/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef __vvSlicer_h #define __vvSlicer_h #include #include #include #include //TODO delete #include #include "vvLandmarks.h" #include "vvImage.h" #include "vvMesh.h" #include "vvMeshActor.h" #include "vvClipPolyData.h" #include #include #include #include #include class vtkActor; class vtkActor2D; class vtkCursor2D; class vtkPolyDataMapper2D; class vtkProperty2D; class vtkClipPolyData; class vtkImageActor; class vvBlendImageActor; class vtkBox; class vtkCornerAnnotation; class vtkExtractVOI; class vtkPolyDataMapper2D; class vtkPolyDataMapper; class vtkGlyph3D; class vvGlyph2D; class vvGlyphSource; class vtkCursor3D; class vtkCutter; class vtkAssignAttribute; class vtkScalarBarActor; class vtkTransform; class vtkImageReslice; class vvSlicer: public QObject, public vtkImageViewer2 { Q_OBJECT public: static vvSlicer *New(); vtkTypeMacro(vvSlicer,vtkImageViewer2); void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); void SetImage(vvImage::Pointer inputImages); vvImage::Pointer GetImage() { return mImage; } void SetOverlay(vvImage::Pointer inputOverlay); vvImage::Pointer GetOverlay() { return mOverlay; } vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors* GetOverlayMapper(); vvBlendImageActor* GetOverlayActor() ; vtkImageMapToColors* GetFusionMapper() ; vtkImageActor* GetFusionActor() ; vtkActor* GetVFActor() ; vtkCornerAnnotation* GetAnnotation(); void SetFusion(vvImage::Pointer inputFusion, int fusionSequenceCode = -1); vvImage::Pointer GetFusion() { return mFusion; } void ShowFusionLegend(bool show) { showFusionLegend = show; } /**Get/Set an actor's visibility ("overlay, fusion, vf, contour...") Overlay index is the index of the overlay by type, eg. if there are 5 contours and we want to activate the 3rd one, pass 2 **/ bool GetActorVisibility(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index); void SetActorVisibility(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index,bool vis); void RemoveActor(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index); void SetVF(vvImage::Pointer vf); vvImage *GetVF() { return mVF; } void SetLandmarks(vvLandmarks* landmarks); void SetTSlice(int t, bool updateLinkedImages = true); void SetFusionSequenceTSlice(int t); void SetSliceOrientation(int orientation); void AdjustResliceToSliceOrientation(vtkImageReslice *reslice); int GetTSlice(); int GetFusionTSlice(); int GetOverlayTSlice(); int GetMaxCurrentTSlice(); ///Reimplemented from vtkImageViewer2 to add polydata support void SetSlice(int s); int GetTMax(); void SetOpacity(double s); void SetRenderWindow(int orientation, vtkRenderWindow * rw); void SetDisplayMode(bool i); void FlipHorizontalView(); void FlipVerticalView(); static double GetScalarComponentAsDouble(vtkImageData *image, double X, double Y, double Z, int &ix, int &iy, int &iz, int component=0); void Render(); ///Sets the camera to fit the image in the window void ResetCamera(); void SetVFSubSampling(int sub); int GetVFSubSampling() { return mSubSampling; } void SetVFScale(int scale); void SetVFWidth(int width); int GetVFScale() { return mScale; } void SetVFLog(int log); int GetVFLog() { return mVFLog; } void SetFileName(std::string filename) { mFileName = filename; } std::string GetFileName() { return mFileName; } double* GetCursorPosition() { return mCursor; } vtkTransform * GetSlicingTransform() { return mSlicingTransform; } vtkTransform * GetConcatenatedTransform() { return mConcatenatedTransform; } vtkTransform * GetConcatenatedFusionTransform() { return mConcatenatedFusionTransform; } vtkTransform * GetConcatenatedOverlayTransform() { return mConcatenatedOverlayTransform; } void SetCurrentPosition(double x, double y, double z, int t); double* GetCurrentPosition(); void UpdateCursorPosition(); void SetCursorVisibility(bool s); bool GetCursorVisibility(); void SetCursorColor(int r,int g, int b); void SetCornerAnnotationVisibility(bool s); bool GetCornerAnnotationVisibility(); void GetExtremasAroundMousePointer(double & min, double & max, vtkImageData *image, vtkTransform *transform); void UpdateLandmarks(); void ForceUpdateDisplayExtent(); int* GetDisplayExtent(); /**Add a polydata to be displayed as a contour over the image ** the contour can be propagated to a time sequence using a motion field */ void AddContour(vvMesh::Pointer contours,bool propagate); ///Toggle temporal superposition of contours void ToggleContourSuperposition(); virtual void SetColorWindow(double s); virtual void SetColorLevel(double s); double GetOverlayColorWindow(); double GetOverlayColorLevel(); bool GetLinkOverlayWindowLevel() { return mLinkOverlayWindowLevel; } void SetOverlayColorWindow(double s); void SetOverlayColorLevel(double s); void SetLinkOverlayWindowLevel(bool b) { mLinkOverlayWindowLevel = b; } /** * When it is enabled, beware of a call to GetExtent. * we must have setted mReducedExtent otherwhise random values * are returned by GetExtent * */ void EnableReducedExtent(bool b); void SetReducedExtent(int * ext); bool ClipDisplayedExtent(int extent[6], int refExtent[6]); int GetOrientation(); int * GetExtent(); double* GetVFColor() { return mVFColor; } void SetVFColor(double r, double g, double b); //necessary to flag the secondary sequence void SetFusionSequenceCode(int code) {mFusionSequenceCode=code;} void SetRegisterExtent(int [6]); void GetRegisterExtent(int [6]); void SetSlicerNumber(const int nbSlicer) {mSlicerNumber = nbSlicer;} int GetSlicerNumber() const {return mSlicerNumber;} signals: void UpdateDisplayExtentBegin(int); void UpdateDisplayExtentEnd(int); protected: vvSlicer(); ~vvSlicer(); std::string mFileName; vvImage::Pointer mImage; vvImage::Pointer mOverlay; vvImage::Pointer mFusion; vvImage::Pointer mVF; vvLandmarks* mLandmarks; int mFusionSequenceCode; //-1: not involved in a fusion sequence, 0: main sequence (CT), 1: secondary sequence (US) // __________ Image coordinates accounting for spacing and origin // Λ Λ // | | vvImage.GetTransform() // | | // GetConcatenatedTransform() | _|___ VV world coordinates (mm) (displayed in VV) mCurrentBeforeSlicingTransform // | Λ // | | GetSlicingTransform() // | | // ___|__|___ VTK world coordinates (mm) (never displayed) mCurrent vtkSmartPointer mSlicingTransform; vtkSmartPointer mImageReslice; vtkSmartPointer mConcatenatedTransform; vtkSmartPointer mOverlayReslice; vtkSmartPointer mConcatenatedOverlayTransform; vtkSmartPointer mOverlayMapper; vtkSmartPointer mOverlayActor; vtkSmartPointer mFusionReslice; vtkSmartPointer mConcatenatedFusionTransform; vtkSmartPointer mFusionMapper; vtkSmartPointer mFusionActor; vtkSmartPointer ca; vtkSmartPointer crossCursor; vtkSmartPointer pdm; vtkSmartPointer pdmA; vtkSmartPointer mArrow; vtkSmartPointer mAAFilter; vtkSmartPointer mVOIFilter; vtkSmartPointer mGlyphFilter; vtkSmartPointer mVFMapper; vtkSmartPointer mVFColorLUT; vtkSmartPointer mVFActor; vtkSmartPointer mLandGlyph; vtkSmartPointer mCross; vtkSmartPointer mLandClipper; vtkSmartPointer mLandMapper; vtkSmartPointer mLandActor; std::vector > mLandLabelActors; vtkSmartPointer mClipBox; vtkSmartPointer legend; std::vector mSurfaceCutActors; int mSlicerNumber; int mCurrentTSlice; int mCurrentFusionTSlice; int mCurrentOverlayTSlice; double mCurrent[3]; double mCurrentBeforeSlicingTransform[3]; double mCursor[4]; int mSubSampling; int mScale; int mVFLog; int mVFWidth; double mVFColor[3]; bool mUseReducedExtent; int * mReducedExtent; int * mRegisterExtent; bool mLinkOverlayWindowLevel; bool showFusionLegend; private: void UpdateOrientation(); void UpdateDisplayExtent(); void ConvertImageToImageDisplayExtent(vtkInformation *sourceImage, const int sourceExtent[6], vtkImageData *targetImage, int targetExtent[6]); ///Sets the surfaces to be cut on the image slice: update the vtkCutter void SetContourSlice(); // Visibility of the different elements that can be set from outside the object. // Note that vvSlicer also check if the element is to be displayed according to // the extent of the displayed object. // These members have been introduced to fix Bug #1883. bool mImageVisibility; bool mOverlayVisibility; bool mFusionVisibility; bool mVFVisibility; bool mFirstSetSliceOrientation; }; #endif