#ifndef __creaImageIOWxGimmickView_h_INCLUDED__ #define __creaImageIOWxGimmickView_h_INCLUDED__ #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace creaImageIO { /** * \ingroup View */ //===================================================================== //===================================================================== /// Concrete derivative of GimmickView which implements a wxWidgets-based view class WxGimmickView : public wxPanel, virtual public GimmickView { public: typedef int EventType; /// Ctor WxGimmickView(Gimmick*, wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, int min_dim = GIMMICK_2D_IMAGE_SELECTION, int max_dim = GIMMICK_3D_IMAGE_SELECTION, int number_of_threads = 0); /// Virtual destructor virtual ~WxGimmickView(); /// Returns the selected files ///(overloaded from GimmickView) void GetSelectedFiles(std::vector& s); /// Returns the selected Images so that they comply with the given parameter(4D) //(overloaded from GimmickView) void GetSelectedImages(std::vector& s, int dim); /// Callback called when a selection from a TreeView has changed //(overloaded from GimmickView) void OnSelectionChange(std::vector& s); ///Stops the player void StopPlayer(){mViewer->StopPlayer();} ///Resets the default image void ClearSelection(); ///Sends a request to read the currently selected node and the ones that surround it. void ReadImageThreaded(std::vector sel); protected: /// Creates the tool bar void CreateToolBar(); /// Create the tree view for TreeHandler provided /// (overloaded from GimmickView) void CreateTreeView( TreeHandler* ); private: /// Is set to true at the end of constructor /// (in order to lock callbacks from threaded objects or event /// before everything is ok) bool mConstructed; /// The ToolBar and the tools wxToolBar* mToolBar; wxToolBarToolBase* mToolAddFile; wxToolBarToolBase* mToolAddDir; wxToolBarToolBase* mToolRemove; wxToolBarToolBase* mToolAddDatabase; wxToolBarToolBase* mToolHelp; wxSplitterWindow* mSplitter; wxPanel* mBottomPanel; wxStaticText * mText; wxNotebook* mNotebook; /// The list of icons wxImageList * mIcon; void CreateIconList(); Gimmick * mGimmick; /// Callback for adding files void OnAddFiles(wxCommandEvent& event); /// Callback for adding dir void OnAddDir(wxCommandEvent& event); /// Callback for removing files void OnRemove(wxCommandEvent& event); /// Display a message box with the last addition statistics void DisplayAddSummary(); /// AddProgress Gimmick callback void OnAddProgress( Gimmick::AddProgress& ); /// Processes the queue of image events /// Called in OnInternalIdle(); /// (locks the MultiThreadImageReaderEvent mutex) void ProcessImageEvents(); /// Called upon to refresh the viewer once there are no actions to be done void OnInternalIdle(); /// Progress dialog wxProgressDialog* mProgressDialog; ///The selection's maximum dimension int mSelectionMaxDimension; ///The selection's minimum dimension int mSelectionMinDimension; ///Image previewer WxViewer* mViewer; ///Currently Displayed Node tree::Node* mCurImageItemToShow; wxString mCurrentDirectory; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // EO class WxGimmickView //===================================================================== /* //==================================================================== // General //==================================================================== /// Returns the size of the current selection virtual int GetSelectionSize() { return 0; } /// Returns true if there is a valid selection virtual bool IsSelectionValid(){ return false; } /// Returns the vector of full filenames of selected images virtual void GetSelectedFiles(std::vector&){ return; } /// Returns the vector of images corresponding to selection virtual void GetSelectedImages(std::vector&){ return; } /// Returns the vector of DicomNode corresponding to selection virtual void GetSelectedDicomNodes(std::vector&){ return; } /// Returns the DicomNode corresponding to the tree item virtual DicomNode* GetDicomNodeOfItem(const TreeItemId& i); /// Type of list of DicomDatabase typedef std::vector DicomDatabaseListType; /// Returns the list of DicomDatabase open virtual DicomDatabaseListType& GetDicomDatabaseList() { return null; } /// Returns the list of DicomDatabase open (const) virtual const DicomDatabaseListType& GetDicomDatabaseList() const { return null; } protected: ///Opens an existing database, or else, creates a local database. virtual void OpenOrNewDatabase(bool open){ return; } ///Shows the help virtual void ShowHelp(); private: ///Gets the extension of the database const std::string& GetDatabaseExtension() { return null; } ///Sets the extension of the database virtual void SetDatabaseExtension(const std::string& ext){ return; } //==================================================================== // Preview Display Related //==================================================================== ///Shows the image sent as a parameter private: virtual void ShowImage(vtkImageData* image){ return; } //==================================================================== // Favorites Related //==================================================================== public: ///Loads or creates a favorites database virtual void LoadOrCreateFavoritesDatabase(){ return; } private: ///Creates the user settings directory void CreateUserSettingsDirectory(){ return; } ///Obtains the user settings directory const std::string& GetUserSettingsDirectory(){ return null; } //==================================================================== // Attribute Display Related //==================================================================== ///Shows the Information regarding the node sent as a parameter private: virtual void ShowInformation(DicomNode*){ return; } //==================================================================== // Tree Display Related //==================================================================== protected: /// Completely rebuilds the view with /// current DicomDatabaseList virtual void RebuildView(){ return; } /// Recursively updates the part of the view corresponding /// to the DicomDatabase passed /// i.e. creates items for the DicomNode which do not have /// deletes obsolete items (whose DicomNode has been deleted) virtual void UpdateDicomDatabaseView(DicomDatabase*){ return; } /// Recursively updates the part of the view corresponding /// to the DicomNode provided. /// parent is its parent in the tree (where to insert / remove it) virtual void UpdateDicomNodeView(DicomNode* n, const TreeItemId& parent){ return; } private: ///Type definition of the data regarding the tree typedef WxGimmickTreeItemData TreeItemData; ///Gets the item data of the tree item passed as a parameter TreeItemData* GetItemData(const TreeItemId& id){ return null; } ///Type definition of the data insid a node of the tree typedef WxGimmickDicomNodeData NodeData; //==================================================================== // Class Attributes //==================================================================== int mSelectionType; int mSelectionMaxImageDimension; int mCurrentSelectionImageSize[4]; ///Existent Database List DicomDatabaseListType mDicomDatabaseList; ///Favorites database DicomDatabase* mFavoriteDatabase; ///Path to the database list file std::string mDatabaseListFile; ///Extension of the database std::string mDatabaseExtension; bool mJustStarted; int mFirstDicomDatabaseIconIndex; // Previewer vtkImageViewer2* mViewer; int mx1,mx2,my1,my2,mz1,mz2; double mspx,mspy,mspz; // Image preview : // Multi-thread image reader MultiThreadImageReader mReader; // map of images name to node std::map mImageFileNameToNode; */ } // EO namespace creaImageIO #endif // USE_WIDGETS // EOF #endif