#File clitkSignalApparentMotionTrackingFilter.ggo package "clitkSignalMeanPositionTracking" version "1.0" purpose "See Ruan 2008, compute mean position from a signal" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "input" i "Input trajectory filename" string yes option "ref" r "Input reference trajectory filename" string yes option "refsampling" - "Sampling between ref samples" double yes option "inputsampling" - "Sampling between input samples" double yes option "refphase" p "Input phase file" string yes option "delay" d "Delay for augmented space" int no default="5" option "windowLength" L "Sliding window length for ellipse fit" int no default="25" option "nbiso" n "Number of iso phase" int no default="4" option "output" o "Output phase (debug)" string no option "eta" e "Convergence param (auto if not given)" double no option "iter" - "Max # of iterations" int no default="100" option "t" t "DEBUG" int no default="1000" option "phase" - "Input phase file for validation" string no option "delta" - "Input learn delta phase file" string no section "Output" option "residual" - "Output optimisation residual filemane" string no option "augmented" a "Output augmented signal filemane" string no section "Verbose" option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "verbose_iteration" - "Verbose each iteration" flag off