Creatis software - gdcm.git/commit
==> Add File::TypeOrientation( ) method
* \brief THERALYS' Algorithm to determine the most similar basic orientation
(Axial, Coronal, Sagital) of the image
* \note Should be run on the first gdcm::File of a 'coherent' Serie
* @return orientation code
* # 0 : Not Applicable (neither 0020,0037 Image Orientation Patient
* # nor 0020,0032Image Position found )
* # 1 : Axial
* # -1 : Axial invert
* # 2 : Coronal
* # -2 : Coronal invert
* # 3 : Sagital
* # -3 : Sagital invert
* # 4 : Heart Axial
* # -4 : Heart Axial invert
* # 5 : Heart Coronal
* # -5 : Heart Coronal invert
* # 6 : Heart Sagital
* # -6 : Heart Sagital invert
==> File::GetImageOrientationPatient returns now a bool (no longer a void)
to allow user to check the 'not applicable case'.