#ifndef __creaImageIOTreeHandlerImageAdder_h_INCLUDED__ #define __creaImageIOTreeHandlerImageAdder_h_INCLUDED__ #include #include #include //#include // Signal/slot mechanism for progress events #include #include namespace creaImageIO { /** * \ingroup Model */ //======================================================================= /// Object which can add images files to a TreeHandler. Is able to parse (recursively) a part of a filesystem to look for known images and load their attributes in order to add the images to a Tree (submission via a TreeHandler::AddBranch) class TreeHandlerImageAdder { public: //==================================================================== /// Ctor TreeHandlerImageAdder(TreeHandler* tree); /// Dtor ~TreeHandlerImageAdder(); /// Sets the TreeHandler void SetTreeHandler(TreeHandler* tree) { mTreeHandler = tree;} /// Sets the synchronizer void SetSynchronizer(Synchronizer* s){mSynchronizer=s;} /// Sets the synchronizer void SetCurrentDatabase(std::string cur){mCurrentDB=cur;} //==================================================================== //==================================================================== /// Structure which holds progress information /// To stop the image adder use SetStop() class Progress { public: Progress() { Reset(); } ~Progress() {} void Reset() { mStop = false; mNumberScannedFiles = 0; mNumberScannedDirs = 0; mNumberHandledFiles = 0; mNumberAddedFiles = 0; } int GetNumberScannedFiles() const { return mNumberScannedFiles; } int GetNumberScannedDirs() const { return mNumberScannedDirs; } int GetNumberHandledFiles() const { return mNumberHandledFiles; } int GetNumberAddedFiles() const { return mNumberAddedFiles; } void IncNumberScannedFiles() { mNumberScannedFiles++; } void IncNumberScannedDirs() { mNumberScannedDirs++; } void IncNumberHandledFiles() { mNumberHandledFiles++; } void IncNumberAddedFiles() { mNumberAddedFiles++; } void SetStop() { mStop = true; } bool GetStop() const { return mStop; } private: bool mStop; int mNumberScannedFiles; int mNumberScannedDirs; int mNumberHandledFiles; int mNumberAddedFiles; }; //============================================= //============================================= const Progress& GetProgress() const { return mProgress; } //============================================= //============================================= typedef boost::signal ProgressSignalType; typedef ProgressSignalType::slot_function_type ProgressCallbackType; //============================================= //================================================================== /// Adds the function f to the list of functions to call /// when the addition progresses. /// f is of type ProgressCallbackType which is: /// void (*ProgressCallbackType)(Progress&) /// To pass a member function 'f' of an instance 'c' of a class 'C' /// as callback you have to 'bind' it, i.e. call: /// ConnectProgressObserver ( boost::bind( &C::f , c, _1 ) ); void ConnectProgressObserver(ProgressCallbackType callback); //================================================================== //==================================================================== /// Returns if the file can be read or not bool IsHandledFile( const std::string& filename); /// Adds a list of files to the TreeHandler void AddFiles( const std::vector& filename ); /// (Recursively) adds the files of a directory to the TreeHandler void AddDirectory( const std::string& directory, bool recurse); /// Removes a file from the databases void RemoveFile(tree::Node* node); /// Removes files from the databases void RemoveFiles(const std::vector& nodes); /// Synchronizes the DB and disk by repeating the operations the user has done and returns a report std::string Synchronize(bool repair, bool checkAttributes); ///Recursively checks if the directory is synchronized and optionally the state of the attributes void CheckSyncDirectory(const std::string &dirpath, bool recursive, bool repair, bool checkAttributes, std::vector &i_ignorefiles, std::vector & attsModified, std::vector & newfiles); ///Copies the files indicated in the vector and updates all databases void CopyFiles(const std::vector& filenames, const std::string directory ); ///Saves as the files indicated in the vector in a specific directory void SaveAs(const std::vector& filenames, std::vector i_images); ///Finds the node that matches the specified parameters void FindNode(tree::Node* parent, int level, const std::string& searchParam, const std::string& searchVal, tree::Node*& node); ///Finds the nodes that partially match the searchVal void FindNodePartial(tree::Node* parent, int level, const std::string& searchParam, const std::string& searchVal, tree::Node*& node); ///Checks the attributes of the database against the ones in disk void CheckAttributes(bool repair, std::string& file, std::vector& attsModified); ///Deletes the drive with the given name (use for all databases except maintenance and timestamp) void DeleteDriveFromMainDB(const std::string& drive); ///Deletes the drive with the given name (use for maintenance and timestamp databases) void DeleteDriveFromOtherDB(const std::string& drive); ///Edits the given field and sets the new parameters void EditField(tree::Node* node, const std::string& name, const std::string& key, const std::string& val); ///Returns the demanded attributes for the given file void GetAttributes(const std::vector& params, const std::string& filename, std::vector& results); //==================================================================== private: /// Adds a single file to the TreeHandler /// **WITHOUT** testing wether it is handled or not /// hence you have to call IsHandledFile before using AddFile! void AddFile( const std::string& filename ); /// Recursive method which does the main job for AddDirectory void AddDirectoryRecursor( const std::string& directory, bool recurse, const std::string &addKey); TreeHandler* mTreeHandler; Synchronizer* mSynchronizer; ImageReader mReader; //ImageWriter mWriter; std::string mCurrentDB; Progress mProgress; ProgressSignalType mProgressSignal; }; // EO class TreeHandlerImageAdder //======================================================================= } // EO namespace creaImageIO #include inline std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& o, const creaImageIO::TreeHandlerImageAdder::Progress& p) { o << p.GetNumberScannedFiles() << " files - " << p.GetNumberScannedDirs() << " dirs - " << p.GetNumberHandledFiles() << " handled -" << p.GetNumberAddedFiles() << " added"; return o; } // EOF #endif