/*========================================================================= Program: clitk Language: C++ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef __clitkCorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric_h #define __clitkCorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric_h /** * @file clitkCorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric.h * @author Jef Vandemeulebroucke * @date July 30 18:14:53 2007 * * @brief Compute the correlation ratio between 2 images * * */ /* This computes the correlation ratio between 2 images * * This class is templated over the FixedImage type and the MovingImage * type. * * The fixed and moving images are set via methods SetFixedImage() and * SetMovingImage(). This metric makes use of user specified Transform and * Interpolator. The Transform is used to map points from the fixed image to * the moving image domain. The Interpolator is used to evaluate the image * intensity at user specified geometric points in the moving image. * The Transform and Interpolator are set via methods SetTransform() and * SetInterpolator(). * * The method GetValue() computes of the mutual information * while method GetValueAndDerivative() computes * both the mutual information and its derivatives with respect to the * transform parameters. * * The calculations are based on the method of Alexis Roche. * * The number of intensity bins used can be set through the SetNumberOfBins() method * * On Initialize(), we find the min and max intensities in the fixed image and compute the width of * the intensity bins. The data structures which hold the bins and related measures are initialised. */ #include "itkImageToImageMetric.h" #include "itkCovariantVector.h" #include "itkPoint.h" using namespace itk; namespace clitk { template < class TFixedImage, class TMovingImage > class ITK_EXPORT CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric: public ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage> { public: /** Standard class typedefs. */ typedef CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric Self; typedef ImageToImageMetric Superclass; typedef SmartPointer Pointer; typedef SmartPointer ConstPointer; /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ itkNewMacro(Self); /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ itkTypeMacro(CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric, ImageToImageMetric); /** Types transferred from the base class */ typedef typename Superclass::RealType RealType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformType TransformType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformPointer TransformPointer; typedef typename Superclass::TransformParametersType TransformParametersType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformJacobianType TransformJacobianType; typedef typename Superclass::GradientPixelType GradientPixelType; typedef typename Superclass::MeasureType MeasureType; typedef typename Superclass::DerivativeType DerivativeType; typedef typename Superclass::FixedImageType FixedImageType; typedef typename Superclass::MovingImageType MovingImageType; typedef typename Superclass::FixedImageConstPointer FixedImageConstPointer; typedef typename Superclass::MovingImageConstPointer MovingImageConstPointer; /** * Initialize the Metric by * (1) making sure that all the components are present and plugged * together correctly, * (3) allocate memory for bin data structures. */ virtual void Initialize(void) throw ( ExceptionObject ); /** Get the derivatives of the match measure. */ void GetDerivative( const TransformParametersType & parameters, DerivativeType & derivative ) const; /** Get the value for single valued optimizers. */ MeasureType GetValue( const TransformParametersType & parameters ) const; /** Get value and derivatives for multiple valued optimizers. */ void GetValueAndDerivative( const TransformParametersType & parameters, MeasureType& Value, DerivativeType& Derivative ) const; /** Number of bins to used in the calculation. Typical value is 50. */ itkSetClampMacro( NumberOfBins, unsigned long, 1, NumericTraits::max() ); itkGetConstReferenceMacro( NumberOfBins, unsigned long); protected: CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric(); virtual ~CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric() {}; private: CorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric(const Self&); //purposely not implemented void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented //the min and max in the fixed image intensity range double m_FixedImageMin; //The bin size in intensity double m_FixedImageBinSize; //The number of pixels in the fixed image bins are stored in a vector mutable std::vector m_NumberOfPixelsCountedPerBin; //The mMSVPB and the mSMVPB are stored in vectors of realtype typedef float ValueType; typedef std::vector MeasurePerBinType; mutable MeasurePerBinType m_mMSVPB; mutable MeasurePerBinType m_mSMVPB; unsigned long m_NumberOfBins; }; } // end namespace itk #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION #include "clitkCorrelationRatioImageToImageMetric.txx" #endif #endif