// xImaCodec.cpp : Encode Decode functions /* 07/08/2001 v1.00 - Davide Pizzolato - www.xdp.it * CxImage version 6.0.0 02/Feb/2008 */ #include "ximage.h" #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG #include "ximajpg.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF #include "ximagif.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG #include "ximapng.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_MNG #include "ximamng.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP #include "ximabmp.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO #include "ximaico.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF #include "ximatif.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TGA #include "ximatga.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PCX #include "ximapcx.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WBMP #include "ximawbmp.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WMF #include "ximawmf.h" // - WMF/EMF support #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JBG #include "ximajbg.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JASPER #include "ximajas.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_SKA #include "ximaska.h" #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW #include "ximaraw.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ENCODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CxImage::EncodeSafeCheck(CxFile *hFile) { if (hFile==NULL) { strcpy(info.szLastError,CXIMAGE_ERR_NOFILE); return true; } if (pDib==NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,CXIMAGE_ERR_NOIMAGE); return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#ifdef WIN32 //bool CxImage::Save(LPCWSTR filename, DWORD imagetype) //{ // FILE* hFile; //file handle to write the image // if ((hFile=_wfopen(filename,L"wb"))==NULL) return false; // bool bOK = Encode(hFile,imagetype); // fclose(hFile); // return bOK; //} //#endif //WIN32 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For UNICODE support: char -> TCHAR /** * Saves to disk the image in a specific format. * \param filename: file name * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Save(const TCHAR * filename, DWORD imagetype) { FILE* hFile; //file handle to write the image #ifdef WIN32 if ((hFile=_tfopen(filename,_T("wb")))==NULL) return false; // For UNICODE support #else if ((hFile=fopen(filename,"wb"))==NULL) return false; #endif bool bOK = Encode(hFile,imagetype); fclose(hFile); return bOK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves to disk the image in a specific format. * \param hFile: file handle, open and enabled for writing. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode(FILE *hFile, DWORD imagetype) { CxIOFile file(hFile); return Encode(&file,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves to memory buffer the image in a specific format. * \param buffer: output memory buffer pointer. Must be NULL, * the function allocates and fill the memory, * the application must free the buffer, see also FreeMemory(). * \param size: output memory buffer size. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode(BYTE * &buffer, long &size, DWORD imagetype) { if (buffer!=NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,"the buffer must be empty"); return false; } CxMemFile file; file.Open(); if(Encode(&file,imagetype)){ buffer=file.GetBuffer(); size=file.Size(); return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves to disk the image in a specific format. * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with write access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok * \sa ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ bool CxImage::Encode(CxFile *hFile, DWORD imagetype) { #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP){ CxImageBMP newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO){ CxImageICO newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF){ CxImageTIF newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG){ CxImageJPG newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF){ CxImageGIF newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG){ CxImagePNG newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_MNG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_MNG){ CxImageMNG newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TGA if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TGA){ CxImageTGA newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PCX if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PCX){ CxImagePCX newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WBMP if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WBMP){ CxImageWBMP newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WMF && CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WINDOWS // - WMF/EMF support if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF){ CxImageWMF newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JBG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JBG){ CxImageJBG newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JASPER if ( #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JP2 imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2 || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPC imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PGX imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNM imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAS imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS || #endif false ){ CxImageJAS newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile,imagetype)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_SKA if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_SKA){ CxImageSKA newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW){ CxImageRAW newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif strcpy(info.szLastError,"Encode: Unknown format"); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves to disk or memory pagecount images, referenced by an array of CxImage pointers. * \param hFile: file handle. * \param pImages: array of CxImage pointers. * \param pagecount: number of images. * \param imagetype: can be CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF or CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF. * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode(FILE * hFile, CxImage ** pImages, int pagecount, DWORD imagetype) { CxIOFile file(hFile); return Encode(&file, pImages, pagecount,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves to disk or memory pagecount images, referenced by an array of CxImage pointers. * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with write access. * \param pImages: array of CxImage pointers. * \param pagecount: number of images. * \param imagetype: can be CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF or CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO. * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode(CxFile * hFile, CxImage ** pImages, int pagecount, DWORD imagetype) { #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF){ CxImageTIF newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile,pImages,pagecount)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF){ CxImageGIF newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile,pImages,pagecount)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO){ CxImageICO newima; newima.Ghost(this); if (newima.Encode(hFile,pImages,pagecount)){ return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif strcpy(info.szLastError,"Multipage Encode, Unsupported operation for this format"); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * exports the image into a RGBA buffer, Useful for OpenGL applications. * \param buffer: output memory buffer pointer. Must be NULL, * the function allocates and fill the memory, * the application must free the buffer, see also FreeMemory(). * \param size: output memory buffer size. * \param bFlipY: direction of Y axis. default = false. * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode2RGBA(BYTE * &buffer, long &size, bool bFlipY) { if (buffer!=NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,"the buffer must be empty"); return false; } CxMemFile file; file.Open(); if(Encode2RGBA(&file,bFlipY)){ buffer=file.GetBuffer(); size=file.Size(); return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * exports the image into a RGBA buffer, Useful for OpenGL applications. * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with write access. * \param bFlipY: direction of Y axis. default = false. * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Encode2RGBA(CxFile *hFile, bool bFlipY) { if (EncodeSafeCheck(hFile)) return false; for (long y1 = 0; y1 < head.biHeight; y1++) { long y = bFlipY ? head.biHeight - 1 - y1 : y1; for(long x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++) { RGBQUAD color = BlindGetPixelColor(x,y); hFile->PutC(color.rgbRed); hFile->PutC(color.rgbGreen); hFile->PutC(color.rgbBlue); hFile->PutC(color.rgbReserved); } } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ENCODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_DECODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For UNICODE support: char -> TCHAR /** * Reads from disk the image in a specific format. * - If decoding fails using the specified image format, * the function will try the automatic file format recognition. * * \param filename: file name * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Load(const TCHAR * filename, DWORD imagetype) //bool CxImage::Load(const char * filename, DWORD imagetype) { /*FILE* hFile; //file handle to read the image if ((hFile=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) return false; bool bOK = Decode(hFile,imagetype); fclose(hFile);*/ /* automatic file type recognition */ bool bOK = false; if ( GetTypeIndexFromId(imagetype) ){ FILE* hFile; //file handle to read the image #ifdef WIN32 if ((hFile=_tfopen(filename,_T("rb")))==NULL) return false; // For UNICODE support #else if ((hFile=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) return false; #endif bOK = Decode(hFile,imagetype); fclose(hFile); if (bOK) return bOK; } char szError[256]; strcpy(szError,info.szLastError); //save the first error // if failed, try automatic recognition of the file... FILE* hFile; #ifdef WIN32 if ((hFile=_tfopen(filename,_T("rb")))==NULL) return false; // For UNICODE support #else if ((hFile=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) return false; #endif bOK = Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); fclose(hFile); if (!bOK && imagetype > 0) strcpy(info.szLastError,szError); //restore the first error return bOK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef WIN32 //bool CxImage::Load(LPCWSTR filename, DWORD imagetype) //{ // /*FILE* hFile; //file handle to read the image // if ((hFile=_wfopen(filename, L"rb"))==NULL) return false; // bool bOK = Decode(hFile,imagetype); // fclose(hFile);*/ // // /* automatic file type recognition */ // bool bOK = false; // if ( GetTypeIndexFromId(imagetype) ){ // FILE* hFile; //file handle to read the image // if ((hFile=_wfopen(filename,L"rb"))==NULL) return false; // bOK = Decode(hFile,imagetype); // fclose(hFile); // if (bOK) return bOK; // } // // char szError[256]; // strcpy(szError,info.szLastError); //save the first error // // // if failed, try automatic recognition of the file... // FILE* hFile; //file handle to read the image // if ((hFile=_wfopen(filename,L"rb"))==NULL) return false; // bOK = Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); // fclose(hFile); // // if (!bOK && imagetype > 0) strcpy(info.szLastError,szError); //restore the first error // // return bOK; //} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads an image from the application resources. * \param hRes: the resource handle returned by FindResource(). * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS. * \param hModule: NULL for internal resource, or external application/DLL hinstance returned by LoadLibray. * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::LoadResource(HRSRC hRes, DWORD imagetype, HMODULE hModule) { DWORD rsize=SizeofResource(hModule,hRes); HGLOBAL hMem=::LoadResource(hModule,hRes); if (hMem){ char* lpVoid=(char*)LockResource(hMem); if (lpVoid){ // FILE* fTmp=tmpfile(); doesn't work with network /*char tmpPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char tmpFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tmpPath); GetTempFileName(tmpPath,"IMG",0,tmpFile); FILE* fTmp=fopen(tmpFile,"w+b"); if (fTmp){ fwrite(lpVoid,rsize,1,fTmp); fseek(fTmp,0,SEEK_SET); bool bOK = Decode(fTmp,imagetype); fclose(fTmp); DeleteFile(tmpFile); return bOK; }*/ CxMemFile fTmp((BYTE*)lpVoid,rsize); return Decode(&fTmp,imagetype); } } else strcpy(info.szLastError,"Unable to load resource!"); return false; } #endif //WIN32 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor from file name, see Load() * \param filename: file name * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ // // > filename: file name // > imagetype: specify the image format (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP,...) // For UNICODE support: char -> TCHAR CxImage::CxImage(const TCHAR * filename, DWORD imagetype) //CxImage::CxImage(const char * filename, DWORD imagetype) { Startup(imagetype); Load(filename,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor from file handle, see Decode() * \param stream: file handle, with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ CxImage::CxImage(FILE * stream, DWORD imagetype) { Startup(imagetype); Decode(stream,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor from CxFile object, see Decode() * \param stream: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ CxImage::CxImage(CxFile * stream, DWORD imagetype) { Startup(imagetype); Decode(stream,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor from memory buffer, see Decode() * \param buffer: memory buffer * \param size: size of buffer * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ CxImage::CxImage(BYTE * buffer, DWORD size, DWORD imagetype) { Startup(imagetype); CxMemFile stream(buffer,size); Decode(&stream,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads an image from memory buffer * \param buffer: memory buffer * \param size: size of buffer * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Decode(BYTE * buffer, DWORD size, DWORD imagetype) { CxMemFile file(buffer,size); return Decode(&file,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads an image from file handle. * \param hFile: file handle, with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok */ bool CxImage::Decode(FILE *hFile, DWORD imagetype) { CxIOFile file(hFile); return Decode(&file,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads an image from CxFile object * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok * \sa ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ bool CxImage::Decode(CxFile *hFile, DWORD imagetype) { if (hFile == NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,CXIMAGE_ERR_NOFILE); return false; } if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN){ DWORD pos = hFile->Tell(); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP { CxImageBMP newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG { CxImageJPG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO { CxImageICO newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF { CxImageGIF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG { CxImagePNG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF { CxImageTIF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_MNG { CxImageMNG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TGA { CxImageTGA newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PCX { CxImagePCX newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WBMP { CxImageWBMP newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WMF && CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WINDOWS { CxImageWMF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JBG { CxImageJBG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JASPER { CxImageJAS newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_SKA { CxImageSKA newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW { CxImageRAW newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } #endif } #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP){ CxImageBMP newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG){ CxImageJPG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); // if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO){ CxImageICO newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima.info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF){ CxImageGIF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima.info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG){ CxImagePNG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF){ CxImageTIF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima.info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_MNG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_MNG){ CxImageMNG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima.info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TGA if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TGA){ CxImageTGA newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PCX if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PCX){ CxImagePCX newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WBMP if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WBMP){ CxImageWBMP newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WMF && CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WINDOWS // vho - WMF support if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF){ CxImageWMF newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JBG if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JBG){ CxImageJBG newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JASPER if ( #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JP2 imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2 || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPC imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PGX imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNM imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAS imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS || #endif false ){ CxImageJAS newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile,imagetype)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_SKA if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_SKA){ CxImageSKA newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW if (imagetype==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW){ CxImageRAW newima; newima.CopyInfo(*this); if (newima.Decode(hFile)){ Transfer(newima); return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima.GetLastError()); return false; } } #endif strcpy(info.szLastError,"Decode: Unknown or wrong format"); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads an image from CxFile object * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, default = 0 (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) * \return : if imagetype is not 0, the function returns true when imagetype * matches the file image format. If imagetype is 0, the function returns true * when the file image format is recognized as a supported format. * If the returned value is true, use GetHeight(), GetWidth() or GetType() * to retrieve the basic image information. * \sa ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ bool CxImage::CheckFormat(CxFile * hFile, DWORD imagetype) { SetType(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); SetEscape(-1); if (!Decode(hFile,imagetype)) return false; if (GetType() == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN || GetType() != imagetype) return false; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CxImage::CheckFormat(BYTE * buffer, DWORD size, DWORD imagetype) { if (buffer==NULL || size==NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,"invalid or empty buffer"); return false; } CxMemFile file(buffer,size); return CheckFormat(&file,imagetype); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_DECODE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////