How to install and run vv on linux: 1.CMake : Before doing anything, you need to download the latest stable release of CMake : Uncompress the file and add cmake to your path : tar zxvf cmake-2.4.2-Linux-i386.tar.gz tar xvf cmake-2.4.2-Linux-files.tar PATH=$PATH:/cmake/bin/directory 2.ITK: Download the latest stable release from their page or from their CVS repository : Uncompress it and rename the resulting folder as « Insight » : tar zxvf InsightToolkit-2.6.0.tar.gz mkdir Insight mv InsightToolkit-2.6.0 Insight Still from your home, create a binary directory, get into it and run CMake : mkdir Insight-binary cd Insight-binary ccmake ../Insight NB : You can disable BUILT_EXAMPLES and BUILT_TESTS. Then compile ITK: make 3.Qt 4: Download the latest stable release from their page : Install it following instructions on : 4.VTK: Download the latest stable release from their CVS repository : Create a binary directory, get into it and run CMake : mkdir vtk-binary cd vtk-binary ccmake ../vtk NB: you need to change built options to make it compatible with Qt. Set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON, Set VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT to ON Set VTK_USE_QVTK to ON. Then, specify the Qt version you are using. Then compile vtk : make 5.vv: Download the latest release from the git repository : git clone Go inside the build directory: cd vv/build run cmake and compile it. ccmake .. make -j2