#include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; //===================================================================== namespace creaImageIO { //===================================================================== #define QUERYSYNCDB(QUER,RES) \ try \ { \ RES = mDB->execQuery(QUER.c_str()); \ } \ catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) \ { \ GimmickError("SQLite query '"<execDML(UP.c_str()); \ } \ catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) \ { \ GimmickError("SQLite update '"<open(pathDB.c_str()); } catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e) { GimmickError("Opening '"<open(pathDB.c_str()); // CREATING TABLES std::string command; command = "CREATE TABLE "; command += "ADD_OPS"; command += "\n(\nADD_KEY INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"; command += ",\nPATH text"; command += ",\nRECURSIVE boolean"; command += ",\nFILES_ADDED int"; command += ",\nREFERENCEDDB text"; command += "\n)"; UPDATESYNCDB(command); command = "CREATE TABLE "; command += "IGNORED_FILES"; command += "\n(\nID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"; command += ",\nADD_KEY integer"; command += ",\nPATH text"; command += ",\nREMOVE boolean"; command += ",\nTIME datetext"; command += "\n)"; UPDATESYNCDB(command); } //===================================================================== void Synchronizer::CleanName(std::string& str) const { size_t pos; do { pos = str.find('\\'); if (pos!=-1) { str.replace(pos, 1, "/"); } } while (pos!=-1); } //===================================================================== void Synchronizer::GetFileList(std::vector & list, const std::string& refdb) { CleanList(refdb); list=mAddList; } //===================================================================== void Synchronizer::GetIgnoredFiles(const std::string& key, std::vector &ignoreList) { ignoreList=GetIgnoreList(key); } //===================================================================== void Synchronizer::UpdateAddList(const std::string& refdb) { std::string query = "SELECT * FROM ADD_OPS WHERE REFERENCEDDB = '"+refdb+"';"; CppSQLite3Query res; QUERYSYNCDB(query, res); while (!res.eof()) { AddList temp = AddList(res); mAddList.push_back(temp); res.nextRow(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove an entry of the DB //@param i_table : table where to do the remove // @param i_key : the add_key reference (one entry to remove for ADD_OP table, many for IGNORED_FILES table //@result : - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Synchronizer::RemoveEntry(const std::string i_table, const std::string i_key) { std::string query = "DELETE FROM " + i_table + " WHERE ADD_KEY = '" + i_key +"'"; UPDATESYNCDB(query); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove several entries of the DB // @param i_table : table where to do the remove // @param i_attribute: attribute to match // @param i_operand : operand to use // @param i_val : the reference //@result : - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Synchronizer::RemoveEntries(const std::string i_table, const std::string i_attribute, const std::string i_operand, const std::string i_val) { std::stringstream query; query<<"DELETE FROM "<::iterator it_add = mAddList.begin(); for(;it_add nbFiles == "0") { RemoveEntry("ADD_OPS", it_add->key); RemoveEntry("IGNORED_FILES", it_add->key); } } mAddList.clear(); UpdateAddList(refdb); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inserts a new add operation in the database // @param path: the path of the directory that was added // @param recursive: shows if the action was called recursively or not // @param nChildren: the number of files affected by the operation // @param refdb: the referenced database // @result : The operation has been added ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Synchronizer::InsertAddOp(const std::string& path, const std::string& recursive, const std::string& nChildren, const std::string& refdb) { std::string insert; std::string pat=path.c_str(); CleanName(pat); insert="INSERT INTO ADD_OPS (PATH,RECURSIVE,FILES_ADDED,REFERENCEDDB) VALUES('"; insert+=pat+"','"; insert+=recursive+"',"; insert+=nChildren+",'"; insert+=refdb+"');"; UPDATESYNCDB(insert); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inserts a new ignored file in the database // @param add_key: the key of the add_op to which it corresponds // @param path: the path of the directory that was added // @param remove: shows if the file was removed or not // @param time: the time in which the file was removed // @result : The file has been inserted ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Synchronizer::InsertIgnoreFile(const std::string& addKey, const std::string& path, const std::string& remove, const std::string& time, const std::string& refdb ) { std::string pat=path.c_str(); CleanName(pat); std::string id=GetAttribute("ID","IGNORED_FILES","PATH",pat,refdb); if(id.compare("")==0) { std::string insert; insert="INSERT INTO IGNORED_FILES (ADD_KEY,PATH,REMOVE,TIME) VALUES('"; insert+=addKey+"','"; insert+=pat+"','"; insert+=remove+"',"; insert+=time+");"; UPDATESYNCDB(insert); } else { //Gets the add key std::string ak=GetAttribute("ADD_KEY","IGNORED_FILES","ID",id,refdb); //gets the parent database to check if the file has been added to the current database std::string parentDB=GetAttribute("*","ADD_OPS","ADD_KEY",ak,refdb); //If there is no such entry, add it if(parentDB.compare("")==0) { std::string insert; insert="INSERT INTO IGNORED_FILES (ADD_KEY,PATH,REMOVE,TIME) VALUES('"; insert+=addKey+"','"; insert+=pat+"','"; insert+=remove+"',"; insert+=time+");"; UPDATESYNCDB(insert); } else { //Sets the new add key attribute for the file SetAttribute("ADD_KEY","IGNORED_FILES",addKey,"ID", id,refdb); //Sets the new remove attribute for the file SetAttribute("REMOVE","IGNORED_FILES",remove,"ID", id,refdb); //Sets the new time attribute for the file SetAttribute("TIME","IGNORED_FILES",time,"ID", id,refdb); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the files name to ignore for a add operation synchronization // @param : the add key //@result : list (path) of ignore files ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::vector Synchronizer::GetIgnoreList(const std::string &i_key) { mIgnoreList.clear(); std::vector i_names; std::string query = "SELECT * FROM IGNORED_FILES WHERE ADD_KEY = "; query+=i_key; CppSQLite3Query res; QUERYSYNCDB(query, res); while (!res.eof()) { RemoveList temp = RemoveList(res); if(temp.remove.compare("0")==0) { mIgnoreList.push_back(temp); } res.nextRow(); } std::vector::iterator it; for(it = mIgnoreList.begin();it != mIgnoreList.end(); ++it) { i_names.push_back((*it).path); } return i_names; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gets the required attribute in the required table // @param attribute: the attribute to look for // @param table: the table to look in // @param searchParam: the search parameter // @param searchValue: the search value // @result : required attribute ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string Synchronizer::GetAttribute(const std::string& attribute, const std::string& table, const std::string& searchParam, const std::string& searchValue, const std::string& refdb) { std::stringstream query; std::string result; std::string sVal=searchValue.c_str(); CleanName(sVal); query<<"SELECT "< i_names; std::string query = "SELECT PATH, REMOVE FROM IGNORED_FILES"; CppSQLite3Query res; QUERYSYNCDB(query, res); while (!res.eof()) { std::string file(res.getStringField(0)); std::string ignore(res.getStringField(1)); mList[file] = ignore == "0"? true : false; res.nextRow(); } } bool Synchronizer::isIndexed(const std::string filename) { bool valid = true; std::map ::iterator it_list = mList.begin(); for(;it_list != mList.end(); it_list++) { if(it_list->first == filename) { valid = false; break; } } return valid; } }