/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef clitkImage2DicomDoseGenericFilter_txx #define clitkImage2DicomDoseGenericFilter_txx /* ================================================= * @file clitkImage2DicomDosemGenericFilter.txx * @author * @date * * @brief * ===================================================*/ #include "math.h" #include "clitkImage2DicomDoseGenericFilter.h" #include "clitkCommon.h" #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION >= 2 #include "gdcmUIDGenerator.h" #include #include #include #include #else #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #endif //#include "gdcmBase.h" //#include "gdcmDocEntry.h" namespace clitk { //----------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------- template Image2DicomDoseGenericFilter::Image2DicomDoseGenericFilter() { m_Verbose=false; m_InputFileName=""; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Update //----------------------------------------------------------- template void Image2DicomDoseGenericFilter::Update() { // Read the Dimension and PixelType int Dimension; std::string PixelType; ReadImageDimensionAndPixelType(m_InputFileName, Dimension, PixelType); // Call UpdateWithDim if(Dimension==2) UpdateWithDim<2>(PixelType); else if(Dimension==3) UpdateWithDim<3>(PixelType); // else if (Dimension==4)UpdateWithDim<4>(PixelType); else { std::cout<<"Error, Only for 2 or 3 Dimensions!!!"< template void Image2DicomDoseGenericFilter::UpdateWithDim(std::string PixelType) { if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Image was detected to be "<(); } else if(PixelType == "unsigned_short"){ if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Launching filter in "<< Dimension <<"D and unsigned_short..." << std::endl; UpdateWithDimAndPixelType(); } else if (PixelType == "unsigned_char") { if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Launching filter in "<< Dimension <<"D and unsigned_char..." << std::endl; UpdateWithDimAndPixelType(); } // else if (PixelType == "char"){ // if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Launching filter in "<< Dimension <<"D and signed_char..." << std::endl; // UpdateWithDimAndPixelType(); // } else if (PixelType == "double") { if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Launching filter in "<< Dimension <<"D and double..." << std::endl; UpdateWithDimAndPixelType(); } else { if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Launching filter in "<< Dimension <<"D and float..." << std::endl; UpdateWithDimAndPixelType(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update with the number of dimensions and the pixeltype read from // the dicom files. The MHD files may be resampled to match the // dicom spacing (and number of slices). Rounding errors in resampling // are handled by removing files when generating the output dicom // series. //------------------------------------------------------------------- template template void Image2DicomDoseGenericFilter::UpdateWithDimAndPixelType() { #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 // ImageTypes typedef itk::Image InputImageType; typedef itk::Image OutputImageType; typedef itk::ImageFileReader< InputImageType > ReaderType; typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< InputImageType > ReaderSeriesType; typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< InputImageType > IteratorType; typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // opening image input file typename ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); const char * filename = m_ArgsInfo.input_arg; reader->SetFileName( filename ); reader->Update(); typename InputImageType::Pointer image = reader->GetOutput(); // origin typename InputImageType::PointType origin = image->GetOrigin(); DD(origin); // size typename InputImageType::SizeType imageSize = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize(); //DD(imageSize); int NbCols=imageSize[0]; // col int NbRows=imageSize[1]; // row int NbFrames=imageSize[2]; // frame DD(NbCols); DD(NbRows); DD(NbFrames); // spacing typename InputImageType::SpacingType Spacing = image->GetSpacing(); DD(Spacing); // offset float offset = 0.; std::stringstream strOffset; strOffset << offset; for (int i=1; iGetRequestedRegion() ); for (out.GoToBegin(); !out.IsAtEnd(); ++out){ //DD(out.Get()); if (out.Get()>highestValue) highestValue=out.Get(); } double doseScaling = highestValue/(pow(2,16)-1); DD(doseScaling); // image data /*std::vector ImageData; typename InputImageType::IndexType pixelIndex; int l=0; unsigned short int pixelValue; //DD(highestValue); for (int i=0; iGetPixel(pixelIndex)/doseScaling; if(float(image->GetPixel(pixelIndex)/doseScaling)>(pow(2,16)-1.)) { std::cout<<"\n!!!!! WARNING !!!!! pixel index: "< Highest value may become 0"<GetPixel(pixelIndex)); //DD(image->GetPixel(pixelIndex)/doseScaling); DD(pixelValue); std::cout<<"Pixel Value should be equal to "<<(pow(2,16)-1)<<" but should not be 0"<LoadPrivateTagsOn(); gdcmIO->KeepOriginalUIDOn(); typename ReaderSeriesType::FileNamesContainer fileNames; fileNames.push_back(m_ArgsInfo.DicomInputFile_arg); readerSeries->SetImageIO( gdcmIO ); readerSeries->SetFileNames( fileNames ); try { readerSeries->Update(); } catch (itk::ExceptionObject &excp) { std::cerr << "Error: Exception thrown while reading the DICOM model file !!" << std::endl; std::cerr << excp << std::endl; } // update output dicom keys/tags // string for distinguishing items inside sequence: const std::string ITEM_ENCAPSULATE_STRING("DICOM_ITEM_ENCAPSULATE"); std::string tempString = ITEM_ENCAPSULATE_STRING + "01"; typename ReaderSeriesType::DictionaryRawPointer inputDict = (*(readerSeries->GetMetaDataDictionaryArray()))[0]; typename ReaderSeriesType::DictionaryArrayType outputArray; typename ReaderSeriesType::DictionaryRawPointer outputDict = new typename ReaderSeriesType::DictionaryType; CopyDictionary (*inputDict, *outputDict); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "0020|0032", NumberToString(origin)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "0028|0008", NumberToString(NbFrames)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "0028|0010", NumberToString(NbRows)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "0028|0011", NumberToString(NbCols)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "0028|0030", NumberToString(Spacing)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "3004|000e", NumberToString(doseScaling)); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(*outputDict, "3004|000c", strOffset.str()); outputArray.push_back(outputDict); // Output directory and filenames typedef itk::ImageSeriesWriter WriterSerieType; typename WriterSerieType::Pointer writerSerie = WriterSerieType::New(); writerSerie->SetInput( image ); writerSerie->SetImageIO( gdcmIO ); typename ReaderSeriesType::FileNamesContainer fileNamesOutput; fileNamesOutput.push_back(filename_out); writerSerie->SetFileNames( fileNamesOutput ); writerSerie->SetMetaDataDictionaryArray(&outputArray); // Write try { if (m_ArgsInfo.verbose_flag) std::cout << writerSerie << std::endl; writerSerie->Update(); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp ) { std::cerr << "Error: Exception thrown while writing the series!!" << std::endl; std::cerr << excp << std::endl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //WRITE DICOM BIS // The previous way of writting DICOM-RT-DOSE works only for ITK // and resulting RT-DOSE files are not readable by commercial systems. // The nex step is to copy again the output file with another syntax, allowing to make RT-DOSE files readable by commercial systems. // see Jean-Pierre Roux comment below. /*gdcm::FileHelper *fh = new gdcm::FileHelper(args_info.OutputFile_arg); void *imageData; int dataSize; dataSize = fh->GetImageDataRawSize(); imageData = fh->GetImageDataRaw();// somewhat important : Loads the Pixels in memory ! fh->SetWriteModeToRaw(); fh->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(); bool res = fh->Write(args_info.OutputFile_arg); if(!res) std::cout <<"Fail to write [" << args_info.OutputFile_arg << "]" <Delete(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Jean-Pierre Roux help for DICOM-RT-DOSE writting //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // de Jean-Pierre Roux // répondre à jpr@creatis.insa-lyon.fr // à Loic Grevillot // cc jpr@creatis.insa-lyon.fr, // Joël Schaerer , // David Sarrut , // Joel Schaerer // date 12 juillet 2010 12:23 // objet Re: DICOM RT DOSE // // masquer les détails 12:23 (Il y a 21 heures) // // Bonjour, // // J'aurais écrit à peut prèt la même chose. // (Ci après un extrait de mon code -Example/ReWrite.cxx-) // // L'utilisation d'un FileHelper (qui ne changera rien dans ce cas précis) est une mesure de précaution, car, l'élément 7FE0|0010 peut être compressé (ce qui n'est pas le cas pour tes images), que la manière de stocker les pixels ainsi compressés était parfois un peu ... curieuse. // Je décompresse, et réécrit non compressé. // // ============================ // gdcm::File *f = new gdcm::File(); // f->SetMaxSizeLoadEntry(0x7fffffff); // f->SetFileName( fileName ); // bool res = f->Load(); // if ( !res ) // { // delete f; // return 0; // } // // if (!f->IsReadable()) // { // std::cerr << "Sorry, not a Readable DICOM / ACR File" <GetImageDataRawSize(); // imageData = fh->GetImageDataRaw();// somewhat important : Loads the Pixels in memory ! // // fh->SetWriteModeToRaw(); // fh->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR(); // res = fh->Write(outputFileName); // // if(!res) // std::cout <<"Fail to write [" << outputFileName << "]" <Delete(); // fh->Delete(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pour supprimer des tags: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SOLUCE 1 QUI MARCHE POUR UN SQItem SIMPLE /* gdcm::DocEntry *a; //a= ((gdcm::SQItem*)mDCMFile)->GetDocEntry(0xfffe,0xe00d); a= ((gdcm::SQItem*)mDCMFile)->GetDocEntry(0x3004,0x000e); ((gdcm::SQItem*)mDCMFile)->RemoveEntry(a); mDCMFile->Write (args_info.OutputFile_arg, type); */ // SOLUCE 2 QUI MARCHE POUR UNE SeqEntry->SQItem /* std::cout<<"\ntest correction fichier apres ecriture\n"<GetSeqEntry(0x300c,0x0002); gdcm::SQItem* currentItem = seqEntry->GetFirstSQItem(); gdcm::DocEntry *a; //a= currentItem->GetDocEntry(0x0008,0x1155); a= currentItem->GetDocEntry(0xfffe,0xe00d); currentItem->RemoveEntry(a); mDCMFile->Write (args_info.OutputFile_arg, type); */ //gdcm::DocEntry *a; //a=GetDocEntry(0x7fe0,0x0000); //((gdcm::SQItem*)mDCMFile)->RemoveEntry(a); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::cout <<"\n## DICOM Image to RT DOSE application is ended..."< MetaDataStringType; while( itr != end ) { itk::MetaDataObjectBase::Pointer entry = itr->second; MetaDataStringType::Pointer entryvalue = dynamic_cast( entry.GetPointer() ) ; if( entryvalue ) { std::string tagkey = itr->first; std::string tagvalue = entryvalue->GetMetaDataObjectValue(); itk::EncapsulateMetaData(toDict, tagkey, tagvalue); } ++itr; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template std::string NumberToString ( T Number ) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << Number; return ss.str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- }//end clitk #endif //#define clitkImage2DicomDoseGenericFilter_txx