- // Clear states
- this->m_Plugins.UnloadAll( );
- this->m_BaseClasses.clear( );
- this->m_SegmentationClasses.clear( );
- this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses.clear( );
- this->m_MeshFilterClasses.clear( );
- // Read file and load plugins
- std::ifstream in( this->m_PluginsConfigurationFile.c_str( ) );
- if( !in )
- return( false );
- this->m_LastOpenedFile = this->m_PluginsConfigurationFile;
- std::string line, actual_section = "";
- std::getline( in, line );
- while( !( in.eof( ) ) )
- {
- std::string clean_line = line;
- clean_line.erase(
- std::remove_if( clean_line.begin( ), clean_line.end( ), isspace ),
- clean_line.end( )
- );
- if( clean_line[ 0 ] != '#' )
- {
- if(
- clean_line != "sectionplugins" &&
- clean_line != "sectionbase_classes" &&
- clean_line != "sectionsegmentation_classes" &&
- clean_line != "sectionsegmentation_filter_classes" &&
- clean_line != "sectionmesh_filter_classes"
- )
- {
- if( clean_line != "" )
- {
- if( actual_section == "sectionplugins" )
- {
- if( !( this->m_Plugins.Load( clean_line ) ) )
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(
- this,
- tr( "Ignoring plugin" ),
- tr( clean_line.c_str( ) )
- );
- } // fi
- }
- else
- {
- std::string name =
- clean_line.substr( clean_line.find_last_of( ":" ) + 1 );
- if( actual_section == "sectionbase_classes" )
- this->m_BaseClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
- else if( actual_section == "sectionsegmentation_classes" )
- this->m_SegmentationClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
- else if( actual_section == "sectionsegmentation_filter_classes" )
- this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
- else if( actual_section == "sectionmesh_filter_classes" )
- this->m_MeshFilterClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
- } // fi
- } // fi
- }
- else if( clean_line != "" )
- {
- if( clean_line[ 0 ] != '#' )
- actual_section = clean_line;
- } // fi
- } // fi
- std::getline( in, line );
- } // elihw
- in.close( );
- // Check classes existence
- if( !( this->_CheckClassesInPlugins( this->m_BaseClasses ) ) )
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(
- this,
- tr( "Could not load all base plugins." ),
- tr( "Could not load all base plugins... Closing application!" )
- );
- std::exit( 1 );
- } // fi
- // Needed object from plugins
- this->_AddPluginActions(
- this->m_SegmentationClasses, this->m_UI->menuSegmentInputImage,
- SLOT( _triggered_actionSegmentImage( ) )
- );
- this->_AddPluginActions(
- this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses, this->m_UI->menuFilterSegmentedImage,
- SLOT( _triggered_actionFilterSegmentation( ) )
- );
- this->_AddPluginActions(
- this->m_MeshFilterClasses, this->m_UI->menuProcessMesh,
- SLOT( _triggered_actionProcessMesh( ) )
- );
- // Historic objects
+// // Clear states
+// this->m_Plugins.UnloadAll( );
+// this->m_BaseClasses.clear( );
+// this->m_SegmentationClasses.clear( );
+// this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses.clear( );
+// this->m_MeshFilterClasses.clear( );
+// // Read file and load plugins
+// std::ifstream in( this->m_PluginsConfigurationFile.c_str( ) );
+// if( !in )
+// return( false );
+// this->m_LastOpenedFile = this->m_PluginsConfigurationFile;
+// std::string line, actual_section = "";
+// std::getline( in, line );
+// while( !( in.eof( ) ) )
+// {
+// std::string clean_line = line;
+// clean_line.erase(
+// std::remove_if( clean_line.begin( ), clean_line.end( ), isspace ),
+// clean_line.end( )
+// );
+// if( clean_line[ 0 ] != '#' )
+// {
+// if(
+// clean_line != "sectionplugins" &&
+// clean_line != "sectionbase_classes" &&
+// clean_line != "sectionsegmentation_classes" &&
+// clean_line != "sectionsegmentation_filter_classes" &&
+// clean_line != "sectionmesh_filter_classes"
+// )
+// {
+// if( clean_line != "" )
+// {
+// if( actual_section == "sectionplugins" )
+// {
+// if( !( this->m_Plugins.Load( clean_line ) ) )
+// {
+// QMessageBox::warning(
+// this,
+// tr( "Ignoring plugin" ),
+// tr( clean_line.c_str( ) )
+// );
+// } // fi
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// std::string name =
+// clean_line.substr( clean_line.find_last_of( ":" ) + 1 );
+// if( actual_section == "sectionbase_classes" )
+// this->m_BaseClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
+// else if( actual_section == "sectionsegmentation_classes" )
+// this->m_SegmentationClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
+// else if( actual_section == "sectionsegmentation_filter_classes" )
+// this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
+// else if( actual_section == "sectionmesh_filter_classes" )
+// this->m_MeshFilterClasses[ name ] = clean_line;
+// } // fi
+// } // fi
+// }
+// else if( clean_line != "" )
+// {
+// if( clean_line[ 0 ] != '#' )
+// actual_section = clean_line;
+// } // fi
+// } // fi
+// std::getline( in, line );
+// } // elihw
+// in.close( );
+// // Check classes existence
+// if( !( this->_CheckClassesInPlugins( this->m_BaseClasses ) ) )
+// {
+// QMessageBox::critical(
+// this,
+// tr( "Could not load all base plugins." ),
+// tr( "Could not load all base plugins... Closing application!" )
+// );
+// std::exit( 1 );
+// } // fi
+// // Needed object from plugins
+// this->_AddPluginActions(
+// this->m_SegmentationClasses, this->m_UI->menuSegmentInputImage,
+// SLOT( _triggered_actionSegmentImage( ) )
+// );
+// this->_AddPluginActions(
+// this->m_SegmentationFilterClasses, this->m_UI->menuFilterSegmentedImage,
+// SLOT( _triggered_actionFilterSegmentation( ) )
+// );
+// this->_AddPluginActions(
+// this->m_MeshFilterClasses, this->m_UI->menuProcessMesh,
+// SLOT( _triggered_actionProcessMesh( ) )
+// );
+// // Historic objects