* FIX : now, the DocEntries are all deleted in the gdcmElementSet.
Two problems appear when doing it :
- with the gdcmFile : when the GetImageData method is called, the pixels
are stored in the gdcmPixelConvert, but a gdcmBinEntry link to these
datas (pixels). And each structure destruct the datas when it's
destructed. So we have two destructions for the same datas. To solve it,
a flag is added in the gdcmBinEntry to indicate if the BinEntry owns the
datas or not. If it doesn't own datas, then they will not destroyed by
the gdcmBinEntry.
- with the gdcmDicomDir : the sequences (gdcmSQItem) contain DocEntry
elements. The DicomDir* (DicomDirPatient, etc.) inherit from SQItem.
Thus destruct the DicomDir* elements and the TagHT of the ElementSet
create a double destruction of the same DocEntry's. So, to solve it,
the TagHT is simply cleared and the DicomDir* elements are destroyed.
* TODO : add an entry concerning memory leaks in the DicomDir
-- BeNours