As root or with sudo command: 1) BBTK Compile bbtk with the cmake option USE_WT (Make sure you are in a new consolo with all the thirdparty variables are loaded) 2) Compile and install le package de creaWt definir 3) dnf install fcgi-devel dnf install mod_fcgid 4) ld configuration cp bbtk.conf /etc/ 4.1) check the path of the file /etc/ 4.2) execute : ldconfig 4.2) Check the paths of the file 5) Create virtual site apache mkdir /var/www/testwtdbg mkdir /var/www/testwtdbg/docroot = /var/www/testwtdbg/docroot 6) Apache configuration cp fastcgi-wt.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/. service httpd restart 7) wt temporary diractory mkdir /var/run/wt chown apache:apache /var/run/wt 8) wt CONFIGURATION mkdir /etc/wt cp wt_config.xml /etc/wt/. 9) Prepare wt application site mkdir / chown apache:apache / mkdir //imagesTMP cp bbiWeb.php //. ln -s /share/Wt/resources //resources ln -s /share/data/reosurcesXTK /resourcesXTK ln -s /bin/bbiWeb.wt /bbiWeb.wt 10) To cofigure new Package in /.bbtk/bbtk_config.xml with /share/bbtk/bbs OR /lib64/creatools 11) Call application from browser http://localhost//bbiWeb.php ------------------------------------------------------ TODO: 0) BUG: bbiWeb.wt reads just 1 bbs : demoPresentacion1Boton02.bbs 0.5) BUG The tempFiles from bbtk-wt are in nn 1) BUG: Modify separate the devel modules 2) FUTURE: Add creaWT in bbtk stuff 3) FUTURE: Install de directory data of creaWT in share/creaWT/data 4) BUG: creaWT/wt/data/resourcesXTK 5) bbtk-WT hola.nii can't be generated automaticaly ------------------------------------------------------ Genaral Notes: -------------- .OK. 0) Fast CGI (FCGI) devel+apache: yum install fcgi-devel yum install mod_fcgid wtBin -> ccmake -> CONNECTOR_FCGI ON CONNECTOR_FCGI ON ENABLE_EXT make -j8 wtBin cmake -DEXAMPLES_CONNECTOR="wtfcgi" . make -C examples -j8 FastCGI configuration: /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/fastcgi-wt.conf Configuration LD_libray_path for all users 1) /etc/ /tmpEED/Creatis/creaTools/creatools_install/lib64/creatools /tmpEED/tplI/lib/wt-3.3.4 /tmpEED/tplI/lib/gdcm /tmpEED/tplI/lib/InsightToolkit /tmpEED/tplI/lib/vtk-5.10 2) Luego ejecutar> ldconfig Appache service httpd start service httpd stop service httpd restart See errors: systemctl status httpd.service /etc/httpd/logs/ ------- wt --- php -system ou exec ??: -Redirect a page: -unique Id