X-Git-Url: https://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/pubgit/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=appli%2Ftemplate_appli%2FCMakeLists.txt;h=30619a8bd14e0f85cbd668d4ce08443cf69b77c9;hb=HEAD;hp=020be7eb9eacbb0311a337b0d5c05decc8fdca12;hpb=0e3a02d90050aba0eb538163491c14f908bda727;p=creaBruker.git diff --git a/appli/template_appli/CMakeLists.txt b/appli/template_appli/CMakeLists.txt index 020be7e..30619a8 100644 --- a/appli/template_appli/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/appli/template_appli/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,18 +1,34 @@ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SET THE NAME OF YOUR EXECUTABLE +# Replace 'MyExe' by the name you want to give your executable. +# (a good policy is to give the executable the same name that the directory) + +######################### SET ( EXE_NAME MyExe ) +######################### + #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXECUTABLE SOURCES (TO BE COMPILED) # EITHER LIST ALL .cxx, *.cpp, *.cc IN CURRENT DIR USING NEXT LINE: + FILE(GLOB ${EXE_NAME}_SOURCES *.cxx *.cpp *.cc) + # OR MANUALLY LIST YOUR FILES WITH NEXT COMMAND (WITHOUT EXTENSION) # SET ( ${EXE_NAME}_SOURCES # # ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ( + +# Add here the directories holding th extra .h files you need +# e.g. +# ../../lib/ + +) + #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEPENDENCIES (LIBRARIES TO LINK WITH) SET ( ${EXE_NAME}_LINK_LIBRARIES @@ -23,6 +39,11 @@ SET ( ${EXE_NAME}_LINK_LIBRARIES # ${ITK_LIBRARIES} # ${GDCM_LIBRARIES} # ${BOOST_LIBRARIES} + + # Add here those agmonst the various (?) PROJECT LIBRARIES + # you need for the current executable + # (If you created only one Library, don't forget it !...) + ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------