Add SerieHelper::AddGdcmFile(File *header) method.
* \brief add a gdcm::File to the first (and supposed to be unique) list
* of the gdcm::SerieHelper.
* \warning : this method should be used by aware users only!
* User is supposed to know the files he want to deal with
* and consider them they belong to the same Serie
* (even if their Serie UID is different)
* user will probabely OrderFileList() this list (actually, ordering
* user choosen gdm::File is the sole interest of this method)
* Moreover, using vtkGdcmReader::SetCoherentFileList() will avoid
* vtkGdcmReader parsing twice the same files.
* *no* coherence check is performed, but those specified
* by SerieHelper::AddRestriction()