X-Git-Url: https://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/pubgit/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=segmentation%2FclitkExtractLung.ggo;h=0cae0f89ad0a926ba70e365d0e0e779e56b06435;hb=01d3c1060300fd0f117709f6c2e5d39d16781c2f;hp=186508602e980191bb4b9db2e59578f06e7e5ae6;hpb=d30d301ddbebb5f290f8d9c0104dc6448ea531e1;p=clitk.git diff --git a/segmentation/clitkExtractLung.ggo b/segmentation/clitkExtractLung.ggo index 1865086..0cae0f8 100644 --- a/segmentation/clitkExtractLung.ggo +++ b/segmentation/clitkExtractLung.ggo @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ purpose "Segment lungs in CT image. Need 'patient' mask." option "config" - "Config file" string no option "imagetypes" - "Display allowed image types" flag off + option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "verboseStep" - "Verbose each step" flag off option "writeStep" w "Write image at each step" flag off @@ -15,9 +16,9 @@ option "verboseMemory" - "Display memory usage" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input CT image filename" string yes -option "afdb" a "Output Anatomical Feature DB (Carina position)" string no -option "output" o "Output lungs mask filename" string yes -option "outputTrachea" t "Output trachea mask filename" string no +option "afdb" a "Output Anatomical Feature DB (Carina position)" string no default="default.afdb" +option "output" o "Output lungs mask filename" string no default="lung.mhd" +option "outputTrachea" t "Output trachea mask filename" string no default="trachea.mhd" section "Step 1 : Air remove" @@ -30,13 +31,17 @@ option "minSize" - "Minimum component size in voxels" int no default="1 section "Step 2 : find trachea" -option "skipslices" - "Number of slices to skip before searching seed" int no default="0" -option "upperThresholdForTrachea" - "Initial upper threshold for trachea" double no default="-900" -option "multiplierForTrachea" - "Multiplier for the region growing" double no default="5" -option "thresholdStepSizeForTrachea" - "Threshold step size" int no default="64" -option "seed" - "Index of the trachea seed point" int no multiple -option "doNotCheckTracheaVolume" - "If set, do not check the trachea volume" flag off -option "verboseRG" - "Verbose RegionGrowing" flag off +option "type" - "trachea finding algorithm (0: original; 1: LOLA11)" int no default="0" +option "skipslices" - "0: Number of slices to skip before searching seed" int no default="0" +option "upperThresholdForTrachea" - "0: Initial upper threshold for trachea" double no default="-900" +option "multiplierForTrachea" - "0: Multiplier for the region growing" double no default="5" +option "thresholdStepSizeForTrachea" - "0: Threshold step size" int no default="64" +option "seed" - "0,1: Index of the trachea seed point (in pixel, not in mm)" int no multiple +option "doNotCheckTracheaVolume" - "0,1: If set, do not check the trachea volume" flag off +option "verboseRG" - "0,1: Verbose RegionGrowing" flag off +option "maxElongation" - "1: Maximum allowed elongation of candidate regions for the trachea" float no default="0.5" +option "numSlices" - "1: Number of slices to search for trachea" int no default="50" +option "seedPreProcessingThreshold" - "1: Threshold for the pre-processing step of the algorithm" int no default="-400" section "Step 3 : auto extract lung" @@ -60,3 +65,7 @@ section "Step 6 : fill holes" option "doNotFillHoles" - "Do not fill holes if set" flag on option "dir" d "Directions (axes) to perform filling (defaults to 2,1,0)" int multiple no +section "Step 7 : lung separation (labelling)" +option "doNotSeparateLungs" - "Do not separate lungs if set" flag off + +option "noAutoCrop" - "If set : do no crop final mask to BoundingBox" flag off