#include "ximage.h" #include "ximath.h" #include //this module should contain some classes for geometrical transformations //usable with selections, etc... once it's done, that is. :) CxPoint2::CxPoint2() { x=y=0.0f; } CxPoint2::CxPoint2(float const x_, float const y_) { x=x_; y=y_; } CxPoint2::CxPoint2(CxPoint2 const &p) { x=p.x; y=p.y; } float CxPoint2::Distance(CxPoint2 const p2) { return (float)sqrt((x-p2.x)*(x-p2.x)+(y-p2.y)*(y-p2.y)); } float CxPoint2::Distance(float const x_, float const y_) { return (float)sqrt((x-x_)*(x-x_)+(y-y_)*(y-y_)); } CxRect2::CxRect2() { } CxRect2::CxRect2(float const x1_, float const y1_, float const x2_, float const y2_) { botLeft.x=x1_; botLeft.y=y1_; topRight.x=x2_; topRight.y=y2_; } CxRect2::CxRect2(CxRect2 const &p) { botLeft=p.botLeft; topRight=p.topRight; } float CxRect2::Surface() const /* * Returns the surface of rectangle. */ { return (topRight.x-botLeft.x)*(topRight.y-botLeft.y); } CxRect2 CxRect2::CrossSection(CxRect2 const &r2) const /* * Returns crossection with another rectangle. */ { CxRect2 cs; cs.botLeft.x=__max(botLeft.x, r2.botLeft.x); cs.botLeft.y=__max(botLeft.y, r2.botLeft.y); cs.topRight.x=__min(topRight.x, r2.topRight.x); cs.topRight.y=__min(topRight.y, r2.topRight.y); if (cs.botLeft.x<=cs.topRight.x && cs.botLeft.y<=cs.topRight.y) { return cs; } else { return CxRect2(0,0,0,0); }//if } CxPoint2 CxRect2::Center() const /* * Returns the center point of rectangle. */ { return CxPoint2((topRight.x+botLeft.x)/2.0f, (topRight.y+botLeft.y)/2.0f); } float CxRect2::Width() const //returns rectangle width { return topRight.x-botLeft.x; } float CxRect2::Height() const //returns rectangle height { return topRight.y-botLeft.y; }