// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// gdcm mechanisms don't allow user to read an image
// whose header contains wrong physical info (say : wrong Row Number ...)
// and re-write with a right value.
// This program does the job by brutally overwritting the wrong values.
// It may be usefull to save a set of images ...
// (It dosn't allow to *add* a missing field)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"\n PatchHeader :\n ",
" Allows aware user to patch an image header, without loading image. ",
" Warning : the image(s) is/are overwritten ",
" to preserve image(s) integrity, use a copy. ",
" WARNING : *NO CHECK* is performed on the new values. ",
" Use only if you are sure the original values are wrong ",
" *and* your values are right... ",
"usage: PatchHeader {filein=inputFileName|dirin=inputDirectoryName} ",
" [ { [size=] | [rows=][columns=] } ] [planes=] ",
" [bitsallocated=] [bitsstored=] ",
" [highbit=] [samplesperpixel=] ",
" [pixelrepresentation=] [samplesperpixel=] ",
" [ { [noshadowseq] | [noshadow][noseq] } ] [debug] ",
" ",
" inputFileName : Name of the (single) file user wants to modify ",
" inputDirectoryName : user wants to modify *all* the files ",
" within the directory ",
" size : new (square) size, to owerwrite old (wrong) one ",
" or ",
" rows : new Rows number, to owerwrite old (wrong) one ",
" columns : new Columns number, to owerwrite old (wrong) one ",
" planes : new Planes number, ... ",
" bitsallocated : new Bits Allocated number, ... ",
" bitsstored : new Bits Stored number, ... ",
" highbit : new High Bit number, ... ",
" samplesperpixel : new Samples Per Pixel, ... ",
" pixelrepresentation : new Pixel Representation, ... ",
" ",
" noshadowseq: user doesn't want to load Private Sequences ",
" noshadow : user doesn't want to load Private groups (odd number) ",
" noseq : user doesn't want to load Sequences ",
" debug : user wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",