vvToolImageArithm 0 0 424 345 Form Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Set output pixel type to float false Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Operation with two images Sum A+B true Multiply A*B Divide A/B Min [A,B] Max [A,B] Absolute difference |A-B| Squared difference (A-B)² Operation on a single image 11 50 false QFrame::NoFrame Value (v) -999999999.000000000000000 999999999.000000000000000 Sum A(x)+v true Multiply A(x)*v Inverse v/A(x) Max [ A(x), v ] Min [ A(x),v ] Absolute difference |A(x)-v| Squared difference (A(x)-v)² Log A(x) (don't use v) Exp A(x) (don't use v) Sqrt A(x) (don't use v)