/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef clitkLineProfileGenericFilter_cxx #define clitkLineProfileGenericFilter_cxx /* ================================================= * @file clitkLineProfileGenericFilter.cxx * @author * @date * * @brief * ===================================================*/ #include "itkBresenhamLine.h" namespace clitk { //----------------------------------------------------------- // Update //----------------------------------------------------------- template void LineProfileGenericFilter::UpdateWithInputImageType() { typedef InputImageType ImageType; if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "LineProfileGenericFilter::UpdateWithInputImageType" << std::endl; // type checks if (m_ArgsInfo.p0_given != ImageType::ImageDimension || m_ArgsInfo.p1_given != ImageType::ImageDimension) throw std::logic_error("Dimension of input points and image do not match."); typename ImageType::Pointer image = this->template GetInput(0); typename ImageType::RegionType region = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); typedef typename ImageType::PointType PointType; PointType p0, p1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageType::ImageDimension; i++) { p0[i] = m_ArgsInfo.p0_arg[i]; p1[i] = m_ArgsInfo.p1_arg[i]; } // compute params of line between p0 and p1 // length (magnitude) must be an integer value, so it's // the max distance along one the axes plus one to account // for the last point. typedef itk::BresenhamLine LineType; typename LineType::LType direction = p1 - p0; typename LineType::LType::RealValueType mag = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageType::ImageDimension; i++) { if (direction[i] > mag) mag = direction[i]; } mag++; if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Building line with direction = " << direction << " and length = " << mag << "..." << std::endl; // build the line itself LineType line; typename LineType::OffsetArray offsets; offsets = line.BuildLine(direction, mag); if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Line has " << offsets.size() << " points" << std::endl; // fill the output vectors typedef typename ImageType::PixelType PixelType; typedef typename ImageType::OffsetType OffsetType; typedef typename ImageType::IndexType IndexType; typedef std::vector IndexArrayType; typedef std::vector ValueArrayType; IndexType index0, index1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageType::ImageDimension; i++) { index0[i] = m_ArgsInfo.p0_arg[i]; index1[i] = m_ArgsInfo.p1_arg[i]; } if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "Getting profile along line..." << std::endl; IndexType index; IndexArrayType line_indices; ValueArrayType line_values; for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++) { index = index0 + offsets[i]; if (m_Verbose) { std::cout << "index " << i << " = " << index << std::endl; } if (region.IsInside(index)) { if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "value " << i << " = " << image->GetPixel(index) << std::endl; line_indices.push_back(index); line_values.push_back(image->GetPixel(index)); } else if (m_Verbose) std::cout << "index outside image" << std::endl; } if (m_Verbose) { std::cout << "I bring to you The Computed Points!" << std::endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < line_indices.size(); i++) { std::cout << line_indices[i] << " " << line_values[i] << std::endl; } } } //end clitk #endif //#define clitkLineProfileGenericFilter_cxx