/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::endl; using std::cout; #include "clitkGammaIndex_ggo.h" #include #include void saveImage(vtkImageData *image,const std::string &filename) { cout << "saving " << filename << endl; vtkImageWriter *writer = vtkMetaImageWriter::New(); writer->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); writer->SetInput(image); writer->Write(); writer->Delete(); } void insertTriangles(vtkCellArray *cells, vtkPoints *points, const vtkIdType ids[4]) { double p0[3]; points->GetPoint(ids[0],p0); double p1[3]; points->GetPoint(ids[1],p1); double p2[3]; points->GetPoint(ids[2],p2); double p3[3]; points->GetPoint(ids[3],p3); //cout << "----------------------------------" << endl; //cout << "p0=[" << p0[0] << "," << p0[1] << "," << p0[2] << "]" << endl; //cout << "p1=[" << p1[0] << "," << p1[1] << "," << p1[2] << "]" << endl; //cout << "p2=[" << p2[0] << "," << p2[1] << "," << p2[2] << "]" << endl; //cout << "p3=[" << p3[0] << "," << p3[1] << "," << p3[2] << "]" << endl; double center[] = {0,0,0}; for (int kk=0; kk<3; kk++) { center[kk] += p0[kk]; center[kk] += p1[kk]; center[kk] += p2[kk]; center[kk] += p3[kk]; center[kk] /= 4.; } vtkIdType center_id = points->InsertNextPoint(center); //cout << "center=[" << center[0] << "," << center[1] << "," << center[2] << "]" << endl; cells->InsertNextCell(3); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[0]); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[1]); cells->InsertCellPoint(center_id); cells->InsertNextCell(3); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[1]); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[3]); cells->InsertCellPoint(center_id); cells->InsertNextCell(3); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[3]); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[2]); cells->InsertCellPoint(center_id); cells->InsertNextCell(3); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[2]); cells->InsertCellPoint(ids[0]); cells->InsertCellPoint(center_id); } double getMaximum(vtkImageData *image) { bool first = true; double maximum = 0; for (int kk=0; kkGetNumberOfPoints(); kk++) { double value = image->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(kk); if (first) { maximum = value; first = false; continue; } if (maximumGetNumberOfPoints(); kk++) { double *point = image->GetPoint(kk); double value = image->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(kk); assert(value>=0); assert(point[2]==0); point[2] = value; point[0] /= spatial_margin; point[1] /= spatial_margin; point[2] /= dose_margin; #ifndef NDEBUG vtkIdType point_id = points->InsertNextPoint(point); assert(kk==point_id); #else points->InsertNextPoint(point); #endif } vtkCellArray *cells = vtkCellArray::New(); for (int kk=0; kkGetNumberOfCells(); kk++) { vtkCell *cell = image->GetCell(kk); assert(cell->GetNumberOfPoints()==4); insertTriangles(cells,points,cell->GetPointIds()->GetPointer(0)); } vtkPolyData *data = vtkPolyData::New(); data->SetPoints(points); data->SetPolys(cells); points->Delete(); cells->Delete(); return data; } int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { args_info_clitkGammaIndex args_info; if (cmdline_parser_clitkGammaIndex(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); if (!args_info.absolute_dose_margin_given && !args_info.relative_dose_margin_given) { std::cerr << "Specify either relative or absolute dose margin" << endl; exit(1); } bool verbose = args_info.verbose_flag; std::string reference_filename(args_info.reference_arg); std::string target_filename(args_info.target_arg); std::string gamma_filename(args_info.output_arg); double space_margin = args_info.spatial_margin_arg; double dose_rel_margin = args_info.relative_dose_margin_arg; double dose_margin = args_info.absolute_dose_margin_arg; bool use_dose_margin = args_info.absolute_dose_margin_given; if (verbose) { cout << "reference_filename=" << reference_filename << endl; cout << "target_filename=" << target_filename << endl; cout << "gamma_filename=" << gamma_filename << endl; cout << "space_margin=" << space_margin << endl; if (use_dose_margin) cout << "dose_margin=" << dose_margin << endl; else cout << "dose_rel_margin=" << dose_rel_margin << endl; } // load reference vtkImageData* reference = NULL; { vvImageReader::Pointer reader = vvImageReader::New(); reader->SetInputFilename(reference_filename); reader->Update(); vvImage::Pointer vvimage = reader->GetOutput(); reference = vvimage->GetFirstVTKImageData(); } // intensity normalisation if (!use_dose_margin) { dose_margin = getMaximum(reference)*dose_rel_margin; if (verbose) cout << "dose_margin=" << dose_margin << endl; } // build surface vtkPolyData *data = buildPlane(reference,space_margin,dose_margin); reference->Delete(); vtkAbstractCellLocator *locator = vtkCellLocator::New(); locator->SetDataSet(data); data->Delete(); locator->CacheCellBoundsOn(); locator->AutomaticOn(); locator->BuildLocator(); // load target vtkImageData *target = NULL; { vvImageReader::Pointer reader = vvImageReader::New(); reader->SetInputFilename(target_filename); reader->Update(); vvImage::Pointer vvimage = reader->GetOutput(); target = vvimage->GetFirstVTKImageData(); } // allocate output vtkImageData *output = vtkImageData::New(); output->SetExtent(target->GetWholeExtent()); output->SetOrigin(target->GetOrigin()); output->SetSpacing(target->GetSpacing()); output->SetScalarTypeToFloat(); output->AllocateScalars(); // fill output unsigned long total = 0; unsigned long over_one = 0; for (int kk=0; kkGetNumberOfPoints(); kk++) { double *point = target->GetPoint(kk); double value = target->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(kk); assert(value>=0); assert(point[2]==0); point[2] = value; point[0] /= space_margin; point[1] /= space_margin; point[2] /= dose_margin; double closest_point[3] = {0,0,0}; vtkIdType cell_id = 0; int foo = 0; double squared_distance = 0; locator->FindClosestPoint(point,closest_point,cell_id,foo,squared_distance); double distance = sqrt(squared_distance); output->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->SetTuple1(kk,distance); if (value>1) over_one++; total++; } if (verbose) { cout << "total=" << total << endl; cout << "over_one=" << over_one << endl; cout << "ratio=" << static_cast(over_one)/total << endl; } locator->Delete(); target->Delete(); saveImage(output,gamma_filename); output->Delete(); return 0; }