]> Creatis software - creaMaracasVisu.git/commitdiff
Changes with manualBaseModel. It improves the functionality with the new
authorRicardo Corredor <Ricardo.Corredor@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Tue, 13 Oct 2009 02:36:32 +0000 (02:36 +0000)
committerRicardo Corredor <Ricardo.Corredor@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Tue, 13 Oct 2009 02:36:32 +0000 (02:36 +0000)
 points contour and some saving and loading aspects of the contours

lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.cpp b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5819d6c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#include "manualBaseModel.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+       _sizePointsContour      = 100;                  //JSTG 25-02-08 The change in the inisialization of these variable is critical.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+       int i,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size; i++){
+               delete _lstPoints[i];
+       }
+       _lstPoints.clear();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualBaseModel::AddPoint(double x,double y,double z)
+   manualPoint *mp = new manualPoint();
+   mp->SetPoint(x,y,z);
+   AddManualPoint(mp);
+   return _lstPoints.size()-1;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualBaseModel::InsertPoint(double x,double y,double z)
+       double dd,ddmin=9999999;
+       int    ibak=0;
+       double xx,x1,x2;
+       double yy,y1,y2;
+       double zz,z1,z2;
+       int i,ii,iii,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       double j,MaxDivisions=20,porcentage;
+       int sizeB=size;
+       double jbak;
+       for ( i=0 ; i<size ; i++ )
+       {
+               ii=i % sizeB ;
+               iii=(i+1) % sizeB;
+               x1=_lstPoints[ii]->GetX();
+               y1=_lstPoints[ii]->GetY();
+               z1=_lstPoints[ii]->GetZ();
+               x2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetX();
+               y2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetY();
+               z2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetZ();
+               for (j=0; j<=MaxDivisions; j++)
+               {
+                       porcentage=(j/MaxDivisions);
+                       xx=(x2-x1)*porcentage+x1;
+                       yy=(y2-y1)*porcentage+y1;
+                       zz=(z2-z1)*porcentage+z1;
+                       dd=sqrt( (xx-x)*(xx-x) + (yy-y)*(yy-y) + (zz-z)*(zz-z) );
+                       if ( dd<ddmin )
+                       {
+                               ddmin=dd;
+                               ibak=iii;
+                               jbak=j;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       InsertPoint_id(ibak,x,y,z);
+       return ibak;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::InsertPoint_id(int id, double x, double y, double z)
+       manualPoint *mp = new manualPoint();
+       mp->SetPoint(x,y,z);
+       std::vector<manualPoint*>::iterator itNum = _lstPoints.begin() + id;
+       _lstPoints.insert(itNum,mp);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::DeletePoint(int i)
+       std::vector<manualPoint*>::iterator itNum = _lstPoints.begin() + i;
+   _lstPoints.erase(itNum);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::DeleteAllPoints()
+       int i,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++){
+          _lstPoints.erase( _lstPoints.begin() );
+       }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::MovePoint(int i,double dx,double dy,double dz)
+       manualPoint *mp=_lstPoints[i];
+       double x=mp->GetX()+dx;
+       double y=mp->GetY()+dy;
+       double z=mp->GetZ()+dz;
+       mp->SetPoint(x,y,z);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::MoveLstPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz)
+       // ToDo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::MoveAllPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz)
+       int i,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++){
+               MovePoint(i,dx,dy,dz);
+       }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// type=-1  x,y,z
+// type=0      y,z
+// type=1      x,z
+// type=2      x,y
+int     manualBaseModel::GetIdPoint(double x, double y, double z, int i_range,int type)
+       double range = i_range+1;
+       double xx,yy,zz,dd,ddmin=9999999;
+       int ibak=-1;
+       int i,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++){
+               manualPoint *mp=_lstPoints[i];
+               xx=mp->GetX();
+               yy=mp->GetY();
+               zz=mp->GetZ();
+               if (type==-1)
+               {
+                       if ((fabs(xx-x)<range) && (fabs(yy-y)<range) && (fabs(zz-z)<range)) {
+                          dd=sqrt(   (xx-x)*(xx-x) + (yy-y)*(yy-y) + (zz-z)*(zz-z) );
+                          if (dd<ddmin){
+                                  ddmin=dd;
+                                  ibak=i;
+                          }
+                       }
+               }
+               if (type==0)
+               {
+                       if ((fabs(yy-y)<range) && (fabs(zz-z)<range)) {
+                          dd=sqrt(   (yy-y)*(yy-y) + (zz-z)*(zz-z) );
+                          if (dd<ddmin){
+                                  ddmin=dd;
+                                  ibak=i;
+                          }
+                       }
+               }
+               if (type==1)
+               {
+                       if ((fabs(xx-x)<range) && (fabs(zz-z)<range)) {
+                          dd=sqrt(   (xx-x)*(xx-x)  + (zz-z)*(zz-z) );
+                          if (dd<ddmin){
+                                  ddmin=dd;
+                                  ibak=i;
+                          }
+                       }
+               }
+               if (type==2)
+               {
+                       if ((fabs(xx-x)<range) && (fabs(yy-y)<range) ) {
+                          dd=sqrt(   (xx-x)*(xx-x) + (yy-y)*(yy-y)  );
+                          if (dd<ddmin){
+                                  ddmin=dd;
+                                  ibak=i;
+                          }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return ibak;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int     manualBaseModel::IsPoint(double x, double y)
+       double xx,yy,zz;
+       bool exists=false;
+       int i,size=_lstPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++){
+               manualPoint *mp=_lstPoints[i];
+               xx=mp->GetX();
+               yy=mp->GetY();
+               //RaC Be Careful!! Cast to have a point like the one in the params 27-09-09
+               if(x==(int)xx && y==(int)yy )
+               {
+                       exists=true;
+               }
+       }
+       return exists;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualPoint* manualBaseModel::GetManualPoint(int id)
+       return _lstPoints[id];
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualBaseModel::GetSizeLstPoints()
+       return _lstPoints.size();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualBaseModel * manualBaseModel :: Clone() // virtual
+       manualBaseModel * clone = new manualBaseModel();
+       CopyAttributesTo(clone);
+       return clone;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualBaseModel::GetTypeModel() //virtual
+       // 0 spline
+       // 1 spline
+       // 2 rectangle
+       // 3 circle
+       // 4 BullEye
+       // 5 BullEyeSector
+       // 6 Line
+       // 7 Points
+       return 7;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::CopyAttributesTo( manualBaseModel * cloneObject)
+       int i, size = GetSizeLstPoints();
+       for( i=0; i<size; i++ )
+       {
+               cloneObject->AddManualPoint( GetManualPoint( i )->Clone() );
+       }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::AddManualPoint( manualPoint* theManualPoint )
+       _lstPoints.push_back( theManualPoint );
+void manualBaseModel::Open(FILE *ff)   // virtual
+void manualBaseModel::Save(FILE *ff)   // virtual
+void manualBaseModel::SaveData(FILE *ff)// virtual
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::SetNumberOfPointsSpline(int size)
+       _sizePointsContour = size;
+double manualBaseModel::GetPathSize()
+       return 0.0;
+void manualBaseModel::Transform_Ax_Plus_B (double Ax, double Bx, double Ay, double By)
+void manualBaseModel::GetSpline_i_Point(int i, double *x, double *y, double *z)
+       //RaC 20-09-09 IF it's a points contour
+       if(GetTypeModel()==7){
+               if (_lstPoints.size()==0)
+               {
+                       *x      = 0;
+                       *y      = 0;
+                       *z      = 0;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       manualPoint     *mp;
+                       mp      = _lstPoints[i];
+                       *x      = mp->GetX();
+                       *y      = mp->GetY();
+                       *z      = mp->GetZ();
+               }
+       }
+void manualBaseModel::GetSpline_t_Point(double t, double *x, double *y, double *z)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int    manualBaseModel::GetNumberOfPointsSpline()
+       //RaC 20-09-09 IF it's a points contour
+       if(GetTypeModel()==7){
+               return _lstPoints.size();
+       }
+       return _sizePointsContour;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::UpdateSpline()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::vector<manualBaseModel*> manualBaseModel::ExploseModel(  )
+       std::vector<manualBaseModel*> lstTmp;
+       lstTmp.push_back(this);
+       return lstTmp;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+double                 manualBaseModel::GetPathArea()
+       return 0.0;
+void                   manualBaseModel::GetNearestPointAndNormal(double *p, double *rp,  double *rn)
+void                   manualBaseModel::SetCloseContour(bool closeContour)
+bool                   manualBaseModel::IfCloseContour()
+       return false;
+//CMRU 17-08-09----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualBaseModel::SetLabel(std::string newLabel)
+void manualBaseModel::SetRealSize(double newRealSize) 
+double manualBaseModel::GetRealSize()
+       return -1;
+std::string manualBaseModel::GetLabel()
+       return "";
+void manualBaseModel::OpenData(FILE *ff)
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualBaseModel.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fe772f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#ifndef manualBaseModel_h
+#define manualBaseModel_h
+#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
+#include "vtkRenderer.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" //extremely important with VC++ don't remove !
+#include "vtkCommand.h"
+#include "vtkPolyData.h"
+#include "vtkCellArray.h"
+#include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
+#include "vtkInteractorObserver.h"
+#include "vtkInteractorStyleImage.h"
+#include <vtkCellPicker.h> 
+#include <vtkCamera.h> 
+#include <vtkPolyLine.h>
+#include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include "wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "wxVtkBaseView.h"
+#include "marTypes.h"
+#include "manualPoint.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Includes the functionality to manage a contour without the spline line usage
+// @author RaC 09-09
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT manualBaseModel
+       manualBaseModel();
+       virtual ~manualBaseModel();
+       virtual manualBaseModel * Clone();
+       void CopyAttributesTo( manualBaseModel *cloneObject );
+       virtual void Open(FILE *ff);    // virtual
+       virtual void Save(FILE *ff);    // virtual
+       virtual int GetTypeModel();                     // virtual 
+       virtual void                    SetNumberOfPointsSpline(int size);
+       virtual int                             AddPoint(double x,double y,double z);
+       virtual int                             InsertPoint(double x,double y,double z);
+       virtual void                    InsertPoint_id(int id, double x,double y,double z);
+       virtual void                    AddManualPoint( manualPoint* theManualPoint );
+       virtual void                    DeletePoint(int i);
+       virtual void                    DeleteAllPoints();
+       virtual void                    MovePoint(int i,double dx,double dy,double dz);
+       virtual void                    MoveLstPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz);
+       virtual void                    MoveAllPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz);
+       // Returns the id of the point in the coordinates and the i_range given, according to the type
+       // which corresponds to the plane where it's necessary to find the point.
+       // @param type=-1  x,y,z - type=0 y,z - type=1  x,z - type=2    x,y
+       // @return int - Returns the id of the point in the coordinates given. Returns -1 otherwise.
+       virtual int                             GetIdPoint(double x, double y, double z, int i_range,int type);
+       virtual manualPoint*    GetManualPoint(int id);
+       virtual int                             GetSizeLstPoints();
+       virtual double                  GetPathSize();
+       virtual void                    Transform_Ax_Plus_B (double Ax, double Bx, double Ay, double By);
+       virtual void    GetSpline_i_Point(int i, double *x, double *y, double *z);
+       virtual void                    GetSpline_t_Point(double t, double *x, double *y, double *z);
+       //
+       // Returns the number of points of the spline line, but not the contour control points
+       // @return int - spline points size
+       //
+       virtual int                             GetNumberOfPointsSpline();
+       virtual void    UpdateSpline();
+       //
+       // Returns a list with the actual model
+       // @return std::vector<manualBaseModel*>
+       //
+       virtual std::vector<manualBaseModel*> ExploseModel(  );
+       virtual double                  GetPathArea();
+       virtual void                    GetNearestPointAndNormal(double *p, double *rp,  double *rn);
+       virtual void                    SetCloseContour(bool closeContour);
+       virtual bool                    IfCloseContour();
+       // RaC 27-09-09 ----
+       //
+       // Returns true if the point with the coordinates in parameters is one of the points in
+       // the list of points of the model,
+       // @param x double
+       // @param y double
+       // @return true if the point with the coordinates in parameters is one of the points, false otherwise
+       //
+       int     IsPoint(double x, double y);
+       // CMRU 17-08-09 -----------------------------------------------------------------
+       /*
+       * Assigns the parameter value to the label
+       * @param newLabel New label of the contour
+       */
+       virtual void SetLabel(std::string newLabel);
+       /*
+       * Assigns the parameter value to the real size
+       * @param newRealSize New real size in milimeters of the contour
+       */
+       virtual void SetRealSize(double newRealSize);
+       /**
+       * Returns the label of the contour
+       */
+       virtual std::string GetLabel();
+       /**
+       * Returns the real size in milimeters of the contour
+       */
+       virtual double GetRealSize();
+       /*
+       * Saves the label and the real size of the contour
+       * @param ff File where the information is stored 
+       */
+       virtual void SaveData(FILE *ff);
+       /*
+       * Reads and interprets the information of the label and the real size
+       * @param ff File where the information is readed 
+       */
+       virtual void OpenData(FILE *ff);
+       int                                                     _sizePointsContour;
+       std::vector<manualPoint*>       _lstPoints;
+#endif // manualBaseModel_h
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.cpp b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..192da18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include "manualViewPoints.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+       int i,size=_copyViewPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size; i++){
+               delete _copyViewPoints[i];
+       }
+       _copyViewPoints.clear();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+manualViewPoints * manualViewPoints :: Clone()
+       manualViewPoints * clone = new manualViewPoints();
+       CopyAttributesTo(clone);
+       return clone;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::CopyAttributesTo( manualViewPoints * cloneObject)
+       // Fathers object
+       manualViewBaseContour::CopyAttributesTo(cloneObject);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int manualViewPoints::GetType() // VIRTUAL
+       return 7;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool manualViewPoints::ifTouchContour(int x,int y,int z) //VIRTUAL
+       bool result=false;
+       double xx=x;
+       double yy=y;
+       double zz=z;
+       TransfromCoordViewWorld(xx,yy,zz);
+//EED 27 sep 2006
+       xx = xx * _spc[0];
+       yy = yy * _spc[1];
+       zz = zz * _spc[2];
+       int id = _manContModel->GetIdPoint(xx,yy,zz,_range,2);
+       if(id!=-1){
+               result = true;
+       }
+       return result;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::Refresh() // VIRTUAL
+       RefreshContour();
+       manualViewBaseContour::Refresh();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::RefreshContour()  // VIRTUAL
+       int np = GetNumberOfPoints();
+       int copynp= _copyViewPoints.size();
+       while(copynp!=np){
+               if(copynp<np)
+               {
+                       manualViewPoint *mvp = new manualViewPoint(_wxvtkbaseview);
+                       vtkActor *actor = mvp->CreateVtkPointActor();
+                       _wxvtkbaseview->GetRenderer()->AddActor( actor );       
+                       _copyViewPoints.push_back(mvp);
+               }//if
+               else if(copynp>np)
+               {
+                       manualViewPoint *t = _copyViewPoints[0];
+                       _wxvtkbaseview->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor( t->GetVtkActor() );
+                       std::vector<manualViewPoint*>::iterator itNum = _copyViewPoints.begin();
+                       _copyViewPoints.erase(itNum);                   
+                       delete t;
+               }// else if
+               copynp= _copyViewPoints.size();
+       }// while
+       int i;
+       for(i=0;i<np;i++)
+       {
+               double xx = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(i)->GetX();
+               double yy = _manContModel->GetManualPoint(i)->GetY();
+               double zz = 900; // RaC REVISAR !!
+               manualViewPoint *mv = _copyViewPoints[i];
+               //Paints new Rectangular points bigger than the actual control points
+               mv->SetPositionXY(xx, yy, _range*2, zz);
+               vtkActor *_pointVtkActor = mv->GetVtkActor();
+               _pointVtkActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor( _coulorNormal_r , _coulorNormal_g , _coulorNormal_b );
+               if (_posibleSelected || (_posibleSelected && GetEditable() ) )
+               {
+                       _pointVtkActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor( _coulorEdit_r , _coulorEdit_g , _coulorEdit_b );
+               }
+               if( _selected )
+               {
+                       _pointVtkActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor( _coulorSelection_r , _coulorSelection_g , _coulorSelection_b );
+               }
+               //IF you want to customize the points which are going to be painted
+               //mv->UpdateColorActor(_colorViewPoints_r,_colorViewPoints_g,_colorViewPoints_b);
+               //mv->SetWidthLine(1.3);
+       }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::ConstructVTKObjects() // VIRTUAL
+       InitTextActor();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::AddSplineActor()  // VIRTUAL
+       int i,size=_copyViewPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+       {
+               _wxvtkbaseview->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _copyViewPoints[i]->GetVtkActor() );
+       }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void manualViewPoints::RemoveSplineActor()  // VIRTUAL  
+       int i,size=_copyViewPoints.size();
+       for (i=0;i<size;i++)
+       {
+               _wxvtkbaseview->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor(_copyViewPoints[i]->GetVtkActor());
+       }
diff --git a/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.h b/lib/maracasVisuLib/src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/manualContour/manualViewPoints.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1b95a44
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#ifndef manualViewPoints_h
+#define manualViewPoints_h
+#include "manualViewBaseContour.h"
+#include "manualViewPoint.h"
+#include <vector>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class that includes the functionality to manage some selected points like a new contour
+// @author RaC 09-09
+class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT manualViewPoints: public manualViewBaseContour
+       //
+       // Class Constructor
+       //
+       manualViewPoints();
+       //
+       // Method to copy all attributes to the clone object references by parameter
+       // @param *cloneObject - manualViewPoints Clone object
+       ///
+       void CopyAttributesTo( manualViewPoints *cloneObject );
+       //---------------------------------------------------
+       //---------------------------------------------------
+       ///
+       // Class Destructor. Delete all elements in points copy list
+       ///
+       virtual ~manualViewPoints();
+       //
+       // Method to clone a manualViewPoints object
+       //
+       virtual manualViewPoints * Clone();
+       //
+       // Returns the contour type
+       // Points Contour type := 7
+       // @return type - int   
+       //
+       virtual int GetType();
+       //
+       // Returns true if the point with the (x,y,z) window coordinates touch the contour
+       // @param x - int
+       // @param y - int
+       // @param z - int
+       // @return true if touch contour, false otherwise
+       //
+       virtual bool ifTouchContour(int x,int y, int z);
+       //
+       // Refresh control points with the specified color, calls the RefreshContour method 
+       // and render the contour
+       //
+       virtual void Refresh();
+       //
+       // Refresh contour. In this case, it synchronizes the copy list with the control points list in order
+       // to paint the point actors in the position assigned in the model points list
+       //
+       virtual void RefreshContour();
+       //
+       // Removes actor of the contour points, but no the control points.
+       //
+       virtual void RemoveSplineActor();
+       //
+       // Adds actor of the contour points, but no the control points.
+       //
+       virtual void AddSplineActor();
+       //
+       // Constructs VTKObjects. Only initializes text actor
+       //
+       virtual void ConstructVTKObjects();
+       //
+       // To move all the contour
+       //
+       //virtual void MoveContour(int x, int y, int z);
+       //
+       // Copy of the control points list. These are the points which are painted when the
+       // contour is not selected
+       //
+       std::vector<manualViewPoint*>   _copyViewPoints;
+#endif // manualViewPoints_h