/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef VVSLICERMANAGER_H #define VVSLICERMANAGER_H // std #include #include #include // QT #include // VTK #include class vtkImageData; class vtkInteractorStyle; class vtkRenderWindow; class vtkPolyData; // VV #include "clitkCommon.h" #include "vvImage.h" #include "vvMesh.h" #include "vvImageReader.h" class vvSlicer; class vvInteractorStyleNavigator; class vvImageReader; class vvImageReader; class vvLandmarks; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class vvSlicerManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: vvSlicerManager(int numberOfSlicers); ~vvSlicerManager(); std::string GetLastError() { return mLastError; } bool SetImage(std::string filename, vvImageReader::LoadedImageType type, int n=0, unsigned int slice=0); void SetImage(vvImage::Pointer image); bool SetImages(std::vector filenames, vvImageReader::LoadedImageType type, int n=0); bool SetOverlay(std::string filename, int dim, std::string component); bool SetFusion(std::string filename, int dim, std::string component); ///Set a VF by loading it from the disk bool SetVF(std::string filename); ///Set a VF from memory bool SetVF(vvImage::Pointer vf,std::string filename); ///Add a mesh to the slicers, with optional propagation using a vector field void AddContour(vvMesh::Pointer ,bool propagate=false); ///Toggle temporal superposition of contours void ToggleContourSuperposition(); std::string GetFileName() { return mFileName; } std::string GetBaseFileName() { return mBaseFileName; } int GetBaseFileNameNumber() { return mBaseFileNameNumber; } std::string GetVFName() { return mVFName; } std::string GetOverlayName() { return mOverlayName; } std::string GetFusionName() { return mFusionName; } std::string GetListOfAbsoluteFilePathInOneString(const std::string &actorType); ///Switch between nearest neighbor and linear interpolation void ToggleInterpolation(); vvSlicer* GetSlicer(int i); void UpdateSlicer(int num, bool state); void SetSlicerWindow(int i, vtkRenderWindow* RW); void SetInteractorStyleNavigator(int i,vtkInteractorStyle* style); int GetNumberOfSlicers() { return mSlicers.size(); } vvImage::Pointer GetImage() { return mImage; } vvImage::Pointer GetVF() { return mVF; } int GetType() { return mType; } void SetId(std::string id) { mId = id; } std::string GetId() { return mId; } int GetDimension() { if (mImage) return mImage->GetNumberOfDimensions(); else return -1; } void SetFilename(std::string f, int number=0); void SetSliceOrientation(int slicer, int orientation); void SetTSlice(int slice); void SetNextTSlice(int originating_slicer); void SetPreviousTSlice(int originating_slicer); void SetTSliceInSlicer(int tslice, int slicer); void GenerateDefaultLookupTable(); void SetColorWindow(double s); void SetColorLevel(double s); void SetOverlayColorWindow(double s); void SetOverlayColorLevel(double s); void SetLinkOverlayWindowLevel(bool b); void SetLocalColorWindowing(const int slicer, const bool bCtrlKey); void SetOpacity(int i, double factor); void SetColorMap(int colormap); void SetPreset(int preset); void SetOverlayColor(int color) { mOverlayColor = (color/60)*60; //SR: new vvBlendImageActor needs 0 or 255 per component } void SetFusionOpacity(int opacity) { mFusionOpacity = opacity; } void SetFusionThresholdOpacity(int thresOpacity) { mFusionThresOpacity = thresOpacity; } void SetFusionColorMap(int colorMap) { mFusionColorMap = colorMap; } void SetFusionWindow(double window) { mFusionWindow = window; } void SetFusionLevel(double level) { mFusionLevel = level; } void SetFusionShowLegend(int show) { mFusionShowLegend = show; } double GetColorWindow(); double GetColorLevel(); double GetOverlayColorWindow() const; double GetOverlayColorLevel() const; bool GetLinkOverlayWindowLevel() const; int GetColorMap() { return mColorMap; } int GetPreset() { return mPreset; } int GetOverlayColor() const { return mOverlayColor; } int GetFusionOpacity() const { return mFusionOpacity; } int GetFusionThresholdOpacity() const { return mFusionThresOpacity; } int GetFusionColorMap() const { return mFusionColorMap; } double GetFusionWindow() const { return mFusionWindow; } double GetFusionLevel() const { return mFusionLevel; } void SetCursorAndCornerAnnotationVisibility(int s); void UpdateViews(int current, int slicer); void UpdateLinked(int slicer); void UpdateLinkedNavigation(vvSlicer *slicer, bool bPropagate=false); void ResetTransformationToIdentity(const std::string actorType); void Render(); void AddLink(std::string newId) { mLinkedId.push_back(newId); } void RemoveLink(std::string oldId) { mLinkedId.remove(oldId); } bool IsLinked() { return mLinkedId.size() > 0; } ///Remove the actor defined by its type and index (example: 3rd contour) void RemoveActor(const std::string& actor_type, int overlay_index); void RemoveActors(); void Reload(); void ReloadOverlay(); void ReloadFusion(); void ReloadVF(); void Activated(); void Picked(); void UpdateInfoOnCursorPosition(int slicer); void EmitMousePositionUpdated(int slicer); void UpdateWindowLevel(); void UpdateSlice(int slicer); void UpdateTSlice(int slicer); void UpdateSliceRange(int slicer); vvLandmarks *GetLandmarks(); void AddLandmark(float x,float y,float z,float t); void NextImage(int slicer); void PrevImage(int slicer); void LeftButtonReleaseEvent(int slicer); void VerticalSliderHasChanged(int slicer, int slice); double GetScalarComponentAsDouble(vtkImageData *image, double X, double Y, double Z, int component=0); signals : void currentImageChanged(std::string id); void currentPickedImageChanged(std::string id); void UpdatePosition(int visibility,double x, double y, double z, double X, double Y, double Z, double value); void UpdateVector(int display, double x, double y, double z, double value); void UpdateOverlay(int display, double valueOver, double valueRef); void UpdateFusion(int display, double valueFus); void MousePositionUpdatedSignal(int slicer); void UpdateOrientation(int slicer, int orientation); void UpdateSlice(int slicer, int slice); void UpdateTSlice(int slicer, int slice); void UpdateSliceRange(int slice, int min, int max, int tmin, int tmax); void WindowLevelChanged(); void UpdateLinkManager(std::string, int slicer, double x, double y, double z, int temps); void UpdateLinkedNavigation(std::string, vvSlicerManager*, vvSlicer*); void LandmarkAdded(); void ChangeImageWithIndexOffset(vvSlicerManager *sm, int slicer, int offset); void LeftButtonReleaseSignal(int slicer); void AVerticalSliderHasChanged(int slicer, int slice); protected: std::vector< vtkSmartPointer > mSlicers; vvImageReader::Pointer mReader; vvImageReader::Pointer mOverlayReader; vvImageReader::Pointer mFusionReader; vvImageReader::Pointer mVectorReader; vvImage::Pointer mImage; vvImage::Pointer mVF; int mColorMap; int mOverlayColor; int mFusionOpacity; int mFusionThresOpacity; int mFusionColorMap; double mFusionWindow; double mFusionLevel; bool mFusionShowLegend; int mPreset; vvImageReader::LoadedImageType mType; std::string mVFComponent; std::string mOverlayComponent; std::string mFusionComponent; std::string mFileName; std::string mBaseFileName; int mBaseFileNameNumber; std::string mId; std::string mVFName; std::string mOverlayName; std::string mFusionName; std::string mVFId; std::string mLastError; std::list mLinkedId; vvLandmarks* mLandmarks; std::vector mPreviousSlice; std::vector mPreviousTSlice; }; #endif