#File clitkSignalFilter.ggo Package "clitk" Version "Pass an filter on an signal" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "input" i "Input grid filename" string yes option "input2" j "Second Input grid filename" string no option "p1" - "p1" double no option "p2" - "p2" double no option "output" o "Output grid filename" string no option "multiply" - "Mulitply values of input 1 with input 2 (same size)" flag off option "divide" - "Divide values of input 1 with input 2 (same size, zeros are skipped)" flag off option "norm" n "Normalize signal between p1=min and p2=max" flag off option "rescale" - "Rescale signal to p1=mean and p2=StdDev" flag off option "highPass" - "High Pass Filter: p1=sampPeriod, p2= cutOffFrequecy" flag off option "lowPass" - "Low Pass Filter: p1=sampPeriod, p2= cutOffFrequecy" flag off option "detect" - "Detect Local extrema: local window= 2*p1+1, p1>=1" flag off option "limPhase" - "Convert extrema signal into limited phase [0, 1[" flag off option "monPhase" - "Convert extrema signal into monotone phase [0, inf[" flag off option "monPhaseDE" - "Convert extrema signal into scattered monotone phase, taking into account both extrema (p1=eEPhaseValue,p2=eIPhaseValue)" flag off option "average" - "Moving Average filter: window= 2*p1+1 [0, inf[" flag off option "ssd" - "Calculate the sqrt of the mean SSD between i and j" flag off option "gauss" - "Pass a small gauss-like kernel (121-mask)" flag off option "interp" - "Linearly interpolate scattered values (unknow values=-1)" flag off option "approx" - "Bspline approximate scattered values(unknow values=-1, p1=Order, p2=number of control points" flag off option "limit" - "Limit the range to [0, 1[ (signal-floor (signal))" flag off