#File clitkComposeVF.ggo #Author: Jef Vandemeulebroucke #Date : Tue 20 August 16.35 package "clitk" version "Read two vector fields (.mhd, .vf, ..) and compose them using linear interpolation" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "input1" i "Input1 VF filename" string yes option "input2" j "Input2 VF filename" string yes option "output" o "Output VF filename" string yes option "type" t "Type of input images (0: DVF, 1: b-spline coefficient images)" int no default="1" option "like" l "Image to read output parameters from (obligatory if type=1)" string no option "pad" p "Edgepadding value" float multiple no default="0.0" option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off