X-Git-Url: https://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/pubgit/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=Install%2Fscripts%2FAll.bat;h=4e38a6174b0093a2bc9d1081f2ef4a1e24ead6f3;hb=c7c962c19b2b41d572896c977fb1ff44559253a3;hp=2b84606f520258b7961a27f34f94a300ce9d5311;hpb=30e9a1624d30836bfb12bbdf4bc90c243fe8d224;p=creaToolsTools.git diff --git a/Install/scripts/All.bat b/Install/scripts/All.bat index 2b84606..4e38a61 100644 --- a/Install/scripts/All.bat +++ b/Install/scripts/All.bat @@ -1,44 +1,77 @@ +REM --------------------------------------------------------------------- +REM +REM Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image +REM pour la Santé) +REM Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton +REM +REM This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and +REM abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, +REM modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B +REM license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL +REM http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html +REM or in the file LICENSE.txt. +REM +REM As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, +REM modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only +REM with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the +REM economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited +REM liability. +REM +REM The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had +REM knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. +REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + @echo off set creatoolsGeneration=%1 set docgeneration=%2 -set cvsUser=%3 -set installPrefix=%4 -set buildtype=%5 +set installPrefix=%3 +set buildtype=%4 +set forcex86=%5 -set currentFolder=%cd% +set scriptsFolder=%cd% set logFolder=%creatoolsGeneration%\installLog + rmdir %logFolder% /s /q mkdir %logFolder% +echo call configure variables +call %scriptsFolder%\base\configureVariables.bat + +REM goto skypeEED + echo call Download Sources -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\base\downloadSources.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %installPrefix% %cvsUser% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\base\downloadSources.bat + echo call compile crea -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\crea\creaInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\crea\creaInstall.bat echo call compile bbtk -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\bbtk\bbtkInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\bbtk\bbtkInstall.bat echo call compile creaMaracasVisu -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaMaracasVisu\creaMaracasVisuInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaMaracasVisu\creaMaracasVisuInstall.bat echo call compile creaEnvironment -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaEnvironment\creaEnvironmentInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaEnvironment\creaEnvironmentInstall.bat echo call compile creaBruker -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaBruker\creaBrukerInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaBruker\creaBrukerInstall.bat echo call compile creaImageIO -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaImageIO\creaImageIOInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaImageIO\creaImageIOInstall.bat echo call compile creaContours -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaContours\creaContoursInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaContours\creaContoursInstall.bat echo call compile creaRigidRegistration -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaRigidRegistration\creaRigidRInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaRigidRegistration\creaRigidRInstall.bat echo call compile bbtkGEditor -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\bbtkGEditor\bbtkGEditorInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\bbtkGEditor\bbtkGEditorInstall.bat echo call compile creaMinitools -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaTools\creaMinitoolsInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% -echo THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST STEP... -echo call compile creaTools +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaTools\creaMinitoolsInstall.bat + + -start /B /I /wait %currentFolder%\creaTools\creaToolsInstall.bat %creatoolsGeneration% %docgeneration% %cvsUser% %installPrefix% %buildtype% %currentFolder% +REM :skypeEED +echo THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST STEP... +echo call compile creaTools +start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaTools\creaToolsInstall.bat echo To see the log files of this install please go to %LogFolder% exit /B