#File clitkConeBeamProjectImage.ggo Package "clitk" Version "Project a 3D image with cone-beam geometry" option "config" - "Config file" string no section "Run Time" option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "threads" - "Number of threads to use (default=min(cores,8))" int no section "Input" option "input" i "Input grid filename" string yes option "output" o "Output grid filename" string yes option "mask" m "2D Mask in which the filter should be applied (not supported yet;-)" string no section "Projection Parameters" option "iso" - "The isocenter" double no multiple default="0.0" option "screen" - "Specify the source to screen distance in mm" double no default="1536.0" option "axis" - "Specify the source to axis distance in mm" double no default="1000.0" option "angle" - "Specify the projection angle" double no default="0.0" option "matrix" - "Rigid tranform prior to projection (4x4)" string no option "pad" - "Padding value" float no default="0.0" section "Output Image" option "like" - "Make output like this image" string no option "origin" - "Origin for the output image" double multiple no default="0.0" option "size" - "Size for the output image" int multiple no default="512" option "spacing" - "Spacing for the output image" double multiple no default="0.8"