/*========================================================================= Program: vv Language: C++ Author : Pierre Seroul (pierre.seroul@gmail.com) Copyright (C) 2008 Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr CREATIS-LRMN http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =========================================================================*/ #ifndef vvMainWindow_h #define vvMainWindow_h #include #include #include "ui_vvMainWindow.h" #include "vvConstants.h" #include "vvImage.h" #include "vvMesh.h" class vvSlicerManager; class vvHelpDialog; class vvDocumentation; class vtkRenderWindowInteractor; class vtkImageData; class vtkRenderer; class vvDicomSeriesSelector; class vvMainWindow : public QMainWindow, private Ui::vvMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: vvMainWindow(); ~vvMainWindow(); void LoadImages(std::vector filenames, LoadedImageType type); void AddImage(vvImage::Pointer image,std::string filename); void AddImage(vvSlicerManager * m); void AddField(QString file,int index); void AddOverlayImage(int index, QString filename); ///Adds a mesh to a SlicerManager, with optional warping by vector field void AddContour(int image_index, vvMesh::Pointer contour, bool propagation); ///This is used to show an image when opened or computed void ShowLastImage(); public slots: ///Allows the user to open and select various surfaces contained in a dicom-struct file void OpenDCStructContour(); ///Computes the MIP of the currently selected image and displays it void ComputeMIP(); ///Computes the midposition image of a 4D sequence with a VF and displays it void ComputeMidPosition(); void OpenImages(); ///Slot triggered by the dynamically-generated recent file menu actions void OpenRecentImage(); void OpenImageWithTime(); void MergeImages(); void MergeImagesWithTime(); void OpenDicom(); ///Open a vtkPolyData surface mesh and display it over the current image void OpenVTKContour(); void SaveAs(); void CurrentImageChanged(std::string id); void ImageInfoChanged(); void ShowHelpDialog(); void ShowDocumentation(); void ComputeDeformableRegistration(); void WarpImage(); void ChangeViewMode(); void DisplayChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column); void CloseImage(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column); void ReloadImage(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column); void MousePositionChanged(int visibility, double x, double y, double z, double X, double Y, double Z , double value); void VectorChanged(int visibility, double x, double y, double z, double value); void OverlayChanged(int visibility, double valueOver, double valueRef); void FusionChanged(int visibility, double value); void ResampleCurrentImage(); void SegmentationOnCurrentImage(); void SurfaceViewerLaunch(); void WindowsChanged(int window, int view, int slice); void WindowLevelChanged(double window, double level,int preset, int colormap); void UpdateSlice(int slicer, int slice); void UpdateTSlice(int slicer, int slice); void UpdateSliceRange(int slicer, int min, int max, int tmin, int tmax); void WindowLevelEdited(); void UpdateColorMap(); void UpdateWindowLevel(); void SwitchWindowLevel(); void UpdateLinkManager(std::string id, int slicer, double x, double y, double z, int temps); void AddLink(QString image1,QString image2); void RemoveLink(QString image1,QString image2); ///Generic method called when any one of the horizontal sliders is moved void HorizontalSliderMoved(int value,int column, int slicer_index); void NOHorizontalSliderMoved(); void NEHorizontalSliderMoved(); void SOHorizontalSliderMoved(); void SEHorizontalSliderMoved(); void NOVerticalSliderChanged(); void NEVerticalSliderChanged(); void SOVerticalSliderChanged(); void SEVerticalSliderChanged(); void SaveNEScreenshot(); void SaveNOScreenshot(); void SaveSEScreenshot(); void SaveSOScreenshot(); void ShowContextMenu(QPoint point); void CropImage(); void SplitImage(); void CloseImage(); void ReloadImage(); void OpenField(); void SelectOverlayImage(); void AddFusionImage(); void SetVFProperty(int subsampling,int scale,int lut); void SetOverlayProperty(int color); void SetFusionProperty(int opacity,int colormap,double window,double level); void GoToCursor(); void PlayPause(); void PlayNext(); void ChangeFrameRate(int rate) { mFrameRate = rate; } void UpdateRenderWindows(); private: //variables std::vector mSlicerManagers; vvHelpDialog *help_dialog; vvDocumentation *documentation; vvDicomSeriesSelector *dicomSeriesSelector; QString mInputPathName; bool viewMode; bool playMode; //functions void UpdateTree(); ///Adds a vector field to slicer manager index void WarpImage(vvSlicerManager* selected_slicer,int reference_phase); void AddFieldEntry(QString filename,int index,bool from_disk); void AddField(vvImage::Pointer vf,QString file,int index); void InitDisplay(); ///Sets the render window and LUT for the last SlicerManager void InitSlicers(); void DisplaySliders(int slicer, int window); QString GetSizeInBytes(unsigned long size); QString GetVectorDoubleAsString(std::vector vectorDouble); QString GetVectorIntAsString(std::vector vectorInt); int GetSlicerIndexFromItem(QTreeWidgetItem* item); void SaveScreenshot(vtkImageData* image); QMenu contextMenu; //QMenu *AddSubImageMenu; std::vector contextActions; std::vector horizontalSliders; std::vector verticalSliders; int mFrameRate; }; #endif