#ifndef vvImageWarp_h #define vvImageWarp_h #include "vvImage.h" class QWidget; /// Allows the computation of a warped image sequence and a difference image sequence, for the purpose of verifying registration results class vvImageWarp { public: ///Slicer manager containing the image sequence and deformation field, plus the index of the image used as a reference for the registration vvImageWarp(vvImage::Pointer input,vvImage::Pointer vf,unsigned int ref_image,QWidget* parent); ///Computes a warped sequence and a difference image sequence. Return false in case of error bool ComputeWarpedImage(); vvImage::Pointer GetWarpedImage() { return mWarpedImage; } vvImage::Pointer GetDiffImage() { return mDiffImage; } vvImage::Pointer GetJacobianImage() { return mJacobianImage; } protected: template void Update_WithDimAndPixelType(); template void Update_WithDim(); unsigned int mRefImage; vvImage::Pointer mWarpedImage; vvImage::Pointer mDiffImage; vvImage::Pointer mJacobianImage; QWidget * parent_window; vvImage::Pointer mInputImage; vvImage::Pointer mVF; }; #endif