X-Git-Url: https://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/pubgit/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=kernel%2Finstall%2FCMakeLists.txt;h=81b23b9412bcbe560f7abae0aece84f44defe3f9;hb=cfad95b6e08e6e53846ffcda7fbc5932065f2c47;hp=91f174faf371304e20953790f96060825ed8b1ec;hpb=1cad1aa48a5353dc6844018dc8b756f876e17394;p=bbtk.git diff --git a/kernel/install/CMakeLists.txt b/kernel/install/CMakeLists.txt index 91f174f..81b23b9 100644 --- a/kernel/install/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/kernel/install/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,83 +1,68 @@ + # --------------------------------------------------------------------- + # + # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image + # pour la SantÈ) + # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton + # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux + # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil + # + # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and + # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, + # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B + # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL + # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html + # or in the file LICENSE.txt. + # + # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, + # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only + # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the + # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited + # liability. + # + # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had + # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ + + IF(UNIX) - SUBDIRS(linux) - SUBDIRS(gnome) + ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(linux) + ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(gnome) ENDIF(UNIX) +ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(cpack) -# Aditional INSTALL for CPACK mecanism. -IF(WIN32) - IF(USE_VTK) - # ????????? Why this line doesn't works ...????? - IF(${VTK_DIR}) - FILE(GLOB_RECURSE LST_FILE_VTKDLL RELATIVE ${VTK_DIR} *.dll ) - FOREACH( iLST ${LST_FILE_VTKDLL} ) - message("EED kernel/install/CMakeLists.txt " ${iLST} ) - INSTALL( - FILES ${iLST} - DESTINATION bin/ - ) - ENDFOREACH(iLST) - ENDIF(${VTK_DIR}) +# Install documentation directoris +#------------------------------------------------------------------- +#INSTALL( +# DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH} +# DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} +# FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.html" +#) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkCommon.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkDICOMParser.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkexoIIc.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkexpat.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkFiltering.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkfreetype.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkftgl.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkGenericFiltering.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkGraphics.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkHybrid.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkImaging.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkIO.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkjpeg.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkNetCDF.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkpng.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkRendering.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtksys.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtktiff.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkVolumeRendering.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkWidgets.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${VTK_DIR}/bin/Release/vtkzlib.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - ENDIF(USE_VTK) - - IF(USE_ITK) - INSTALL( FILES ${ITK_DIR}/bin/Release/ITKCommon.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - ENDIF(USE_ITK) +#INSTALL( +# DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH} +# DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} +# FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.jpg" +#) - IF(USE_WXWIDGETS) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_xrc_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_richtext_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_qa_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_media_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_html_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_gl_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_core_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_aui_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxmsw28d_adv_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxbase28d_xml_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxbase28d_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxbase28d_odbc_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - INSTALL( FILES ${WXWIDGETS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/wxbase28d_net_vc_custom.dll DESTINATION bin/ ) - ENDIF(USE_WXWIDGETS) +#INSTALL( +# DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH} +# DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} +# FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.pdf" +#) +#------------------------------------------------------------------- -ENDIF(WIN32) -INSTALL( - DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DOC_REL_PATH} - DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} -) INSTALL( - DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH} + DIRECTORY ${bbtk_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_BBS_REL_PATH} DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} ) INSTALL( - DIRECTORY ${BBTK_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH} + DIRECTORY ${bbtk_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DATA_REL_PATH} DESTINATION ${BBTK_SHARE_REL_PATH} )