std::cout << ffn << std::endl; if (mReader.CanRead(ffn,"")) { Filenames.push_back( ffn ); // summary.handled_images++; } cont = dir.GetNext(&filename); } // Recurse into subdirs if ( recursive ) { cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DIRS | wxDIR_HIDDEN ); while ( cont ) { wxFileName wxffn(dir.GetName(),filename); std::string ffn = wx2std(wxffn.GetFullPath()); // std::cout << "dir="<< ffn<< std::endl; ParseDirectory( ffn, Filenames, recursive); // progress, // summary); // if (summary.cancelled_by_user) break; cont = dir.GetNext(&filename); } } } //======================================================================= //===================================================================== bool ImageFinder::AddDirectory( const std::string& directory, bool recurse) // wxProgressDialog* progress, // UpdateSummary& summary // ) { // std::cout << "** ImageFinder::AddDirectory" // << " '"<Pulse(); } for (int swi=0;swi<10;swi++) { msw[swi].Start(0); msw[swi].Pause(); } // Parse directory wxStopWatch sw; bool was_canceled_by_user(false); */ std::vector filenames; ParseDirectory( directory, filenames, recurse ); //, // progress, // summary); /* if ( summary.cancelled_by_user ) { return false; } summary.parse_time = sw.Time(); summary.added_images = 0; */ unsigned int nbf = filenames.size(); // , nf = 0; std::vector::iterator i; for (i=filenames.begin();i!=filenames.end();++i) { AddFile(*i); //,summary); /* if (progress) { std::string mess("Adding "); mess += *i; if (!progress->Update( (int)(summary.added_images*999./nbf), std2wx(mess))) { // Some file was added hence we must return true ! summary.cancelled_by_user = true; break; } } */ } /* sw.Pause(); msw[0].Pause(); msw[1].Pause(); msw[2].Pause(); summary.total_time = sw.Time(); summary.file_scan_time = msw[1].Time(); summary.update_database_time = msw[2].Time(); summary.update_structs_time = summary.total_time - summary.parse_time - summary.file_scan_time - summary.update_database_time; */ return true; } //===================================================================== }